Thursday, October 12, 2006

Come Again?

Alright, I'll give it to you straight...
Today was a funny day!

In CPR, we...Wyoming and I...tested out Infant CPR, and our little bundle of plastic urchin-try's jaw fell off, as did it's plastic rubbery face...Lots of fun there..Not to mention, four of them, that's right, four of those little plastic babies all were stuffed in a duffle bag....You may not find the humor, but I know I do...

In Pre-Calc, there was a mild disturbance of the force outside the classroom...well, outside in general. The birds.....

(Excited words are italicized)
-incessant chirping&squawking-
Prof.:What's that noise?
Andy:The Birds...
Dillan: Oh Yeah! Today's the Bird fight out at the pole!

And English, although rather boring at this time, also proved to be amusing....

Me:-spells SASS in sign language-
NJSnow:Hey, now I can spell: -spells ASS in sign language-
J Dub: Ssa? Sorry, I'm lysdectic.

In case you were wondering, J Dub isn't dyslectic, I am sometimes...which is why I have to reread anything I write..or say even, before I publish, or hand them in....He's just a funny kid....Yay funny!

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