It's raining. And you're yelling. Why are you yelling? She has done nothing wrong, but you yell anyway. The self esteem she had just brought up to 3, has just dropped back to zero. You make it seem that we are infintile. We are not. We do not need to be asked 'Do you need me here to make sure you do it?'. This one question makes me feel the need to cry, and hurt you. I hope you're aware of that. I wonder if you can see how much you hurt her. I wonder if she can see how much she hurts you. I see it. I think I'm the only one who can. You both should see how you talk to one another. It always makes me want to cry. And I don't cry; which makes it worse. You both are tearing each other apart. I don't know how much longer I can take each of you. Yelling at each other, each making each other feel useless. It's not right.
I don't know what to do anymore
Maybe you both should look at yourselves from my point of view, on this side.
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