I think you all should know that I'm sick. I've got a head cold. Well, no, I've got a cold...that's what I don't get a head cold, and a chest cold...they're both colds. Just say you have a cold, and leave the symptoms for people who care. Anyway, I am being groomed by my cat. It's a bit annoying when she's craving attention and I'm trying to type to you guys. Of course, she did just fall from my bed behind me, into the chair, flung herself over my shoulder, and procedded to fall off of the keyboard desk. So, I held her for a moment, until she was calm, and gave her a bit of attention. She really likes attention. And all is well now, because she's purring.
And now she's gone. I blame you guys. Probably someone's negetive vibe coming across online...You never know, it could be that, or...it could be because I poked her fat stomach a few times, and then poked the top of her head...and then her nose...oh look! She's back! I knew it was your guys...Anyway, you've gotten me off track again. Oh yeah, I'm sick!
So, I remember Thursday being fun filled, and action packed. What with Prison, and new piano lessons....which were forgotten about...so, I had to reschedule them for 7...The guy who teaches me, Mr. Fleur, he's a funny man....I'll give you some quotes....
Mr. Fleur.: Now, which one is C?
Me:This one?
Me:This one?
MF:If you are confident, you will shake my hand, and bet a dollar.
Me:-shakes hand-
MF:You just lost a dollar.
Me:This one?
Me:This one?
Me:-incredulous look-
Mf:Yes, that is C. Now, which one is G?
Ah, good times......
Yes, a day dedicated to a tree. Firday....Has a bit of a ring to it...Actually, no, I lied. There is no ring there...But this is for friday. Yes, Friday! Woo!
Friday was fun, Prison was boring....Lunch was amusing though, as seen here: Wyoming's blog..Well, that's more of an exerpt. The whole thing is on both, Wyoming's blog, and Onyx's blog..good luck putting them both in order, and understanding what they mean. Go on, I dare you.
Anyway, the last period of the day is English. In that class, I sit across from NJ Snow, and J Dub. Well, NJ was playing with his calculater, talking about a program he made that s supposed to rate the day you're going to have. Well, that's what the quotes on Wyoming's blog, and Onyx's blog are about. Soon, it became how old you are going to be when you die....Anyway J Dub wanted to see how the program would work, and eventually, the conversation began to spiral into hysteria....
J Dub:NJ, I need to know how long I'll live....
NJ Snow:-fiddles with calculater-
JD:NJ, this is a matter of life and death! I need to know how long I've got!
NJ:Favorite number? Year you were born....
JD:-rattles off numbers-
NJ:Three years....Give or take
JD:NJ! NJ! I need you to prgram a time machine!
JD:Now, seriously. I need to warn myself. Make a time machine program!
Me:-laughter- -pauses- How do I get games on this thing?
NJ:-takes my calculater- -pulls out some wire-
JD:You should clear her memory bank....
Me:-gasp- -looks at NJ-
NJ:-laughs- And then she'd have nothing!
JD:Nope, just a piece of technology!
Me:Don't you dare...
NJ:-laughter- Click!
Me:No way....
JD:Now, about that time machine program....
No worries though, my calculater still adds...all he did was take away some program i created....but it didn't really do anything. When you clicked it, it just said DONE in funky letters...And I wanted it to be gone anyway. Then I went to somewhere fun for dinner....Where did we go...Buca de Beppo's! That' right. No..we didn't....That was some other nigth. Where did we go? Oh right! Famous Dave's! That barbecue place I blogged about a couple months ago.....Well, I probably blogged about it sometime in January, or sometime last year, I dunno, you should check the archives. Then Mother, Sibling, and I dropped Onyx back at her house, because we drug her to dinner with us, and then we went to Blockbuster...and I'm lying to you. We went to blockbuster rightafter dinner, watched Take the Lead, and then dropped Onyx at her house....well, Mother drove Onyx home, while I went to bed. Because I was sicker, and more medicated, and had sleepy eyes.
Today, I finished a paper for English, and did nothing...Wait...That's another lie. I went to PJ Whelihans for dinner tonight with Mother and Sibling. Good food, dark enough for me to be happy, wonderful selection of music. All in all, a good spot. Well, I should be going to bed tonight, to get up in a couple hours.....But no worries! I have a quote for today also!
Me: You're supposed to eat food with them! Not eat them!
Onyx: Damnit! I did it wrong again!!!!! Food on the chopsticks...THEN EAT!
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