Have any of you ever played
Oblivion? Hm? It's the game after
Morrowind...or something... I don't know, but let me tell you, it's pretty freakin' addicting! My God, I never imagined that I'd end up playing a game I loved so much. I could probably plaay it for hours. And you know what sucks about that? I don't own an X Box 360...which happens to be the only system the game plays on...That, and I don't own the game.
I went to Onyx's house this weekend, where I discovered the wonderful game. In the game, I'm a Bretan, named Keiran...I have a bounty on my head because I have a nasty clepto habit, I kill people, and break into houses. What sucks though, is that I collect things..and the character can only hold 200 pounds worth of stuff, and at one point I was sixty pounds over the limit becasue I had gotten some kind of gift. I don't know, but I strongly recommend the game to anyone who enjoys the dark, and long hours in front of the tv set.
Also, during my stay at Onyx's house, I listened to a band called
t.A.T.u. . They're pretty amazing. They're Russian, so the best songs are in Russian...they have English translations, but it's not the same. Something missing from them, and it makes me go 'where's the Russian lyrics?'. So that's what I'm listening to right now. Youtube.com is very convinient when one doesn't own the music one wishes to listen to. Yay youtube!
I had lots of good times over at Onyx's abode, and then at Wyoming's abode, which we went to both nights after a happy jaunt to our Wawa. Soda, and coffee...except for that time I got a milkshake...and ended up spitting it at Onyx when she insisted it was empty.
That, my friends, was hysterical. Ah, yes...I also got hit in the mouth with a hacky sack...mid sentence. I can tell you, grass seed, dirt, and bits of grass...not tasty.
I came back to my house after two days of those fun times, and finished
Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer, who I'm sure I've raved about before. The website is easy enough,
StephenieMeyer.Com, it's just her name with a nifty dot com at the end. When I publish a book, my website will still be Jereality, I think. It's nifty, and easy, and rolls off the tongue. Say it with me now, 'Jereality'...ah, very nice.
Oh! I also saw
Blood Diamond...Oh my gosh, I strongly recommend this too. It was amazing. So amazing, in fact, I added it to my 'List Of Movies I Want On DVD' list. I like to say that list's name for the fun of it...You can say it all you want, you can even use it..knock your socks off...just watch this movie. I like it a lot...It's amazing. And Leo DiCaprio's African Accent is amazing in the movie. It takes a couple seconds to catch onto, but after those breif moments of 'wtf?'-ness, you go, 'wow...that's hot', regardless of your gender. Any accent that isn't your own seems to enchant. Don't worry though, your secrets are safe with me. Mine, however, are plastered on this website...But I'm the one who puts them there, so I guess they aren't really meant to be secrets. Whatever...I'm going to go now...sleep, or something... NIghty night!
Quote Of The Day:
-talking of youtube spoofs, and videos-
Onyx: I really like the Blood Diamond spoof...
Wyoming&Myself: (O_o) Eh?
Onyx:Oh yeah, it's out there. A bunch of English guys runnin' around going
"My name is Archer! A-R-C-H-E-R!...Fuck!"
Wyoming&Myself: -laughter-
All: " 'My name is Archer! A-R-C-H-E-R!...' "
Me: Fuck!
All: -laughter-This is what happens when you play cards, and speak of amazing things....You should try it...
Whatever your choice in Muffin, enjoy,