Pronounced 'any-o-gram'. It's a test of personality. The whole world is placed into these nine groups. The Reformer, The Helper, The Achiever, The Individualit, The Investigator, The Loyalist, The Enthusiast, The Challanger, and finally, The Peacemaker.
I am numbers five, six, and nine. So, that means I'm a mix of The Investigator, The Loyalist, and The Peacemaker. If you all would like to try it out click the title of the page, and it should be able to lead you to the homepage of the site.
And on Test number two, I am The Loyalist. So, I guess that's the one I'll stick with then, eh? Other than that, I've had a pretty uneventful day. I'm just really, really tired. I've been tired for months. Maybe if I was in a coma, and got better, and woke up I wouldn't always feel so tired. And the feeling of strangulation bothers me a little. No matter what I'm wearing, I always feel like I'm strangling myself. When nothing is touching my neck, when my hands around around the collars of my shirts, pulling them away. I'm telling you, it's a symptom of Hypothyroidism. I know that for a fact. Go wikipedia it if you're not sure what I'm talking about.
So yeah, I think I'm going to go now.......sleep, or something.
I'll talk to you all again sometime soon, like, oh, tomorrow?
Sounds like a date
Friday, September 29, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I saw Blazing Saddles Yesterday...
Good song, SR-71 sings it. It's called Politically Correct. I think you all should buy their CD via iTunes music store. Because...well....It's a good album, that's why.
I remeber something funny happening today while I sat in English with NJSnow, Brown Eyes, and J Dub.....Oh yeah!
Quote of the Day
BrownEyes:Eights also have trouble with compet...comp....
J Dub:That's ironic....
-group laughter-
I remeber something funny happening today while I sat in English with NJSnow, Brown Eyes, and J Dub.....Oh yeah!
BrownEyes:Eights also have trouble with compet...comp....
J Dub:That's ironic....
-group laughter-
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Quick! My Life Depends On It!
Wow, it's Saturday night, and I haven't posted anything for you guys since, what, Wednesday? And even then, I don't remember how funny the last post was...Oh wait, yes I do...It was mildly amusing, yes, it was hysterical at the time, but you know...Things are always funnier in person.
I think you all should know that I'm sick. I've got a head cold. Well, no, I've got a cold...that's what I don't get a head cold, and a chest cold...they're both colds. Just say you have a cold, and leave the symptoms for people who care. Anyway, I am being groomed by my cat. It's a bit annoying when she's craving attention and I'm trying to type to you guys. Of course, she did just fall from my bed behind me, into the chair, flung herself over my shoulder, and procedded to fall off of the keyboard desk. So, I held her for a moment, until she was calm, and gave her a bit of attention. She really likes attention. And all is well now, because she's purring.
And now she's gone. I blame you guys. Probably someone's negetive vibe coming across online...You never know, it could be that, could be because I poked her fat stomach a few times, and then poked the top of her head...and then her nose...oh look! She's back! I knew it was your guys...Anyway, you've gotten me off track again. Oh yeah, I'm sick!
So, I remember Thursday being fun filled, and action packed. What with Prison, and new piano lessons....which were forgotten, I had to reschedule them for 7...The guy who teaches me, Mr. Fleur, he's a funny man....I'll give you some quotes....
Quotes For Thrusday
Mr. Fleur.: Now, which one is C?
Me:This one?
Me:This one?
MF:If you are confident, you will shake my hand, and bet a dollar.
Me:-shakes hand-
MF:You just lost a dollar.
Me:This one?
Me:This one?
Me:-incredulous look-
Mf:Yes, that is C. Now, which one is G?
Ah, good times......
Yes, a day dedicated to a tree. Firday....Has a bit of a ring to it...Actually, no, I lied. There is no ring there...But this is for friday. Yes, Friday! Woo!
Friday was fun, Prison was boring....Lunch was amusing though, as seen here: Wyoming's blog..Well, that's more of an exerpt. The whole thing is on both, Wyoming's blog, and Onyx's blog..good luck putting them both in order, and understanding what they mean. Go on, I dare you.
Anyway, the last period of the day is English. In that class, I sit across from NJ Snow, and J Dub. Well, NJ was playing with his calculater, talking about a program he made that s supposed to rate the day you're going to have. Well, that's what the quotes on Wyoming's blog, and Onyx's blog are about. Soon, it became how old you are going to be when you die....Anyway J Dub wanted to see how the program would work, and eventually, the conversation began to spiral into hysteria....
Quote Of Friday
J Dub:NJ, I need to know how long I'll live....
NJ Snow:-fiddles with calculater-
JD:NJ, this is a matter of life and death! I need to know how long I've got!
NJ:Favorite number? Year you were born....
JD:-rattles off numbers-
NJ:Three years....Give or take
JD:NJ! NJ! I need you to prgram a time machine!
JD:Now, seriously. I need to warn myself. Make a time machine program!
Me:-laughter- -pauses- How do I get games on this thing?
NJ:-takes my calculater- -pulls out some wire-
JD:You should clear her memory bank....
Me:-gasp- -looks at NJ-
NJ:-laughs- And then she'd have nothing!
JD:Nope, just a piece of technology!
Me:Don't you dare...
NJ:-laughter- Click!
Me:No way....
JD:Now, about that time machine program....
No worries though, my calculater still adds...all he did was take away some program i created....but it didn't really do anything. When you clicked it, it just said DONE in funky letters...And I wanted it to be gone anyway. Then I went to somewhere fun for dinner....Where did we go...Buca de Beppo's! That' right. No..we didn't....That was some other nigth. Where did we go? Oh right! Famous Dave's! That barbecue place I blogged about a couple months ago.....Well, I probably blogged about it sometime in January, or sometime last year, I dunno, you should check the archives. Then Mother, Sibling, and I dropped Onyx back at her house, because we drug her to dinner with us, and then we went to Blockbuster...and I'm lying to you. We went to blockbuster rightafter dinner, watched Take the Lead, and then dropped Onyx at her house....well, Mother drove Onyx home, while I went to bed. Because I was sicker, and more medicated, and had sleepy eyes.
Today, I finished a paper for English, and did nothing...Wait...That's another lie. I went to PJ Whelihans for dinner tonight with Mother and Sibling. Good food, dark enough for me to be happy, wonderful selection of music. All in all, a good spot. Well, I should be going to bed tonight, to get up in a couple hours.....But no worries! I have a quote for today also!
Quote For Saturday
Me: You're supposed to eat food with them! Not eat them!
Onyx: Damnit! I did it wrong again!!!!! Food on the chopsticks...THEN EAT!
I think you all should know that I'm sick. I've got a head cold. Well, no, I've got a cold...that's what I don't get a head cold, and a chest cold...they're both colds. Just say you have a cold, and leave the symptoms for people who care. Anyway, I am being groomed by my cat. It's a bit annoying when she's craving attention and I'm trying to type to you guys. Of course, she did just fall from my bed behind me, into the chair, flung herself over my shoulder, and procedded to fall off of the keyboard desk. So, I held her for a moment, until she was calm, and gave her a bit of attention. She really likes attention. And all is well now, because she's purring.
And now she's gone. I blame you guys. Probably someone's negetive vibe coming across online...You never know, it could be that, could be because I poked her fat stomach a few times, and then poked the top of her head...and then her nose...oh look! She's back! I knew it was your guys...Anyway, you've gotten me off track again. Oh yeah, I'm sick!
So, I remember Thursday being fun filled, and action packed. What with Prison, and new piano lessons....which were forgotten, I had to reschedule them for 7...The guy who teaches me, Mr. Fleur, he's a funny man....I'll give you some quotes....
Mr. Fleur.: Now, which one is C?
Me:This one?
Me:This one?
MF:If you are confident, you will shake my hand, and bet a dollar.
Me:-shakes hand-
MF:You just lost a dollar.
Me:This one?
Me:This one?
Me:-incredulous look-
Mf:Yes, that is C. Now, which one is G?
Ah, good times......
Yes, a day dedicated to a tree. Firday....Has a bit of a ring to it...Actually, no, I lied. There is no ring there...But this is for friday. Yes, Friday! Woo!
Friday was fun, Prison was boring....Lunch was amusing though, as seen here: Wyoming's blog..Well, that's more of an exerpt. The whole thing is on both, Wyoming's blog, and Onyx's blog..good luck putting them both in order, and understanding what they mean. Go on, I dare you.
Anyway, the last period of the day is English. In that class, I sit across from NJ Snow, and J Dub. Well, NJ was playing with his calculater, talking about a program he made that s supposed to rate the day you're going to have. Well, that's what the quotes on Wyoming's blog, and Onyx's blog are about. Soon, it became how old you are going to be when you die....Anyway J Dub wanted to see how the program would work, and eventually, the conversation began to spiral into hysteria....
J Dub:NJ, I need to know how long I'll live....
NJ Snow:-fiddles with calculater-
JD:NJ, this is a matter of life and death! I need to know how long I've got!
NJ:Favorite number? Year you were born....
JD:-rattles off numbers-
NJ:Three years....Give or take
JD:NJ! NJ! I need you to prgram a time machine!
JD:Now, seriously. I need to warn myself. Make a time machine program!
Me:-laughter- -pauses- How do I get games on this thing?
NJ:-takes my calculater- -pulls out some wire-
JD:You should clear her memory bank....
Me:-gasp- -looks at NJ-
NJ:-laughs- And then she'd have nothing!
JD:Nope, just a piece of technology!
Me:Don't you dare...
NJ:-laughter- Click!
Me:No way....
JD:Now, about that time machine program....
No worries though, my calculater still adds...all he did was take away some program i created....but it didn't really do anything. When you clicked it, it just said DONE in funky letters...And I wanted it to be gone anyway. Then I went to somewhere fun for dinner....Where did we go...Buca de Beppo's! That' right. No..we didn't....That was some other nigth. Where did we go? Oh right! Famous Dave's! That barbecue place I blogged about a couple months ago.....Well, I probably blogged about it sometime in January, or sometime last year, I dunno, you should check the archives. Then Mother, Sibling, and I dropped Onyx back at her house, because we drug her to dinner with us, and then we went to Blockbuster...and I'm lying to you. We went to blockbuster rightafter dinner, watched Take the Lead, and then dropped Onyx at her house....well, Mother drove Onyx home, while I went to bed. Because I was sicker, and more medicated, and had sleepy eyes.
Today, I finished a paper for English, and did nothing...Wait...That's another lie. I went to PJ Whelihans for dinner tonight with Mother and Sibling. Good food, dark enough for me to be happy, wonderful selection of music. All in all, a good spot. Well, I should be going to bed tonight, to get up in a couple hours.....But no worries! I have a quote for today also!
Me: You're supposed to eat food with them! Not eat them!
Onyx: Damnit! I did it wrong again!!!!! Food on the chopsticks...THEN EAT!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Much Fun...Not!
Well, Onyx and myself went to a meeting that our Education Prison held this evening, and it went very well. It is my first year of the council, and frankly, I believe it will not be my last. The Eldest of the council, I will call them, Order of the Waters...If you know what I'm talking about, give yourself a pat on the back. If not...that's unfortunate. -breaks into song-
You all know the know..the one with the oreo stick....What's it taste like? The inside tastes just like an oreoooo...Anyway, look what you've gone and done, getting me off topic....
Anyway, at this meeting, we were talking about getting to get together with the elderly of our town. Well, Onyx was in the Council last year, and was at said meeting with the Elderly, and here is what she had to say....
Quote of the Day
(All italics will be whispers to myself)
CotW:And we will get together with the elderly at the towers. Where we will have the choir come.
CotW:The cheerleaders will come....
Onyx:They sucked...
CotW:And we'll have snacks....
Onyx:Ooh, generic cookies...Yum!
Me:-quiet laughter-
Yes, a very good night. We learned alot about what we are going to do over the year, and it seems that it will be very promising for me to attend, and make sure that I pay attention.....Because....I've forgotten where my train of thought went. Stupid train of thought took my ticket, and sped along the tracks without me. -sings- That's unfortunate!!
You all know the know..the one with the oreo stick....What's it taste like? The inside tastes just like an oreoooo...Anyway, look what you've gone and done, getting me off topic....
Anyway, at this meeting, we were talking about getting to get together with the elderly of our town. Well, Onyx was in the Council last year, and was at said meeting with the Elderly, and here is what she had to say....
(All italics will be whispers to myself)
CotW:And we will get together with the elderly at the towers. Where we will have the choir come.
CotW:The cheerleaders will come....
Onyx:They sucked...
CotW:And we'll have snacks....
Onyx:Ooh, generic cookies...Yum!
Me:-quiet laughter-
Yes, a very good night. We learned alot about what we are going to do over the year, and it seems that it will be very promising for me to attend, and make sure that I pay attention.....Because....I've forgotten where my train of thought went. Stupid train of thought took my ticket, and sped along the tracks without me. -sings- That's unfortunate!!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Yeah, Mother, Sibling and I did a bit of a nature walk on Sunday afternoon....And when we were on our way home, Mother and I realized our ankles, and feet itched awefully bad, so, we pulled into the Acme, where we would get dinner and and went investigate. Well, we found that we had ticks, from our ankles to the tips of our toes. Not dog ticks either, like my 'Ticks Suck' post back in the year of last. Deer ticks, and larvae male deer ticks. So, if you slammed a pencil on a sheet of white paper, the dot you'd get would probably be bigger than the small freckle like bugs that were on our feet. Needless to say, I got four showers that day, and washed my clothes twice...Just in case. Bugs, sure..whatever...Spiders, awesome, lemme watch 'em...Ticks....I will burn them, and spit on their crispy critter bodies.
Oh yes, a fan of ticks, I am not.
Oh yes, a fan of ticks, I am not.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
I had a family party today..that is, after I went to Buca de Beppo's, an Italian family-styled restaurant. Great food, awesome pictures(over 400)...great music... I went with Mother, Sibling, and Onyx. It was a bunch of fun.
Then we hit some mall, bought nothing, and put Onyx back in her abode before we left for my Aunt's house. My Grandparetns are down from the middle of nowhere, and we went to visit them at my Aunt's house. I didn't do much socializing though. I mainly walked around with my cousin. He's about Sibling's age, but completely different. He smokes, he's in some kind of gang...But he's my cousin, and I love 'im.
So, he and I walked around my Aunt's complex from 8:00 to 10:00...four miles. We kept ourselves at a slow pace, and just talked. About nothing really, just kept a random conversation going. Sometimes paranoia, sometimes ADD, sometimes how many girlfriends he's had to where his oldest brother was. Completly random. Of course, I didn't talk about myself though, I was too busy looking around in the dark for some crazed pshyco killer....because I'm a tad bit paranoid myself.
All in all, it was a great trip. I love spending time with the boys. My one aunt, she's got three sons. I will call them John, he's the oldest, Seth, he's the middle, and Larent...he's the youngest...the one I walked with. They're fun to hang out with.
Yep, so, fun was had by myself and Larent....lots of fun..walking through invisible spider webs tendrils....yeah, fun....
Quote of the Day:
Mother:Cierra la puerta(Close the door in Sanish)
Jen(another cousin, around Sibling's age): So, you guys still speak French?
Mother:You're right! She is going to be a model!'All:-laughter-
Then we hit some mall, bought nothing, and put Onyx back in her abode before we left for my Aunt's house. My Grandparetns are down from the middle of nowhere, and we went to visit them at my Aunt's house. I didn't do much socializing though. I mainly walked around with my cousin. He's about Sibling's age, but completely different. He smokes, he's in some kind of gang...But he's my cousin, and I love 'im.
So, he and I walked around my Aunt's complex from 8:00 to 10:00...four miles. We kept ourselves at a slow pace, and just talked. About nothing really, just kept a random conversation going. Sometimes paranoia, sometimes ADD, sometimes how many girlfriends he's had to where his oldest brother was. Completly random. Of course, I didn't talk about myself though, I was too busy looking around in the dark for some crazed pshyco killer....because I'm a tad bit paranoid myself.
All in all, it was a great trip. I love spending time with the boys. My one aunt, she's got three sons. I will call them John, he's the oldest, Seth, he's the middle, and Larent...he's the youngest...the one I walked with. They're fun to hang out with.
Yep, so, fun was had by myself and Larent....lots of fun..walking through invisible spider webs tendrils....yeah, fun....
Mother:Cierra la puerta(Close the door in Sanish)
Jen(another cousin, around Sibling's age): So, you guys still speak French?
Mother:You're right! She is going to be a model!'All:-laughter-
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Anyone watch Spongebob Squarepants out there?
Well, in one episode there was an organization that called themselvs E.V.I.L which stood for...
Or, EVIL for short. Well, The Baron, and Dahammer had a breif discussion when all of a sudden SHAZAM!
Yes, those are the same lemons....The Baron took them and drew on them...showing the evil ways of the lemon. Please understand, I wanr you for your safety, please, please don't squeeze a lemon! They know where you live!
Back To School...Parent Day?!
Yep. Read the title...It's pretty self explanitory. All the parents of all the prisoners I share my Prison with come in and meet the instructors of each of our classes. Of course, it'll be crowded, and the freshmen parents won't know heads or tails of where the buildings are with out new renovation thing that happened.
Which is why I was called in to help. It starts at seven, so I need to go and get ready soon. But, ya know, I don't want to go. I was just there four hours prior, and they're bringing me back?! Insane, I tell you.....Insane....
-hums- -Insane in the membrane-
Oh yeah, that's right, I hummed lyrics... 'Cause I am just that awesome.
Which is why I was called in to help. It starts at seven, so I need to go and get ready soon. But, ya know, I don't want to go. I was just there four hours prior, and they're bringing me back?! Insane, I tell you.....Insane....
-hums- -Insane in the membrane-
Oh yeah, that's right, I hummed lyrics... 'Cause I am just that awesome.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Shut Up!
Well, it's Wednesday. Every Wednesday night my family goes to dinner with my Father's Mother, GGR, as I've come to call her here. Anyway, we chose some new restaurant that I forget the name of, but it was Italian. And frankly, I love Italian food. The warm feeling I get in an Italian restaurant, and the pasta. Gotta love the pasta. Anyway, we sat at the farthest table in the dining area, and were set behind a large party. I'm guessing 15-20 adults....When we got there, they were tipsy, and loud.
I could barely hear myself think! It really was painful, I'll have you know. To sit, and wait for Lou, Alan, Aaron...Vinnie.... whatever his name was to bring us our order. Well, I couldn't help but listen to their conversation. It went a little something like this...
How's the bread?
He's got every nationality in his blood!
And then he took me to his house, and ohhh, the fun!
Did you sneak it in?
Waahhhhhhh haaaaaa haaaaa <-Like Fran Drescher, and a Terradactyl all in one
Shut Up! <-That was my favorite....pitty it did nothing...
I'm just tipping my chair back now. I'm not even in this conversation.
Undo your tie so I can strangle him with it
This bread is weird
The conversation at our table was several degrees lower in the area of volume, and went a little something like this...
That's rude..being so loud
Uncalled for, really.....
Every nationality, I'm calling you a liar.
Oh for the love of everything, shut up!
These people make my ears burn
Behavior like that should not be tolerated....
Can you feel the general mood of our table? I know I can, but all in all, dinner was great. The food was awesome. I got Shrimp, Scallops, and Crabmeat in a wine butter sauce over penne pasta. It was delicious. And alot of it, so I took some home in a box. And Father used his shirt as a bib...all in all, it was a very good night!
I could barely hear myself think! It really was painful, I'll have you know. To sit, and wait for Lou, Alan, Aaron...Vinnie.... whatever his name was to bring us our order. Well, I couldn't help but listen to their conversation. It went a little something like this...
He's got every nationality in his blood!
And then he took me to his house, and ohhh, the fun!
Did you sneak it in?
Waahhhhhhh haaaaaa haaaaa <-Like Fran Drescher, and a Terradactyl all in one
Shut Up! <-That was my favorite....pitty it did nothing...
I'm just tipping my chair back now. I'm not even in this conversation.
Undo your tie so I can strangle him with it
This bread is weird
The conversation at our table was several degrees lower in the area of volume, and went a little something like this...
Uncalled for, really.....
Every nationality, I'm calling you a liar.
Oh for the love of everything, shut up!
These people make my ears burn
Behavior like that should not be tolerated....
Can you feel the general mood of our table? I know I can, but all in all, dinner was great. The food was awesome. I got Shrimp, Scallops, and Crabmeat in a wine butter sauce over penne pasta. It was delicious. And alot of it, so I took some home in a box. And Father used his shirt as a bib...all in all, it was a very good night!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Well, Well, Well....
Well, apparantly, school isn't as interesting as it was last year. Or...maybe it's because I'm just not remembering as much of the funny as I used to...What was I posting about last year that kept me going? I don't even remember. I didn't have a blog in September...Did I? I'm almost positive I started in December....Oh well, all's good, I suppose... Lots of stress, and the like....I've got a test on Anatomy coming up next week, and a Pre-Calc quiz coming up on Friday.
Lots of studying for the Jereality, that's for sure....
I don't want to go back....
But I'm going to let myself color my hair if I get A's, and B's....And if I don't..I'm grounding myself from the computer. So, when report cards come out-I'll be doing a Post on it, don't worry-and I don't post for a while, it's safe to assume I got a C. Yep, that's it so far.
Quote of the Day:
What's One More Cup Of Water When You're Already Drowning?
Yes, it's a bit dramatic, and depressing, but I like it.
Lots of studying for the Jereality, that's for sure....
I don't want to go back....
But I'm going to let myself color my hair if I get A's, and B's....And if I don't..I'm grounding myself from the computer. So, when report cards come out-I'll be doing a Post on it, don't worry-and I don't post for a while, it's safe to assume I got a C. Yep, that's it so far.
What's One More Cup Of Water When You're Already Drowning?
Yes, it's a bit dramatic, and depressing, but I like it.
Monday, September 11, 2006
September Eleventh
To All Of Those Who Risked Themselves For The Cause.
You Will Be Missed; If You're Gone
We Think Of You Everyday
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Fishy Fishy Fishy...
-A Conversation On My Drinking Habits Of Last Night Over AIM-
Me: And then I took a deep sip of water...and then laughed...
Me: and choked...
The Baron: so in retrospect that isnt a good idea
Me: no
The Baron: when you laugh your supposed to spit the water out at someone in front of you
The Baron: not breathe it in
The Baron: you silly wannabee fish-person
Friday, September 08, 2006
Water In The Lungs
Onyx came over today. She's sleeping over, and at the moment, we're in my room, she's on the main computer, and I'm on the laptop. Of course, we're IMing each other...What? What's with the looks? So what if we're three feet apart....I don't see what your point is, it's my story, let me tell it. Anyway, we were talking, and some how I took a giant sip of water, and she had said something funny. And all of a sudden, I realize I can't swallow, or I'll drown, and I can't spit it out, because I'm in my room.
So, what do I do, you ask? You didn't ask? Well, you should ask. Thank you. I swallowed the water. And drowned. I stood, and coughed for a good seven minutes, with a hand firmly wacking my back, making me cough even more, water coming from my lungs, only to be swallowed again....It wasn't a very fun experience. But then again, at least it wasn't Red Mountain Dew...that little venture burnt my throat.
All in all, I have learned one thing. Don't let Onyx ask if she can poke your cheeks when they are totally filled with water, and you're trying to not laugh.
So, what do I do, you ask? You didn't ask? Well, you should ask. Thank you. I swallowed the water. And drowned. I stood, and coughed for a good seven minutes, with a hand firmly wacking my back, making me cough even more, water coming from my lungs, only to be swallowed again....It wasn't a very fun experience. But then again, at least it wasn't Red Mountain Dew...that little venture burnt my throat.
All in all, I have learned one thing. Don't let Onyx ask if she can poke your cheeks when they are totally filled with water, and you're trying to not laugh.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Life Begins...Again
Well, my classes have started up, and have been going on for a bit, and for the record, I don't like my schedule. I have a study period in the begining of the day. Can I do anything with it? No. Surely I have something to study in that time period...No. By that time, one class has passed, and we don't get any take home work for said class.
But being back in the halls, I start to miss the selection of people, and aquantences I had in my classes last year. And although, I didn't like those students, the teachers, and the few friends I had in the class made it all worth wild. Of course, now I have a group of teachers I don't like, and an Anatomy class where I feel as though I'm being suffocated with nothingness, and everything. Strange, I know, but that's the feeling I get.
It's sort of like an oxymoron...Or, I'm just being a moron, either way, I've got the word in there anyway. I was having a conversation about Oxymorons earlier in my last period English class; of course, this had nothing to do with the topic at hand, which was silent time. But myself, and my tall friend, Njsnow, were talking about censorship in a free society. And we said that was an oxymoron. Censorship in a free society. And that got me into 'Good morning' being an oxymoron, which, as you couldn't have guessed by other 'early-morning' posts, I am not a morning person, rather, a night owl, who can stay up till dawn, and wake up at 6, and be happy.
More honesty for you; I don't want to go back to school. Average student behavior, I know, but it's the point that matters. I just hope my opinions will change by the time the next few weeks pass, because I don't want to go another 180+ more days wallowing in my own self pity to fail through my classes.
That'd be bad.
I'd be sad.
And end up grounding myself from the computer.
Because I do that.
But being back in the halls, I start to miss the selection of people, and aquantences I had in my classes last year. And although, I didn't like those students, the teachers, and the few friends I had in the class made it all worth wild. Of course, now I have a group of teachers I don't like, and an Anatomy class where I feel as though I'm being suffocated with nothingness, and everything. Strange, I know, but that's the feeling I get.
It's sort of like an oxymoron...Or, I'm just being a moron, either way, I've got the word in there anyway. I was having a conversation about Oxymorons earlier in my last period English class; of course, this had nothing to do with the topic at hand, which was silent time. But myself, and my tall friend, Njsnow, were talking about censorship in a free society. And we said that was an oxymoron. Censorship in a free society. And that got me into 'Good morning' being an oxymoron, which, as you couldn't have guessed by other 'early-morning' posts, I am not a morning person, rather, a night owl, who can stay up till dawn, and wake up at 6, and be happy.
More honesty for you; I don't want to go back to school. Average student behavior, I know, but it's the point that matters. I just hope my opinions will change by the time the next few weeks pass, because I don't want to go another 180+ more days wallowing in my own self pity to fail through my classes.
That'd be bad.
I'd be sad.
And end up grounding myself from the computer.
Because I do that.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The Things I find At 2:22AM
It's funny, and amazing to watch. Sad though, because they've taken a great soundtrack, and made it techno-ish.
Monday, September 04, 2006
The Last 'Crikey'
And in other news, Steven Irwin has died. That's right, the Crocodile Hunter is gone. He seemed so immortal while 'wrastlin' with the crocks, or sucking out the poison of a rattlesnake that had just bite him.
He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said. It is understood he was killed by a sting-ray barb that went through his chest. He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas filming an underwater documentary and that' is when it occured. Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality this morning at Batt Reef off Port Douglas. It is believed Mr Irwin's American-born wife Terri is trekking on Cradle Mountain in Tasmania and has yet to be told of her husband's death. The father of two's Crocodile Hunter program was first broadcast in 1992 and has been shown around the world on cable network Discovery. He has also starred in movies and has developed the Australia Zoo wildlife park, north of Brisbane, which was started by his parents Bob and Lyn Irwin.
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who used a photograph of his family at Australia Zoo for his official Christmas card last year, hailed Mr Irwin for his work in promoting Australia.
Mr Irwin was heavily involved in last year's "G'Day LA" campaign. "The minister knew him, was fond of him and was very, very appreciative of all the work he'd done to promote Australia overseas," a spokesman said. The Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) said a call was received about 11am (AEST) and an emergency services helicopter was flown to the boat on Batt Reef off the coast near Cairns with a doctor and emergency services paramedic on board. Mr Irwin had a puncture wound to the left side of his chest and he was pronounced dead at the scene. The Irwins have two children – a daughter, Bindi Sue Irwin, eight, and a three-year-old son, Robert (Bob) Clarence Irwin.
I believe we should all have a moment of silence now, for one of my childhood heros.

You will be missed, Mr. Irwin, Crocodile Hunter. You will be missed.
He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said. It is understood he was killed by a sting-ray barb that went through his chest. He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas filming an underwater documentary and that' is when it occured. Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality this morning at Batt Reef off Port Douglas. It is believed Mr Irwin's American-born wife Terri is trekking on Cradle Mountain in Tasmania and has yet to be told of her husband's death. The father of two's Crocodile Hunter program was first broadcast in 1992 and has been shown around the world on cable network Discovery. He has also starred in movies and has developed the Australia Zoo wildlife park, north of Brisbane, which was started by his parents Bob and Lyn Irwin.
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who used a photograph of his family at Australia Zoo for his official Christmas card last year, hailed Mr Irwin for his work in promoting Australia.
Mr Irwin was heavily involved in last year's "G'Day LA" campaign. "The minister knew him, was fond of him and was very, very appreciative of all the work he'd done to promote Australia overseas," a spokesman said. The Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) said a call was received about 11am (AEST) and an emergency services helicopter was flown to the boat on Batt Reef off the coast near Cairns with a doctor and emergency services paramedic on board. Mr Irwin had a puncture wound to the left side of his chest and he was pronounced dead at the scene. The Irwins have two children – a daughter, Bindi Sue Irwin, eight, and a three-year-old son, Robert (Bob) Clarence Irwin.
I believe we should all have a moment of silence now, for one of my childhood heros.
You will be missed, Mr. Irwin, Crocodile Hunter. You will be missed.
Well, it turns out that my teeth with go back to normal...Because I asked the right people, and my Mother...And she knows all. Yay knowledge! Anyway, yesterday I had Brunch, at a restaurant called Tommy G's. It was expensive, but I liked what I got...even though I don't usually eat breakfast.
I got Banana French Toast. I will tell you how to make it. If you know how to make French Toast already, then you're good! Because I'm only giving ou the begining, and no ingrediant list....-insert evil snicker here-
Take a thick piece of bread, and slice it in half....or take two pieces of bread....Next, take a banana, and slice that in half laterally, and horizontally. then, put the banana between the bread, and make it like a sandwich. Dip it in the nutmeg, milky flour eggbatter wash stuff, and it will sort of...glue....the bread(s) together. Then put it in a pan, and cook it. There you have banana French Toast. It's very tasty.
That was what I had for Brunch. When we came home, Sibling and I walked to WalMart where I got a black shirt...because someone got bleach on mine......and I also got a Green Day hat. Because, if you didn't know already, I love Green Day. And then, Sibling and I played the Sims 2 until midnight. Lots of fun. Lots of laughs....and chinese food.
Quote of the Day
Sibling:-after shaking her head- I have a headache.
Sibling:Nah, it's probably just my head smashing into my skull.
Sibling:I mean my head smashing into my brain.
Me:.......Good night, Sibling.....
Sibling:Don't worry, I'll just have a little brain Trauma
Sibling:Don't worry, I'll just have a little brain Trauma
Oh, the conversations at 1:11 AM
I got Banana French Toast. I will tell you how to make it. If you know how to make French Toast already, then you're good! Because I'm only giving ou the begining, and no ingrediant list....-insert evil snicker here-
Take a thick piece of bread, and slice it in half....or take two pieces of bread....Next, take a banana, and slice that in half laterally, and horizontally. then, put the banana between the bread, and make it like a sandwich. Dip it in the nutmeg, milky flour eggbatter wash stuff, and it will sort of...glue....the bread(s) together. Then put it in a pan, and cook it. There you have banana French Toast. It's very tasty.
That was what I had for Brunch. When we came home, Sibling and I walked to WalMart where I got a black shirt...because someone got bleach on mine......and I also got a Green Day hat. Because, if you didn't know already, I love Green Day. And then, Sibling and I played the Sims 2 until midnight. Lots of fun. Lots of laughs....and chinese food.
Sibling:-after shaking her head- I have a headache.
Sibling:Nah, it's probably just my head smashing into my skull.
Sibling:I mean my head smashing into my brain.
Me:.......Good night, Sibling.....
Sibling:Don't worry, I'll just have a little brain Trauma
Sibling:Don't worry, I'll just have a little brain Trauma
Oh, the conversations at 1:11 AM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Teeth Weeds
I think I may've chipped my tooth. On a needle. Now, don't go assuming, like I know you're doing. I'm sewing a pair of pants up, and the thread I use is super long. So, I hold the needle between my teeth. Well, I think I bit down on the needle at some point, because when I was brushing my teeth I noticed that they were not the usual worn down teeth of myself.
So, that got me to thinking about weathering. If my teeth get battered everyday with food and drinks, and the like...candy etc., will they go back to their old shape? Or would they regrow, like stubborn weeds? It bothers me a bit, because I liked how my teeth looked, and I don't like the feeling that I'm missing pieces....because it makes me feel...weird....Weird-er.
Happy Trails!
So, that got me to thinking about weathering. If my teeth get battered everyday with food and drinks, and the like...candy etc., will they go back to their old shape? Or would they regrow, like stubborn weeds? It bothers me a bit, because I liked how my teeth looked, and I don't like the feeling that I'm missing pieces....because it makes me feel...weird....Weird-er.
Happy Trails!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Skin Caner...And Death...
A Conversation with myself, and Dahammer....
Dahammer: Yeah, i'm soooooo plae
Me:pale?...I think I win that little competition....
Dahammer: We'll see...But hey, this means it will be the two of us who don't get skin cancer
Me: Exactly, that is why I have no problems with staying indoors
Dahammer: Let their skin rot off, we'll still have beatiful skin at 60
Me: Hells yeah!
Dahammer: Which means any free 60 old woman go for me, the only male bachelor at that age who doesn't have skin cancer
Me: -laughter-
Dahammer: So like when i'm 60 i'm gonna be such a chick magnet................lucky me
Me: You don't think you'll have anyone before sixty? That makes me chuckle
Dahammer: -laughter- I'm sure i will
Me: Just in case then, eh?
Dahammer: Anything to make me feel better
Me: -laughter-
Dahammer: Lets hope it doesn't come to that
Me: One can only hope
Dahammer: Just thinking about being 60 and single is just wierd
Me: I can see me being that obnoxious old lady on the corner house with all the cats...and a Beamer sittin' on the front lawn
Dahammer: I could see myself being SUPER fat, and just watching tv after having given up on life
Me: Awww...I'll move next to you won't get fat and lazy
Me: Instead, you'll be running around the whole block, away from me..whilst I try to beat you over the head with your own cane
Dahammer: 'Till i suffer a massive heart attack and die, way to go jereality....
Me: -intense laughter- I'll be at the funeral though
Dahammer: You'd probably go for the food though
Me: laughter- No doubts
Dahammer: i don't know if i'll have food at my funeral
Dahammer: Kinda like "if i can't have food then no one can"
Me: -laughter-
Dahammer: So HA in your face!
That was one big quote of the day...Hope you enjoyed it!
Happy Trails
Dahammer: Yeah, i'm soooooo plae
Me:pale?...I think I win that little competition....
Dahammer: We'll see...But hey, this means it will be the two of us who don't get skin cancer
Me: Exactly, that is why I have no problems with staying indoors
Dahammer: Let their skin rot off, we'll still have beatiful skin at 60
Me: Hells yeah!
Dahammer: Which means any free 60 old woman go for me, the only male bachelor at that age who doesn't have skin cancer
Me: -laughter-
Dahammer: So like when i'm 60 i'm gonna be such a chick magnet................lucky me
Me: You don't think you'll have anyone before sixty? That makes me chuckle
Dahammer: -laughter- I'm sure i will
Me: Just in case then, eh?
Dahammer: Anything to make me feel better
Me: -laughter-
Dahammer: Lets hope it doesn't come to that
Me: One can only hope
Dahammer: Just thinking about being 60 and single is just wierd
Me: I can see me being that obnoxious old lady on the corner house with all the cats...and a Beamer sittin' on the front lawn
Dahammer: I could see myself being SUPER fat, and just watching tv after having given up on life
Me: Awww...I'll move next to you won't get fat and lazy
Me: Instead, you'll be running around the whole block, away from me..whilst I try to beat you over the head with your own cane
Dahammer: 'Till i suffer a massive heart attack and die, way to go jereality....
Me: -intense laughter- I'll be at the funeral though
Dahammer: You'd probably go for the food though
Me: laughter- No doubts
Dahammer: i don't know if i'll have food at my funeral
Dahammer: Kinda like "if i can't have food then no one can"
Me: -laughter-
Dahammer: So HA in your face!
That was one big quote of the day...Hope you enjoyed it!
Happy Trails
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