On the way home from Storage we were running low on feul.....Low not 20 miles...Low 4 miles to empty...
Me: -as we make a turn away from the gas station- We're not getting gas?
Father: What? Do you want me to jetison across the median?
Me:-mumbles- Yeah....
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Memorial Day
In the US there is a Holiday called Memorial Day. It's to commemorate all of those that faught for us in any war. Well, like any American family, we have a barbeque. Lots of fun, BBQ's...... The fun, the people, the outside-ness......
It's a pity I'm intolerant of those things. I don't like people, and I have a severe problem with the sun. I don't get tan...I burn...To a crisp..... It's gets really bad, even with just three hours of 'in the sun contact'.
Don't get me wrong, I like my neighbors alot, and their friends...But some people I can't spend three minutes in the same room with, without wanting to leap over something and stab them with plastic forks......
I should work on this rage........I should go hit something...That'd be cool.......
Yep, that was my Memorial Day though.....Outside, Food, and People.....
It's a pity I'm intolerant of those things. I don't like people, and I have a severe problem with the sun. I don't get tan...I burn...To a crisp..... It's gets really bad, even with just three hours of 'in the sun contact'.
Don't get me wrong, I like my neighbors alot, and their friends...But some people I can't spend three minutes in the same room with, without wanting to leap over something and stab them with plastic forks......
I should work on this rage........I should go hit something...That'd be cool.......
Yep, that was my Memorial Day though.....Outside, Food, and People.....
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Father and I are watching Braveheart right now, at 8:39PM Sunday night. And all of a sudden the scene changed, and I'm watching a bonfire, and a bunch of bagpipe music.
Quote Of The Day:
Me: What're they doing?
Father: Saying 'good-bye'
Young William:What are they doin'?
Uncle:They're Saying good-bye.
Me: I coulda just waited!
On a commercial for CSI...
Nerd: ....I could fake my own death, and then CSI'd come, and say 'I can figure this out'. And I'd just pop up and say 'Kaboom! I'm not even dead! Crime's on you!'
Me: What're they doing?
Father: Saying 'good-bye'
Young William:What are they doin'?
Uncle:They're Saying good-bye.
Me: I coulda just waited!
On a commercial for CSI...
Nerd: ....I could fake my own death, and then CSI'd come, and say 'I can figure this out'. And I'd just pop up and say 'Kaboom! I'm not even dead! Crime's on you!'
I've been bad over the last few days, not posting at all since Thursday. I'm mildly sorry about that. every time I come onto the laptop, I think to myself, 'I should really get onto that posting thing'. And then poof, something happens in the real qorld, and I forget. Sorry about that.
Anyway, last night, Mother and I went out. Yep, no Sibling, because she's with her obnoxious friend in the cape's of May, and Father had to work with a Man and his initial. So, it was just mother and I....
In fact, our day didn't start at the usual hour either...seeing as she woke up at 4....and my mind wakes up at 6. So, we sat at my abode, and watched some movie about an african tribe, russians, and a chick from London who tries to save her father from said natives. Well, it is now seven o'clock, and we are waiting to see if Ignosi will become king of the natives, when all of a sudden Bam!! it changes to a completely different show..... It spliced into some other show 'Fine Living' or something stupid like that....Mother and I are just staring at the tv with shocked expressions, because not only is this a different show, it's the middle of a different show.
Talk about your co-planer television specials, eh?
So, we decided to go out.
"We're did you go?!" you ask, as you begin to foam at the mouth with all of the excitement. Well, I say to you first, "Calm down. You're going to get your rabies on the keyboard."
Mother and I took a trip down to a new restaurant Fishbone.....no...Bonefish Grill. Yes, that's the one. And as mother was going to find a parking spot, I walked into the restaurant through the swivel door(I love swivel doors...The big round ones.....with the turny thing inside...Lots o' fun) so, I walked in and got a little 'buz-me-when-there's-a-table' thing, and mother and i travelled across the street to the bookstore where we read for twenty-five minutes. We walked back, and went into the restaurant to ask how much longer, when all of a sudden this woman looks at me and says, "Michelle?"
I stare at her, and look behind me, but no, sure enough, she's staring straight at me, calling me Michelle. I probably looked confused as she spoke, and I shook my head.
"You have a twin!" she exclaimed, to my nodding head. She looks at the man across from her, and says, "Doesn't she look like Michelle? Even their eye frame is the same!" The guy looks at me, and pulls one of those "Oh dear god, I'm sorry" faces, as he nods, and continues eating.
Crazy woman......................
So, we sat in the corner bench, and lo-and-behold, another blog-worthy person. As I'm sitting, I turn to see a mullet! I look the figure over, he seems to be in his late thirties...wearing a class ring, and black and red moon boots. Granted, I liked the boots, but still.....
So, we get seated and we notice that the tablecloth is made of paper.....Very clever when cleaning up from fish splatter. So, mom pulls out a pen, and we draw all over the table-paper. Play 'the-dot-game', and I drew a little demon guy, and then we wrote all over it.
Next, we took our garlic breath to the van, and chewed gum on our way to the mall, blaring Jason Mraz(he's good..Ya'll should look him up). So, we walk around the mall, and we seem some Unfortunate Outfits, as Mother likes to call them. You know what I'm talking about, even if you've never heard of them by name. The outfits that run small, but the larger of the population are convinced they fit in them, and still look good.....Well, we saw several of them, and eventually I said, "Mother, it's another U.O." She looks at me confused, and I say, "Unfortunate Outfit." She laughs hysterically as we make our way to the rest of the mall.
A phone rings, and mother and I hear a voice that sounds as if a little too much helium has been sucked. Granted, we are a nice people, us-the relatives of myself. But when we hear, or see something that can be made fun of, we don't hesitate. We're sarcastic, sardonic....And a bunch of others, but we heard this guy speak....And once we were out of earshot, I said in his voice, and conversation. "What's up?" And mother instantly snapped back, "my voice!"
And we laughed our way back home.
Ah, good times.
And now, I think I am going to go...I may post later tonight, I am not sure as of yet our plans for the day. They might just be interesting enough to relive while typing.
Anyway, last night, Mother and I went out. Yep, no Sibling, because she's with her obnoxious friend in the cape's of May, and Father had to work with a Man and his initial. So, it was just mother and I....
In fact, our day didn't start at the usual hour either...seeing as she woke up at 4....and my mind wakes up at 6. So, we sat at my abode, and watched some movie about an african tribe, russians, and a chick from London who tries to save her father from said natives. Well, it is now seven o'clock, and we are waiting to see if Ignosi will become king of the natives, when all of a sudden Bam!! it changes to a completely different show..... It spliced into some other show 'Fine Living' or something stupid like that....Mother and I are just staring at the tv with shocked expressions, because not only is this a different show, it's the middle of a different show.
Talk about your co-planer television specials, eh?
So, we decided to go out.
"We're did you go?!" you ask, as you begin to foam at the mouth with all of the excitement. Well, I say to you first, "Calm down. You're going to get your rabies on the keyboard."
Mother and I took a trip down to a new restaurant Fishbone.....no...Bonefish Grill. Yes, that's the one. And as mother was going to find a parking spot, I walked into the restaurant through the swivel door(I love swivel doors...The big round ones.....with the turny thing inside...Lots o' fun) so, I walked in and got a little 'buz-me-when-there's-a-table' thing, and mother and i travelled across the street to the bookstore where we read for twenty-five minutes. We walked back, and went into the restaurant to ask how much longer, when all of a sudden this woman looks at me and says, "Michelle?"
I stare at her, and look behind me, but no, sure enough, she's staring straight at me, calling me Michelle. I probably looked confused as she spoke, and I shook my head.
"You have a twin!" she exclaimed, to my nodding head. She looks at the man across from her, and says, "Doesn't she look like Michelle? Even their eye frame is the same!" The guy looks at me, and pulls one of those "Oh dear god, I'm sorry" faces, as he nods, and continues eating.
Crazy woman......................
So, we sat in the corner bench, and lo-and-behold, another blog-worthy person. As I'm sitting, I turn to see a mullet! I look the figure over, he seems to be in his late thirties...wearing a class ring, and black and red moon boots. Granted, I liked the boots, but still.....
So, we get seated and we notice that the tablecloth is made of paper.....Very clever when cleaning up from fish splatter. So, mom pulls out a pen, and we draw all over the table-paper. Play 'the-dot-game', and I drew a little demon guy, and then we wrote all over it.
Next, we took our garlic breath to the van, and chewed gum on our way to the mall, blaring Jason Mraz(he's good..Ya'll should look him up). So, we walk around the mall, and we seem some Unfortunate Outfits, as Mother likes to call them. You know what I'm talking about, even if you've never heard of them by name. The outfits that run small, but the larger of the population are convinced they fit in them, and still look good.....Well, we saw several of them, and eventually I said, "Mother, it's another U.O." She looks at me confused, and I say, "Unfortunate Outfit." She laughs hysterically as we make our way to the rest of the mall.
A phone rings, and mother and I hear a voice that sounds as if a little too much helium has been sucked. Granted, we are a nice people, us-the relatives of myself. But when we hear, or see something that can be made fun of, we don't hesitate. We're sarcastic, sardonic....And a bunch of others, but we heard this guy speak....And once we were out of earshot, I said in his voice, and conversation. "What's up?" And mother instantly snapped back, "my voice!"
And we laughed our way back home.
Ah, good times.
And now, I think I am going to go...I may post later tonight, I am not sure as of yet our plans for the day. They might just be interesting enough to relive while typing.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Quotes from The Past Couple Days
Chem-Man:Well, if the bunson burners went out, we'd have pancake dough...
Me:I can make pancake dough......In fact, I did...And it had a hard, blackened exterior....
Talk About House The Episdoe Where Some Guys Eye Falls Out
Where's Your Logic: Yeah, and the guys walks up to a nurse, and stares right at her. -Laughter- He looks right at her with his face, and goes, 'There's a piece of gum stuck to the floor...You might wanna get on that.'
Group: -laughter-
A Discussion On Role Playing Online
Skeddles: What to RP?
Me:Dunno...I have to go to bed at ten though....
Nothing much has happened in the past couple of days, nothing much to 'report' on....Except that I'm getting further in the book I mentioned a couple weeks ago. You all are going to have to look high and low for it if you don't know my name already....
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
New Posts Via E-Mail??
Alright, I don't know if this will work...but we shall see. I was looking through the setting I've got on Jereality, and I realized that I really loved the picture of the guy hitting himself on the keyboard. So, when I found I instinctly wanted to find I way to get rid of the stick figures stuck in the paper picture.....Unfortunatly I couldn't find the link thing in the layout of the blog setting, but I did find something else. Some 'thing' with e-mail, and blog posting...I don't know how well this will work, but if it does work out, I may have an easier way of posting whilst on my crappy AOL browser!
Apparantly, it doesn't work for me...Because I'm not as 'tech-computer-blogspot savvey' as I thought I was....Stupid over-acheivemnt knocking me over again!
Quote Of The Day:
Sibling: You don't believe in ghosts?
Me: It depends on my mood.
Sibling: Did you learn anything?
Me: I did a whole report on them, and got a B....
Sibling: So, do you believe in ghosts? I do, I think their living around us, you know?
Me: -look of dissapointment- They're dead...
Sibling: -silence-
Apparantly, it doesn't work for me...Because I'm not as 'tech-computer-blogspot savvey' as I thought I was....Stupid over-acheivemnt knocking me over again!
Sibling: You don't believe in ghosts?
Me: It depends on my mood.
Sibling: Did you learn anything?
Me: I did a whole report on them, and got a B....
Sibling: So, do you believe in ghosts? I do, I think their living around us, you know?
Me: -look of dissapointment- They're dead...
Sibling: -silence-
Friday, May 19, 2006
Over The Hedge
Alrighty, in lieu of going over to 'talks-with-her-hands', I decided to go to the movies with Mother, and Sibling. We went to see Over The Hedge, a cartoon-comedy....Lots of big stars are in it, and the casting is rather splendid. Anyway, I thought it was a great movie..I laughed..I laughed some more, and then we left. It was a good little racoon meets unsuspecting group of gatherers, and tries to take advantage story.....it was good.....
I think that's it....Really nothing else i have to say. I'm in the mood to write my little story...It's a shame really, when I attempt to get it published you all will have to look really hard for it...Because I refuse to give out any information pertaining to myself....Too bad for you guys, eh?
I think that's it....Really nothing else i have to say. I'm in the mood to write my little story...It's a shame really, when I attempt to get it published you all will have to look really hard for it...Because I refuse to give out any information pertaining to myself....Too bad for you guys, eh?
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Teenage Dirtbag
It's a good song, what can I say...It's by Wheatus....Crazy bunch of guys...
Anyway, about my day:
Went to prison and took a test in Chem....That was the sound of a heavy sigh, and the shaking of a dissapointed head. I can already tell that I bombed it...I mean, the vocab..I studied it the night before, and still didn't understand it. No matter, it's Chemistry..I'm never going to need it. But that's okay world, you can all think that I'm just as good in Chem as I am at blogging ^.-
After Prison, I went home...I may have taken a nap......No, I didn't..I read Anthem by Ayn...something....I don't remeber her name, but it was a good story. I was only suposed to read the first chapter to see if I really wanted to continue with this book...And it turns out I liked it so much that I really couldn't put it down. It's about a Utopia, and a free-thinker....and all of his 'evil-acts'...It's pretty good.....
I just got home from the Choir Concert at Prison...Sibling was in it.....Making it all the more interesting, watching the faces she'd absentmindedly make as she sings....Lots of fun to watch. Directly after the show, the school held an Art Show..Well, it's more like it was during the choir concert, but that's okay. Anyway, turns out Onyx is a good artist....But I already knew that...And Baron! Oh my gosh! He did an acrylics painting on canvas called...Oh dear........Look into the mind....or something like that, I was really looking at the picture...Sorry Baron....(He's linked on the side bar.....)
And that was my day.................-sigh-
What a day.....
Quote Of The Day
Father:Yeah, his clip on tie was crooked..Then the nitwit broke it! A piece bounced off the stage...He looked like a drunk.
Father: Anudder Maag-grad-ita fer da ladee
Sibling and I:-more laughter-
Anyway, about my day:
Went to prison and took a test in Chem....That was the sound of a heavy sigh, and the shaking of a dissapointed head. I can already tell that I bombed it...I mean, the vocab..I studied it the night before, and still didn't understand it. No matter, it's Chemistry..I'm never going to need it. But that's okay world, you can all think that I'm just as good in Chem as I am at blogging ^.-
After Prison, I went home...I may have taken a nap......No, I didn't..I read Anthem by Ayn...something....I don't remeber her name, but it was a good story. I was only suposed to read the first chapter to see if I really wanted to continue with this book...And it turns out I liked it so much that I really couldn't put it down. It's about a Utopia, and a free-thinker....and all of his 'evil-acts'...It's pretty good.....
I just got home from the Choir Concert at Prison...Sibling was in it.....Making it all the more interesting, watching the faces she'd absentmindedly make as she sings....Lots of fun to watch. Directly after the show, the school held an Art Show..Well, it's more like it was during the choir concert, but that's okay. Anyway, turns out Onyx is a good artist....But I already knew that...And Baron! Oh my gosh! He did an acrylics painting on canvas called...Oh dear........Look into the mind....or something like that, I was really looking at the picture...Sorry Baron....(He's linked on the side bar.....)
And that was my day.................-sigh-
What a day.....
Father:Yeah, his clip on tie was crooked..Then the nitwit broke it! A piece bounced off the stage...He looked like a drunk.
Father: Anudder Maag-grad-ita fer da ladee
Sibling and I:-more laughter-
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Once Again....
Alrighty, do you remember when I did the review on 'The Pop Shop'?
Well, it's been the 'new place' for three weeks in a row....Every Wednesday, Sibling, Mother, Father, and I go to dinner with my Grandmother...And every week for the past three weeks, in been The Pop Shop....I don't know about you, but the place doesn't strike me as 'homey' as 'Webers' is. I practically grew up in Webers....I know the owner, the waiters, and waitress'...I know nothing about The Pop Shop, and once again, tonight we went......And once again, I wasn't satisified......Apparantly, I'm growing a subconscious resentment towards the restaurant....In which my body physically, and mentally no longer wishes to be inside the building within three minutes....
How upsetting......
Quote Of The Day:
Gram'om: Yeah, they wanted to know if I was redoing the kitchen too...Said they had China in they're kitchen and didn't want it to smash.
Me: You mean 'Made In'
-group laughter-
Well, it's been the 'new place' for three weeks in a row....Every Wednesday, Sibling, Mother, Father, and I go to dinner with my Grandmother...And every week for the past three weeks, in been The Pop Shop....I don't know about you, but the place doesn't strike me as 'homey' as 'Webers' is. I practically grew up in Webers....I know the owner, the waiters, and waitress'...I know nothing about The Pop Shop, and once again, tonight we went......And once again, I wasn't satisified......Apparantly, I'm growing a subconscious resentment towards the restaurant....In which my body physically, and mentally no longer wishes to be inside the building within three minutes....
How upsetting......
Gram'om: Yeah, they wanted to know if I was redoing the kitchen too...Said they had China in they're kitchen and didn't want it to smash.
Me: You mean 'Made In'
-group laughter-
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Snip, Snip....And Gargoyles....
I got my hairs cut yesturday. And I say 'hairs' becuase I cut all of them, not just one. Six inches off of my head....It's very interesting to have shoulder length hair. And it bothers me becuase I've got that 'newly-cut-tip' thing on the bottom of each strand that periodically stab the back of my neck, and make me itch. But hey, it looks alot better in my hair than it did when it was long, I tell you what.
Nothing too interesting happened today, went to Prison, came home, finished watching a movie..Took a nap...
Oh my gosh! Have any of you actually heard of Gargoyles?? It's an awesome movie! Disney, and Beauna Vista...It's called 'Gargoyles-The Movie:The Heroes Awaken.
Here's what it's about....
Scotland, 994A.D. The inhabitants of a medieval caslte are protected from ruthless invaders by a mysterious race of powerful, and noble creatures. Stone by day, alive by nigh...they are the Gargoyles, led by the mighty Goliath and the beautiful Demona. However, the uneasy alliance between the humans and the Gargoyles is soon betrayed-and the Gargoyles are put under a spell for 1,000 years. But by whom?
Manhatten, 1994. One by one, a small clan of surviving Gargoyles finally awakens-only to find their castle resting atop a New York skyscraper owned by the wealthy industrialist, David Xanatos. Xanatos wants to recover valuables stolen by commandos. But after 1,000 years can humans be trusted?
This thrilling edge-of-your-seat adventue is packed with..blah blah blah,,,,,
I got the movie when I was four years old, in '94, in the Shop Rite by my Aunt's house...I'll give you pictures of the Gargoyles....Becuase they're so awesome!

This is Goliath, he's the leader and only action figure I have in the room with me.The others are in the attic in a box....Upsetting, I know, but you'll get over it, I'm sure. Goliath is a big, strong, brave gargoyle with a temper also....-sigh-

This is Broadway...He's the largest of the Gargoyles, and there becuase he's cool......Broadway is a young, friendly gargoyle who likes to eat, amd enjoys detective movies. He pretends sometimes to be braver than he is, and has a secret romantic side.

Beware! Bronx! The attack 'dog' gargoyle! He can't glide like the other guys, but he can climb up walls like they can......

This is Lexington, my second favorite Gargoyle, next to Goliath.... Lexington is the youngest of the gargoyles, and the only one with web-like wings. He's immature, curious, and good at mechanical and electronic things.

This would be Brooklyn..He named Bronx, the 'watch dog'.... Brooklyn is a young, cynical gargoyle who gets to say a lot of the best wisecracks in the show. He argues with his rookery brothers Lexington and Broadway.

Hudson is the oldest of the clan, and its former leader. He's a wise, experienced gargoyle who lost sight in one eye long ago, but seems to have compensated well enough (or at least he doesn't crash into buildings when he flies, and he can fight well enough even with it). Because he's so old, Hudson would rather stay behind and watch television than go out on patrol, but when needed he will venture out with the gargyles' "guard dog" Bronx and help in a fight....And what's funny about him, is that even though all the Gargoyles are from Scotland, he's the only one with an accent.......

And this is Demona...The filthy garogyle that broke Goliath's heart...Made him cry in the movie...A tear...But it counts.....It made me sad too, becuase he's so awesome.....I don't like her much....And what's different about her is that she doesn't turn to stone when the sun rises, she becomes-get this- a human! Shyeah, I'm not as shocked as you are, becuase I used to find Gargoyles on TV and watch it.....
Yup, that's them, my childhood guardians...Had a bad dream, I'd make Goliath appear in my mind's eye, and protect me from any 'creepy crawly' that might be snooping around in my room....
Nothing too interesting happened today, went to Prison, came home, finished watching a movie..Took a nap...
Oh my gosh! Have any of you actually heard of Gargoyles?? It's an awesome movie! Disney, and Beauna Vista...It's called 'Gargoyles-The Movie:The Heroes Awaken.
Here's what it's about....
Manhatten, 1994. One by one, a small clan of surviving Gargoyles finally awakens-only to find their castle resting atop a New York skyscraper owned by the wealthy industrialist, David Xanatos. Xanatos wants to recover valuables stolen by commandos. But after 1,000 years can humans be trusted?
This thrilling edge-of-your-seat adventue is packed with..blah blah blah,,,,,
I got the movie when I was four years old, in '94, in the Shop Rite by my Aunt's house...I'll give you pictures of the Gargoyles....Becuase they're so awesome!
This is Goliath, he's the leader and only action figure I have in the room with me.The others are in the attic in a box....Upsetting, I know, but you'll get over it, I'm sure. Goliath is a big, strong, brave gargoyle with a temper also....-sigh-
This is Broadway...He's the largest of the Gargoyles, and there becuase he's cool......Broadway is a young, friendly gargoyle who likes to eat, amd enjoys detective movies. He pretends sometimes to be braver than he is, and has a secret romantic side.
Beware! Bronx! The attack 'dog' gargoyle! He can't glide like the other guys, but he can climb up walls like they can......
This is Lexington, my second favorite Gargoyle, next to Goliath.... Lexington is the youngest of the gargoyles, and the only one with web-like wings. He's immature, curious, and good at mechanical and electronic things.
This would be Brooklyn..He named Bronx, the 'watch dog'.... Brooklyn is a young, cynical gargoyle who gets to say a lot of the best wisecracks in the show. He argues with his rookery brothers Lexington and Broadway.
Hudson is the oldest of the clan, and its former leader. He's a wise, experienced gargoyle who lost sight in one eye long ago, but seems to have compensated well enough (or at least he doesn't crash into buildings when he flies, and he can fight well enough even with it). Because he's so old, Hudson would rather stay behind and watch television than go out on patrol, but when needed he will venture out with the gargyles' "guard dog" Bronx and help in a fight....And what's funny about him, is that even though all the Gargoyles are from Scotland, he's the only one with an accent.......
And this is Demona...The filthy garogyle that broke Goliath's heart...Made him cry in the movie...A tear...But it counts.....It made me sad too, becuase he's so awesome.....I don't like her much....And what's different about her is that she doesn't turn to stone when the sun rises, she becomes-get this- a human! Shyeah, I'm not as shocked as you are, becuase I used to find Gargoyles on TV and watch it.....
Yup, that's them, my childhood guardians...Had a bad dream, I'd make Goliath appear in my mind's eye, and protect me from any 'creepy crawly' that might be snooping around in my room....
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Mother's Day!
Wooo! Yay mother's all around the world! And if you don't say 'Happy Mother's Day!' to your mother, let me tell you a couple things...
1. She let you live inside her for 9 or so months....
2.Not only did she have to deal with you for nine months of pain, she had to put up with you through your teens!
Alright, that's only two things, I'm sure you all can add to my little tiny list, or you can just agree quietly to what I've got.
Today, for my mother, I cleaned the living room, and the kitchen. Made it very nice, and fresh smelling with the help of febreeze, and swiffer wet(now dry)...And a good ol' broom. Well, after I cleaned...all by myself....I went and did my laundry.....Aw, man! I still have another load to do!...Anyway, after I did the laundry, I took Sibling, and made her come with me to a nifty place called 'Deserts by Design'. Did I think that the day of the week happened to be a Sunday? Or that it was Mother's Day for..everyone? Nope..Totally slipped my mind. It was closed.....So, we walked to Acme, and bought Key Lime Pie mix..Because Mother, in the car yesturday with me, said she could 'do with a Key Lime Pie.'
So, I made her a pie, and Sibling took it out of the pan, and decorated it, and then we gave it to Mother. She was happy to see it, and gave hugs. Lots o' fun there. Next, Sibling made dinner, which was rather tasty...meatballs, sausage and penne pasta in red sauce...I love pasta.....
But that's besides the point....We've still got cards, and gifts to give her....I think this is the best we've done all 16 years I've been alive.....I'm so clever.....
Happy Mother's Day!
2.Not only did she have to deal with you for nine months of pain, she had to put up with you through your teens!
Alright, that's only two things, I'm sure you all can add to my little tiny list, or you can just agree quietly to what I've got.
Today, for my mother, I cleaned the living room, and the kitchen. Made it very nice, and fresh smelling with the help of febreeze, and swiffer wet(now dry)...And a good ol' broom. Well, after I cleaned...all by myself....I went and did my laundry.....Aw, man! I still have another load to do!...Anyway, after I did the laundry, I took Sibling, and made her come with me to a nifty place called 'Deserts by Design'. Did I think that the day of the week happened to be a Sunday? Or that it was Mother's Day for..everyone? Nope..Totally slipped my mind. It was closed.....So, we walked to Acme, and bought Key Lime Pie mix..Because Mother, in the car yesturday with me, said she could 'do with a Key Lime Pie.'
So, I made her a pie, and Sibling took it out of the pan, and decorated it, and then we gave it to Mother. She was happy to see it, and gave hugs. Lots o' fun there. Next, Sibling made dinner, which was rather tasty...meatballs, sausage and penne pasta in red sauce...I love pasta.....
But that's besides the point....We've still got cards, and gifts to give her....I think this is the best we've done all 16 years I've been alive.....I'm so clever.....
Saturday, May 13, 2006
In My Grill.....
Well, I've been over Markis and Suzie's house for over some hours, and let me tell you, it is a fun ass part-ay! We ate there, burgers(made by me), and hot dogs(made in a factory), all grilled by Markis on his grill.......After dinner, we played Mario cart Brothers on his whatever gamestation that is. It's fun, being here.....I'm still here, at 10 o'clock-ish. I should be home a half hour ago. But hey, we live next door, so it doesn't really matter. I've run out of things to say.....So I'll leave you with these quotes.
Quotes Of The Day:
Markis: Those damn Jerealitiy's, stealin' our dog again!
-Good ol' Klaus jumped our fence......Dumbass dog......-
Suzie:Watch the coffee, I need to check on 'sibling'
Me:Alright, everything'll be okay now. The coffee is comin' everything'll be fine. Never fear!
Alright, it's time for me to figure out...I forgot what I was gonna say.....DAMNIT!
Markis: Those damn Jerealitiy's, stealin' our dog again!
-Good ol' Klaus jumped our fence......Dumbass dog......-
Suzie:Watch the coffee, I need to check on 'sibling'
Me:Alright, everything'll be okay now. The coffee is comin' everything'll be fine. Never fear!
Alright, it's time for me to figure out...I forgot what I was gonna say.....DAMNIT!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Liquid Nitrogen
Do you all remember when I was talking about how much I hated Chemistry? that was in an Honors class. I couldn't handle the honors-ness of it all, and moved myself to a College Prep course. Well, today in Prison, we played wit Liquid Nitrogen. Let me tell you, that stuff is fun!! It's 210 degrees below zero...So cold, it feels hot! Isn't that awesome!
Anyway, Mr. Chem-Man threw some onto the floor, and frozen dust bunnies zoomed at us....We froze a banana in it..THen used said banana to nail an actual nail into a piece of wood! And it worked! Then he turned around and shattered the banana on his desk, but that's besides the point. Next, we stuck a rose in there, and it came out all pretty, and then we smashed it to pieces...Like it was ice! We threw them away, and moved to something a little more interesting....A bouncy ball! Oh yeah, we froze it....Went into the hallway, and threw it against a wall! It exploded into, like, 5 or six pieces.....I got one! I might take a picture....I might not....You never know....I say alot of things I'll never carry out.....I leave it up to you to figure out what'll actually happen....
Anyway, Mr. Chem-Man threw some onto the floor, and frozen dust bunnies zoomed at us....We froze a banana in it..THen used said banana to nail an actual nail into a piece of wood! And it worked! Then he turned around and shattered the banana on his desk, but that's besides the point. Next, we stuck a rose in there, and it came out all pretty, and then we smashed it to pieces...Like it was ice! We threw them away, and moved to something a little more interesting....A bouncy ball! Oh yeah, we froze it....Went into the hallway, and threw it against a wall! It exploded into, like, 5 or six pieces.....I got one! I might take a picture....I might not....You never know....I say alot of things I'll never carry out.....I leave it up to you to figure out what'll actually happen....
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
What was I going to say??
I don't remember, but damn, it was some funny stuff......What was it now.......
Unfortunatly, I don't remember...But it turns out my G-Mom that lives in the mountains is doing fine after the surgery I forgot to tell you all about. Oh well, now you know.
OH YEAH! I remember now!
Quote Of The Day:
Some Woman: Yep, a lifesaver a day is one pound a year.
Father:-whispers to me- Why don't we just shoot ourselves now.
I suppose it was a 'had-to-be-there' moment, but I dunno, some of you might actually read it correctly, and realize the funny inside those couple words.....
Ta for now....
Unfortunatly, I don't remember...But it turns out my G-Mom that lives in the mountains is doing fine after the surgery I forgot to tell you all about. Oh well, now you know.
OH YEAH! I remember now!
Some Woman: Yep, a lifesaver a day is one pound a year.
Father:-whispers to me- Why don't we just shoot ourselves now.
I suppose it was a 'had-to-be-there' moment, but I dunno, some of you might actually read it correctly, and realize the funny inside those couple words.....
Ta for now....
Monday, May 08, 2006
Hola Disease...
I don't know what I've got...but it sucks. I had to leave Prison early, I had to sleep from 8 till three...Granted, it was a lovely nap, and I had a stupendous dream which I will let you all read....But I missed a whole day of 'fun-filled learning'. I don't do that, and now I feel worse. I feel all stuffy, feverish, dizzy and kind of nausious....It's so not fun.....
Oh, and not to worry, my self inflicted cut on my elbow is almost all healed up, and the ticks from yesterday were Dog Ticks and don't carry Lymes...So, you'll continue to get random bursts of funny from me....
My Dream!!
In the begining it was me, running away from some girl with red hair. Well, I tripped in my parents store, and she grabbed a pair of scissers, and cut my throat.Well, my parents found me and drug me through the store, my blood...which looked like watered down tomato sauce...staining the tile. I woke up in the hospital, and was all 'oh my god! I'm missing school!' So, three days later as my neck is healing-she didn't kill me...yay-I decide to go to a nightly school function.
It is clearly not our Prison becuase there is an awesome stage where the outside lunch tables are....It was so cool. So, it's about 6 at night..dusk-ish, and I'm walking toward the A building entrance(school looks the same..the building) and I see this giant table sitting before the stairs. Mike, and Tre' are standing closest to the stairs, and I see BJ sitting under the table, laughing like a child...Mike has blue hair, and Tre's was green, and they're laughing too.....BJ puts his finger to his lips, and I walk inside so as not to ruin whatever his plan is.
Needless to say, I miss the original Green Day out burst, and go out of the school when they're on the stage. So, I watch the show from a randomly placed 6 foot long brick wall. When the show is over, I hold on, and the wall moves...Along with a car in front of me, and a couple lawn chairs behind me. So, the car, my chunk of wall, and these lawn chairs drive through town, and I find a necklace. So, I put it on, and hop back onto my wall and go back to the concert place.
Everyone is gone, except for some guy in a beigey coat in the first row, looking at the guys cleaning up from the concert. Well, I want to show him my necklace, so I walk up to him, and smile, and say 'Hi Johnny'. Need I saw that it's Johnny Depp....See how lovely this dream was...Anyway, I show him my necklace, and he grabs to see it better, but his fingers brush up against my healing neck wound. I cry out, and he looks upset, and gives me a hug. I pull away, and say, 'this is probably a dream, isn't it?' and he nods, and smiles 'Most likely.' then he gives me a hug again and then my phone rang....
-the end-
it was a lovely dream
Oh, and not to worry, my self inflicted cut on my elbow is almost all healed up, and the ticks from yesterday were Dog Ticks and don't carry Lymes...So, you'll continue to get random bursts of funny from me....
In the begining it was me, running away from some girl with red hair. Well, I tripped in my parents store, and she grabbed a pair of scissers, and cut my throat.Well, my parents found me and drug me through the store, my blood...which looked like watered down tomato sauce...staining the tile. I woke up in the hospital, and was all 'oh my god! I'm missing school!' So, three days later as my neck is healing-she didn't kill me...yay-I decide to go to a nightly school function.
It is clearly not our Prison becuase there is an awesome stage where the outside lunch tables are....It was so cool. So, it's about 6 at night..dusk-ish, and I'm walking toward the A building entrance(school looks the same..the building) and I see this giant table sitting before the stairs. Mike, and Tre' are standing closest to the stairs, and I see BJ sitting under the table, laughing like a child...Mike has blue hair, and Tre's was green, and they're laughing too.....BJ puts his finger to his lips, and I walk inside so as not to ruin whatever his plan is.
Needless to say, I miss the original Green Day out burst, and go out of the school when they're on the stage. So, I watch the show from a randomly placed 6 foot long brick wall. When the show is over, I hold on, and the wall moves...Along with a car in front of me, and a couple lawn chairs behind me. So, the car, my chunk of wall, and these lawn chairs drive through town, and I find a necklace. So, I put it on, and hop back onto my wall and go back to the concert place.
Everyone is gone, except for some guy in a beigey coat in the first row, looking at the guys cleaning up from the concert. Well, I want to show him my necklace, so I walk up to him, and smile, and say 'Hi Johnny'. Need I saw that it's Johnny Depp....See how lovely this dream was...Anyway, I show him my necklace, and he grabs to see it better, but his fingers brush up against my healing neck wound. I cry out, and he looks upset, and gives me a hug. I pull away, and say, 'this is probably a dream, isn't it?' and he nods, and smiles 'Most likely.' then he gives me a hug again and then my phone rang....
-the end-
it was a lovely dream
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Ticks Suck
Alright, my family and Markis and Suzita went to the Cape May shore. It was great, saw birds, poked a dead turtle, found a half crushed shell of a horseshoe crab. It was all fine and dandy too. Father, Mother, Siblingg and I crawled into a large WW2 bunker on the beach that said 'Keep Off', and we took a picture on it, then crawled all the way into it. I tripped over a sign, and Father got attacked by a pigeon.....Lots of fun there.....
Then we were done, and we got in the car....TICKS! OH DEAR GOD! THE TICKS! ELEVEN! Six of them found on Sibling, 4 on me, and one on Markis. I've been so paranoid for hours....Those fricken little bugs, I hate them! Man, they're scary too...They make you think of death.....and itchy skin....
Quote of the Day:
Onyx:Why didn't you just hit 'Speaker Phone'?
Then we were done, and we got in the car....TICKS! OH DEAR GOD! THE TICKS! ELEVEN! Six of them found on Sibling, 4 on me, and one on Markis. I've been so paranoid for hours....Those fricken little bugs, I hate them! Man, they're scary too...They make you think of death.....and itchy skin....
Onyx:Why didn't you just hit 'Speaker Phone'?
Saturday, May 06, 2006
The Notebook
Wow. That's pretty much it. I generally don't cry during sappy/romance-y movies, let alone, watch them. But I've heard lots of good things about The Notebook, and they were true. It was very cute. Perhaps it's becuase I usually place myself in one of the tragedy-afflicted person's shoes. And I did, which was probably a mistake during this movie.
I'm not a crier at all, I usually bottle those things up, but as I lay in my bed, watching these two people meet each other, and fall in love over the course of a summer...I really felt for them...Granted, it's a fictional story, but it atually made me think of all the decisions people make that could change their life dramatically.
So, guys, if any of you read this little blog, this is the best 'cuddle-up' movie for you to choose. It tugs at heart-strings, and will make your girl tear up, and cry.It was only, like, four tears throughout the whole movie for me, but then again, I don't cry with movies, so, four is a 'gasp' number for me.
So, I'm giving The Notebook 5/5 Stars...Good Job Nicholas Sparks, props to you for letting your book become a movie and making me cry.
I'm not a crier at all, I usually bottle those things up, but as I lay in my bed, watching these two people meet each other, and fall in love over the course of a summer...I really felt for them...Granted, it's a fictional story, but it atually made me think of all the decisions people make that could change their life dramatically.
So, guys, if any of you read this little blog, this is the best 'cuddle-up' movie for you to choose. It tugs at heart-strings, and will make your girl tear up, and cry.It was only, like, four tears throughout the whole movie for me, but then again, I don't cry with movies, so, four is a 'gasp' number for me.
So, I'm giving The Notebook 5/5 Stars...Good Job Nicholas Sparks, props to you for letting your book become a movie and making me cry.
Friday, May 05, 2006
*My Obsession With theme Music....
Alright guys, you may not know this about me yet, but I am a strange person. And, strange people have peculiar habits, mine, of course, are talking and blogging..Oh, and bopping to the music in my mind. And for the past couple of months, it's been Mario Music...I don't own the game, I don't own a Nintendo 64..I own a PS2.....but alas, no Mario! It's very depressing really, my love for the squat Italian guy in red overalls...., and his brother Luigi..in the green overalls.....But when they get the raccoon tail, their overalls turn white.......-sigh-
Anyway, I was just cruisin' Youtube.com when all of a sudden, I realize there are wackos like myself with the means to put the music I have grown to enjoy during Prison Classes on the interweb! Well, I looked up mario Brothers theme, and found this kid....At first, he plays the original song everyone knows with the sound of Mario/Luigi dying at the very end....BLINDFOLDED!!! I can't even...well, yeah, I can tie my shoes blindfolded..What cant't I do blindfolded? Write in cursive! I can't even do tat blindfolded (neatly, anyway....)
Yeah, so, watch this kid......And notice the way he zooms across that funky piano of his......It's insane....ten minutes, and twenty-three seconds of pure Mario-isms! Rock On Piano Kid! Rock On!
Anyway, I was just cruisin' Youtube.com when all of a sudden, I realize there are wackos like myself with the means to put the music I have grown to enjoy during Prison Classes on the interweb! Well, I looked up mario Brothers theme, and found this kid....At first, he plays the original song everyone knows with the sound of Mario/Luigi dying at the very end....BLINDFOLDED!!! I can't even...well, yeah, I can tie my shoes blindfolded..What cant't I do blindfolded? Write in cursive! I can't even do tat blindfolded (neatly, anyway....)
Yeah, so, watch this kid......And notice the way he zooms across that funky piano of his......It's insane....ten minutes, and twenty-three seconds of pure Mario-isms! Rock On Piano Kid! Rock On!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
The Pop Shop
Alrighty, I don't remember if I reviewed this place yet...If I did, read my old one, if not.......I don't know, I really don't want to review it again. Oh well, I will. It's a 50's-60's styled restaurant, with two giant pictures on the far wall. It's a comfy family restaurant, with friendly people. The owner, and his family circulate every couple hours, greeting people with a friendly air.
Tasty food....A page full of breakfasts that you can get any time of day, sandwhiches such as Santa Fe(a grilled chicken sandwhich on fracaccia bread....) and a Pop Shop Cheese Steak(pieces of chicken, carmalized onions, and mushrooms and your choice of cheese whiz, or provelone). Those are the only two sandwhiches I've had when I have gone there, but they were very tasty. Ice cream isn't bad.....But the Ice Cream Shack is a good spot too, but that's a different building, different town, and a different post.
Gay Little Joke:
How many psyciatrists does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one, but the light bulb must truely want to change.
Tasty food....A page full of breakfasts that you can get any time of day, sandwhiches such as Santa Fe(a grilled chicken sandwhich on fracaccia bread....) and a Pop Shop Cheese Steak(pieces of chicken, carmalized onions, and mushrooms and your choice of cheese whiz, or provelone). Those are the only two sandwhiches I've had when I have gone there, but they were very tasty. Ice cream isn't bad.....But the Ice Cream Shack is a good spot too, but that's a different building, different town, and a different post.
How many psyciatrists does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one, but the light bulb must truely want to change.
Accidental Inflicted Pain
Alright, so last night, about 8-9 hours ago, I was in bed trying to go to sleep. I was having the usual 'dream' of me laying wide awake and waiting to fall asleep. Well, I turned over to face the wall when a burning sensation went across my elbow....the one that was hurting last night anyway. So I was like 'Hm, it's just a dream, so I won't have any more pain.'
I was wrong...Around 3 o'clock, I woke up to the cat, meowing in my ear to get out of the room. So, I moved, and hit my arm on the wall. Yes, I know, I'm so very graceful. Anyway, when I moved,I flinched, and looked at my elbow..seeing nothing I just shrugged it off, and let the cat out.
Well, this morning after my shower I noticed that there was blood on my wrist. So, I traced the trail up my arm to find a one inch cut an inch or two below the top of my wrist, on the back of my arm. So, it turns out that I had scraped my nail across my arm last night...Really hard, it's a deep wound for a nail, anyway. Perhaps I'll take a picture so you all can see what I mean...You never know, unless you do...Then you'll foresee wether or not I will post a picture. Ta for now, I don't know if I'll post later in the day, for it is 7 am right now.....So, I have to leave for Prison...Yep, ta for now.
I was wrong...Around 3 o'clock, I woke up to the cat, meowing in my ear to get out of the room. So, I moved, and hit my arm on the wall. Yes, I know, I'm so very graceful. Anyway, when I moved,I flinched, and looked at my elbow..seeing nothing I just shrugged it off, and let the cat out.
Well, this morning after my shower I noticed that there was blood on my wrist. So, I traced the trail up my arm to find a one inch cut an inch or two below the top of my wrist, on the back of my arm. So, it turns out that I had scraped my nail across my arm last night...Really hard, it's a deep wound for a nail, anyway. Perhaps I'll take a picture so you all can see what I mean...You never know, unless you do...Then you'll foresee wether or not I will post a picture. Ta for now, I don't know if I'll post later in the day, for it is 7 am right now.....So, I have to leave for Prison...Yep, ta for now.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Funniest Mom in America
What in god's name were they thinking? I'll give you a choice of which god you can ask, but there can only be one question.
Why?! Nick@Nite, why did you even create 'Search for the funniest mom in America'?
It's not a funny show...It's a bunch of mothers who think they're funny.......Have any of you ever watched the show? Have you? It frightens me, all the drama from a bunch of supposedly mature women who can't get along with each other. It's a waste of my brain cells. Why am I still watching it? I don't really know......I like to see people humiliate themselves I guess.....
On another note....my elbow hurts really badly. I hurt all over....follow the bone from the right shoulder to my left elbow, and it all hurts. It's very upsetting really, oh well.
A final blurb, I still think I should have my own tv show. That'd be awesome...I'm random enough, it'd be real reality...With the 'middle class', not those rock star, 'famous people's children running into trouble because they don't need to work for anything' shows....Just me, my friends, and our randomness.......But that'll never happen. You need money to have a show, and that'd take away the whole point of the middle class-ness of my idea....
Ta all!
Why?! Nick@Nite, why did you even create 'Search for the funniest mom in America'?
It's not a funny show...It's a bunch of mothers who think they're funny.......Have any of you ever watched the show? Have you? It frightens me, all the drama from a bunch of supposedly mature women who can't get along with each other. It's a waste of my brain cells. Why am I still watching it? I don't really know......I like to see people humiliate themselves I guess.....
On another note....my elbow hurts really badly. I hurt all over....follow the bone from the right shoulder to my left elbow, and it all hurts. It's very upsetting really, oh well.
A final blurb, I still think I should have my own tv show. That'd be awesome...I'm random enough, it'd be real reality...With the 'middle class', not those rock star, 'famous people's children running into trouble because they don't need to work for anything' shows....Just me, my friends, and our randomness.......But that'll never happen. You need money to have a show, and that'd take away the whole point of the middle class-ness of my idea....
Ta all!
Monday, May 01, 2006
I've Got A Paper!
It's in my back pocket. I wrote it in English, the one class in Prison that I don't mind at all. In fact, it's like the calming steps you take after a heavy workout. Time to chill, and talk about nothing in particular but stil getting the point across. It's pretty effective, this English Class of mine.
Apparantly, a whole sandwhich and all but 12 fries is too much to eat for my tummy box.Perhaps its the belt, perhaps not. I don't know, but man, I feel sick. Now, I'm all curled up on the couch, and listening to an old man in a yellow sweat talking about golf. It would seem, that this man won his first tournament 2 years before Father was born. Father is, at the moment, 41 and I'm assuming the man was at least 25 when he won this tournament, making the man at least 66, and he's still in good shape. He looks about 50-ish, not sixty-six.
His name is Jack Nikolaus, The Golden Bear.
Quote of the Day:
Onyx:The Holy Trinity...?
But you hit yourself four times!
-questioning look-
Me: Sealin' the deal?
-does Father, Son and Holy Ghost-
Apparantly, a whole sandwhich and all but 12 fries is too much to eat for my tummy box.Perhaps its the belt, perhaps not. I don't know, but man, I feel sick. Now, I'm all curled up on the couch, and listening to an old man in a yellow sweat talking about golf. It would seem, that this man won his first tournament 2 years before Father was born. Father is, at the moment, 41 and I'm assuming the man was at least 25 when he won this tournament, making the man at least 66, and he's still in good shape. He looks about 50-ish, not sixty-six.
Onyx:The Holy Trinity...?
But you hit yourself four times!
-questioning look-
Me: Sealin' the deal?
-does Father, Son and Holy Ghost-
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