Sunday, December 30, 2007

So Close...

At the current moment, I'm watching Dane Cook: Visious Circle and it's pretty funny. Talking about dead people now, and now it's something totally different because I stopped to watch instead of type to you guys.

I realize that I have been very bored for the past several days - after Christmas, whitch I will tell you about - and I figured out that all I really wanted to do was blog. That's why I was feeling kind of bored and lonely, I wanted to blog. I needed to type something, so that was it. I'm here now, typing.

Alrighty, every year on christmas day, Sibling and I sit on the top of the stairs and Mother takes a picture and then we go and open gifties and things. It's good times, really, it is. So, we took our picture and then we went downstairs and opened our gifts.
I got a whole bunch of things, and they are fantastic. I got the Dane Cook DVDs that I'm watching right now, a hat from sibling with '^_6' on it - she got it custom made, good times. A bunch of shirts and a pair of jeans and a nifty robe which has come in very handy over the past three days - which I will later describe. I also got Cinderella, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1, 2, and 3, Fern Gully, Transformers, magnets from Father, some crazy pen from GGR, and a pair of fantastic BOSE headphones from Father...I love them. They're so loud - amazing. And a whole buncha other things. Ah, good times.
And then we did the bonding with the family, and it was good times. I loved the good times. Sibling got a camera she loves, Father got a new bed which he loves, and Mother got everything she wanted - which, in case you haven't been already told, never happens. I love when they get happy - my family, I like it.

December 26th, I rest. I play with my Christmas gift. I watch TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and bonded with Father, it was good times.

December 27th, 12:15pm - Dentist's Office
I got my Wisdom Teeth removed.
Number one thing I want to tell you - dentist helper man, 'Nick', he was lovely to look at. Anyway, I was on the movey chair thing and it was time for me to be placed under local anestetics - not 'put under', that's just silly. So, he rams the needle in my gums and that hurts a bit, but I'm fine. Dentist Man (DM for short) says "Do you feel pain?" I look at him, a sarcastic shift in my brows as he withdraws the two and a half inch needle from my gum and I say "" He says good and we get on our merry way.
First Tooth - top right, out without my knowledge. He pulled it out and said "Three Wisdom teeth to go." I blinked, "really?" "yeah." Blinks, Shifty Eyes. "Can-I-See-It?" He shows me the tooth. It's red. B-E-A-Utiful. One piece.
Second Tooth - top left, a little bit of pokin' on my gum but I didn't really feel anything. "Two wisdom teeth to go." Fantastic. I didn't even need to ask to see that one and he showed me. One piece. Lovely.
Third Tooth - lower left. Lots of poking on my gum. And then the drill. He jammed that sucker in around and through my tooth, that hurt so badly! So, naturally, my eyes tear up. No biggie - however, with the application of gravity and my vertical lay down position, said 'tear-up' became a tear fall. Just one. DM looks at me and says, "don't you feel pain?" I say nothing, and then I do that 'no' grunt, as he still has a mirror and a gummy thing between the opposite set of jaws - not comfy, by the way.
So, DM continues and drills and scrapes at my tooth until finally it comes out in four chunks of enamel. Lovely.
Fourth and Final Tooth - lower right. Oh. My. God. Remember, remember when I had that little tear-jerker thing up there, up in those words you just read? Recall? Well, this tooth got six of those teras. SIX! OUCH! Dear ol' DM asked if I was in pain five times. First time I said 'uh uh, no' second, third, fourth and fifth I said yes. Oh, goodness gracious. He used that needle I talked about before first tooth four times. And still, after all that numbing crap, I still felt pain.
I wanted so badly to just grab the little twisty screwdriver type tool he was useing to break apart my last wisdom tooth, and just break it off myself.
It was frustrating, really, and the woman who was so lovingly shoving the mirror down my throat was a big help, too. She choked me three times, for the record. Ah, it was a painful day. eventually, DM ended up scraping out my tooth in many pieces, chunks and otherwise bloody hunks of enamel.
Not pretty to see, mind you. And I did. I did see it. Because I was awake. I justl ike to state that. I don't know why...maybe because everyone else I know was 'put under' for their lovely tooth extractions. Whatever...

December 28th,
I woke up at 4 pm. Good stuff.
I woke up at noon-ish...I did some other things...really, I did nothing.
Today, woke up at ten-ish...
I watched TV.

The past three days, I've worn PJ pants, a cami and my fantabulous robe. Good stuff.

Face Swollen. Medicated. Nauseous. Tired.

I'm gonna go to bed now...ugh, I feel horrible.

Nighty night.


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Jereality said...


I'm sure what you said was lovely...but I don't speak spanish....all I can get i 'your blog is very interesting'. Pass by your site? Sure, why not....
