Friday, April 21, 2006

I'm Back!

This is the part where you all greet me with open arms, and the like.

That was a horrible welcome home. You guys suck. I didn't mean that, really. You can reclick that little button that'll take you back to my blog now....Good, you're back. Lovely. I went to Virginia. It was a great time, and I got back....two days ago. I forgot to get online...And then I had a job, yes a job, I'll get into that later-should I remember, and then a party...It was all very hectic.
My family drove on....I want to say Tuesday....No! It was Thursday. We drove to Virginia on Thursday, it was uneventful, lots of listening to music, and ignoring things. Saw some pretty cool accidents though. Once we got to the hotel....I think we chilled. Yeah, we went to Uno's, and ate dinner, and then went back to the hotel and went to sleep. Yay sleep!
Friday, my family had the idea of going to a Living Museum. It was pretty cool. A big room, with a bunch of nifty facts about rocks, and fossils. Another story was on Marine life, across the room were some more things about rocks. I crawled into a Sea Turtle Shell. Mind you, it's made of plastic, and empty...We got a picture.....*Turtle Turtle* Then we went to a Murder Mystery Dinner thing. It was pretty awesomtastic. 'Frankly Scarlett, you're dead', although, Scarlett doesn't die...It's her father...Scarlett does it though...She was a spy from the North...Set before the Civil War...Well, sort of During the Civil War. Her father found out, and all that fun stuff...But I've ruined the thing thus far, I'll let the rest of it be a bit of a surprise.
On Saturday.....We did something.....What did we do on Saturday......I don't know....we shall skip Saturday.
Next Day.....Sunday....What did we do on Sunday......Oh Yeah! Easter! We went to Busch Gardens on Easter! And it wasn't as packed as I thought it would be either, you know, everyone having the same idea that nobody would come to a theme park on Easter......Apparantly no one had received that memo I sent out...Oh well, I tried. Anyway, we spent the whole day at Busch Gardens. It was pretty awesome.
Monday! It fricken rained on Monday! We went to Williamsburg...IN THE RAIN! It was cold, and wet..and the people smelled badly....even the ones I knew had showers! Disgusting.....
Tuesday, it was great on Tuesday. We went to Jamestowne....That's how it was spelled. This is how it looked: Jamestowne. And they saw it 'Jaim-es-town' It was bizarre. But I got alot of great pictures I neglected to show Onyx today. Then we went back to WIlliamsburg when it wasn't raining...Got some cool pictures there......
And Wednesday we drove home............

Funny Things On The Trip That I Saw!:
(Damn, that was a long title)

On A Van:
Ms. Carriers:Delivering Your Future!

Father:I haven't heard this song in years!
Sibling: It's a shame they brought it back.

Me: I swear! Those goggles came up to eat my nose! They were all, plastic! Suffication is fun! Try it!

Tour Person: And Jaim-es-town...
Me:What the deuce is Jaim-es-town....? Oh! Oh, you mean Jamestown! By the wuder and stuff, right?!

I'm sure there was alot more, I just don't remember.......

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