Saturday, December 31, 2005

Chair Withdrawl

Well, this is rather bizarre. It seems with the coming New Year, and lack of nice carpet under my chair...My perfectly fine, folding chair we got half off from some big store...means that I must use a new chair. Granted it's a swivel chair, and its got a huge-mongus seat, and a back, and it's padded. It's a very nice chair. Very comfy. But, alas, it is not my chair. I can just see it, my old chair sitting in Sister's room. Having dirty clothes, and god knows what else thrown on it. I am trying to ignore the shudder I just received typing that. Anyway, it may seem like a good idea to anyone else who enjoys the carpet of their room, but not to me. Yeah, the carpet where the chair has been sliding in and out is rather..."pathetic" looking. Yeah, it may seem a little "untidy" with the upturned carpet. But it's alright, it's okay. It's my room. And I like "bizarre", "untidy" carpet. But unfortunatly, the parentals think it is a much better idea to have the relativly new carpet in "good condition". So, with a great sigh, I sit in this comfortable chair, awaiting the plastic sheet that will cover up where the chair will swivvle. And, with another, lesser sigh, I bid farewell to my old Chair. You will never be forgotten.


Thursday, December 29, 2005

This Side

It's raining. And you're yelling. Why are you yelling? She has done nothing wrong, but you yell anyway. The self esteem she had just brought up to 3, has just dropped back to zero. You make it seem that we are infintile. We are not. We do not need to be asked 'Do you need me here to make sure you do it?'. This one question makes me feel the need to cry, and hurt you. I hope you're aware of that. I wonder if you can see how much you hurt her. I wonder if she can see how much she hurts you. I see it. I think I'm the only one who can. You both should see how you talk to one another. It always makes me want to cry. And I don't cry; which makes it worse. You both are tearing each other apart. I don't know how much longer I can take each of you. Yelling at each other, each making each other feel useless. It's not right.

I don't know what to do anymore

Maybe you both should look at yourselves from my point of view, on this side.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Trend Setters

I know this sign means something, but as I pass it, and turn into the opposite side of traffic, going the direction I was coming from. I just can't put my finger on it. Oh right! No U TURNS! Of course, everyone's doing it. Disobey the traffic signs to get somewhere. Everyone does it. The guy in front of us did it. The eight cars behind us followed suit.

Do you see that? Stree, curb grass, and then on the opposite side curb and then street? Well, not only did we ignore the U turn sign, prior to that sign, we ignored traffic regulations once again. Driving from one parking lot to another over the grass separater. Granted, we've done it twice in my life span of existance. It's also illegal. (Another) Granted, it's fun, and easy to accomplish. When one needs to make it to an opposite parking lot, I dosuggest this method.

*Disclaimer: I do not take responsablity if you get caught by the 'po-po'. Nor will I testify for you. This could all be a work of fiction. You don't know that. I do not take the law into my own hands often, and do not advise taking evasive action 'blob one', or evasive action 'blob two'. Each are dangerous, and should not be preformed by anyone.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Kiss under what?

Well, I hope you are all well aware of that stinky flowery plant that is hung within the threshold of your homes. It's called Mistletoe. Why you kiss under a parasitic plant is beyond me. Oh, you didn't know Mistletoe is a parasite? Yeah, the plant grows in big balls, like a giant cluster of these plants, all huddled against a tree. Litterally sucking the life out of the tree it grows on, until it dies. Yes, Merry Christmas, and Boxing Day everyone, enjoy kissing under the parasite!

*Click the proves I'm not crazy.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Lights, Camera, RENT!

Well, well, well...You all understand with the holidays, people tend to put up decorations, and lights...Oh god, the lights. And when you live in a community like mine, the electricity, and other utilities get averaged out, and distributed to the houses. Well, during the Holidays, our rent rises. Why? Becuase the woman a few houses down practically uses the whole generator for her miniscule yard. I should really get a pciture on the 'jawn'. Yes, I said Jawn, deal with it. Anyway, back to the lights. Well, I've been asked to veiw a page from a friend online(No, not the friend who has no logic, a different friend. One whom, as wrong and mean as this sounds, has much more brain cells). As I watched the house explode into a lighted frenzy, I couldn't help but think a few phrases: "Whoa, pretty colors," "Wow! Music goes along with the moving lights!" and "I wonder what the people who live next to them think..." Granted, the show was fantastical, I still can't help but wonder about their electricity bill.

*Click on the title to see the light house show. Do NOT click any of the other links it gives you on the site. They may lead to...unwanted pictures.

Friday, December 23, 2005

"Where is your logic at!?"

Do you want to know what makes me giggle? No? Tough. People who try to sound smart by useing large words, and end up not knowing what those words mean. Use small words you know, rather than big ones you don't! Otherwise, I'll laugh at you.

You know when you're online, and you ask someone to check something out, and they say, yeah hold on, I'm doing something. Well, here's a bit of conversation between me and a buddy.
Me:go and check out this site
yes...I was telling her to go to my site, back to the convo.
Her: -no response for ten minutes-
Me:are you there?
Her:i'm here
Me:Did you go to the site?
Her:not yet. i'm doin sumthin
Me: Whatcha doin?
Her: nuthin
Me:but you just said you were doing somthing.
Her: i m
Me: What are you doing?
you make no sense
if you are doing something, you're doing something..
you can't say your doing something when you are not doing anything!!!!
where is your logic at!?

Her: idk

Oh dear. It seems I have lost my patience with my friend. Is it just me, or would this conversation make anyone else a tad bit annoyed? Kind of like this cat. Yes, I feel like this cat right now. Angry, and cold.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Country

I like this post. About how the country is, you have to click the title. It'll link to OnyxLunacy, which'll lead you somewhere else when you click that title. BUt that's all I can think of right now. Good days sirs.

Friday, December 16, 2005


This day was frightful.

"This is the worste Camelot fair ever!"

Yes, Timmy Turner said that. At least his little make belive town has a fair. I don't have a town with a fair. I want a town with a fair. Yes. It's early yet, so, I'm unable to comprehend what I am reading. Or write. Type rather.

"I claim this toy sword as...AHHHH!"-Sir Finkleberg.........

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Child Proof

Alright, I'm sick still. I hope you all still know that. I've been ill for the past month and a half. It's not very fun. So, I can usually fend for myself when I'm sick. I'm usually cohearant, and awake, ready for anything. But this time, I am rather, tired feeling and oblivious to some things in the world around me, and outside of Jereality. Well, I took the bottle of cough medicine. It's wonderful stuff really;decongestant,cough supressant, sore throat soothant, wonderful. Well, I took the bottle, and went to open it, squeezed the lid down, twisted the little cap.....and nothing happened! So, I had to give the bottle to my father, so he could open it. I felt like I was 5 years old. It was very upsetting. Not only did it happen once, it happened twice! Yes, it was very upsetting. I felt very...short. You know how you feel small when you do something stupid, yes, I felt about two and a half feet tall. Now you get to laugh.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Click it good...

Click the title of the post below this one. The Eyeball Soup & deadly the title part to see said eyeball. that is not mine. :D

Eyeball Soup & Deadly Sins

Yeah....My friend took a picture of my eye a while back. The pain has subsided not too long ago. Perhaps a good three days ago. The picture was taken a little after The Day of Giving Thanks. Speaking of Thanksgiving, was I one of the only people who noticed we are giving thanks for destroying a whole race of people? next Thanksgiving find a native American, and go apologize. Anyway, now that I am off of that little rant of mine, the eyeball. Is eyeball one word, or two? Eye ball. Eyeball, this is not my eyeball. Although, it looks like it a little bit. Mine doesn't have the green, it's just blue. Dark blue on the outside, light on the inside, golden/yellow flecks in the middle. I'm very proud of them. My perdy eyes. This is called Egotism. Gloating about one's self. I'm good at that. But, now I grow tired, I grow 'Sloth' to the greedy task of Egotism. That's what it is, you know. It's greedy of your own attributes. And I've almost gone off topic. But, hey, it's my blog, right?

Stuck Squirrels & Stuffy Shnoses

Poor Squirrels. Yes, they are annoying, yes, I hate them, yes they are occasionally nuisances when they become infested in your home. And yes, it is sad to see half of a squirrel squiched, trying to drag itself safetly across the street. It was very upsetting. Poor little squirrel. My illin' post is below this one....I just forgot to combne it with squirrely....

Still Ill

Well, I'm still sick. I cough, and cough, and weeze, and become head ache prone. It is not fun at all. I am a sick genius. Although, it was only the PSATs, and a 1570....I suppse that is awesomely awesome. In my mind, there is a small par-tae going on. Everyone is invited. Except those two kids who sit behind me in English. Excuse me whislt I hack all of the floor. I feel horrable, I coughed, and got a stomach ache, and a head ache at the same time. Not very entertaining. Alright, I should be leaving now. And ignore my head ache, seeing as though I slept from 3:30 until 6pm....again. Alright, good day sirs.

Monday, December 12, 2005


Welcome to Jereality. The reality that lies within the confounds of my mind. Please keep your hands, and feet in the blog at all times. Thank you, and enjoy the ride.