Thursday, August 31, 2006

Dreams Do Come True

Of course, they tend to in your dreams...

Anyway, today was pretty uneventful. All I did was get some awesome role play time, in which my character, Vane, totallly screwed up the relationship with his darker side...It's very complex and boring, so, I won't annoy you with the details unless you decide to ask. And then I went to dinner, and ate. Because, well, that's what I do ate dinner. I eat. And then, I cam home, and hopped on the computer. It was bad, pieces of screen glass in my foot, plastic everywhere....Then magically, I rewound time, and told myself to not stomp all over my eMac, and then I role played some more! And here I am now, talking to you, or no one...Or someone from somewhere who can't even read what I'm saying, just looking at the pretty letters that, in fact, make up words that I say to myself as I type them. Of course, I say them in my head, because if I was talking to myself, all by myself, with only my cat, I'd be considered weird. I'd be a cat lady....Which....tend to smell an awefully lot like cat pee...And honestly, I'm not a big fan.

Quote of the Day:
-online conversation with Onyx-
Onyx: patience, she loads
Onyx: 33%
Me: I don't even know what to say
Me: That wouldn't be the first thing that comes to mind....
Me: Nah, not even that

Alrighty....I guess I won't become the crazy cat lady, the role has been given up to the almighty Onyx.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

"Are you even awake?"

Well, it all started at 12:32, and I was waiting for 12:34,
but was interupted in my quest by my door opening.
Why, it's dear Sibling, her attention level at 'Bore'.
"Hello, Sibling," I say, turning my chair to see her.
"Na, na, na -something- shower," she says, a look of anger on her face
"What was that?" I ask, wondering if I should draw up some Mace.
"I did not get a shower yet! A full shower yet!" She said, flustered
I looked at her and smiled, but what I got, twas not enough mustered.
"Are you even awake?" I ask, a brow rising
She stared at me for a while, her rage surprising.
She blinked a few times, realizing
Just what exactly was materializing
in the conversation
that will be seen across the nation.
"Yes I'm up! I'm not talking to a foot!" she hisses
I swivel in my chair, hiding a smile she-luckily-misses.
She then turned on her heal,
and stormed from my room,
the whole incident rather surreal.
"What did you say about a shower?" I call
"Nevermind!" she snaps, leaning on the wall.
"Good night then," I respond, watching her close her door
the bottom plasticness just scraping the floor.
I just smile, and close my door,
Happy, that it is not open any more.

Yeah, so she came in my room, asking about a shower. It's midnight, and she's talking about a shower? Who votes she was asleep? I know I sure do...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Funny Things, And Maybe More!

Well, yesterday, mother, sibling and I went to a book signing of Suzanne Brockman. I think I may've spelled her name wrong, but that's okay. Anyway, it took us an hour or so to get there, and on the way, we played two 'car-games'. One, the Alphabet game, and the other, the License plate game.

The Alphabet Game

The object of the game is to find all of the letters of the alphabet in order on signs, and things like that as you drive. But, the catch is you have to take the letters from the beginging of the word or tag you read it off of. Nor can the object be in the car at the time you need the letter. (*Note* It is unwise to throw varied 'letters' out of the windows to bypass this rule)
Also, you cannot pick an object starting with the letter you are on. Example: You are on the letter 'B' and you see a billboard. You cannot call that letter because the object starts with a 'B', nor can you use 'grass' for 'G'. You must see the actual word on something outside of the car.
If you see a letter that you rarely see in the real world on the outside of your car you may 'Bank' it. If you see a 'Q', and trust me, 'Q's are difficult to find, as are 'W's and 'J's, you can bank it and save it for later. Banking a letter gives you the pleasure of having to skip that letter when you come to it in the Alphabet. Mind you, you can only bank 3 letters, so choose wisely.

The License Plate Game

This game is reletivly simple. Almost every license plate starts with three letters. Each person in the car must think up a phrase with three words, according with the letters. For instance if JFR was the plate, you could say 'Jereality Frickin' Rocks', or something like that. Or ILM, you could say 'I Love Me' or 'I Love Mom', should she be in the car, and you need 'suck-up' points. Very easy game. But, the phrase needs to make sense...if JFR is the tag, you can't say 'Jelly Fridge Rabbit'...That makes no at all....And that's it!

Well, we got Mother's book signed, and then we went clothes shopping with GGR. I got four pairs of jeans, and four shirts. And socks, which I like, oh, and a belt! Yeah for 'Back-To-School' Shopping!

Quotes of the Day
-On The Way To Book Signing-
-License Plate Game-
Mother:Kick Lights Engaged!
Me:Killing Little Elephants
Sibling:Keep Laughing...Eggs!
-after Shopping with GGR-
-Online Conversation; speaking of what I got-
Me:Yeah, 4 shirts, 4 jeans, a belt....
Onyx: Cool
Me:Oh! And I got skull socks!
Onyx:.....I believe those are called hats

Friday, August 25, 2006

I Was Wrong

Well, I thought in the shower this morning, that because my hair was short, I'd have less of a chance of getting shampoo in my eyes. Well, I was wrong, especially since most of my hair comes down to eye level. So, as the shampoo begins to drip from my hair, it finds its way into my eyes. And it burns, and makes my eyes sting. It's awefully obnoxious...

Quote of The Day
-while reading New Moon-
Me: 5'4"?! She's so short! -pause; looks toward Onyx-
Wait, how tall're you?
Onyx: 5'3"....
Me:She's so short!!
Onyx:Thanks buddy....

Thursday, August 24, 2006


I got my hair cut the other day.

It's short now. It used to be a little past my shoulders, I could tie it in a ponytail, and everything would be fine. And now, I had the brilliant idea of something new. By hair barely reaches the base of my neck. Granted...I have a long neck for my family, but still. No ponytails, no 'keep-it-straight'. Nope, but guess what!

No, you're wrong....

You're always wrong, why do I even bother asking these 'guess' questions?!

My hair doesn't wave anymore! It used to do this obnoxious wave right after it passed my jawbone, but now, it doesn't even reach my jawbone! Happy day!

I got a book the other day. New Stephenie Meyer. It's really good. ALthough, Onyx and I had the book pegged when I was on the seventh chapter, and she was on the twelth. She got a headstart on the first chapter...because my computer hates me.
I think you all should read it. Well, after you read Twilight, of course, because that came before New Moon...and if you read out of order, I'd be upset with you. And you wouldn't like me when I get upset. I get all big, and green, and start talking with aweful grammar.....It's bad, really, it is.

Happy Trails....

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Mysterious Blank Postie!

Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest

Yeah, I saw it again with Father. Well, mother, and Sibling were there also, but Father had never seen it. So, we took him to see it.
And it was good.

That's what I did all day. I woke up around 1:30, ate lunch from Wawa, went back to my cubby-hole of a room, and watched Psych, and Kyle XY. Two shows I frequently watch every week. The first one has two hot characters, Sean, and Gus. Sean s a fake detective who has fake psychic connections to each and everyone of the cases he comes across....because his father taught him to catch very small details, and remember them. The Kyle one....I don't know what that's about...Some kid doesn't know who is is, and tries to figure it out. He's super smart, and can solve any math problem thrown at him...Not a very good basis for a tv show, and the kid playing Kyle sort of creeps me out, but hey, it's something to watch.

Quote of the Day:
-after waiting a good five minutes to watch the extra scene at the end of PoTC:DMC-
Father:That's what I waited for?!
Mother, Sibling and I:-laughter-
Mother and I:And that's what we waited for!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Today....What did I do again?

Oh yeah!

I slept over Onyx's house last night after a birthday party for 'Pookie'. That was fun, I got her a poster for Walk the line, some socks; as is my thing, and a FlipFlop necklace....I don't understand the popularity of the little flip flops dangling from your neck thing, but hey, she seemed to like it.
Not only did she like the presents, I liked her face as she trid to get passed all of the tape I used to wrap said presents. ^_^ I have a tendancy to overuse tape for presents....And it makes me smile.
What else?
Oh yeah, we (Onyx, and I) stayed up until 3 something watching Hitchiker's GUide to the Galaxy. Funny movie, and we played Prince of Persia...Which is a good game, but there is this one point where we have to spin some levers around, and the guy who is telling us what to do has a serious British accent....and he's in Persia....It just made us laugh.

Come to think of it...everything made us laguh at 3 in the morning...

And when we tried to go to sleep, there was this huge arguement over what color Po, and Tinky Winky were...You know...The Tellletubies......

I won.....

Makes me wonder why I remember such things.....

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I Spy...

Guess what I've just gone and done?

No, you're wrong..Why're you always wrong?

Bad guesser, I suppse...
I've given myself a 'Statcounter', from, that way I can see how many hits I get each day...So far..I'm up to one...and that one was forced...because I wouldn't leave 'Where'syourLogicAt' alone. -cheesy grin-

So, I hope you enjoy my invisible counter, I know enjoys you!!


Random Me Quote:
I'm thinking that Taco Bell should come with 'anti-soak-your-desk' cups......rather than the ones they've got now

Monday, August 14, 2006

My Couple Days...In An Odd Colored Nutshell

Alrighty, so, Onyx came over my house the other day, and we did 'fun things'. Which, if you didn't know what it meant, means driving to pick up some things for my aunt, and going over to Popeye's for a three piece chicken tender meal, and 3 bisquits. You know, those little rolls are up there with Red Lobster's. They don't even need butter! ANyway, we ate our chicken, and drove to my aunt's house, where we had a little cookout type thing.
It was a bunch of fun...and then we left.
Then, Onyx and I went to sleep around 2-ish, and woke up at noon-ish.....And then we destroyed two of Father's shirts to make purses...Still a bunch of fun! And then we stopped, watched the rest of Lord Of The Rings:Return Of The King, and then had dinner...Chicken Parm...It was rather tasty. And hen we did the dishes, and got ice cream! Onyx got Phish Food, and I got Fossil Fuel...Shocker there, right? But I'm starting to like the Phish the point I got it last week, and returned to my normal ice cream of choice this week....Because the marshmellow, and carmel inside Phish Food don't eat well with a fork......
And then!
We talked..Until three-ish in the morning, and then I went and slept sort of on and off until the afternoon....Then I made oodles of noodles..for myself, and Sibling.....and then she complained about them being "too hot" with the hot sauce. Well, if didn't want it spicy, she shouldn'tve asked me to make them for her. And then...I came up here to tell you all what happened the past two days! Because I am a nice person.....when I am all by myself..... -cheesy grin-

Quote of the Day:
Father:Which one was yours, Fossil Fuel, or Phish Food?
Me:Fossil Fuel.....
Father:Okay, -walks into living room, Phish Food in hand- What?
Me:-brows raise-
Father:She's gone, right?

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Have I ever told you guys how much I loved children??
I did? I lied........

I babysat last night, after having no internet connection at all...So I was running of sleep, and the Sims 2 as my entertainment that day. And then Sibling and I went to the house that we were to be sitting at. It's a nice house, I like it alot. Although, the uninvited house guest was rather unnerving. The mother of little.....John, has a brother, who we will call Jason. (I'm on a J-name basis today, with it) So, Jason was there at the begining , when she and I first got there..and then he left. No problems.
Well, John and I played in the backyard, on the swings...had a good time throwing various balls onto the bottom of the pool....The kiddy kind, made of plastic, you need to dump it and refill it every time you want to use it..You know the ones...It was upside down, and in the perfect shape to bounce things back to you. So, John and I threw things at it. Lots of fun. Well, when we returned, I look in the chair to my immidiate right when I exit the little 'play room' that you have to enter to get into the house, I see Jason's head. I look over to Sibling, who instantly turns sheepish as I signal her over. John sits down to watch the Baby Einstein: Neighborhood Animals. 'He just came in!' she says to me. Gre-eeaa-tt. Nice, so now we're all alone with some 23 year old nit wit. Granted, he took John's mind of of not having his own mother and father. But all in all, it bothered me he was there. I mean, yeah, he didn't look like a threat, and I was pinning down weak points the whole time he was there, but still...he made me nervous.
So, I had Sibling call the parents around 7:30, he had come in at 7:15, and tell them. They weren't thrilled that he came, but that was okay by me. They said he had said he wasn't coming back, but his plans changed or something. I don't know, all I was listening to was the radio. I happened to like and know the song that was on, and having someone apologize to me for something they had no conrol over sort of bothers me. So, I sort of ignored it. It was all good in the end though, because she was happy, baby was happy, and Sibling and I are $20 richer....

Happy Trails!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

News To Me...

Quote of Last Night
GGR: You always pick the most expensive thing.....
You're a disgrace!
Me:-intense laughter-

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I blame me for my lack of postage as of late...Actually, I blame.....the cat.
Yes, I blame the cat..The stray that is now roaming my backyard...It is an escapee from the house across the way, and I believe it needs to be picked up by the ASPCA, or brought back into the house so it can no longer mew us into the waking hours of the day, whilst we have not sept a wink the whole night.
I also have this sickly strange feeling in my stomach right now, and it's not appreciated. My tongue feels like it did when I was dehydrated, but I don't thim I am...And I've got this wicked head ache that is trying to make me die. But lo! I refuse! I will not sucumb to headache pain! I think...I better not.
Anyway, Father wakes up in....four more hours...and then I will be waken up an hour after that, at 8....Then Mother and I will drop Sibling off at Learning Space, and Mother and I will read at our Barnes and Nobles.

Quote of the Day:
-sort of tired-
-has just killed a mosquito-
Me:I Just Squished My Own Blood!!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

.;:Whoops,somethin' nifty:;.

I forgot to tell you! When I was on vacation, I got dehydrated! To the point my tongue turned black. Don't worry though, if you ever wake up with a black, thick feeling tongue, brush your teeth really well, and drink lots of water. S'how it goes away. Would you like to know how I remembered that tid-bit of information? Well, it's because Father, Mother, Suzita, Marcus and I went to Ocean City today! We walked the boardwalk in cape may though. We drove around alot, it was fun. Lots of unfortunate things though..outfits, bodies...combos...Very scary...

I guess because it's the boardwalk people feel they can walk around half naked...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

.:'Oh dear....':.

I had a post, but it disappeared! I was already to click 'Publish Post', and the transaction thing went through, and all of a sudden, Bam! It was gone...Very strange....