Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Buncha Nothin'

Alrighty, so, I've really been up to nothing the last couple of days and up to everything at the same time. But that's not what I'm here to talk about this evening.

I'm here to talk about Juice.
And how much I happen to like juice.
However! Some juice isn't 100% juice. Even when it says one hundred percent juice, there is not one hundred percent of the type of juice labeled. For instance, Tangerine juice has like, orange juice, apple juice and like..10% tangerine juice...regardless of how many little orange fruit balls are on the label.


Though, Apple juice is bangin'...whatever kind of juice is in there, they done good. I'm pretty sure, though, it's mostly all apples...since it's the easiest to make and such.

Quote of the Day
Sibling: -walks in with container of Apple Juice- I wish apple juice counted as water-
Me:-suddenly- I wish I had apple juice.

I like that she came downstairs, all thirsty, poured herself some apple juice did he comment, and then I did mine...and I got her juice. She gave it to me and went back upstairs - without pouring another cup. All in all, that juice was fantastic.

It's the little things that make me smile...giving me your juice 'cause I asked...well, that's just lovely.
I love my little Sibling...

I also love Apple Juice...


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Turn Up The Radio

And sing a song of...something - I don't remember the words...

But guess what! Father fixed my External Hard drive! You know...the one I complained about in Update Number Three...in the post right below this one....No, right below...scroll down a bit...yeah, that one. Number Three...It's working now, yeah - listening to Dropkick Murpheys at the moment, too. Right from my computer. Yeah. I don't know what was wrong with it exactly...but Father called me up from my downstairs, 'vegge-ing' time and pointed to my computer. Initial reaction: 'What's he doing in my roooOOooom?' If you didn't know, italics means 'in my head'. Second reaction, 'what's that orange thing on my - OH. My. GOD! IT'S BACK!' And then I actually said, 'it's back.' Father sad 'yeah' and pointed to the lap top...said he hooked my E.H.D, my external hard drive, up to the lap top and it - the lap top - said there was some kind of crazy joojoomagumbo on it, and mounted it onto the desktop of the laptop. It was fixed on the lap top, and worked there - fantastic, by the way. So he decided 'hey, let's put this sucker back on Jereality's computer' and SHAZAM! I have my iTunes back. I am absolutely thrilled.

Oh, just in case you were also wondering - I figured out what was so funny from yesterday. A fellow member of the Education Station I go to reminded me. Lovely girl - smart as all get out. [ I never understood that phrase. 'as all get-out'. It just doesn't really make sense if you look at all the words together and give them their meanings in your head. 'Cause if we use intelligence as the example: 'Smart as all get-out' and 'Smart as anything' which also makes little sense. Smart as anything, beautiful as anything. What is this 'anything' in which we speak?! - but I digress]

Anyway, I have a picture to accompany this bit o' humor.

All rightie, do you see that? That is the new Food Pyramid - groups all the god nutritious things together and has a little dude running up some staris - i.e, exercise. So, after much talk abut this new pyramid, most of my fellow Education seekers are asking 'where are those fats and oils? The ice cream and the chocolate and scrumdidliumptious bars? Where are they?'

Our Health Guru man looks at us and says, 'it's there, it's the little yellow line...It's there, but we don't associate with it. They're like terrorists. Oils are terrorists. We don't make deals or mess with the oils or terrorists.'

So, naturally, we all look at each other, shocked, appalled, and slightly amused at this terrible and somehow fitting comparison. I guess you would have to be there...at the time, this was actually very funny.

Also, I pose a question. Look closely at the green 'Vegetables' section. What do you see? Vegetables? Yeah, nice one. But closer, closely at the screen. Close enough to see the pixles...Yeah, outlines of beans. That's what you see. Beans in the Vegetable section. Why, I wonder, are beans in the Vegetable section when there is clearly labeled a 'Meats and Beans' section?

Also, another question. Look closely at the 'Meats and Beans' section. On the right side of the milk, just above the tuna fish and under the pixley egg - Peanut Butter. Last time I checked, peanuts were not meats or beans. They were nuts. They and the beans in Vegetables should switch places...

That would be an accurate drawing of the food pyramid...Did you know it took 'em a year to get this done? It's not even right! Whatever.

Okay, it's time for me to go now...I have some sleeping to do...I'm already ahead of schedule..Got my shower, like, forty minutes ago...I usually get it at ten...it's like, ten twenty right now. So, I've got a lovely time gap to sleep through. Better take advantage of that, otherwise I'll wake up like a zombie with hair like Nick Nolte. Ah well...

Sleep Well,

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

It's Been A While...

Alrighty, so many things have happened that I've wanted to blog about. But every time I get a free second, I fall asleep or have to go somewhere in four seconds. There was something so funny I wanted to write up yesterday, and I just can't seem to remember what it was about - that annoys the crap out of me, when I can't remember something to write about. Hysterical, really - you'd all probably chuckle as you went on with your lives...

It was that funny. And I don't remember.

So, now that I don't recall any of that I suppose I will do some Jereality Updates.

Update Number One: I had a birthday. It was fantastic. I went to a restaurant called Brio [Mind you, the site has sound..so turn off whatever music you listen to at the moment when you look at it] and had Pasta Fra Diavlo, which is supposed to be super spicy - it isn't, it is actually quite pleasant on the palate. Anyway, it was good. After that, I came home and opened gifties and such - that was also a good time. I got two shirts, a Maleficant -in dragon form, yes, from Disney's Sleeping Beauty-, some tank tops, and a bitchen camera that I will use frequently.

Update Number Two: I dyed my hair. It's black now - looks wonderful, by the way.

Update Number Three: My External Hard-Drive doesn't seem to be working any more. You know, that one with all of my music on it. Yeah, so now I have to listen to my iPod from my iHome so many feet away...Doesn't really matter though - I still get my music, it's just not as convinient as having it at my fingertips.

Update Number Four: I got accepted into the college I applied to with a splendid scholarship....on my birthday. It really is fantastic - I am so excited. I'm going for Wildlife Conservation...Zoology department. I :heart: Animals. Except penguins...they smell...really, really badly.

Update Five: - insert Important Update Here- This is for the updates that I know I've forgotten. I really hate that I've forgotten funny things..I should really write them down on something when the funny happens. I miss my Quotes of the Day.

Update Number Six: I got a new e-mail address. I feel like I'm really branching out of my 'child-ish' life and forging my own now, and I love that little fact.

Update Number Seven [last one, you guys!]: I went to a car show today - it was amazing. I'm going back some time in the next couple days with Sibling and my camera...to take pictures of some amazing cars...agh, I love vehicles!

And that's it so far...Rather, that's all I can remember. That's really bad - that I can't remember things. Oh well, I'll start writing things down like a banshee when they happen...so I can come home and gossip to you. Don't fret, my lovlies, it will happen...and my posts will be more frequent - like they used to be. I will be back, I promise you this!

^_6;; Jereality