Monday, August 14, 2006

My Couple Days...In An Odd Colored Nutshell

Alrighty, so, Onyx came over my house the other day, and we did 'fun things'. Which, if you didn't know what it meant, means driving to pick up some things for my aunt, and going over to Popeye's for a three piece chicken tender meal, and 3 bisquits. You know, those little rolls are up there with Red Lobster's. They don't even need butter! ANyway, we ate our chicken, and drove to my aunt's house, where we had a little cookout type thing.
It was a bunch of fun...and then we left.
Then, Onyx and I went to sleep around 2-ish, and woke up at noon-ish.....And then we destroyed two of Father's shirts to make purses...Still a bunch of fun! And then we stopped, watched the rest of Lord Of The Rings:Return Of The King, and then had dinner...Chicken Parm...It was rather tasty. And hen we did the dishes, and got ice cream! Onyx got Phish Food, and I got Fossil Fuel...Shocker there, right? But I'm starting to like the Phish the point I got it last week, and returned to my normal ice cream of choice this week....Because the marshmellow, and carmel inside Phish Food don't eat well with a fork......
And then!
We talked..Until three-ish in the morning, and then I went and slept sort of on and off until the afternoon....Then I made oodles of noodles..for myself, and Sibling.....and then she complained about them being "too hot" with the hot sauce. Well, if didn't want it spicy, she shouldn'tve asked me to make them for her. And then...I came up here to tell you all what happened the past two days! Because I am a nice person.....when I am all by myself..... -cheesy grin-

Quote of the Day:
Father:Which one was yours, Fossil Fuel, or Phish Food?
Me:Fossil Fuel.....
Father:Okay, -walks into living room, Phish Food in hand- What?
Me:-brows raise-
Father:She's gone, right?

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