Today, I woke up at 7:30 to eat breakfast at eight because we needed to do our tour thing at ten something. So, I got up and dressed and straightened my hair and such, and then went downstairs to eat. Edwina and Jon had set up the table for our breakfast, I had cereal, Special K, to be exact, and also, a croissant. And also some orange juice and some coffee. Yum. After breakfast with our other Bed and Breakfast-ers from Alaska, we all walked with John(?) to the trolley place so we could go to New Orleans. We waited a few minutes for our trolley since we just missed the one that was there when we walked up, it's okay though, because they circulate enough trolleys to have all the stops visited once every five minutes. I would know, Jon printed out a sheet of all the trolley stops for me, along with a map of the French Quarter, where we would be spending our day.
So, as soon as our trolley came up, Jon left and we boarded, and I paid five dollars for the four of us (because it's $1.25 a person) and we all sat down. Turns out we got the trolley in training because, well, our trolley driver was in training. The man in the purple shirt who instructed him seemed to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this particular morning, because he was the least happy camper I had seen yet. Our History Tour started at 10:00 in the back of a voodoo shop between Royal Street and Bourbon Street... Where were on the trolley at ten o'clock. We got off the trolley at ten o'three -ish. And we still had about seven blocks to go. But it was A-okay, because the family of Jereality is well versed in the forced march. We got to the back of that voodoo shop at around 10:07 ish to see a crazy woman (CW) dressed all in black, except for her shirt which had only the white words 'Haunted History Tours' (which is the tour we were on) handing out stickers to designate tour-goers. Yay! We got our stickers! I still have mine, by the way... mmhmm.
CW took us down a few streets in the French Quarter, explaining why the deceased needed to be burried above ground rather than underground. It's because of the water... See, if they were careful, a couple months later 'aunt marie' would come floating on by the dinner table, and 'while in life her conversation was riveting, now, it's kind of lacking...' (That's what CW said, I thought it was quite funny)
Then I saw a 'lady of the night', but if we had to ask, it was a man... That's what CW said. They (New Orlean-ers) have a thing called the Blotter, or something and one of them is "If you have to ask, it's a man." So, I saw a 'la-man of the night' and took a clandestine picture, good times. Silliness.
After that, we went to the St. Louis Cemetery One. There, we saw that people were 'buried' (for lack of a better word) in wall tombs. [because I can't say entombed and tombs in the same sentence, it's just awkward] They were neat looking. Entire families were entombed in the wall...tombs. They place the deceased in a coffin and put the coffin in the tomb for a year and a day out of respect for the dead and also legal reasons because you can't sue them if the person wasn't really dead if it was a day after a year [I think that was it]... I don't remember... Anyway, after we went through the whole cemetery, we were finished with the tour.
We followed our tour guide to some free food behind the St. Louis Cathedral to which Sibling turned her nose up to... Which was understandable because it looked as if the food had been sitting out for quite a while. So, our group of four turned tail and moved to the front of the cathedral, looking around and walking around the french quarter for something to eat. Finally, we got to a place called Muriel's. It's in Jackson square, a lovely open air bistro... I had a seafood au gratin... It was delicious. After we ate, we all walked around the French Quarter for a very long time. Sibling bought a piece of art work, then I bought a third and mom bought 2 thirds of a piece of art work... and there was a man dressed and painted all in silver who sounded like a robot...
Eventually, we wound up at Cafe du Monde, a very, very busy cafe that is famous for its beignets - a square, hot, french doughnut covered in mounds of powdered sugar. They're delicious. By the time we were eating our beignets, however, the group was tired of itself, and we all just needed a rest... We had been walking around looking at various museum-esque things. We went through a Zulu museum, and we went through an 1850's house - which is exactly what it sounds like, and then we went through a history of New Orleans type of museum, which gave the history of New Orleans... It was lots of fun... Mostly, we people watched through the large windows... We excel at people watching. If I posted pictures of actual people, I'd show you... but I don't, because that kind of creeps me out... Anyway...
After we ate at Cafe du Monde, we went and relaxed in the park in the French Quarter, Sibling laid on the ground like a crazy person... Mother laid on the bench, then Liz laid on the ground, and I sat on the bench. Because I'm alert, and looking out for people who want to take our stuff. Our visit was cut short, however, because some man closed the park... So then we went to the St. Louis Cathedral and played cards on the step... It was lots of fun, and then we went on our Vampire Tour!
I can't do the tour justice, I can just tell you that it was awesome! If you click on 'Vampire Tour' it will take you somewhere else that described what I did... Except I don't know who their tour guide was... Our Vampire.... tour guide was Tony, that was his real name, so when you all go to New Orleans, you can go and request him. He was really quite entertaining. I had an amazing time... Except the part where at the Zodiac/Axeman/Tony's Favorite House my right contact decided dry out and make my eye itch and fall out. It was awesome... I listened to wonderful Tony speak about the most amazing things... with blurred vision. Awesome.
And then the tour was over around... I don't remember, ten-thirty? Mother had the map, she said we should go straight, Liz asked to see the map, she agreed, led the way. I should have looked at the map. We wound up walking for a good half hour, forty minutes... in the wrong direction, me with blurred vision... I was less than pleased. Eventually, we turned around and walked back toward the French Quarter.. but the damage was done, and Mother was annoyed so we wound up taking a cab back to the bed and breakfast... Ah, good times...
While Playing Cards on the steps of the Cathedral. A large group walks past, we needed to know which tour it was...
Sibling: Excuse me. Which tour is that? Excuse me? Hello? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
In the beginning of the Vampire Tour, gauging our knowledge of vampire's, Tony asked us if we knew the ways to finish off a vampire. The first three steps were called out.
Tony: I'll be really impressed if anyone knows step four
Me: -whispers to Liz- It's water...
Liz: Say it
Tony: Anyone?
Me: Water. Sprinkle the ashes in fast moving water...
Tony...the Vampire: -stares- I'm going to be...over here
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Spring Break: The Zoo Ba Dum Cha
Today I woke up at 7:30 in the morning, ate a breakfast of 'Fruity O's' and a bisquit, and went and took a walk on the beach with Sibling and Liz. It was a great morning. Also, I discovered I got sunburned yesterday on the boat, yeap, on my neck/shoulder region. It hurts a lot because I use that skin spot to hold bags... Oh well, I'll tough it out... what's a little pain, eh? So, after our walk on the beach - which ended approximately around 9:00, because we needed to get Mother tea - we went back to the hotel room got showered, and packed to go, and left by 10:35 for the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo.
We drove for about twelve minutes before pulling up to the small enclosure area, and in my head I was thinking 'it looks bigger on TV'. Sibling merely said "this is it...?" So, I ignored the size of the zoo, since I already knew what was inside and that it had to be a bit larger on the inside, we walked inside and told the woman behind the counter that we had scheduled a meeting with Patti Hall, the director. Patti had just gotten to the zoo, and was in a meeting though, so the woman behind the counter said we could just walk around the zoo ourselves and then if we didn't bump into Patti around there, she'd be by the gift shop later.
So, we did just that. Walking around the first things we saw were the lemurs on Lemur Island. They don't have a fence around Lemur Island, it's just an island... Lemurs don't like water, so they stay on the land. After the lemurs, we crossed a little bridge thing, two our left side -while on the bridge- was a turtle, and on our right were three alligators. Then we made a sharp left to look at Lemur Island some more and some ducks... and a swan named Romeo [who on the Series is a jerk...] after that I saw a bear, but I didn't know if it was Milley or Buddha, the two resident Black bears, so we went closer to them and took some pictures of them. After that, we went through the -what I am going to call- the Aviatrix, which housed about twenty or so exotic birds. The strangest one was the Coocoobara, they make a strange noise - I had seen one before on Jimmy Fallon's new show.
We left the birds, and then saw some kind of...deer thing.... I don't know, but Liz pet it. Then I moved on and took a picture of a peacock and then I took a picture of Lady (a lioness) and then I saw some coatimundis (coati), but they were sort of sleeping so I really couldn't see them. And then I saw some capuchin monkeys one was Michael, one was Crunch and the other was Kunda... she was blonde... I'd never seen him before... And then I bypassed the goats and the deer and the llama looking things and the emu bird and went toward Chuckie, a gigantic alligator. I took two pictures of him him. Did you know, that during Hurricane Ivan (the first hurricane the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo went through, Chuckie was lost! He was later found and such, but, boy, that's scary...)
After Chuckie, we moved and then I saw Rajah and Rani, a white tiger and a 'regular' tiger. Cool stories to follow... Anyway, Liz and I tried to boof them over to us, which is pretty much what it sounds like when you say it out loud. But like 'BoOoOoooOooffuh'. With those inflections and things, too. After those tigers, I continued along and found Umba, Mandril Baboon. After Umba, I saw Katrina and Chaca, two spotted black leopards. Then I walked further on that path and saw some wallabys, and I snagged some pictures of them. Then I meandered on over to where Simba and Cici, the two Barbary lions that the zoo has. They're awesome... except Barbary lions are extinct in the wild, and Simba is completely amazing, and everyone wants a piece of him for their zoo, so that should give the Little Zoo That Could some more publicity.
Then, as we finished up the circle, walking back up to the entrance, Patti Hall waved at me, and I waved back and I said, "Liz! Patti Hall is waving to me! How did she knows it was us? Do we dress funny? It's because we're from Jersey? Patti Hall is psychic!" She then greeted us and my party and the couple people that came on the tour with us. Then, we spoke for a few moments and then moved to go and watch some ghost tigers (there's only thirty in the whole world, and the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo has two, it's a double recessive gene...) get their nails clipped. It was cute, they were growling a little bit.. adorable - I got to pet one.
Then Patti led us to a large cage, with two special needs Capuchin monkeys inside: Trey and Lulu. Trey did not want to come out and play, but Lulu sure did. In fact, as soon as the cage door opened, she was out onto Patti's arm and then onto my shoulder and then my dome. Needless to say, I'm glad and proud and stuff to be the first person not zoo related to have had been jumped on. Anyway, Lulu jumped around for a good twenty to thirty minutes, cameras flashing all around, but she mainly kept to my neck, camera and head, Liz's face, Sibling's arms and Mother's shoulder...once. Lulu had a strange habit of jumping from a strange woman beside me to the cage, wrapping her tail around my neck to turn and then swinging herself into the bushes behind me... It was so cool to see, I tell you what...
After we put Lulu back in the box with Trey, we moved on to the back lot area where we followed Patti and saw an older Capuchin monkey pair. I clearly saw that the male older capuchin monkeys are in fact, obnoxious 'butt holes'. The female was lovely, all calm and peaceful... she did, however, steal the piece of fruit the male worked so hard to throw things around to get... Ah well... After that we saw a male peacock and a female peahen standoff! Patti called it a 'Mexican Standoff', so I'm telling you, the reader.... yeah.
Oh! My! GOSH! After that we went inside this little area house place where all the food is prepared, and I saw the meat delivery, a box was labeled 'neck' and another 'wing', Patti said that the meat was cut up into quarters, and then she opened up another little room that looked like it was made out of thin pieces of wood... Yeah, painted black... with a door. We kicked off our shoes, and then hopped in a room with three baby kangaroos! One was eight months old, another was seven months old and the other was six months old. The five month old was feeling a little bit sickly, so was unable to join the others and us in the visitor area. So, I held .... Liz and I and Sibling held a baby kangaroo, her name was [still is, but we're not there anymore, so it's past tense] Matilda, they called her Tilly. And then after that, I put my shoes back on, cleaned my hands and then Patti was like "I'm gonna do something else with you guys."
Liz and I were shocked and amazing, more things to do! Inconceivable! So then she finally let the cat out of the bag, what're we going to do? Feed some tigers! See? Remember when I said that there would be some more fun stories to tell? I told you! Yes, Sibling, Liz and I all bottle fed milk to a tiger. Sibling fed Salt, who was placed with Pepper in their own enclosure. While Liz and I fed Rajah and Rani, in another enclosure. After each time we fed them, we boofed at them, and placed our hands and faces up against the fence and the tigers spoke to us, it was amazing!
One of the most awesome experiences of my life! Felines are so amazing! After we were done playing with Rajah and Rani, Patti moved us all to Simba and Cici's enclosure, and we all got to take really good pictures of Simba because he was then put into a separate area where he pretty much schmoozed everyone. Apparently, he's a big baby, and is in love with attention. Which, by the way, for a gigantic Barbary Lion is hysterical. He was quite talkative, too, responding in whatever noise he could to what Patti was saying... So cool...
But after that... after that, the tour ended, and we had to leave...
And it was sad...
I didn't like leaving...
But Patti said that we should call next time, and be Zoo Keepers for a day, which would be amazing - since that's what I"m planning on doing as my career anyway. So, now I have her business card, which she said I could have, a bright green and white Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo T-Shirt, a plush cat, a magnet, and over 800 pictures...
After the zoo, and after eating at a nearby place - where I got steak, which was the worst steak I got on the trip... much too much pepper - we drove to Louisiana... We scheduled a Ghost Tour for six o'clock, however, we left lunch/dinner around 4 thirty and we wound up getting into Louisiana at 6:20-ish. Unfortunately, I had to call the tour place and cancel it, which meant I didn't get to see my ghostie locations. That's alright, I guess, I mean, it's not like I won't be traveling there again.
Once we arrived in Louisiana, we went immediately to our Bed and Breakfast which was called Chez Ellie Marie, and is run by Jon and Edwina Figaro. We dropped all of our stuff off there, got a brief tour and had a sit down chat with the both of them for about twenty to thirty minutes.
It was a great conversation, topics ranged from morals and respect to the Zulu coconuts (Edwina's father was a high ranking member, I think she said - they paint coconuts and throw them at people during Mardi Gras. They don't throw them anymore, they caused physical pain or something, who knew?) We also spoke about what we were doing in Louisiana, what we did in Alabama, the tours we were going to take, and then I stopped listening to what Edwina, Liz and Sibling were saying because Jon came back with directions on how to use the trolley and how to get to the French Quarter.
After that, we asked about where we could eat. Just down the street a little bit, there was a place, so, we ate there. It was called La Granada, and it was delicious! I had a lamb shank. Liz said I ordered it because I like to say shank. That is false, it was because I didn't want to get the steak... because lamb was on the menu, and I often do not get the option for lamb, so, when the option was offered, I chose it.
After we ate, we went back to Chez Ellie Marie and slept... except I went on a crazy rant about how Hoo doo heard about a whole bunch in the Louisiana area... So, I creeped myself, Liz and Sibling out with that. It was awesome. Now, we sleep.
We drove for about twelve minutes before pulling up to the small enclosure area, and in my head I was thinking 'it looks bigger on TV'. Sibling merely said "this is it...?" So, I ignored the size of the zoo, since I already knew what was inside and that it had to be a bit larger on the inside, we walked inside and told the woman behind the counter that we had scheduled a meeting with Patti Hall, the director. Patti had just gotten to the zoo, and was in a meeting though, so the woman behind the counter said we could just walk around the zoo ourselves and then if we didn't bump into Patti around there, she'd be by the gift shop later.
So, we did just that. Walking around the first things we saw were the lemurs on Lemur Island. They don't have a fence around Lemur Island, it's just an island... Lemurs don't like water, so they stay on the land. After the lemurs, we crossed a little bridge thing, two our left side -while on the bridge- was a turtle, and on our right were three alligators. Then we made a sharp left to look at Lemur Island some more and some ducks... and a swan named Romeo [who on the Series is a jerk...] after that I saw a bear, but I didn't know if it was Milley or Buddha, the two resident Black bears, so we went closer to them and took some pictures of them. After that, we went through the -what I am going to call- the Aviatrix, which housed about twenty or so exotic birds. The strangest one was the Coocoobara, they make a strange noise - I had seen one before on Jimmy Fallon's new show.
We left the birds, and then saw some kind of...deer thing.... I don't know, but Liz pet it. Then I moved on and took a picture of a peacock and then I took a picture of Lady (a lioness) and then I saw some coatimundis (coati), but they were sort of sleeping so I really couldn't see them. And then I saw some capuchin monkeys one was Michael, one was Crunch and the other was Kunda... she was blonde... I'd never seen him before... And then I bypassed the goats and the deer and the llama looking things and the emu bird and went toward Chuckie, a gigantic alligator. I took two pictures of him him. Did you know, that during Hurricane Ivan (the first hurricane the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo went through, Chuckie was lost! He was later found and such, but, boy, that's scary...)
After Chuckie, we moved and then I saw Rajah and Rani, a white tiger and a 'regular' tiger. Cool stories to follow... Anyway, Liz and I tried to boof them over to us, which is pretty much what it sounds like when you say it out loud. But like 'BoOoOoooOooffuh'. With those inflections and things, too. After those tigers, I continued along and found Umba, Mandril Baboon. After Umba, I saw Katrina and Chaca, two spotted black leopards. Then I walked further on that path and saw some wallabys, and I snagged some pictures of them. Then I meandered on over to where Simba and Cici, the two Barbary lions that the zoo has. They're awesome... except Barbary lions are extinct in the wild, and Simba is completely amazing, and everyone wants a piece of him for their zoo, so that should give the Little Zoo That Could some more publicity.
Then, as we finished up the circle, walking back up to the entrance, Patti Hall waved at me, and I waved back and I said, "Liz! Patti Hall is waving to me! How did she knows it was us? Do we dress funny? It's because we're from Jersey? Patti Hall is psychic!" She then greeted us and my party and the couple people that came on the tour with us. Then, we spoke for a few moments and then moved to go and watch some ghost tigers (there's only thirty in the whole world, and the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo has two, it's a double recessive gene...) get their nails clipped. It was cute, they were growling a little bit.. adorable - I got to pet one.
Then Patti led us to a large cage, with two special needs Capuchin monkeys inside: Trey and Lulu. Trey did not want to come out and play, but Lulu sure did. In fact, as soon as the cage door opened, she was out onto Patti's arm and then onto my shoulder and then my dome. Needless to say, I'm glad and proud and stuff to be the first person not zoo related to have had been jumped on. Anyway, Lulu jumped around for a good twenty to thirty minutes, cameras flashing all around, but she mainly kept to my neck, camera and head, Liz's face, Sibling's arms and Mother's shoulder...once. Lulu had a strange habit of jumping from a strange woman beside me to the cage, wrapping her tail around my neck to turn and then swinging herself into the bushes behind me... It was so cool to see, I tell you what...
After we put Lulu back in the box with Trey, we moved on to the back lot area where we followed Patti and saw an older Capuchin monkey pair. I clearly saw that the male older capuchin monkeys are in fact, obnoxious 'butt holes'. The female was lovely, all calm and peaceful... she did, however, steal the piece of fruit the male worked so hard to throw things around to get... Ah well... After that we saw a male peacock and a female peahen standoff! Patti called it a 'Mexican Standoff', so I'm telling you, the reader.... yeah.
Oh! My! GOSH! After that we went inside this little area house place where all the food is prepared, and I saw the meat delivery, a box was labeled 'neck' and another 'wing', Patti said that the meat was cut up into quarters, and then she opened up another little room that looked like it was made out of thin pieces of wood... Yeah, painted black... with a door. We kicked off our shoes, and then hopped in a room with three baby kangaroos! One was eight months old, another was seven months old and the other was six months old. The five month old was feeling a little bit sickly, so was unable to join the others and us in the visitor area. So, I held .... Liz and I and Sibling held a baby kangaroo, her name was [still is, but we're not there anymore, so it's past tense] Matilda, they called her Tilly. And then after that, I put my shoes back on, cleaned my hands and then Patti was like "I'm gonna do something else with you guys."
Liz and I were shocked and amazing, more things to do! Inconceivable! So then she finally let the cat out of the bag, what're we going to do? Feed some tigers! See? Remember when I said that there would be some more fun stories to tell? I told you! Yes, Sibling, Liz and I all bottle fed milk to a tiger. Sibling fed Salt, who was placed with Pepper in their own enclosure. While Liz and I fed Rajah and Rani, in another enclosure. After each time we fed them, we boofed at them, and placed our hands and faces up against the fence and the tigers spoke to us, it was amazing!
One of the most awesome experiences of my life! Felines are so amazing! After we were done playing with Rajah and Rani, Patti moved us all to Simba and Cici's enclosure, and we all got to take really good pictures of Simba because he was then put into a separate area where he pretty much schmoozed everyone. Apparently, he's a big baby, and is in love with attention. Which, by the way, for a gigantic Barbary Lion is hysterical. He was quite talkative, too, responding in whatever noise he could to what Patti was saying... So cool...
But after that... after that, the tour ended, and we had to leave...
And it was sad...
I didn't like leaving...
But Patti said that we should call next time, and be Zoo Keepers for a day, which would be amazing - since that's what I"m planning on doing as my career anyway. So, now I have her business card, which she said I could have, a bright green and white Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo T-Shirt, a plush cat, a magnet, and over 800 pictures...
After the zoo, and after eating at a nearby place - where I got steak, which was the worst steak I got on the trip... much too much pepper - we drove to Louisiana... We scheduled a Ghost Tour for six o'clock, however, we left lunch/dinner around 4 thirty and we wound up getting into Louisiana at 6:20-ish. Unfortunately, I had to call the tour place and cancel it, which meant I didn't get to see my ghostie locations. That's alright, I guess, I mean, it's not like I won't be traveling there again.
Once we arrived in Louisiana, we went immediately to our Bed and Breakfast which was called Chez Ellie Marie, and is run by Jon and Edwina Figaro. We dropped all of our stuff off there, got a brief tour and had a sit down chat with the both of them for about twenty to thirty minutes.
It was a great conversation, topics ranged from morals and respect to the Zulu coconuts (Edwina's father was a high ranking member, I think she said - they paint coconuts and throw them at people during Mardi Gras. They don't throw them anymore, they caused physical pain or something, who knew?) We also spoke about what we were doing in Louisiana, what we did in Alabama, the tours we were going to take, and then I stopped listening to what Edwina, Liz and Sibling were saying because Jon came back with directions on how to use the trolley and how to get to the French Quarter.
After that, we asked about where we could eat. Just down the street a little bit, there was a place, so, we ate there. It was called La Granada, and it was delicious! I had a lamb shank. Liz said I ordered it because I like to say shank. That is false, it was because I didn't want to get the steak... because lamb was on the menu, and I often do not get the option for lamb, so, when the option was offered, I chose it.
After we ate, we went back to Chez Ellie Marie and slept... except I went on a crazy rant about how Hoo doo heard about a whole bunch in the Louisiana area... So, I creeped myself, Liz and Sibling out with that. It was awesome. Now, we sleep.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring Break: The Awakening
Today I didn't wake up until 9:25, and it was glorious! When I finally did wake up, I got a shower and then I heated up some of the meaty beef tip things that I didn't eat last night - I had those for breakfast, and a roll... and also a brownie. By that time it was eleven o'clock and Mother said we needed to get me sunglasses because we could be on a boat, and with the sudden bright and beautiful day, well, the sun would be quite loud in my eyes. So, we went to a place called Alvin's Island and I got a pair of sunglasses and Mother got her hat... And Sibling got a cup, and we all got Henna type things. Mother, Sibling and I got matching lizards on our arms, I'll show you a picture.
So, after we left we drove to Flipper 2, a place where we would be Dolphin Watching. When we got there, we all got free ice cream from a place called Flippers Seafood & Oysterbar and then we were all told to get on the boat. So, we got on the boat and went all the way to the front, which is called the bow. When Richard who was our Captain pulled out of the dock, we clambered up from the hull area and onto the top portion and pretended we were on Titanic... except for the sinking and the death and the "Don't let go, Jack!"
But it was amazing, the weather was beautiful, the sky was clear blue and the water bluish looking and amazing, totally amazing. I saw probably nine pods of dolphins or so, and took about 60 some pictures... because I brought the lesser of my two memory cards... not even a whole gig... So, we rode it out for two hours and it was an awesome time. Then we ate at the place we got the free ice cream at and I got steak. It was pretty good, not as good as Calypso Joe's, but still really good.
After that, we came back to the hotel and I took a nap. It was great. It was such a fantastic day. Tomorrow, we go to the zoo - I'm so excited! Here's some of what I saw today!

So, after we left we drove to Flipper 2, a place where we would be Dolphin Watching. When we got there, we all got free ice cream from a place called Flippers Seafood & Oysterbar and then we were all told to get on the boat. So, we got on the boat and went all the way to the front, which is called the bow. When Richard who was our Captain pulled out of the dock, we clambered up from the hull area and onto the top portion and pretended we were on Titanic... except for the sinking and the death and the "Don't let go, Jack!"
But it was amazing, the weather was beautiful, the sky was clear blue and the water bluish looking and amazing, totally amazing. I saw probably nine pods of dolphins or so, and took about 60 some pictures... because I brought the lesser of my two memory cards... not even a whole gig... So, we rode it out for two hours and it was an awesome time. Then we ate at the place we got the free ice cream at and I got steak. It was pretty good, not as good as Calypso Joe's, but still really good.
After that, we came back to the hotel and I took a nap. It was great. It was such a fantastic day. Tomorrow, we go to the zoo - I'm so excited! Here's some of what I saw today!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Spring Break: The Downpour
My eyes opened today for the first time at approximately 6:30 in the morning to Sibling and Mother laughing and talking about nothing really in particular, and then I don't know ht really happened, I must've fallen back to sleep because again at 7:20-ish, I hear Mother almost trip over the sundries bag that is laying on the floor... Why they woke up so ungodly early was and is beyond me, but I've grown to accept that they are strange people.
Anyway, after they were loud, those two got breakfast and eventually roped Liz into going on a morning beach walk. I declined, and decided to sleep for an extra twenty to thirty minutes. I obviously needed it. I still nee more sleep, I'm very tired. I'm anticipating sleep this evening, very much. Anyway! After they all came back from their walk, I ate breakfast... a bagel and some cream cheese and I called the zoo I mentioned in the post below this one. They were closed for a little while today because of the rain. So, that's when we discovered the rain. Luckily, we had a whole bunch of brochures and looked at them and decided to go into Mobile, Alabama for the day.
So, we drove to Mobile and went to the Museum of Mobile where we learned about slavery in the town of Mobile and life 'way back when'. Also, we discovered that when Mother, Sibling, Liz and I are placed in a room all by ourselves with children's activities, we will indulge ourselves. For instance, there was an activity that required teamwork to make an archway and a keystone type of project... we did that, then, Sibling organized the fake fish while Mother and I organized the fake vegetable and fruit displays on the fake market street. Then, right before the group of young children came in, we wrote all over the already written on white boards things about how New Jersey is the best, and how 'we were here'.
Then we went upstairs where we saw a whole bunch of Mardi Gras things. I learned that different towns have different colors for their parades and such. Purple is for power, green is for pride and gold is for wealth, or something... Then we messed with some buttons that made some very loud noises, such as bombs... True story, I blew up an entire facility with the click of a red button, I'll show you on the pictures. It told us about an explosion in a munitions factory a couple days/weeks after a war ended. Then we found the reason we came to the museum: Pirates! There, we learned about piracy and different stories on pirates and different trade routes they terrorized, and I learned how to tie a Reef Knot and I found buried treasure that I had to throw back into the the little sand box... Good times. Then we moved into a room with five miniature houses, which were beautiful! They're on Sibling's camera, because her's takes better pictures like that - pictures through plastic... mine has a terrible glare. [ I plan on making the houses in The Sims, they're going to be awesome!]
During that, however, Liz got a phone call from Patti Hall, the director of the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo and we are going to actually see her on Wednesday around eleven, I think... I think that's the plan that's going on. I'm so excited! Anyway, after the little houses, we moved the to gift shop and picked up a few things, for instance, where to go for food, since we were about to eat a person.
The kindly old woman directed us to Three Georges, where we can, in fact eat one of six real food options. I'm not knocking it, it was tasty. Not somewhere I'd recommend if you're hungry enough to eat someone though, and, as stated above - we were. No matter. After we ate, we drove through more rain, and decided to go to the Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center. It's a hands on, play with science and stuff place. I thought it would be "oh, look, a sand box".
No, this place was awesome. We walked in, and bought tickets and stuff and then met this woman whose name might have been Jennifer, who was a splendid woman who once upon a time lived in Jersey. She gave us little credit card looking things that we used to go around the main floor of the place and do all kinds of fun activities with. We placed the card into the machine of our choice and did the activity, like stand on a platform and a tube thing squirted out fake blood into a bigger tube thing and it measured how much blood was in you depending on how much you weighed... or something, I didn't really read it, I just thought it was interesting that someone decided "Hey, let's manufacture something that looks like a bleeding garden house and say let's make it educational." And another thing we did was looks at pig lungs, and we also saw a cow's eye and I made a skeleton move via excise bike, and I listened to my pulse with a microphone stethoscope, and also my reflex thing is about 21 - 25 hundredths of a second!
Oh My GOSH! JEREALITY! YOU'RE A SPEED DEMON! I know that's what you're thinking, and yes, you're right. I am. Now, if you could please not interrupt, I'd be glad to continue on with my story.
After we - OH WAIT! I did surgery. I did some virtual knee surgery, my patient survived, naturally. Anyway, after we demolished that floor with our excellence, we decided to grace the floor of the second with our presence. And grace it we did! I'm glad we did, too - that floor was amazing! First, I wasn't impressed, because I saw microscopes. And I was like ".......[dramatic pause].......NO!" and then I sat down on a chair, then Liz sat down beside me, and I turned and looked at her and went "Dissecting microscope?" and then I left after some words were exchanged.
Mother and I then moved to this thing that was strange looking, and actually, I don't remember actually what happened in the three to seven minutes I wandered around aimlessly, lost in the abyss of my mind whilst the people around me did their science. No, really, though. I don't remember what happened, but suddenly I remember standing next to Liz and seeing Mother materializing into space on a small tv screen in front of me. It was pretty neat. We played around with the TV screen thing for a little bit before we went our separate ways, Liz and Sibling doing something with making fish while Mother and I went and took a picture of our heat reflections and went to go play with electricity.
After that we all played with magnets. And then we played with dinosaurs and scenes and stuff... I felt like HalfCyborg for a good twenty minutes, with all the stop motion, it was intense! I'm not going to put my masterpiece up here because it's a grand total of four seconds long with a six second introduction. And then all of a sudden a woman came around and said "we're about to close in ten minutes"
"....what? O_o"
I was having so much fun, and she had to come along and ruin it with her closing times. (-_-) Meanie. So then we left, and went back to the van and drove back to the hotel. Well, no... we drove in the direction we thought the hotel was in. See, when you go West to originally go to a location, you then can't go west to get back to the starting point, you need to go east. Didn't get the memo for this trip...
So, we're driving, and running out of gas and suddenly, we're where we've never been before. "Barbie's dreamhouse land", as Liz just called it. I have a picture, so you'll believe me. So, we turned around from there, and then drove some more, mostly looking for a gas station as we were on E. So, we drove for a few minutes when all of a sudden shouts of "WHOOOO!!!!!! NEW JERSEYY!!!!!!" A chorus, actually. Naturally, we're all shocked and we look to our left, there's a jeep looking car truck thing... I don't know, but it was filled to maximum capacity and then some with guys whooping and shouting and dancing about how we were from Jersey. Made my night. We left them, because they followed us for a while, we called them the Stalker boys, and then got some gas for the car...
THEN we went to the hotel. Then we decided we would go and get some food. However, the world decided against that. The world plotted against us and said "NO! NO YOU WILL NOT EAT THIS EVENING! EVERYONE SHALL EAT BUT YOU!" And I said "but, but World, please, we're but lowly travelers on the great expanse that is you..." and World replied in a deep billowy voice "NO! NO ONE IN YOUR VEHICLE SHALL EAT THIS EVENING FROM A RESTAURANT! IF YOU EAT TONIGHT YOU WILL SUFFER!" And I said nothing.
Four times we drove up and down the stretch of road. Twice across a bridge. Twice into a parking lot. Once we pulled into the final parking lot and looked at our destination, 'Brunos: Supermarket', we knew that our restaurant outing was destroyed. So, we walked in, grabbed two bowls of macaroni and cheese, one for me and one for Liz, Mother and Sibling grabbed a pulled pork thing to share and I also was given some sort of meat thing because I vowed to have steak every night this evening.
I inhaled the macaroni and cheese. I feel horrible. We also bought ice cream, pound cake and a cookie cake, which I have just eaten a piece of... I'm going to die much faster than expected. Also, I now have a midnight bed time. Which is closing in fast! Good thing I ended the day already, eh?
It rained. All. Day. Long.
Time for pictures!

Anyway, after they were loud, those two got breakfast and eventually roped Liz into going on a morning beach walk. I declined, and decided to sleep for an extra twenty to thirty minutes. I obviously needed it. I still nee more sleep, I'm very tired. I'm anticipating sleep this evening, very much. Anyway! After they all came back from their walk, I ate breakfast... a bagel and some cream cheese and I called the zoo I mentioned in the post below this one. They were closed for a little while today because of the rain. So, that's when we discovered the rain. Luckily, we had a whole bunch of brochures and looked at them and decided to go into Mobile, Alabama for the day.
So, we drove to Mobile and went to the Museum of Mobile where we learned about slavery in the town of Mobile and life 'way back when'. Also, we discovered that when Mother, Sibling, Liz and I are placed in a room all by ourselves with children's activities, we will indulge ourselves. For instance, there was an activity that required teamwork to make an archway and a keystone type of project... we did that, then, Sibling organized the fake fish while Mother and I organized the fake vegetable and fruit displays on the fake market street. Then, right before the group of young children came in, we wrote all over the already written on white boards things about how New Jersey is the best, and how 'we were here'.
Then we went upstairs where we saw a whole bunch of Mardi Gras things. I learned that different towns have different colors for their parades and such. Purple is for power, green is for pride and gold is for wealth, or something... Then we messed with some buttons that made some very loud noises, such as bombs... True story, I blew up an entire facility with the click of a red button, I'll show you on the pictures. It told us about an explosion in a munitions factory a couple days/weeks after a war ended. Then we found the reason we came to the museum: Pirates! There, we learned about piracy and different stories on pirates and different trade routes they terrorized, and I learned how to tie a Reef Knot and I found buried treasure that I had to throw back into the the little sand box... Good times. Then we moved into a room with five miniature houses, which were beautiful! They're on Sibling's camera, because her's takes better pictures like that - pictures through plastic... mine has a terrible glare. [ I plan on making the houses in The Sims, they're going to be awesome!]
During that, however, Liz got a phone call from Patti Hall, the director of the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo and we are going to actually see her on Wednesday around eleven, I think... I think that's the plan that's going on. I'm so excited! Anyway, after the little houses, we moved the to gift shop and picked up a few things, for instance, where to go for food, since we were about to eat a person.
The kindly old woman directed us to Three Georges, where we can, in fact eat one of six real food options. I'm not knocking it, it was tasty. Not somewhere I'd recommend if you're hungry enough to eat someone though, and, as stated above - we were. No matter. After we ate, we drove through more rain, and decided to go to the Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center. It's a hands on, play with science and stuff place. I thought it would be "oh, look, a sand box".
No, this place was awesome. We walked in, and bought tickets and stuff and then met this woman whose name might have been Jennifer, who was a splendid woman who once upon a time lived in Jersey. She gave us little credit card looking things that we used to go around the main floor of the place and do all kinds of fun activities with. We placed the card into the machine of our choice and did the activity, like stand on a platform and a tube thing squirted out fake blood into a bigger tube thing and it measured how much blood was in you depending on how much you weighed... or something, I didn't really read it, I just thought it was interesting that someone decided "Hey, let's manufacture something that looks like a bleeding garden house and say let's make it educational." And another thing we did was looks at pig lungs, and we also saw a cow's eye and I made a skeleton move via excise bike, and I listened to my pulse with a microphone stethoscope, and also my reflex thing is about 21 - 25 hundredths of a second!
Oh My GOSH! JEREALITY! YOU'RE A SPEED DEMON! I know that's what you're thinking, and yes, you're right. I am. Now, if you could please not interrupt, I'd be glad to continue on with my story.
After we - OH WAIT! I did surgery. I did some virtual knee surgery, my patient survived, naturally. Anyway, after we demolished that floor with our excellence, we decided to grace the floor of the second with our presence. And grace it we did! I'm glad we did, too - that floor was amazing! First, I wasn't impressed, because I saw microscopes. And I was like ".......[dramatic pause].......NO!" and then I sat down on a chair, then Liz sat down beside me, and I turned and looked at her and went "Dissecting microscope?" and then I left after some words were exchanged.
Mother and I then moved to this thing that was strange looking, and actually, I don't remember actually what happened in the three to seven minutes I wandered around aimlessly, lost in the abyss of my mind whilst the people around me did their science. No, really, though. I don't remember what happened, but suddenly I remember standing next to Liz and seeing Mother materializing into space on a small tv screen in front of me. It was pretty neat. We played around with the TV screen thing for a little bit before we went our separate ways, Liz and Sibling doing something with making fish while Mother and I went and took a picture of our heat reflections and went to go play with electricity.
After that we all played with magnets. And then we played with dinosaurs and scenes and stuff... I felt like HalfCyborg for a good twenty minutes, with all the stop motion, it was intense! I'm not going to put my masterpiece up here because it's a grand total of four seconds long with a six second introduction. And then all of a sudden a woman came around and said "we're about to close in ten minutes"
"....what? O_o"
I was having so much fun, and she had to come along and ruin it with her closing times. (-_-) Meanie. So then we left, and went back to the van and drove back to the hotel. Well, no... we drove in the direction we thought the hotel was in. See, when you go West to originally go to a location, you then can't go west to get back to the starting point, you need to go east. Didn't get the memo for this trip...
So, we're driving, and running out of gas and suddenly, we're where we've never been before. "Barbie's dreamhouse land", as Liz just called it. I have a picture, so you'll believe me. So, we turned around from there, and then drove some more, mostly looking for a gas station as we were on E. So, we drove for a few minutes when all of a sudden shouts of "WHOOOO!!!!!! NEW JERSEYY!!!!!!" A chorus, actually. Naturally, we're all shocked and we look to our left, there's a jeep looking car truck thing... I don't know, but it was filled to maximum capacity and then some with guys whooping and shouting and dancing about how we were from Jersey. Made my night. We left them, because they followed us for a while, we called them the Stalker boys, and then got some gas for the car...
THEN we went to the hotel. Then we decided we would go and get some food. However, the world decided against that. The world plotted against us and said "NO! NO YOU WILL NOT EAT THIS EVENING! EVERYONE SHALL EAT BUT YOU!" And I said "but, but World, please, we're but lowly travelers on the great expanse that is you..." and World replied in a deep billowy voice "NO! NO ONE IN YOUR VEHICLE SHALL EAT THIS EVENING FROM A RESTAURANT! IF YOU EAT TONIGHT YOU WILL SUFFER!" And I said nothing.
Four times we drove up and down the stretch of road. Twice across a bridge. Twice into a parking lot. Once we pulled into the final parking lot and looked at our destination, 'Brunos: Supermarket', we knew that our restaurant outing was destroyed. So, we walked in, grabbed two bowls of macaroni and cheese, one for me and one for Liz, Mother and Sibling grabbed a pulled pork thing to share and I also was given some sort of meat thing because I vowed to have steak every night this evening.
I inhaled the macaroni and cheese. I feel horrible. We also bought ice cream, pound cake and a cookie cake, which I have just eaten a piece of... I'm going to die much faster than expected. Also, I now have a midnight bed time. Which is closing in fast! Good thing I ended the day already, eh?
It rained. All. Day. Long.
Time for pictures!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Spring Break: The Beginnings
-BOOM BOOM- "Everyone, RUN!" -insert screams here- "It's gaining on us!" -fade to black
[Voiceover: They thought it would be a normal Spring Break Vacation, little did they know what they were really getting into. Jereality, Mother, Sibling and Liz on a drive from Jersey to Alabama... this, this is their story]
At nine o'clock Saturday morning, March 14th, Mother came to my room and woke me up. It was time to get the rental van. The rental van is a 2009 Town and Country, I think and it's got all kinds of bells and whistles and such... to the point Sibling and Liz don't even have to open the doors manually, they just have to click a button also... Satalite radio, which is sort of fun to play with when I'm not making everyone listen to my iPod. Anyway, we all piled into the van after packing everything. The contents of our Rent-A-Van include a leather computer bag which stores my life, my clothes bag, Liz's clothes bag, Mother's clothes bag, Sibling's clothes bag, a large cooler, a small cooler... Also, Mother's got a purse, Sibling's got a purse and I have another amazing computer bag with a little robot on it.
After we piled in we drove a few minutes to get to Father's place of work where we received from him four turkey sandwiches and a container of brownies. We said our good byes, and on the adventure we began. We drove through south, through New Jersey on various versions of I-85, through Delaware, AROUND Washington DC because it's painful to navigate there, then Maryland, Virginia, a little bit of West Virginia I think, and then through North and South Carolina.
Meanwhile, it's raining buckets and we're on a major artery, all around people who think they're the only ones on the road. It was crazy. I had to turn up the volume and stuff on the radio so we (Mother and I) could stay awake, because by this time it was 3 in the morning and we had been driving for 12 hours.
So, when we get into Georgia we decided we'd stay at some hotel for the night. We did, which was great because we all needed proper sleep since one of my favorite quotes from the ride is [Me: "Hey!";;; Mother: "I was just resting them!"]
We got to the hotel there, and Liz and I are all giggly because it is now four thirty in the morning and that's what happens when we stay up all day. Except Liz and Sibling slept the whole ride.... Liz also got up at one in the afternoon... Regardless, we were all quite sleepy. So, we got all of our things and made our way up to our room in a hotel that looked like the inside of a bee hive. I swear, I thought the Queen Bee would pop out of a room and start shooing away little copies...
This morning, around 9 in the morning again, Mother woke me up... It was time for breakfast. I had steak and eggs. It was delicious. After that, we had some drama checking out of the hotel and getting our vehicle out of the mandatory valet parking. After all of that happened, we restocked our vehicle with all of our belongings and drove some more - we were on the road by one. From Georgia we went straight for Alabama. Which was great. By 6 we were in Alabama near our hotel area.
Cool thing that happened at one of the stop lights here... A car pulled up next to us, and our windows are rolled down because the weather in Alabama is awesome, and a woman goes "Hey, ya'll just drive down from New Jersey?" and we were all "yeah!" and we had an entire conversation for a good three hundred feet after the light turned green, going the same speed about where we were going. It was very nice, quite hospitable.
Finally, we found our hotel... it's right before a place called Souvenir City... The fireman we asked said if we passed that, we'd gone too far.... He was right. So, we all got into our hotel... it's the smallest hotel in the line of hotels along the beach. Also, it's pink. Also, I have to share a bed. I'm not good with sharing. Whatever, at least I'm here, and having an awesome time so far.
After we dumped our stuff into the room, we decided to ask our concierge front-desk man to see what we should do about food for dinner. He sent us to a place called Calypso Joe's , so, we went there. It was muggy out, a little, so we sat outside because inside would have bee even worse. Especially since it's Spring Break everywhere and the stupid people are out to play. Especially the people with children who have no control over them. The parental advising pretty much went like this:
Parent: Sit down, or else!
Child: Hmm...
Parent: Hmm, Sit down.
Child: Hmm, No.
Something that pretty much went along the basis of if you don't come here now, I'm going to call you to come here again. It was ridiculous. I'm kind of upset that I'm not young enough to act the way I do in front of the parents who let their children run a muck. Anyway, dinner was great... I had steak again. I'm big into meat.
Later, we contemplated dining and ditching (we didn't) and then came back to the hotel and grabbed some brochures for the following couple of days before we move along to Louisiana.
So, at the moment, it is eleven:eleven in Alabama at home, it is 12:11 ... I should be getting some sleep tomorrow. We're going to the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo tomorrow - it's pretty much the thing that sparked the vacation, then it just kind of morphed into this big amazing fun time happy adventure.
More to come at a later date. Now, for some pictures!

[Voiceover: They thought it would be a normal Spring Break Vacation, little did they know what they were really getting into. Jereality, Mother, Sibling and Liz on a drive from Jersey to Alabama... this, this is their story]
At nine o'clock Saturday morning, March 14th, Mother came to my room and woke me up. It was time to get the rental van. The rental van is a 2009 Town and Country, I think and it's got all kinds of bells and whistles and such... to the point Sibling and Liz don't even have to open the doors manually, they just have to click a button also... Satalite radio, which is sort of fun to play with when I'm not making everyone listen to my iPod. Anyway, we all piled into the van after packing everything. The contents of our Rent-A-Van include a leather computer bag which stores my life, my clothes bag, Liz's clothes bag, Mother's clothes bag, Sibling's clothes bag, a large cooler, a small cooler... Also, Mother's got a purse, Sibling's got a purse and I have another amazing computer bag with a little robot on it.
After we piled in we drove a few minutes to get to Father's place of work where we received from him four turkey sandwiches and a container of brownies. We said our good byes, and on the adventure we began. We drove through south, through New Jersey on various versions of I-85, through Delaware, AROUND Washington DC because it's painful to navigate there, then Maryland, Virginia, a little bit of West Virginia I think, and then through North and South Carolina.
Meanwhile, it's raining buckets and we're on a major artery, all around people who think they're the only ones on the road. It was crazy. I had to turn up the volume and stuff on the radio so we (Mother and I) could stay awake, because by this time it was 3 in the morning and we had been driving for 12 hours.
So, when we get into Georgia we decided we'd stay at some hotel for the night. We did, which was great because we all needed proper sleep since one of my favorite quotes from the ride is [Me: "Hey!";;; Mother: "I was just resting them!"]
We got to the hotel there, and Liz and I are all giggly because it is now four thirty in the morning and that's what happens when we stay up all day. Except Liz and Sibling slept the whole ride.... Liz also got up at one in the afternoon... Regardless, we were all quite sleepy. So, we got all of our things and made our way up to our room in a hotel that looked like the inside of a bee hive. I swear, I thought the Queen Bee would pop out of a room and start shooing away little copies...
This morning, around 9 in the morning again, Mother woke me up... It was time for breakfast. I had steak and eggs. It was delicious. After that, we had some drama checking out of the hotel and getting our vehicle out of the mandatory valet parking. After all of that happened, we restocked our vehicle with all of our belongings and drove some more - we were on the road by one. From Georgia we went straight for Alabama. Which was great. By 6 we were in Alabama near our hotel area.
Cool thing that happened at one of the stop lights here... A car pulled up next to us, and our windows are rolled down because the weather in Alabama is awesome, and a woman goes "Hey, ya'll just drive down from New Jersey?" and we were all "yeah!" and we had an entire conversation for a good three hundred feet after the light turned green, going the same speed about where we were going. It was very nice, quite hospitable.
Finally, we found our hotel... it's right before a place called Souvenir City... The fireman we asked said if we passed that, we'd gone too far.... He was right. So, we all got into our hotel... it's the smallest hotel in the line of hotels along the beach. Also, it's pink. Also, I have to share a bed. I'm not good with sharing. Whatever, at least I'm here, and having an awesome time so far.
After we dumped our stuff into the room, we decided to ask our concierge front-desk man to see what we should do about food for dinner. He sent us to a place called Calypso Joe's , so, we went there. It was muggy out, a little, so we sat outside because inside would have bee even worse. Especially since it's Spring Break everywhere and the stupid people are out to play. Especially the people with children who have no control over them. The parental advising pretty much went like this:
Parent: Sit down, or else!
Child: Hmm...
Parent: Hmm, Sit down.
Child: Hmm, No.
Something that pretty much went along the basis of if you don't come here now, I'm going to call you to come here again. It was ridiculous. I'm kind of upset that I'm not young enough to act the way I do in front of the parents who let their children run a muck. Anyway, dinner was great... I had steak again. I'm big into meat.
Later, we contemplated dining and ditching (we didn't) and then came back to the hotel and grabbed some brochures for the following couple of days before we move along to Louisiana.
So, at the moment, it is eleven:eleven in Alabama at home, it is 12:11 ... I should be getting some sleep tomorrow. We're going to the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo tomorrow - it's pretty much the thing that sparked the vacation, then it just kind of morphed into this big amazing fun time happy adventure.
More to come at a later date. Now, for some pictures!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Dreams and Medieval Times
I love Medieval Times. Over this weekend, I went over to Liz's house rather than going to my house - which is okay, since I was going to stay at the school anyway. So, we took the train there... You know, the train that I take to go home on the weekends? Well, we took that train to where I usually stop, which is six dollars total, then we moved to take a train to Trenton... which was nine dollars, but I had to pay for Liz, 'cause she lost her money [which we later found in her glasses case], so that was nineteen... Then we stopped at that station and walked around all confused-like before we found where needed to go. What we did not know was that we needed to buy tickets. We found out because the conductor man came around and was all "boarding pass?" and Liz and I looked at each other and then back at him, to which he went as he scruntched his face "you don't have the tickets...?" "No..." "Oh, well that's five dollars extra... So...that's thirty five dollars"
Luckily, I took out sixty for this adventure, and had enough to cover it. Phew.
Then we were picked up by Liz's father, and taken to his house. Then, that night we went to a basketball game. Now, I know exactly what you are thinking. "Jereality? Basketball game? Whaaaaat?" Yes, I went to the basketball game of Liz's high school and some other team. They lost, though...37 -41. We stayed there the night and Liz got her new computer since her original one sort of died in her lap.... It was depressing, really... Anyway, she got her new laptop and things were well and good. Then, we went to Liz's mom's house and such and then I slept.
The next morning, we went to Liz's youngest sister's basketball game. Now, I know what you're thinking "Another basketball game?!" Yes, another game. After that, we went [oh, those Lucky Leprachans won their basketball game - that's the youngest sister's team] After that we went back to Liz's mom's house and had grilled cheese and then I think I took a nap... And then when I woke up we went to Medieval Times! It was so much fun!
We rooted for red and yellow, it was so awesome! I ate half a chicken there, and a rib and a potato and some soup and two pieces of garlic bread [because there were extras]... Delicious... Ah, crazy... Awesome, awesome times. After that, we went back to Liz's house and watched some TV and then I slept. And I had the weirdest dream!
It started out with my uncle Jim talking to me about how my blog titles and then he left. So, me and Liz started to brainstorm ideas when Audrina came in the room said a few things and then was attacked by a dog thing! So me and Liz freak out and escape through the window. Audrina is dead for sure. So, me and Liz are looking up at the window and the dog thing is looking out of it, down at us... and it has a crazy Chesire cat smile and stared at us and then went back inside.
Then we go and look for help and find Dean Winchester, so we take him to the scene and there is no sign of anything. So, I turn to point to where something was and I look back and Dean is attacking Liz! So I picked up a book or a shoe or something [-it changed shape-] and turned back to look at Liz... but when I did, I saw that she didn't have any lips anymore and she was dead. I turned around again, to see Audrina's body behind a chair, again, no lips... So I looked for Dean but as I turned, he attacked me and I was thrown to the ground. He dropped beside me, his face changing shapes into my Uncle Jim and the dog thing and back to Dean. I hit him in the head, and then for some odd reason grabbed the skin on his face and started to pull it and he wound up looking the blue guy from those Ben Ten cartoons... Except he wasn't blue, but all red and covered in muscle and tissue and stuff...and his eyes were all bulgy and yellow...
And then I woke up... Yep.... That's about it...
Weirdest dream I've had this month...
I'll keep you filled in;;
Sweet Dreams and Pleasant Nightmares
Luckily, I took out sixty for this adventure, and had enough to cover it. Phew.
Then we were picked up by Liz's father, and taken to his house. Then, that night we went to a basketball game. Now, I know exactly what you are thinking. "Jereality? Basketball game? Whaaaaat?" Yes, I went to the basketball game of Liz's high school and some other team. They lost, though...37 -41. We stayed there the night and Liz got her new computer since her original one sort of died in her lap.... It was depressing, really... Anyway, she got her new laptop and things were well and good. Then, we went to Liz's mom's house and such and then I slept.
The next morning, we went to Liz's youngest sister's basketball game. Now, I know what you're thinking "Another basketball game?!" Yes, another game. After that, we went [oh, those Lucky Leprachans won their basketball game - that's the youngest sister's team] After that we went back to Liz's mom's house and had grilled cheese and then I think I took a nap... And then when I woke up we went to Medieval Times! It was so much fun!
We rooted for red and yellow, it was so awesome! I ate half a chicken there, and a rib and a potato and some soup and two pieces of garlic bread [because there were extras]... Delicious... Ah, crazy... Awesome, awesome times. After that, we went back to Liz's house and watched some TV and then I slept. And I had the weirdest dream!
It started out with my uncle Jim talking to me about how my blog titles and then he left. So, me and Liz started to brainstorm ideas when Audrina came in the room said a few things and then was attacked by a dog thing! So me and Liz freak out and escape through the window. Audrina is dead for sure. So, me and Liz are looking up at the window and the dog thing is looking out of it, down at us... and it has a crazy Chesire cat smile and stared at us and then went back inside.
Then we go and look for help and find Dean Winchester, so we take him to the scene and there is no sign of anything. So, I turn to point to where something was and I look back and Dean is attacking Liz! So I picked up a book or a shoe or something [-it changed shape-] and turned back to look at Liz... but when I did, I saw that she didn't have any lips anymore and she was dead. I turned around again, to see Audrina's body behind a chair, again, no lips... So I looked for Dean but as I turned, he attacked me and I was thrown to the ground. He dropped beside me, his face changing shapes into my Uncle Jim and the dog thing and back to Dean. I hit him in the head, and then for some odd reason grabbed the skin on his face and started to pull it and he wound up looking the blue guy from those Ben Ten cartoons... Except he wasn't blue, but all red and covered in muscle and tissue and stuff...and his eyes were all bulgy and yellow...
And then I woke up... Yep.... That's about it...
Weirdest dream I've had this month...
I'll keep you filled in;;
Sweet Dreams and Pleasant Nightmares
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