Alright, last night I went out to dinner with the 'rents, Sibling, and Father's best fried Dennis, and his wife Linda. Well, we have to get all dressed up and such, so, I end up wearing a pair of black pants, and a really nifty blue sweater I got from New York&Company. So, with my clicking boots, I walked myself to the van, and waited for Sibling, Mother, and Father to enter so we could drive to Dennis's. We get there, and those two show us where to go.
Once we get the car in the lot, we have to walk a block or two to get to this restaurant I know nothing about. Well, let me tell you, it looks really crappy on the outside...but I imagine it's better in daylight. Anyway, we get in and we have to walked up this alleyway/hallway thing. There aren't lights on the ceiling, but the area is lit by floor boxes with a light coating of sand, and a bunch of rocks on top of an orange bulb. Very cool. We get in, and it's dark, not 'dark-oh-my-god-I-can't-see-my-hands', dark, 'lit by candles, and a very soft bulb' dark. Well, we get our reservation name, and we have to walk up a small incline, Father, giving me a bit of a flat my kneee high boots.
(NOTE:I don't recommend giving anyone a flat tire when they are wearing Converse, or Knee-high boots.) Well, we walk up the incline, the one wall is blue, the others a darker red color, I think. Like I said, it was dark. There were huge square indentations on the ceiling, covered with more dark paint and a sheet type thing, giving it a cool atmosphere.
We were sat in a half circle booth with two chairs on the other end of the table, for Dennis, and Father. We get our drinks, and menus, and all that stuff covered, and then I begin to listen to the people around me, and the music. The music frightened me for a moment, because the room was dark, the atmosphere was a bit cozy, beads, sheet looking things..and the music was somewhat of an 'exotic' feel, if you catch my drift.
Well, I soon got over that when I got my little fish ball things. I don't remember what they were called, I just knew that they tasted wonderful! Then, I was served some sort of braised lamb, on cous cous, with carrots, and some yellow root thing. That was wonderful too. And desert after that, oh my gosh! It was called
Chocolate Semifreddo, which is a semi-soft ice cream. (Semifreddo- semi frozen) It was prepared on a little circular disk of chocolate cake, the ice cream on top, a cappichino flavor sauce across the middle. It was fantastic!
MmMmMm....That concluded my dinner...and my day....I do believe that's all I have for you all this time.
Quote Of The Day:
(By Me!)
My eyes are burning.....
Someone is hacking Onions to bits....