I guess maybe I'm desensitized, or something...I dunno, people said they were scared and all kinds of stuff when it first came out...After watching it, all I could do was sigh, take it out of my DVD player, and go downstairs to watch the rest of Drake and Josh:Really Big Shrimp...which ended up to be fairly amusing. Good times...sittin' in the dark, eating cake and watching tv. It's really the most amazing cake...anyone could make it...if they knew the ingrediants and such. And I won't tell you, so live in darkness...I will tell you this, though, it requires 26 ounces of chocolate, sugar, eggs and milk. Yeppers.
Anyway, I got a Betta Fish today! I was so excited, and I still am thrilled. Long ago, Onyx got a Betta fish, and has been saying she'd get me one. And I got one! He is so pretty...I'm going to put some picture in here for you guys to see. Once they all load, I mean...otherwise, I'm at a loss for words. So, he's red, and blue and purpley...and he likes to lay on the colorful stones on the bottom....He's a lot of fun to stare at, because he stares right back at you. Lots of fun.
This is what he looks like! He's so perdy!
This is what he looks like when I take away all the colors except for red...
This is what he looks like when I do the same thing, but with blue...
I loves my Betta Fish, Jace. He's pretty. Do you agree? You should...He's so pretty, he's perdier than you!

Don't be jealous...You have thumbs.
Just Keep Swimming!
-Jereality; ^_6
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