Nothing gets accomplished, really...except my teeth get clean. I stand, look uninterested in the mirror and I brush each tooth. I count when I brush my teeth...I count like I do in Concert Band class...1,2,3,4. 2,2,3,4. 3,2,3,4. 4,2,3,4. all the way up to 7,2,3,4. I don't know why I do, I just do. And when I'm rushed, I count to 4,2,3,4... It just make sense to me that way. Still, I hate to brush my teeth. Hate it. I get all fidgety and annoyed. I've even taken to brushing them before I get a shower so I won't have to get all angry after I get all calm. -insert exasperated sigh here-
Oh hygeine is importan, I suppose....
I don't think I'd want to be a for real version of this thing...Oh well...Onto other news, I suppose....
Alright, do you recall when I said I had news of my Education? It was in brackets...I said I had news about it...Well, I do.
I made Principal's Honor Roll for the first time in my Academic Education Station career. [Mind you, pre-k through 6th grade does not count...Those were grades that were easily attained. I'm talking 7th through the present.]
That's it though, I'm going to celebrate when Mother comes home from her mini-vacation. I miss her...She won't be back till late Sunday, and she left on Thursday... I miss my Mommy....-insert another sigh here-
Well, that's about it..Oh wait! I lied!
I saw Kelly Ripa's father today. Yeah, I went with GGR and Sibling to a magical place called, well - I can't tell you...but I was there. Alright, I'll tell you. We went to my county's 'County College' where there were these three large shredding vehicles. No, not like skateboard 'shredding', more like paper shredding. Our crappy little paper shredder has mild heart attacks whenever we plug it in and start shredding bills and such. So, what we found out - my household - via GGR, was that there was a bunch of people who shred such artifacts of bills of the past for free! No scam, can actually see your bills/important documents being shredded in a camera which is strategically located inside the shredding vehicle. It was very interesting. So, our documents were shredded, and combined with a bunch of other people's shredded documents in the back of this giant truck. It was a good time...
And now I'll leave you to ponder what you're going to do with your bills...and such...
Have A Good One,