Hello all!
The contacts are coming out lovely, if you were all wondering....Anyway, I had a class tonight for another test I have to take sometime in the future. So, at this little class of mine, we need to relearn all the math I've known since birth....Alright, not since birth, but the beginning of my educational carreer for some kind of learned behavior. Ignore all of that, it as just fluffed up, and filled with a bunch of words that really don't make much sense in the context I put them in... I don't think so anyway...
Anyway, you've got me off track again...So, while at my class, we had a slight distraction....again....It's like our job to distract the woman, so she can forget what we're doing, and let us leave. For none of us really want to waste our Saturday nights learning when we've got such busy agendas. So, as we're trying to distract her, we come across a problem. 'Plug Ins'. Well, we had already learned 'Plugging In' the previous week, so naturally, work we already know shouldn't be re-taught, right? Well, it turns out we learned Plug Ins, and not Plug Ins.....
The entire group stared at her, and it looked like she was uncomfortable, so she changed the subject to English. But honestly...the emphasis you put on a word shouldn't....wait....Yeah, no, that doesn't help her point. I was just thinking about something.... 'Cause there's shopping, and then there's shopping, but there is no difference between Pluging In, and Pluging In.....
Crazy lady.......
Alright, that was all...
I'm A Smoker, I'm A Joker, I'm A Midnight Toker....
Play My Music In The Sun......
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I'm So Happy, 'Cause Today I Found My Friends...
And they're in the form of Blink eyedrops. They're amazing. So, let me fill you in on what's been happening, and how I met such a wonderful thing. Well, as you all know, my birthday happened a couple weeks ago, and as usual, presents were given out. Well, I got two presents a bit late; one becuase we didn't have time and another because the mail-people didn't get it in yet. My first late present was the first through sixth season of Hercules:Te Legendary Journeys with KEvin Sorbo. I think I've realized why I liked that show so much....and also realized that I liked Hercules alot when I was littlier was because sometimes he reminds me of my Dad....so awesome....beating all the bad guys...and still having time to play with Sibling and I...Ah, childhood...what a time.....Anyway, I got Hercules, and have been watching it almost every night. In fact, I just finished the first season this afternoon, and started the second three hours ago....Yep, four hours on one DVD....First season had seven DVD's, that's 1080 minutes of full blown monster fighting. Plus, in the second season, we meet up with Kevin Smith, who, unfortunatly departed the world in 2002...He fell from a set in Beijing, very sad. I cried a little bit...He was one of my favorites...He played Ares, God of War.....So awesome...
And my second late gift was contacts! I am excited, and apparantly, I put them in great the first time, because the woman who showed me what to do was all 'jazzed' that I got them in under 20 minutes....I just nodded, and placed her under the category of a 'medicated-person'...you know the ones..always jolly, and giggly....Anyway, if ever my eyes feel dry with the contacts in, I just *plop *plop* eye drops, and BAM dryness is gone. They're amazing....So yes, that's about it. Hercules and Contacts...Good stuff, I assure you.
This is the story of a time long ago a time of myth and legend. When the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering. Only one man dared to challenge their power; Hercules.
Hercules possesed the strength the world had never seen, a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart. He journeyed the Earth battling the minions of his wicked stepmother Hera, the almighty queen of the gods. But where ever there was evil, whre ever an innocent would suffer, there would be Hercules....and Blink Eyedrops.....
And my second late gift was contacts! I am excited, and apparantly, I put them in great the first time, because the woman who showed me what to do was all 'jazzed' that I got them in under 20 minutes....I just nodded, and placed her under the category of a 'medicated-person'...you know the ones..always jolly, and giggly....Anyway, if ever my eyes feel dry with the contacts in, I just *plop *plop* eye drops, and BAM dryness is gone. They're amazing....So yes, that's about it. Hercules and Contacts...Good stuff, I assure you.
This is the story of a time long ago a time of myth and legend. When the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering. Only one man dared to challenge their power; Hercules.
Hercules possesed the strength the world had never seen, a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart. He journeyed the Earth battling the minions of his wicked stepmother Hera, the almighty queen of the gods. But where ever there was evil, whre ever an innocent would suffer, there would be Hercules....and Blink Eyedrops.....
Monday, January 22, 2007
My Apologies
Hey, sorry about my absence....IT's been hectic here in Jereality...What with upcoming tests, and women who think they know everything but are really just ignorant monkeys with faces that make me want to stab out their eyes....
What? Homicidal tendancies are not anger issues.
But do not fret, I will commit no such crime...It's far too detrimental to my future plans.
-breaks out into maniacal laughter-
Once again, do not fear....Or perhaps you should....
As it happens, Onyx and I are to be feared....For we share bits and pieces of mind power. Let me tell you a story....
Once upon a time, while walking the halls of our prison, Onyx and I were approached by none other than Wyoming. Silly girl, I thought, what does she have to say. No longer than I ask myself such a question, she says 'I've got a story for you!' Well, being the person I am, I love stories. So, I made it a point to state that fact. No sooner do I open my mouth, Onyx begins the sentance with me.
I love stor...ies?
We looked at each other while we were speaking too...It was quite strange.....but, once again...Do not fret, I have not gone off the deep end to swim with the fishes. I am still in the shalow, with my little floaties...They have little ducks on them, and a light blue undertone- Nevermind....I can see you don't care about my floating. That's alright, I forgive you.
As if happens, however, I have to leave you...again. I will post again later for you all. I sure do imagine that reading the same post over and over again wmay seem boring...but I assure you, once you begin to a memorize every word tht I type you might actually relive these expirirences, or something of the sort...Maybe, just maybe, if you read it long enough, you'll post a comment for me....Something nice, and shiny....shiny is expected, but preferred......
With Love, and Hyperactive Squirrels,
What? Homicidal tendancies are not anger issues.
But do not fret, I will commit no such crime...It's far too detrimental to my future plans.
-breaks out into maniacal laughter-
Once again, do not fear....Or perhaps you should....
As it happens, Onyx and I are to be feared....For we share bits and pieces of mind power. Let me tell you a story....
Once upon a time, while walking the halls of our prison, Onyx and I were approached by none other than Wyoming. Silly girl, I thought, what does she have to say. No longer than I ask myself such a question, she says 'I've got a story for you!' Well, being the person I am, I love stories. So, I made it a point to state that fact. No sooner do I open my mouth, Onyx begins the sentance with me.
I love stor...ies?
We looked at each other while we were speaking too...It was quite strange.....but, once again...Do not fret, I have not gone off the deep end to swim with the fishes. I am still in the shalow, with my little floaties...They have little ducks on them, and a light blue undertone- Nevermind....I can see you don't care about my floating. That's alright, I forgive you.
As if happens, however, I have to leave you...again. I will post again later for you all. I sure do imagine that reading the same post over and over again wmay seem boring...but I assure you, once you begin to a memorize every word tht I type you might actually relive these expirirences, or something of the sort...Maybe, just maybe, if you read it long enough, you'll post a comment for me....Something nice, and shiny....shiny is expected, but preferred......
With Love, and Hyperactive Squirrels,
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
East sIde Is Mine.....YAHTZEE!
Well, I was just meandering the stats page I've got with statcounter.com and I realized that the east coast of America was completly over run with little flaggy things. So, in the early morning tiredness, I've decided to take a picture of it, and put it up here for you guys to see. If you're in a state that doesn't have a little flaggy thing....Perhaps there needs to be more people from the area to go check out my blog....
You know what that means? I don't, but I'm sure it has something to do with you guys advertising to make this here blogging community quite large.

There was another little flaggy in China...but only one.......When the whole map is covered with little red flaggys, I'll put that up here, so you all can see how many people visit me....
Now, as it is still 6:44 am, I suggest you all go back to sleep. What any normal person is doing awake at this hour is beyond me.....BUt whatever, it's your sleep deprivation....Mine's already set in stone in that respect.
So, stay awake,
You know what that means? I don't, but I'm sure it has something to do with you guys advertising to make this here blogging community quite large.
There was another little flaggy in China...but only one.......When the whole map is covered with little red flaggys, I'll put that up here, so you all can see how many people visit me....
Now, as it is still 6:44 am, I suggest you all go back to sleep. What any normal person is doing awake at this hour is beyond me.....BUt whatever, it's your sleep deprivation....Mine's already set in stone in that respect.
So, stay awake,
Monday, January 15, 2007
My Birthday
Yep, I'm another year older as of yesterday!
I woke up, had some birthday waffles that I made...Watched some Birthday Psych, Monk and House...Then I did stuff on the copmuter, then Onyx and I and Mother and Father and Sibling went to Carabba's for my Birthday dinner. I got Scampi Damian....always a favorite. Very tasty.
After dinner, we went home and I was shooed upstairs, as is tradition, and then brought back downstairs for 'Happy Birthday'. I blew out my candles on my Heart Cake... Another thing I always get on my birthday. A cake shaped like a heart -becuase it says to do that in the book- instead of a circle or a rectangle or something boring like that. So, I blew out the candles, and then opened my gifties.
I will tell you what I got...
Three NIfty Cards
A bag of lotion and such
Some sheets for my bed
A Trash Can
A Shirt from Hollister
A ticket to go and see Stephan Lynch at the Borgata!
But it was a surprise, so Sibling and I had to sit in the van in the dark about where we were going. Father set it all up. He had the tickets since before Christmas....my special birthday present, from my Father....He's so awesome....BUt I know you guys know that, because I say things like that frequently here.
It was amazingly hysterical...He played Beelz, Ugly Baby...something about Dirty Sanchez's with some other guy....He did something new about Diary entries...it was pretty awesome...Special Ed...ah, good stuff.
I can honestly tell you that I laughed the whole night. I have the best family....They love me....
Yay Loved....
I woke up, had some birthday waffles that I made...Watched some Birthday Psych, Monk and House...Then I did stuff on the copmuter, then Onyx and I and Mother and Father and Sibling went to Carabba's for my Birthday dinner. I got Scampi Damian....always a favorite. Very tasty.
After dinner, we went home and I was shooed upstairs, as is tradition, and then brought back downstairs for 'Happy Birthday'. I blew out my candles on my Heart Cake... Another thing I always get on my birthday. A cake shaped like a heart -becuase it says to do that in the book- instead of a circle or a rectangle or something boring like that. So, I blew out the candles, and then opened my gifties.
I will tell you what I got...
Three NIfty Cards
A bag of lotion and such
Some sheets for my bed
A Trash Can
A Shirt from Hollister
A ticket to go and see Stephan Lynch at the Borgata!
But it was a surprise, so Sibling and I had to sit in the van in the dark about where we were going. Father set it all up. He had the tickets since before Christmas....my special birthday present, from my Father....He's so awesome....BUt I know you guys know that, because I say things like that frequently here.
It was amazingly hysterical...He played Beelz, Ugly Baby...something about Dirty Sanchez's with some other guy....He did something new about Diary entries...it was pretty awesome...Special Ed...ah, good stuff.
I can honestly tell you that I laughed the whole night. I have the best family....They love me....
Yay Loved....
Friday, January 12, 2007
Whatcha Lookin' At?
Last night was trash night.
I did the trash. Well, no, I did the litter, Sibling and Mother did the upstairs trash, and just left it in the cans in the backyard. Well, it was around 8o'clock, and I decided to take the cans to the light, where the trashmen come to take it away. Well, I'll have you know, at 7:30 o'clock, I get ready for bed, so, I'm wearing shorts at that time. Consequently, 8 o'clock comes after 7:30, so, the shorts I wear to bed are on.
So, I took the jacket from the chair in my kitchen, and put it on. It's Father's jacket, so it reached the hem of my shorts...the bottom part, and I put on a pair of Father's flip-flops. Then I left the house, and took the first can to the pole without event. Then I walked back up the little alley back to my house, and got the other can and this woman 'across-the-way' was watching me out of the side of her backdoor blinds. So, a looked at her for a moment, and went down the alley, and came back, and she's still staring at me.
I went back in the house, and now she's looking at my house, full in the window now...no hiding. I guess that once I'd already seen her she figured that she didn't need to hide her creepy stalking sense. So, after ten minutes, I look out my own kitchen window, and there she is, staring at the house...I didn't know what to do, so I let the dog out. I've got this Rottweiler...looks vicious from afar, and when she's laying down...but those who know her know the truth. So, I let her out, and the woman retreats back into her house. I let the dog back in and sure enough a few minutes later, she's staring at the hosue again.
After another twenty minutes, the woman is gone...back into her homey house of horrors to stalk some more people....I mean who would want to stalk someone while they took out the trash...in the dark....all alone.... Not I, that's for sure...Not I at all.....
Be Safe With The Trash NIght,
I did the trash. Well, no, I did the litter, Sibling and Mother did the upstairs trash, and just left it in the cans in the backyard. Well, it was around 8o'clock, and I decided to take the cans to the light, where the trashmen come to take it away. Well, I'll have you know, at 7:30 o'clock, I get ready for bed, so, I'm wearing shorts at that time. Consequently, 8 o'clock comes after 7:30, so, the shorts I wear to bed are on.
So, I took the jacket from the chair in my kitchen, and put it on. It's Father's jacket, so it reached the hem of my shorts...the bottom part, and I put on a pair of Father's flip-flops. Then I left the house, and took the first can to the pole without event. Then I walked back up the little alley back to my house, and got the other can and this woman 'across-the-way' was watching me out of the side of her backdoor blinds. So, a looked at her for a moment, and went down the alley, and came back, and she's still staring at me.
I went back in the house, and now she's looking at my house, full in the window now...no hiding. I guess that once I'd already seen her she figured that she didn't need to hide her creepy stalking sense. So, after ten minutes, I look out my own kitchen window, and there she is, staring at the house...I didn't know what to do, so I let the dog out. I've got this Rottweiler...looks vicious from afar, and when she's laying down...but those who know her know the truth. So, I let her out, and the woman retreats back into her house. I let the dog back in and sure enough a few minutes later, she's staring at the hosue again.
After another twenty minutes, the woman is gone...back into her homey house of horrors to stalk some more people....I mean who would want to stalk someone while they took out the trash...in the dark....all alone.... Not I, that's for sure...Not I at all.....
Be Safe With The Trash NIght,
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Angry Tummy Box....
It turns out that I jsut needed to tell someone about the dream I've been having to make them go away. How cool is that? I'll tell you how cool it is..Super cool! Anyway, I started piano lessons yesterday, at a nifty little music place...my teacher's pretty funny, it takes me a couple seconds to figure out what she's saying thogh, because she's got this accent....BUt everything is going well.
I went to lunch this afternoon with Mother and Sibling, and it took us an hour and a half to get our main courses.....It was insane.....but don't worry, our crappy service helped too. She only came by once...once again, we did tip her the general 15% thing....we always give a minimum of 15%...anyway, the meals were alright....
Then we went to the mall, got some coffee, checked out some stores, bought a dress for a big shindig that isn't scheduled yet, and then went home. Practiced the piano for a bit and then watched some trees burn, and then went to a party. It was great, saw my female posse, and watched How to lose a guy in ten days..it was good...funny....anyway, after a while my stomach began to hurt, and I was driven home..where I sit now, typing to you.
And now I think I'm going to go to bed...and sleep some more....because when you're sick, you sleep....and I love sleeping....It's one of my favorite hobbies.... Alright, g'night.
I went to lunch this afternoon with Mother and Sibling, and it took us an hour and a half to get our main courses.....It was insane.....but don't worry, our crappy service helped too. She only came by once...once again, we did tip her the general 15% thing....we always give a minimum of 15%...anyway, the meals were alright....
Then we went to the mall, got some coffee, checked out some stores, bought a dress for a big shindig that isn't scheduled yet, and then went home. Practiced the piano for a bit and then watched some trees burn, and then went to a party. It was great, saw my female posse, and watched How to lose a guy in ten days..it was good...funny....anyway, after a while my stomach began to hurt, and I was driven home..where I sit now, typing to you.
And now I think I'm going to go to bed...and sleep some more....because when you're sick, you sleep....and I love sleeping....It's one of my favorite hobbies.... Alright, g'night.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Good Night....Oxymoron
Ever since the New Year began, something's changed. I don't quite know what it is, but I've felt quiet. I've felt as if I'm missing something, but the world is going by too quickly for me to get a chance to stop and look. I'm tired all the time, but can't get to sleep. I took a three hour nap yesterday, and woke up more exhausted than I was before I went to sleep.
I've got three plots for three stories I'm writing, and they're floating around in my head all day...and I have small daydreams, or dreams when I take a nap....I've had the same one for the past three weeks. If any of you out there have watched Supernatural a show that has made it's way from WB to MYPHL or sometihng. And it involves one of the main characters, Dean Winchester, played by Jensen Ackles. In my dream, it is Dean Winchester, and not Mr. Ackles...and the two of us are in my 'Learnatorium', just walking down the hallway, talking about life. I listen to him talk about hunting demons, and his problems with his brother, and then we stop in the hallway, he turns to me and asks how I'm doing. The moment he asks, my eyes well up and I cry.
Then my dream turns to a new scene, the walls of the Prison drop into nothingness after turning black, and Dean changes. His hair becomes darker, and his features change, so he looks sort of menacing. He puts his hands on my shoulders, and pulls me into a hug...and then I wake up. I don't wake up shaken, just with a headache.
Dean is propbably in the dream because I've been watching the show for a couple days. I got the first season on DVD for Christmas...So, if I don't post for a while, it's probably because I'm trying to sleep....No worries though...I'll be back to talk to you again. Before the 14th, too....I'll probably post something new in a couple days....
Sleep Tight,
I've got three plots for three stories I'm writing, and they're floating around in my head all day...and I have small daydreams, or dreams when I take a nap....I've had the same one for the past three weeks. If any of you out there have watched Supernatural a show that has made it's way from WB to MYPHL or sometihng. And it involves one of the main characters, Dean Winchester, played by Jensen Ackles. In my dream, it is Dean Winchester, and not Mr. Ackles...and the two of us are in my 'Learnatorium', just walking down the hallway, talking about life. I listen to him talk about hunting demons, and his problems with his brother, and then we stop in the hallway, he turns to me and asks how I'm doing. The moment he asks, my eyes well up and I cry.
Then my dream turns to a new scene, the walls of the Prison drop into nothingness after turning black, and Dean changes. His hair becomes darker, and his features change, so he looks sort of menacing. He puts his hands on my shoulders, and pulls me into a hug...and then I wake up. I don't wake up shaken, just with a headache.
Dean is propbably in the dream because I've been watching the show for a couple days. I got the first season on DVD for Christmas...So, if I don't post for a while, it's probably because I'm trying to sleep....No worries though...I'll be back to talk to you again. Before the 14th, too....I'll probably post something new in a couple days....
Sleep Tight,
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year!
Welcome to the year two-thousand-seven. It feels great to be in the new year...It feels....it feels...As a matter of fact, it feels just like 2006, and 2005, and '04, and '03....but not 2000 because everyone was in a tizzy about their hairdryers attacking them. And it's not like '01 either.....it feels the same except for those two years. And I've still got the same resolution...Oh, you want to know what my resolution is, I understand. It's to come up with a better resolution for next year. That's it, i'll put it in bold so you know I'm not kidding. My New Year's Resolution is to find a better resolution for next year.
See, it's in bold. Everyone believes things that are in bold, I guess it's because the large letters burn into your corneas....and sizzle themselves into your brains.
Anyway, I had a bit of a bash at CountryBabe's house last night. Lots of fun. Played with some parakeets...they seemed to like me.....and Where'sYourLogicAt seemed to have an Anti-Bird forcefeild up that seemed to deter the birds from actually liking her. Oh well, not my probably....ALthough, I did laugh when she was shat upon...That was funny.
So, I want you all to enjoy the New Year of 2007. Make plans, figure out yourselves, find resolutions, break resolutions, make promises, break 'em, and don't screw up.
You can see the New Year starting if you click the title...Relive the excitement!
This is Jereality, ridding herself of the clinging fibers of 2006, shedding light upon the year of 2007.
Welcome to the year two-thousand-seven. It feels great to be in the new year...It feels....it feels...As a matter of fact, it feels just like 2006, and 2005, and '04, and '03....but not 2000 because everyone was in a tizzy about their hairdryers attacking them. And it's not like '01 either.....it feels the same except for those two years. And I've still got the same resolution...Oh, you want to know what my resolution is, I understand. It's to come up with a better resolution for next year. That's it, i'll put it in bold so you know I'm not kidding. My New Year's Resolution is to find a better resolution for next year.
See, it's in bold. Everyone believes things that are in bold, I guess it's because the large letters burn into your corneas....and sizzle themselves into your brains.
Anyway, I had a bit of a bash at CountryBabe's house last night. Lots of fun. Played with some parakeets...they seemed to like me.....and Where'sYourLogicAt seemed to have an Anti-Bird forcefeild up that seemed to deter the birds from actually liking her. Oh well, not my probably....ALthough, I did laugh when she was shat upon...That was funny.
So, I want you all to enjoy the New Year of 2007. Make plans, figure out yourselves, find resolutions, break resolutions, make promises, break 'em, and don't screw up.
You can see the New Year starting if you click the title...Relive the excitement!
This is Jereality, ridding herself of the clinging fibers of 2006, shedding light upon the year of 2007.
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