Well, this is rather bizarre. It seems with the coming New Year, and lack of nice carpet under my chair...My perfectly fine, folding chair we got half off from some big store...means that I must use a new chair. Granted it's a swivel chair, and its got a huge-mongus seat, and a back, and it's padded. It's a very nice chair. Very comfy. But, alas, it is not
my chair. I can just see it, my old chair sitting in Sister's room. Having dirty clothes, and god knows what else thrown on it. I am trying to ignore the shudder I just received typing that. Anyway, it may seem like a good idea to anyone else who enjoys the carpet of their room, but not to me. Yeah, the carpet where the chair has been sliding in and out is rather..."pathetic" looking. Yeah, it may seem a little "untidy" with the upturned carpet. But it's alright, it's okay. It's my room. And I like "bizarre", "untidy" carpet. But unfortunatly, the parentals think it is a much better idea to have the relativly new carpet in "good condition". So, with a great sigh, I sit in this comfortable chair, awaiting the plastic sheet that will cover up where the chair will swivvle. And, with another, lesser sigh, I bid farewell to my old Chair. You will never be forgotten.
