Alright, so I woke up at six in the morning after going to bed at like...three o'clock in the morning. I'm kind of wishing I got a shower...I feel really skeevy right now. I don't like it. Anyway... We drove for about an hour and got to my school. My college. And then we unpacked, after several jokes on the many good times. We then unpacked everything and got it to my dorm where Audrina, Liz, and Runner were already packing and stuff. It was a good time. I brought all my stuff and got everything done in about an hour and then Mother, Father, Sibling and I went to lunch at a place called Duck's Deli - Restaurant... It was delicious food, really it was....
Then we came back and found the room to be completely finished and looking fantastic... Everything is so amazing... My desk is the first desk in a row of three, and Liz's desk is in a corner somewhere behind me... but our room is fantastic. I really can't describe it any other way...
Oh... it's amazing. These girls are fantastic. It's not going to be difficult for me to become friends with them... they're already friends in my book... They like Disney, and we have similar style in personalities.... so, it's all fantastically amazing. I can't really explain anything else... I'm getting thoroughly distracted watching Mulan... that movie is so awesome... I really need to find another adjective... 'Awesome' and 'amazing' just don't seem to cut it anymore.
I'll tell you more about college when I have real classes on Monday... I haven't even gotten my books yet. Anyway, it's about that time...
Mother: -nods out of the car- That boy is wearing kneepads...
Sibling: He probably plays football...
Father: No, thats the kid who gets his shins beaten with baseball bats. Now he's got shin pads... -shakes fist in air- "You won't get me now! Not today!"
That's was some amazing times...
I'm going to muss them more every day, I think...
I love my family, I really do...