1) I've reaaraanged my bedroom. I don't know if I told you that yet, but I did....and It's amazing how much extra room I've got now. Mind boggling, and the like.
2) I battled my Mathematics teacher for a one hundred when I got a 95....just so you know, I won.
3) I have this bizarre tendency t cut little half moons out of my contacts when I take them out now...I think I need to cut my nails or something...'cause this is getting ridiculous now.
4) I really enjoy making these lists....sadly, it must come to an end...for I have some Scientific Humor for you...
Alrighty, so, I have to run a few things by you all firstly. In list form, pra'aly...
1) My class of seven had to do a lab useing a special enzyme in potatoes. This enzyme is also found in liver...but it tends to smell when you blend it and add it to water and set it on ice...So, we just used the potato.
2) We did read the lab directions...though, in the backs of our minds we had a question or two...that was probably a mistake...
Okay, now that you know those two little facts, I'm going to tell you some more. The lab was designed for us to be able to study the enzyme catalaase, which speeds up the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide - which happens to also be in our splendid human bodies (*Fact: If too much of this product builds up in your body...you die. End of story...) - into water and oxygen. This catalase-mediated reaction is important to the cell because it prevents a build up of hydrogen peroxide, which, as I stated before, will mess up the fragile balance of cell chemistry.
Alright, so what we needed to do was put a little piece of cheesecloth paper disc thing, and dip it in different concentrations of this potato enzyme liquid and then drop it in some hydrogn peroxide, and count the seconds it took for the disc to float back to the top. (*Note:The disc floats to the top of the hydrogen peroxide because of the enzyme in the potato juice. The enzyme breaks down the hydrogen peroxide, causing the gasses to get trapped as bubbles, which lift the little disc to the surface)
Well, my group, already half crazed because of laughter think we understand what we're supposed to do. So, we fill out little beakers up with the potato juice, and figure hey, why not waste the hydrogen peroxide and just pour it into the lid. We switched the hydrogen peroxide and the potato's roles in the experiment! So, we'd dunk the disc into the lid of hydrogen peroxide and then dropped it in the potato juice! Needless to say, our results were horrible...
Well, we (my group o' two and I = 3 persons) decided to ask what was going wrong. Well, our instructor comes over, apparantly glancing at the table behind us before coming over, because he instantly looks at our table and says 'where's your hydrogen peroxide'. Well, we tell him, and then there is a chorus of 'ours too' from the table behind us. Well, after a few claims of the group behind us being followers, we were dissed by group three on the other side of the room.
Group Mine and Groupe Table Behind Us got together to see our newly revised data when over strolls a member of Group Three. She looked slightly confused, but had her hands steepled in front of her...sort of like Mr. Burns
Then the girl who had come over as Mr. Burns's partner tried to defend her group. But I would have none of that, ending the 'you diss us, we diss you back' chant with a 'yeah...no.' Ah, good times....
I do suppose you'd have to be there for it to be really funny. 'Cause let me tell you, it was freakin' hysterical. We laughed...oh, did we laugh..
And that's about it....
May you never forget which is the catalase,
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