Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dreams and Movies

Hey you!

It's been a while since I posted... About a week or so. Since then, I've had a couple dreams. Every time I slept, I would dream. In every single dream, the same three people have cameo'd in those dreams doing various things from helping me fight zombies, running through giant stomachs and the acid...some dying along the way... going through old Victorian towns that turn into water parks, etc. Good times... The people who are in these dreams are Father, Liz and Han Solo. I hope everyone knows who those people are and no one actually thinks that 'Han Solo' from Star Wars was in my dreams... and you all realize that that is not what I mean.

On to the Movies!

Underworld '3' - Rise of the Lycans.
- It's very good, very, very good. The camera motions are a bit too fast paced at times, but other than that I was so happy to watch it. I recommened it highly... It was SO GOOD! It's okay if you haven't seen the other two Underworld's, no biggie - this movie is a prequel, so it explains what happened before Underworld, and Underworld Evolution.

Paul Blart: Mall Cop
-Also, another good movie. Very funny, I also recommened this one. It's good times...

Why did I see two movies in one night? Well, Sibling and her friend wanted to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button... And... she wanted me to drive. So, Liz and I discovered that we needed to keep ourselves busy for two hours and change while Sibling and her friend watched the Button movie, so we planned out movies. Underworld came first at 8:10 to 9:40-ish, and then at 9:40-ish to 11:10 it was Paul Blart: Mall Cop. However, we were slightly upset because we wouldn't be able to watch our shoes that come on at eight and then nine.

Turns out, though, that our shows come on again at midnight and one. So, we watched both of our movies, came home by 11:45 sat down got all settled by 11:55 and by midnight, we were watching our shows. Everything timed itself out perfectly, it was lovely.

Alright, I'm going to go and watch 64 Zoo Lane and then Little Bear....

I love nastalgea!


Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Unborn...

...should have been born and developed into a decent movie before being put into theaters. But first, a story.

On the night of January 16th, at 7:00 pm, Sibling, Liz, Father and I were sitting in theater number seven. 7:03, previews. "Who wants to come with me to get snacks and stuff?" So, Father and I went to the candy counter that is in the hallway of the theater, ordered our two diet cokes, one sprite and one cherry coke along with our two medium popcorns. As we leave the line, a repetitive buzz fills the air, and a constant blinking on the walls indicate the fire alarm going off. "Please exit the movie theater calmly and quickly."

"What? Are you serious?"

The entire movie-goer populace was confused and asking the same questions. However, most of us just meandered back into our respective theaters and waited for the previews. Eventually, we were all ushered out of the entire cineplex and my party waited in the van and watched the goings-on of the people inside while also watching the angry movie-goers cram themselves into traffic. Very entertaining. At 7:49 we left the now empty parking lot, annoyed and slightly amused at the people who had been around us.

This evening of January 17th at 7:00, Sibling, Liz, Father and I found ourselves in theater number seven. We got through the previews, and then we got through the movie...

The movie itself was terrible. The only good thing in that movie was Cam Gigandet. He was fantastic. Also, he's so pretty to look at.

The kid who plays the unborn child is creepy to look at in glimspe scenes, but the longer he's on screen, the more used to him you get. All in all, the movie was horrible. Absolutely terrible. I was told it was a "shit in your pants" movie. It's not. It was comedic, if anything... Funny that they tried so hard to make it a horror movie. The adventure from yesterday was more entertaining.

Ah, well... Perhaps when I go and check out Marley and Me it'll be better... I've heard good things so far....

^_6;; Jereality

Sunday, January 11, 2009

So, I'm Feeling...

... a little bit emo right now. Very 'woe is me', and I'm not too sure why. Actually, that's a lie. It's 2009, right now. In three days time now, I will be another year older. Another year gone, with memories I wish I could've made, memories I wish I didn't have... I've lost people, and near the end of 2008, I grew closer to others, some over three months.

I don't know how often I've said this, or how often I've thought it... I think about it a lot, actually... I feel completely and utterly lost on one situation. It's all very trivial when I think about it, and yet half of me still shouts out, telling me that human interaction is very important to living. Humans, by nature, are social creatures...

So, in every good romantic comedy movie, there is the protagonist who is in love with someone who either A. doesn't know the protagonist exists, B. is the protagonist's best friend, or C. is a friend of the protagonist, however is already in a relationship.

That's where I am. I'm letter C, although, I don't know about the whole 'love' thing, because I'm not sure exactly how that feels.

This has been weighing on my mind for a very long time... and it gives me a hopeless feeling, because I know he won't break up with his girl friend - I'm sure they're great together. I really don't know the girl, I hear she's friendly... she even lives close by to my house... Still, I've never really spoken to her. Doesn't really matter, though... because I'm constantly thinking about her boy friend. He's fantastic. He went to my high school... the moment I saw him there, I liked him.

Being shy is a terrible thing.

So, here I am... 'woe is me'-ing. I want them to break up so I can just say something. I"m not going to say anything now because I don't want to ruin the friendship that I worked hard to build up. And it is friendship, he said so. 'What are friends for', he said.

I also don't want them to break up because I did something. I would feel terrible. Everything I hope to become does not include relationship destroyer. I don't want that on my conscience, I would feel way too guilty.

We talk, sometimes, he and I. At strange hours of the night, texting back and forth. Sometimes, when I'm al hopped up on sugar and unable to sleep, I'll call him... I babble on and on about nothing in particular, and he listens. He remembers what I talk about, too... because he asks about it later...

I don't know... If I got a boyfriend, I'd want it to be him... No one else seems to measure up...

I'm screwed.

And boring.

And not so happy.

Also, I'm good at lying... so no one who hasn't read this will think I'm just fine.


-_-;; Jereality

Sunday, January 04, 2009

According To The Prophecy

So, it's sort of still Saturday for me, because for some ungodly reason I'm still awake. I don't think I'll be going to bed. Well, no, I'm already in bed. I'm typing in bed, I just won't be sleeping. That may be a lie. I may just go and get a shower around seven, and then take a little nap. Or, I may just stay awake, eat some pancakes and go on with my day like a normal person and sleep great tonight. That's weird to say, as it is still night time. I may get some picture of the sun rise! That's exciting. And yes, the grammar and spelling are correct in that sentence. I'm going to see the sun rise, not the sunrise. I will watch it move, that's what I'm going for.

Anyway, I'm awake. I'm hungry. My eyes are kind of 'burn-y' because the fan is on and I've had my contacts in for... a couple hours. Since about two o'clock, I think that's when they let me sleep till, I don't really remember. I think I spoke about that earlier. Again, I don't remember.

I had something important to say, and now I don't remember. Oh yeah!

My birthday is coming up. And, for the first time in a long time, I don't think that it will be unhappy. I won't have anyone there I secretly don't want. As far as I know I won't be getting any surprise parties. It's not a marking birthday, like 10, 16, 18 or 21, so nothing really special should happen.

Also, I go back to my Collegiate Place of Learning on the 13th... and classes start on the 14th, which, incidentally, is my actual birthday. I suppose I should have expected it. I mean, if I'm not taking mid terms in high school for my birthday, I might as well be taking four classes. Would you like to know the classes I've scheduled for my birthday? My birthday is on a Wednesday this year, and Wednesday's classes are great...only because there's two. I've got English, which will be fantastic since it's the same guy I had for my first semester. Great teacher, I'm going to call him Michael, here... He lets us call him by his first name because we're all adults. I like that. And, since he reminds me of someone named Michael, that is what I shall call him. The second class is a Chemistry lab, which should be interesting. I hear the professor I have for that is really good, which is great, because I'm not so great at Chemistry. I will call this person Spice. If you knew the professor's actual name, you'd give a little chuckle, or crack a smile. However, you don't, which is mildly upsetting. However, I digress.

After my birthday comes Thursday, which is my most busy day. I have my Chemistry lecture, an Intro to Small Animal Science class, a Bio lecture and then Finite Math. I'm looking forward to one of those classes. And really, I'm only looking forward to two classes the entire semester - English and Intro to Small Animal Science.Anyway, after that math class, I'm finished until Monday again because I'm a genius and scheduled myself to have no classes on Fridays... that way I can come home and have a longer weekend... To do more homework and studying... By the way, I'm going to give you an equation: Student + Dying = Studying. Yay!

That's on flair all over facebook. -sigh-

Alright, it's been seven minutes, I'm going to go and flip through tv channels before I try to take a little nap before Sibling goes to wake me up from my slumber. I don't want to be disturbed whilst I slumber. I get all angry and grouchy. Keep that as a mental note, Internet, don't ake me up... or I will be forced to inflict harm upon your person.

Much love!
^_6;; Jereality

Saturday, January 03, 2009

And The World Keeps On Spinning

Hello, the Internet!

So, Christmas passed and now I have clothes. It's nice to know that I have something else to wear. However, for the passed couple of days it's just been tank tops. Why? Because I've been sleeping for a very long time, and getting showers at various times. For instance, today, I got my shower at four o'clock. Two days ago, I got my shower at around 3 in the morning. It's been scattered. Good times, though. I've been sleeping at irregular patterns, too. Right now, it's eleven forty-four, and I'm exhausted. Why? I have no idea, I'm pretty sure the family let me sleep in until two thirty. I did get home, though, around four in the morning last night.

Had a great conversation with Topher last night after a party I went to. He's a great kid. By 'kid', I mean peer. Actually, I'm just going to flat out and tell you, he's a great human being. One of the few people I trust, actually. After that talk, I was reminded that I had a five hour phone call with Han Solo a couple weeks ago. I was reminded of it because like Topher, Han Solo listened to me. I had been speaking nonsense, nothing of real consequence. Turns out I like being listened to, so I felt the need to thank him for just listening.

We then texted till around seven o'clock. I periodically fall asleep between ours texts. I don't think he minds, generally he'll send another text saying something like 'down she goes'. Then I'll wake up and text back.

I don't know where I was going with this. Not a problem though. I'm tired... but I'm not gonna go to bed.... Sibling wants to go to FYE and GameStop... She told me her plans like this: "Hey, Jer, I want to go to FYE and a GameStop and get rid of the games we don't play. What time should I wake you up?" She was doing the subtle head nod thing, like she was talking to a simpleton. That gets a little annoying... she wonders why I get annoyed...

Ah, nevermind. I just needed to get that off my chest. No matter, it's the trivial things that keep me going... Yay things! Alright, I'm going to go and watch some tv. Oh! By the way, I got a flickr account... I'm going to do some editing so I can continue being Jereality there, that way I can put thel ink up here and you guys and gals can see the photos I take! How exciting is that?!

I'm going to tell you. It's very exciting. Alright, that's all now I will, uh, go and see if I can edit the flickr thing... Otherwise, I'll just let you guys a little closer to my real identity. I'm like a super hero. I have secret identities... bwa ha ha!

^_6;; Jereality

By the way, have a great 2009. Yeah, that's right. I cliche'd that, woo!