So, I've been thinking lately - a dangerous past time, I know.
But really, I have been. After the post the other day, I realized that I'm now over it. I don't think about it anymore. I usually think about the situation long and hard at least once a day - that's how bad it had been... Today, I went the entire day without any thoughts about it whatsoever.
However, I did also not really think about anything today. I kind of just existed. I made nothing that would constitute my living in the house. I made no messes. I made no friends. I made no tears. I didn't make my bed after I rolled out of it. I made no real noise. I did nothing of real consequence.
I did watch Fight Club (linked in title) one and 3/4 times, though. I watched it completely after seeing a clip of it on TV during dinner... and then I watched a little bit more with a running commentary...which I got fed up with because Brad Pitt (though, he is fantastically amazing in the movie) mumbles so badly! His clothes/style in the movie are amazing, though. Really, I love it.
A thought just popped into my head. And it is sad. As most of you already know, I have a lot of self-pity. All the shit that goes on in my life builds onto itself, and then one thing will happen and it's all 'woe is me'. Well, recently, I've developed.... no, that's a lie. I've had feelings for this one guy for a couple years... At the time, he was out of my league - enter: self-loathing, and it's shiny trophy wife, Self-pity. So, I really didn't talk to him.
Out of the blue - I don't remember how it happened, we started talking a couple months ago. He had a girlfriend then, and he has a girlfriend now. Neither of which are me. Not a problem. Except the fact that he makes me smile more than usual. -insert sigh here-
I don't know where I was going with this, I think I just wanted to be able to see it written down.
I want what I can't have.
It's how I operate.
It's how I thrive.
I make promises to myself about things that I can't have.
Then, I realize I won't ever have them because I'm a little bit pessimistic.
Self-Pity traipses over my face and parade.
Then I go and sleep.
That's how my life works when I just exist. I'll either sleep all day, or not sleep at all... That's when my serious bouts of insomnia break out the party lights. The insomnia causes me to stay up, which in turn dries out my contacts - because I'm not going to pretend to sleep if I know I'm not going to - which then gives hazy vision, which will lead to terrible head aches.
It's sad. That whole thing. I know exactly what will happen. That's what happens when I think. I think too much, which lets me know exactly what consequences will occur if I do certain things.
Fight Club encompasses my life.
I need a Tyler Durden.
^_6;; Jereality
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I Am A Terrible Person
What's up?
How're you?
That's good to hear.
What's up with me?
How am I doing?
Not so good.
I am a terrible, horrible person. And the worst part is, people are starting to notice. Not people I've just met, because I've begun to train myself on honesty - so they know exactly how I feel when I feel it, and are used to my drastic changes in moods when certain people speak/enter a room/ breathe... However... my old friends, the friends I've had for years... The friends before college... They aren't quite attuned to this new honesty thing that I've got going. So, I try to hide my honesty thing away. This doesn't work, though.
Remember, once upon a time, I was a happy person who had a great boyfriend? No? I vaguely do, myself...
The night before I broke it off, I had a very long conversation about it with a great friend - at the time... It went something along the lines of leading people on, and if I'm not happy in the relationship anymore, there's no reason to continue it. Regardless, that conversation held a lot of sway on my decision on the relationship itself.
I'm growing nauseous just thinking about it... The entire situation as a whole... I make myself sick.
I think I said, that night with my friend, that she could give dating him a shot. I don't know what made me say that. I knew it would hurt me if she did. I didn't think she would do it. I also knew, that if dating him made her happy, I would be happy for her...
Then I went on vacation to New York with Onyx... It was so amazing. I had such a great time... and then I came back, went online... My first friend-to-me interaction was Topher/DaHammer saying to me 'I'm sorry'. Naturally, I was baffled. Then, he told me to check facebook. Before I could do that, I got a text from the friend I had spoken to about the boyfriend situation. It started off casually... 'Hey, how was your trip? Did you just get back?' things of that nature. Then it changed... 'What would you think if me and [your ex] were together?'
I remember staring at my phone, trying to see if there was any other way to read that message. If I was somehow misinterpretting it or something. I didn't know what to say, but I know that I felt my chest tighten as I hit 'Reply'. I said to her, 'I don't care. It's your life, I have no control over what you do with it.' Then, I sent it. Then I sent another, 'are you a couple?'... my response? 'Yes.'
Okay. Whatever. I just told her I didn't care, and I gave her the green light the week before...
So, I was sitting in my living room, in my chair... Mother laying on the couch reading a book, Sibling on the stairs leaning on the banester talking to Mother.... I was in my chair... supressing tears.
I don't know why I'm telling you all of this now. It's just been weighing on me so much... It's all I can think about sometimes. I thought there was some unwritten rule that ou couldn't date your close friend's exes. I thought she could read between my sarcasm and see that I was just trying to put up a front so she wouldn't see how hurt I was.
I bet she didn't even know I stopped myself from crying at her house. That I drove home from her house and cried over my decision. That the next night I couldn't even call him on the phone to break up. That I had to do it online so I couldn't see or hear his dissapointment... so he couldn't see or hear my weakness... That through the whole thing I could barely see the screen through tears...
Whatever. Okay.
They changed the Coffee Garden while I was away at college. I was invited by the Ex to come and see it, I agreed, but was hesitent because I had brought Liz, Runner, and Vincenzo down with me. Also, because I didn't know if she would be there. However, I went to see what the new interior looked like, and also because I wanted to see how he was doing. [Granted, he was the one who asked her out]. Well, I drove the four of us to the CG, and there he was sitting in front of the bay window... arms outstretched on the table...hands in hers.
Now, I had only spoken of this situation with Liz, so, she gave me a glance and I confirmed that this was the incident I had hoped to avoid. Regardless, I went in, introduced my roommates to my Ex and her. We had a lovely time, only because I lied. I forced every smile, every ounce of hate I wanted to pound into her face... And then we all left at closing time.
I tried to tell myself I was over it... But every time I hung out with her, she would always have the Ex around, too. Also, they're in love. I don't know how that works after two or three months, but I'm sure it feels great.
Okay. Whatever.
I know exactly how I feel about everything. The feeling that encompasses everything that I feel is hate. I hate him because he asked her out. I hate her for accepting. Most of all, though, I hate myself for pretending like I didn't care. I hate that I didn't say what I really thought of their relationship. I hate that I thought I wouldn't be hurt over the break up.
Now it doesn't matter. I've moved on. If you're reading this, and you know my circle of friends or you, yourself, are in my circle of friends, it's not at all difficult to figure out who is in the situation. If you're an avid reader, you could probably figure it out, too...
Doesn't matter. I hope she will understand - if she even reads this anymore - that I can't say anything to her face. I'm a coward in that sense, I guess. Also, I don't want to say anything I'll regret. I don't want to make her sad, I don't want to have to make her hurt. I don't know what I'd do if the situation brought itself up and I had the opportunity to tell her how I feel, because I think I'd hurt her. I don't know if it would just be emotional, either... I've bottled my anger for so long without dealing with it, I just might let it all go. And I know for a fact that I don't want to explode in front of her. She's been through enough as it is.
So, Jess. I'm sorry. Honestly.
What's up?
How're you?
That's good to hear.
What's up with me?
How am I doing?
Not so good.
I am a terrible, horrible person. And the worst part is, people are starting to notice. Not people I've just met, because I've begun to train myself on honesty - so they know exactly how I feel when I feel it, and are used to my drastic changes in moods when certain people speak/enter a room/ breathe... However... my old friends, the friends I've had for years... The friends before college... They aren't quite attuned to this new honesty thing that I've got going. So, I try to hide my honesty thing away. This doesn't work, though.
Remember, once upon a time, I was a happy person who had a great boyfriend? No? I vaguely do, myself...
The night before I broke it off, I had a very long conversation about it with a great friend - at the time... It went something along the lines of leading people on, and if I'm not happy in the relationship anymore, there's no reason to continue it. Regardless, that conversation held a lot of sway on my decision on the relationship itself.
I'm growing nauseous just thinking about it... The entire situation as a whole... I make myself sick.
I think I said, that night with my friend, that she could give dating him a shot. I don't know what made me say that. I knew it would hurt me if she did. I didn't think she would do it. I also knew, that if dating him made her happy, I would be happy for her...
Then I went on vacation to New York with Onyx... It was so amazing. I had such a great time... and then I came back, went online... My first friend-to-me interaction was Topher/DaHammer saying to me 'I'm sorry'. Naturally, I was baffled. Then, he told me to check facebook. Before I could do that, I got a text from the friend I had spoken to about the boyfriend situation. It started off casually... 'Hey, how was your trip? Did you just get back?' things of that nature. Then it changed... 'What would you think if me and [your ex] were together?'
I remember staring at my phone, trying to see if there was any other way to read that message. If I was somehow misinterpretting it or something. I didn't know what to say, but I know that I felt my chest tighten as I hit 'Reply'. I said to her, 'I don't care. It's your life, I have no control over what you do with it.' Then, I sent it. Then I sent another, 'are you a couple?'... my response? 'Yes.'
Okay. Whatever. I just told her I didn't care, and I gave her the green light the week before...
So, I was sitting in my living room, in my chair... Mother laying on the couch reading a book, Sibling on the stairs leaning on the banester talking to Mother.... I was in my chair... supressing tears.
I don't know why I'm telling you all of this now. It's just been weighing on me so much... It's all I can think about sometimes. I thought there was some unwritten rule that ou couldn't date your close friend's exes. I thought she could read between my sarcasm and see that I was just trying to put up a front so she wouldn't see how hurt I was.
I bet she didn't even know I stopped myself from crying at her house. That I drove home from her house and cried over my decision. That the next night I couldn't even call him on the phone to break up. That I had to do it online so I couldn't see or hear his dissapointment... so he couldn't see or hear my weakness... That through the whole thing I could barely see the screen through tears...
Whatever. Okay.
They changed the Coffee Garden while I was away at college. I was invited by the Ex to come and see it, I agreed, but was hesitent because I had brought Liz, Runner, and Vincenzo down with me. Also, because I didn't know if she would be there. However, I went to see what the new interior looked like, and also because I wanted to see how he was doing. [Granted, he was the one who asked her out]. Well, I drove the four of us to the CG, and there he was sitting in front of the bay window... arms outstretched on the table...hands in hers.
Now, I had only spoken of this situation with Liz, so, she gave me a glance and I confirmed that this was the incident I had hoped to avoid. Regardless, I went in, introduced my roommates to my Ex and her. We had a lovely time, only because I lied. I forced every smile, every ounce of hate I wanted to pound into her face... And then we all left at closing time.
I tried to tell myself I was over it... But every time I hung out with her, she would always have the Ex around, too. Also, they're in love. I don't know how that works after two or three months, but I'm sure it feels great.
Okay. Whatever.
I know exactly how I feel about everything. The feeling that encompasses everything that I feel is hate. I hate him because he asked her out. I hate her for accepting. Most of all, though, I hate myself for pretending like I didn't care. I hate that I didn't say what I really thought of their relationship. I hate that I thought I wouldn't be hurt over the break up.
Now it doesn't matter. I've moved on. If you're reading this, and you know my circle of friends or you, yourself, are in my circle of friends, it's not at all difficult to figure out who is in the situation. If you're an avid reader, you could probably figure it out, too...
Doesn't matter. I hope she will understand - if she even reads this anymore - that I can't say anything to her face. I'm a coward in that sense, I guess. Also, I don't want to say anything I'll regret. I don't want to make her sad, I don't want to have to make her hurt. I don't know what I'd do if the situation brought itself up and I had the opportunity to tell her how I feel, because I think I'd hurt her. I don't know if it would just be emotional, either... I've bottled my anger for so long without dealing with it, I just might let it all go. And I know for a fact that I don't want to explode in front of her. She's been through enough as it is.
So, Jess. I'm sorry. Honestly.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Me: - isn't doing work-
Liz: Jereality! Do your work! Me too!
-I have a paper to write, you see.... and I'm doing everything I can to not do my work... Including this... Yay!-
^_6;;Jereality - pretending to do work for a very long time...
Liz: Jereality! Do your work! Me too!
-I have a paper to write, you see.... and I'm doing everything I can to not do my work... Including this... Yay!-
^_6;;Jereality - pretending to do work for a very long time...
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
My Tea Tastes Like... Evil
Okie dokie...
This week is Finals Week. I've decided that finals, themselves, are unnecessary. If the Professors and Doctors teach the information properly, we, the students, should know it. If finals are needed, they should be reflected in the Doctor's and Professor's salaries, because obviously they did something wrong in teaching. If they taught correctly, we would know the information.
Mostly, I'm typing this up because I'm distracted right now. I think I'm going to list to you some things I want to list for you. I was going to tell you that it was a list of things that I liked, but I can't promise that.
- I like Earl Grey Tea
- I do not like the water at my place of College Learning
- I like texting
- A lot...
- I hate the commercials about Jay's Baked Beans
- I really like animals
- I'd rather live in a cave than on the sun
- I like shiny things
- Taylor Swift is growing on me
- Not literally, I just like some of her songs
- I like when music connects with my life
- I like to say 'Epic Fail' and 'Full of Win'
- The entire left side of my body hurts... That's the broken toe side and my pinky hurts a lot now
- Going to bed is a waste of my life
- I love to sleep
- Contradictions are my specialty
- I also hate the Manwich commercials... Mac and Cheese is more entertaining than manwich
- I like making fun of James Blunt's singing
- I really like Lingo
- Also, I like Chain Reaction...
- GSN is a good time
And so, this concludes my typing now... I might be going to sleep.... I think... I don't know yet... We'll see. G'bye!
This week is Finals Week. I've decided that finals, themselves, are unnecessary. If the Professors and Doctors teach the information properly, we, the students, should know it. If finals are needed, they should be reflected in the Doctor's and Professor's salaries, because obviously they did something wrong in teaching. If they taught correctly, we would know the information.
Mostly, I'm typing this up because I'm distracted right now. I think I'm going to list to you some things I want to list for you. I was going to tell you that it was a list of things that I liked, but I can't promise that.
- I like Earl Grey Tea
- I do not like the water at my place of College Learning
- I like texting
- A lot...
- I hate the commercials about Jay's Baked Beans
- I really like animals
- I'd rather live in a cave than on the sun
- I like shiny things
- Taylor Swift is growing on me
- Not literally, I just like some of her songs
- I like when music connects with my life
- I like to say 'Epic Fail' and 'Full of Win'
- The entire left side of my body hurts... That's the broken toe side and my pinky hurts a lot now
- Going to bed is a waste of my life
- I love to sleep
- Contradictions are my specialty
- I also hate the Manwich commercials... Mac and Cheese is more entertaining than manwich
- I like making fun of James Blunt's singing
- I really like Lingo
- Also, I like Chain Reaction...
- GSN is a good time
And so, this concludes my typing now... I might be going to sleep.... I think... I don't know yet... We'll see. G'bye!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Jereality? Ha Ha Ha!
Alright, so at my collegiate place of learning, it is sometimes fun to accept care packages that our parents bought for us that the college gives to us. So, Audrina, Liz and I got a note telling us that we had such a wonderful package. Well, Liz's name was messed up, and for the purpose of the story, I'm keeping the names as they are. Audrina's name was fine, my name was fine, and Liz's name was 'Lizard'. We all laughed and made fun of 'Lizard', because this is not the first time her name has been messed up. So, we go to get our packages and we walk in, and the guy who calls out the name is like 'Audrina, Lizard, Jereality... Jereality? Who's Jereality [-insert laughter here-]'
And I was like "Her name is LIZARD! My name is normal! Her name is a thing!" And they continued to laugh at my name... I don't understand!! What's so funny about my name? It's normal! Stupid... I don't like them...
That's it... That's all I have to say about it... It bothers me.... Whatever... whatever!
And I was like "Her name is LIZARD! My name is normal! Her name is a thing!" And they continued to laugh at my name... I don't understand!! What's so funny about my name? It's normal! Stupid... I don't like them...
That's it... That's all I have to say about it... It bothers me.... Whatever... whatever!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Don't worry, the English words are under this mess of 1's and 0's, trust me. However, if you copy and paste this into the site that is linked from the title, you'll see the same thing... Also, you'll be tempted to write things in Binary....
I've decided to do this post in Binary. Sibling gave me a site that will translate what I'm saying, and I figured I would share this with you. Also, Onyx was complaining earlier that I don't update as frequently as I probably should. I told her it was because nothing of sever consequence was going on, however, that did not seem to thwart her attempts at trying to get me to post.
So, at the moment I'm listening and trying to gather as many 'messed up' Christmas songs. I've got so many, and by so many, I mean ten. I have ten songs so far. I will list them for you...
1. Noel! Noel! - by Eve 6
2. O Holy Night - by Cartmen, from South Park
3. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (It's a Punk Rock Christmas) - by Gifted But Twisted
4. Jingle Bells - by The Barenaked Ladies
5. The Twelve Days of Christmas - by Bob and Doug McKenna
6. Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer - by Elmo and Patsy
7. Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants off of Santa - by Elmo and Patsy
8. The Chanukuh Song - by Adam Sandler
9. The Chaunkuh Song, Part 2 - by Adam Sandler
10. Dominick The Donkey - by Lou Monte
And that's all I have right now. It's kind of sad... So, if you guys have some suggestions that would fit nicely with the assortment I've already collected, I would be very much obliged.
Wasn't that a blast?!
You know you liked it,
^_6;; Jereality
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I've decided to do this post in Binary. Sibling gave me a site that will translate what I'm saying, and I figured I would share this with you. Also, Onyx was complaining earlier that I don't update as frequently as I probably should. I told her it was because nothing of sever consequence was going on, however, that did not seem to thwart her attempts at trying to get me to post.
So, at the moment I'm listening and trying to gather as many 'messed up' Christmas songs. I've got so many, and by so many, I mean ten. I have ten songs so far. I will list them for you...
1. Noel! Noel! - by Eve 6
2. O Holy Night - by Cartmen, from South Park
3. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (It's a Punk Rock Christmas) - by Gifted But Twisted
4. Jingle Bells - by The Barenaked Ladies
5. The Twelve Days of Christmas - by Bob and Doug McKenna
6. Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer - by Elmo and Patsy
7. Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants off of Santa - by Elmo and Patsy
8. The Chanukuh Song - by Adam Sandler
9. The Chaunkuh Song, Part 2 - by Adam Sandler
10. Dominick The Donkey - by Lou Monte
And that's all I have right now. It's kind of sad... So, if you guys have some suggestions that would fit nicely with the assortment I've already collected, I would be very much obliged.
Wasn't that a blast?!
You know you liked it,
^_6;; Jereality
Friday, November 28, 2008
Vampire Dreams
So, last night I had this crazy awesome dream... Now, if you've read Twilight, and know the characters, that's great, just skip down to the third paragraph where I begin the story. This little blurb right here is for those who didn't read the book or see the movie.
Twilight is about a 'normal' human girl named Bella. She falls in love with this vampire Edward. It just so happens, that one of the problems in the story is that another vampire, James, wants to kill Bella because she's food. James is a hunter, and he's really good at what he does. That should be about it, everyone else, I just invented.
So, Bella is supposed to be getting married to Edward, and I'm wandering around, looking for something. It doesn't really matter as to what I was searching for because when I arrived at the giant mansion empty-handed, no one seemed to care. Everyone was running around, trying to look their best. I don't remember what anyone was wearing except for me... I had on a trench coat type of jacket, and shorts and a tee-shirt and a pair of thick black boots. Which, apparently, was completely acceptable. Whatever. So, we're running around the mansion making sure Bella looks her best when all of a sudden I get a text message. The text is from James, the 'evil' vampire! I read the text and it has something to do with me ever wanting to see Sibling again, and wishing Bella a good wedding. Bella was distraught because she and Sibling were good friends, or something.
I say not to worry, because I know for a fact Sibling is safe. The next thing that goes through my mind is 'how did James get my cell number?!' So, I text him back, telling him that he's a liar and demanding to know how he got my number. I don't receive a response, so we all get ourselves together, and go outside.
Walking to the cars, who do we see? James! (Note* This is the James played by Cam Gigandet, which, if you like some eye-candy, is not such a bad thing) So, everyone in the wedding party is pretty much sending out a chorus of 'Oh My God's. Edward and the other vampires are nowhere to be seen, so it's just a bunch of mortals in heels faced up against a sarcastic killer vampire. Stellar. "I can make him go away," I say. I don't know why I said that, I was attracted to him in the dream too, so, I went over to the tree he was standing under and began to make conversation. So, in the dream, his real name was R. M. Masterman. So, I asked "Why do they call you James if your name is M. R.... R. M..." and he was like "R. M. Masterman." He didn't answer me, but looked at me like I was insane.
I then repeated my previous question, about how did he get my cell number. He said I should just wait for the e-mail. Now, somewhere within all of this we all (James, myself and the Wedding guests) moved to the parking lot. James then invited himself to the wedding by jumping into the backseat of a car. Now, he was holding a Turkey... Like, a cooked, browned turkey... Something was said, and I didn't know the answer to it, so I came back with, "I don't know, why don't you ask R. M. Turkey." Apparently, James didn't like that, she he hit me in the leg with the turkey! I didn't understand that when I woke up... But after I was struck, I woke up...
It was a strange dream, for sure... I hope I have another like it tonight... This is exciting!
Twilight is about a 'normal' human girl named Bella. She falls in love with this vampire Edward. It just so happens, that one of the problems in the story is that another vampire, James, wants to kill Bella because she's food. James is a hunter, and he's really good at what he does. That should be about it, everyone else, I just invented.
So, Bella is supposed to be getting married to Edward, and I'm wandering around, looking for something. It doesn't really matter as to what I was searching for because when I arrived at the giant mansion empty-handed, no one seemed to care. Everyone was running around, trying to look their best. I don't remember what anyone was wearing except for me... I had on a trench coat type of jacket, and shorts and a tee-shirt and a pair of thick black boots. Which, apparently, was completely acceptable. Whatever. So, we're running around the mansion making sure Bella looks her best when all of a sudden I get a text message. The text is from James, the 'evil' vampire! I read the text and it has something to do with me ever wanting to see Sibling again, and wishing Bella a good wedding. Bella was distraught because she and Sibling were good friends, or something.
I say not to worry, because I know for a fact Sibling is safe. The next thing that goes through my mind is 'how did James get my cell number?!' So, I text him back, telling him that he's a liar and demanding to know how he got my number. I don't receive a response, so we all get ourselves together, and go outside.
Walking to the cars, who do we see? James! (Note* This is the James played by Cam Gigandet, which, if you like some eye-candy, is not such a bad thing) So, everyone in the wedding party is pretty much sending out a chorus of 'Oh My God's. Edward and the other vampires are nowhere to be seen, so it's just a bunch of mortals in heels faced up against a sarcastic killer vampire. Stellar. "I can make him go away," I say. I don't know why I said that, I was attracted to him in the dream too, so, I went over to the tree he was standing under and began to make conversation. So, in the dream, his real name was R. M. Masterman. So, I asked "Why do they call you James if your name is M. R.... R. M..." and he was like "R. M. Masterman." He didn't answer me, but looked at me like I was insane.
I then repeated my previous question, about how did he get my cell number. He said I should just wait for the e-mail. Now, somewhere within all of this we all (James, myself and the Wedding guests) moved to the parking lot. James then invited himself to the wedding by jumping into the backseat of a car. Now, he was holding a Turkey... Like, a cooked, browned turkey... Something was said, and I didn't know the answer to it, so I came back with, "I don't know, why don't you ask R. M. Turkey." Apparently, James didn't like that, she he hit me in the leg with the turkey! I didn't understand that when I woke up... But after I was struck, I woke up...
It was a strange dream, for sure... I hope I have another like it tonight... This is exciting!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I know somewhere in all of my blogging history - which goes into several Xangas, and various other outlets for writing what I wanted - I said something fantastic about Thanksgiving Day. I don't remember for the life of me where it is, or what exactly was so fantastic about it. However, I will tell you my thoughts on the subject once more....
Okay, just so we're clear, the day of Thanksgiving was created by Abraham Lincoln. 'During his presidency Lincoln declared days of Thanksgiving whenever he felt the Union needed unity. The dates of varied from year to year and every President after declared thanksgiving at different times until 1941 when congress decided to make the 4th Thursday of November the day of Thanksgiving.' Interesting, I know.
The day, the actual 'first Thanksgiving' with the Pilgrims and the Native Americans... It was not the picture perfect painting in the textbooks, or the holiday specials on the television. I highly doubt there were Native American smiles, and happiness between both parties. Would you like to know why? I'm going to tell you anyway. The day is based on the victorious overthrow of a group of people who did not have as an advanced grasp on weaponry as the Pilgrims. It's about defeating a group of people who, with the best of their ability, were unable to protect themselves from shottily made guns.
So, why you're enjoying your turkeys and your mashed potatoes and green bean casseroles, think about what actually happened that day. And when you're done with your lavish meals, go out and find a Native American and apologize.
That's all I have to say about that.
Okay, just so we're clear, the day of Thanksgiving was created by Abraham Lincoln. 'During his presidency Lincoln declared days of Thanksgiving whenever he felt the Union needed unity. The dates of varied from year to year and every President after declared thanksgiving at different times until 1941 when congress decided to make the 4th Thursday of November the day of Thanksgiving.' Interesting, I know.
The day, the actual 'first Thanksgiving' with the Pilgrims and the Native Americans... It was not the picture perfect painting in the textbooks, or the holiday specials on the television. I highly doubt there were Native American smiles, and happiness between both parties. Would you like to know why? I'm going to tell you anyway. The day is based on the victorious overthrow of a group of people who did not have as an advanced grasp on weaponry as the Pilgrims. It's about defeating a group of people who, with the best of their ability, were unable to protect themselves from shottily made guns.
So, why you're enjoying your turkeys and your mashed potatoes and green bean casseroles, think about what actually happened that day. And when you're done with your lavish meals, go out and find a Native American and apologize.
That's all I have to say about that.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I would have liked to say, when questioned at those big pearly gates in the sky, "I have never broken a bone." However, as of Sunday night, I cannot. I didn't even break a cool bone. I didn't even break the bone in a cool manner! Am I an Epic Fail, or what? Now that I've got you all hooked, I'll tell you what happened...
-cue flashback music-
I'm going to take pictures, and give them to you as I tell you the story...
Alright, so my pictures wouldn't load... Looks like you'll have to use your imaginations...
-re-cue music-
Sunday evening, recently arrived from my home in Jersey to my Collegiate Place of Learning in Pennsylvania. All three of my room mates are in the dorm. I'm in a quad, if I haven't already alerted you of this, and I have - this note was just if you're new to the site... See, I'm caring... Back to the story! We are all sort of watching some fake-reality television show on VH1, while doing random other things on our corresponding computers. Well, I stood up from my rocking chair... that's how all the chairs on my floor are, they don't have legs, they are all rocking chairs feed Keiran, my Betta fish. Well, I fed him, and then plopped back down onto my chair, rolling forward with the force and direction I 'plopped'.
Now it's time for audience participation. Crack your knuckles in succession. That's the noise I heard, just a little softer, and sort of internally. So, keeping my mouth shut, I casually put my left ankle on my right knee, and hold the middle of my left foot, eyes on the TV.
After a few moments, I decided to let go of my foot, my toes still pulsing with a dull pain. "I think I broke my toe." Was all I said. A chorus of 'what?'s and 'You didn't say/do anything!'s. I have a large tolerance for pain... So, I said 'yeah'. and pulled off my sock. Sure enough, a large bruise was on the topmost left side of my left foot. I know some people don't want to see the toe/foot... So the picture will just be links at the bottom of this post... As well as pictures of the Sunday night to right now...
Liz got up immediately, got some ice, and told me to elevate my foot - which I was already doing - while she played Nurse. While she was doing that, I called Mother - who actually is a nurse, and she told me to ice it, which Liz was doing, and then tape my baby toe and my ...fourth toe together. She said 'tape toes 4 and 5 together', so, yeah. We did that, and I had my foot elevated for about forty five minutes to an hour before we all decided to go to bed... It was a good time... I felt like an idiot...
"Jereality broke her toe!"
"Oh my God! How?"
"She...sat on it..."
Gooood times..... (-_-)
Now, I'm a sort of gimp... Stupid baby toe. Although, since Matt didn't get kicked off of 'The Pickup Artist 2', my other foot will remain 'healthy'. I said if Simeon - another contestant - was in the next episode without Matt, I would roll over my other foot and make them symmetrical. Yep, good times....
Today - Wednesday/Thursday
I think it's looking better...
Watch those little piggies!
-cue flashback music-
I'm going to take pictures, and give them to you as I tell you the story...
Alright, so my pictures wouldn't load... Looks like you'll have to use your imaginations...
-re-cue music-
Sunday evening, recently arrived from my home in Jersey to my Collegiate Place of Learning in Pennsylvania. All three of my room mates are in the dorm. I'm in a quad, if I haven't already alerted you of this, and I have - this note was just if you're new to the site... See, I'm caring... Back to the story! We are all sort of watching some fake-reality television show on VH1, while doing random other things on our corresponding computers. Well, I stood up from my rocking chair... that's how all the chairs on my floor are, they don't have legs, they are all rocking chairs feed Keiran, my Betta fish. Well, I fed him, and then plopped back down onto my chair, rolling forward with the force and direction I 'plopped'.
Now it's time for audience participation. Crack your knuckles in succession. That's the noise I heard, just a little softer, and sort of internally. So, keeping my mouth shut, I casually put my left ankle on my right knee, and hold the middle of my left foot, eyes on the TV.
After a few moments, I decided to let go of my foot, my toes still pulsing with a dull pain. "I think I broke my toe." Was all I said. A chorus of 'what?'s and 'You didn't say/do anything!'s. I have a large tolerance for pain... So, I said 'yeah'. and pulled off my sock. Sure enough, a large bruise was on the topmost left side of my left foot. I know some people don't want to see the toe/foot... So the picture will just be links at the bottom of this post... As well as pictures of the Sunday night to right now...
Liz got up immediately, got some ice, and told me to elevate my foot - which I was already doing - while she played Nurse. While she was doing that, I called Mother - who actually is a nurse, and she told me to ice it, which Liz was doing, and then tape my baby toe and my ...fourth toe together. She said 'tape toes 4 and 5 together', so, yeah. We did that, and I had my foot elevated for about forty five minutes to an hour before we all decided to go to bed... It was a good time... I felt like an idiot...
"Jereality broke her toe!"
"Oh my God! How?"
"She...sat on it..."
Gooood times..... (-_-)
Now, I'm a sort of gimp... Stupid baby toe. Although, since Matt didn't get kicked off of 'The Pickup Artist 2', my other foot will remain 'healthy'. I said if Simeon - another contestant - was in the next episode without Matt, I would roll over my other foot and make them symmetrical. Yep, good times....
Today - Wednesday/Thursday
I think it's looking better...
Watch those little piggies!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sharing Is Caring
Me: Are you guys really going to sleep?
Liz: No, I'm really just going to lay in bed.
Me: That's what you said last time. 'Are you going to sleep?' 'No, I'm just laying down -snorrrreee-' That's how that happens.
Liz: No, I'm really just going to lay down, the sleeping just sort of happens..
Me: No, it doesn't just happen. It's like herpes...or gonorrhea...
Liz: Did you say 'gonorrhea'?
Me: Yes, yes I did.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Me: - slamming my index and middle finger under my chin - (it makes a silly noise)
Liz: Jereality? Are you trying to shoot yourself?
Me: - silence - A little bit.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Audrina: I want the Butt Wii
Liz: No, I'm really just going to lay in bed.
Me: That's what you said last time. 'Are you going to sleep?' 'No, I'm just laying down -snorrrreee-' That's how that happens.
Liz: No, I'm really just going to lay down, the sleeping just sort of happens..
Me: No, it doesn't just happen. It's like herpes...or gonorrhea...
Liz: Did you say 'gonorrhea'?
Me: Yes, yes I did.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Me: - slamming my index and middle finger under my chin - (it makes a silly noise)
Liz: Jereality? Are you trying to shoot yourself?
Me: - silence - A little bit.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Audrina: I want the Butt Wii
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Knowledge is a Powerful Thing
Liz: I know everything. I know where he'll be. He's in New York. I know where he'll be nuuudddeee.
Me: O_O
Me: O_O
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Turns out my worrying yesterday was for naught. My adviser had already lifted the hold on my account. I had a debate I was worried about under all the fear of not having my adviser supposedly not signing off on my hold. For those of you who don't know what a hold is, it is the only thing between you and registering for classes. If you have a hold on, you can't register for classes. If it's off, you can register. My hold was off, and I didn't know about it. Way to go, Adviser lady... She had me freaking out since I got my little note thing.
Whatever. So, I found out that my hold was lifted... And then I went to class and gave my debate - I won't bore you with the details, just know that I was fantastic.
Anyway, I'm alive... and right now I'm listening to and half watching 'P.S. I Love You', which is making me sad.... But I need to do a project, so I'll write back when that is done....
^_6;; Jereality
Whatever. So, I found out that my hold was lifted... And then I went to class and gave my debate - I won't bore you with the details, just know that I was fantastic.
Anyway, I'm alive... and right now I'm listening to and half watching 'P.S. I Love You', which is making me sad.... But I need to do a project, so I'll write back when that is done....
^_6;; Jereality
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Epic Fail!!!
So, registration for classes begins tonight at midnight. And me, being punctual with such things of great importance, decided to turn in the classes I wanted just as the sheets to suggest the classes you wanted came out. I turned it in, and it was fine for a long time. Today, I went by my advisor's office to check if everything was set.
Glad I did.
My registration paper was in her outbox, and it said 'I cannot sign off on this. You need to see me.'
Splendid... You know what else?
She doesn't have any more office hours. The only ones she had today were at a time when I had class. What a wonderful day. I need to catch her between classes... I have a class at 1:40, she teaches a class at 1:40, but the class before that ends at 1:30... I have ten minutes to figure out what's wrong with my schedule, write out a new form, get her to sign off on it and then get to class...
I'll tell you how it goes... If I don't post, I'll be depressed and out of college... because I'dve died... DIED I TELL YOU!
(-_-);; Jereality
-Ignore my melodramatics... I won't be dead.... I'll just be very unhappy with classes I don't want and credits that I'll need to make up.... ...... -sigh-......
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
To Pose...
... a question.
Why, in movies are English subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, when the other subtitles are merely just there? What if a spanish speaking person got the movie, put the languages to Spanish, and still could not hear? They would put the Spanish subtitles on. However, those subtitles would not be for the Spanish hard of hearing, and deaf.... They would just be subtitles. Nothing special...
That's bothered me for a while... Anyone have an answer as to why all subtitles other than English are not for the deaf and hard of hearing?
Just curious....
^_6;; Jereality
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Time Travel
At approximately 2:01 AM, my room mates and I will be going back in time. Here, I will document everything we do before and after our time travel.
12:40 - SNL - Ben Affleck
-I learned on a commercial that the 'it' careers are in high demand....
1:00 - We're watching some crazy baseball movie on camedy Central.... So far... it kind of sucks.
1:19 - We switched to Monk - I've already seen this episode... It's the one with Willie Nelson... You know, *SPOILER!!! Scroll over to read:: the one where the blind woman isn't really blind... and she is in cahoots with the man who committed the crime... Good times....
1:29 - "EL PRESIDEEEEEEEEEENTE`!!!!!!! AWESOMMMMEEE!!! MRRGGHHH! HNNNN!! HMMM!!!! He needs! He needs? He needs ME! He needs Liz! Johnny Depp, where am I!? You! Where are you!" - Liz
1:33 - "Hmmhmm... I have so much energy..." - Liz
1:39 - "I LOVE LAMP!" - Liz
1:41 - Liz leaps out of her chair, and runs to the door after tripping over the trashcan....
1:43 - "My ankle f*cking hurts, man!" - Liz
"Thanks okay, in twenty minutes, we'll go back in time, and you'll be fine." - Me
1:47 - "One day, I went to bed at 4 am, and got up for class at 7 am..."
"That was a nap."
-various dancing and chanting
1:02 - "It's One oh Two AM, again..."
1:12 - The room mates are letting me watch Bleach
1:25 - Audrina goes to bed... square...
1:31 - Discovery Health - UNtold Stories of the ER...the one where there is a golf club in some guys head, and the doctor who is a poison specialist's son gets bitten by a spider...and some other guy has a problem with something else...and i think this is the one with the blue baby...
1:44 - Walked out of room to brush my teeth... Brushed teeth... went to open the bathroom door, however, some big guy was about to open it. I gave a shocked look to the gangsta man and the woman in the firewoman hoe costume... I stalked them down the hall, as I am the last door on the left side of the hallway.... I open my door, and the big guy turns and goes 'Is this an all girls floor?' and I was like "Uh...yeeaahh..." and they were like "Whoa..." the guy went down the stairs and the girl was like "we're old people..." and left... So, I'm guessing they were alumni... Or just like...seniors....or something... I'm pretty sure, though, that they graduated last year or something....
1:48 - I'm gonna go to sleep.... So, that way I can go to sleep before two. ^_6;; yay me! Alright, guys... I'm taking off...
Thanks for coming on this time traveling adventure! Bye!!!
^_6;; Jereality
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Alright, I know I had plans to post for quite a long time, and right now, I feel I should... Why? Because I don't want to study, so I'm thinking of everything that I could possibly do in order to still do something, but not study... And I'm sorry, but this is one of those things.
So, as you all know, Halloween was yesterday. However, the parties all happened on All Hallows Eve, which, in case you guys aren't that good with the math type things involved, was Thursday, Halloween Eve. There was a dance that I did not go to, however.... There were still good times had... And when I say good, I mean annoying. And when I say annoying, I mean hateful.. And when I say hateful, I mean infuriating. I'll tell you a story now.
It turns out, that the mean people who run the school think it's stellar to have classes start at 6:20PM and end at 9:05PM - which, coincidently, is five minutes into the show that I watch almost religiously every thursday during the season. However, there was more to do this evening than just watch the show.... My roomie, Liz, texted me and told me that Audrina was going through my stuff to find glue.
Audrina had already asked if we had glue she could use, and knowing that my glue wouldn't work on the fabrics she wanted to stick together, I didn't answer her. This, however, did not seem to phase her in the least. THe moment Runner and I were out of the room, she went through our stuff looking for glue. Did she ask for the glue? Yes. Did she accept our answers? No. Did she go through my things? Yes. Did she open my glue? Yes. Did she use ALL OF MY KRAZY GLUE?! Why, yes, she did. Did that work? Of course not. Then she went for a pin or something, and left a TOOL BOX ON MY COMPUTER!
I'm pretty sure that the only thing keeping me awake during that chem lecture was the rage I felt... That, and I needed to be conscious so I could properly think of things to say to her when I got back to the dorm. However, this didn't work out so well, as she left at least ten minutes before we got back. So, I called her and told her - very loudly - not to 'touch my f*cking sh*t ever again!' I hung up the phone after my phrase, and decided I would ignore everything Audrina related...
I hate her most of the time.... Then there are other times like last night, where she's completely normal...and I can get along with her. It's complicated.... Whatever... Next year, we'll have no complications... and we'll be in a better dorm.... and it will be so awesome...
Yep - I've run out of things to say... I've completely lost where this was all goin....i'm gonna and do something constructive....
^_6;; buh byee!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Decisions Decisions...
Sibling - playing Guitar Hero 3-
"The song is 'Reptilla'! It's either 'Reptilla' or 'You're A Homo'"
Monday, October 06, 2008
Well, as of late nothing of large consequence has happened. I've learned some things about chemistry, biology, food, people.... food people. Weird, I know. It doesn't matter though... The thing that does matter, however, is that I am sick. Remember all those other times I said I was ill, and sickly and such? No? Read from the beginning, I think I begin to complain the second post of this blog. Really, I'm sure of it.
Anyway, those 'ill' days are nothing like this. Those were all probably headaches and just general not-feeling-well times. This time, I"m sick. I have a runny/stuffy nose, a constant headache [-I have a story about that.... if I haven't already told you.... -], and this cough that makes me feel like I'm going to lose a lung. Gross, I know.... I need those to breathe! Aaanyway, I will tell you how I got it.
Audrina. She was sick, and careful not to contaminate the things in our room. However, germs have a mind of their own, and if they should decide to cling to everything in the room, well, they will. So, now our entire room is sick. Audrina is getting better... Runner is still moderately healthy, and then it's Liz, who has a cough and the nose thing...and then there's me... I pride myself on being able to take common ailments and make them ten times worse. I swear, that's what I do... If I get a cold, my body will mutate that sucker to become a Cold of Death! So, now I've got the Cold of Death, and I'm going to tell you that it's not fun.
So, now my story.... I went home the last weekend, and I had been getting headaches for the entire week prior. So, I told myself 'Self, when you get home, you will get some Imitrex and all will be fine.'
Well, I got home and took an Imitrex and, well... That day was the day Liz (I brought her to my home), GGR, and I were supposed to go shopping... Well, I ingested said pill, and we went out to lunch. I knew something was wrong when my jaw started to hurt when I tried to eat my sandwich, then my throat felt like it was closing... Then I got a terrible headache, but I made myself look fine for the sake of not ruining the day. Well, we all got back into the car, and my neck muscles started to tense up... After we lucked out at L.L. Bean in the shoe department... we found nothing, and I really need boots... after L.L. Bean, we got back in the car where my shoulder muscles tensed up, and I got nauseous... It was terrible... I told GGR and she drove us home...then I went upstairs, and curled in a ball in my bed and called Me Madre.
I thought I as going to die.... Turns out - in the fine print of Imitrex - it says that the migraine pill could cause tightness of the muscles in the neck and shoulders, nausea, blindness and, oh yeah, DEATH! True story...
So, that's it.. those are my stories right now... I've got some Chemistry to do... Not looking forward to it, even though I'm beginning to understand it. Yay!
Quote of the Day:
Brought to you by Liz
-an elderly man has just walked by-
Liz: I hope... in my elderly elder years I don't become completely unfortunate... I mean, I'm not the most beautiful thing, but I like to think I've got something going for me...
Me: -laughter-
-This was funny because of the humor, as well as the fact we're both sick and fell asleep at four in the morning....
Peace Out, My Homies!!
Listening To: Paramore;; Brighter
Anyway, those 'ill' days are nothing like this. Those were all probably headaches and just general not-feeling-well times. This time, I"m sick. I have a runny/stuffy nose, a constant headache [-I have a story about that.... if I haven't already told you.... -], and this cough that makes me feel like I'm going to lose a lung. Gross, I know.... I need those to breathe! Aaanyway, I will tell you how I got it.
Audrina. She was sick, and careful not to contaminate the things in our room. However, germs have a mind of their own, and if they should decide to cling to everything in the room, well, they will. So, now our entire room is sick. Audrina is getting better... Runner is still moderately healthy, and then it's Liz, who has a cough and the nose thing...and then there's me... I pride myself on being able to take common ailments and make them ten times worse. I swear, that's what I do... If I get a cold, my body will mutate that sucker to become a Cold of Death! So, now I've got the Cold of Death, and I'm going to tell you that it's not fun.
So, now my story.... I went home the last weekend, and I had been getting headaches for the entire week prior. So, I told myself 'Self, when you get home, you will get some Imitrex and all will be fine.'
Well, I got home and took an Imitrex and, well... That day was the day Liz (I brought her to my home), GGR, and I were supposed to go shopping... Well, I ingested said pill, and we went out to lunch. I knew something was wrong when my jaw started to hurt when I tried to eat my sandwich, then my throat felt like it was closing... Then I got a terrible headache, but I made myself look fine for the sake of not ruining the day. Well, we all got back into the car, and my neck muscles started to tense up... After we lucked out at L.L. Bean in the shoe department... we found nothing, and I really need boots... after L.L. Bean, we got back in the car where my shoulder muscles tensed up, and I got nauseous... It was terrible... I told GGR and she drove us home...then I went upstairs, and curled in a ball in my bed and called Me Madre.
I thought I as going to die.... Turns out - in the fine print of Imitrex - it says that the migraine pill could cause tightness of the muscles in the neck and shoulders, nausea, blindness and, oh yeah, DEATH! True story...
So, that's it.. those are my stories right now... I've got some Chemistry to do... Not looking forward to it, even though I'm beginning to understand it. Yay!
Brought to you by Liz
-an elderly man has just walked by-
Liz: I hope... in my elderly elder years I don't become completely unfortunate... I mean, I'm not the most beautiful thing, but I like to think I've got something going for me...
Me: -laughter-
-This was funny because of the humor, as well as the fact we're both sick and fell asleep at four in the morning....
Peace Out, My Homies!!
Listening To: Paramore;; Brighter
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Speaking of Travel
Liz: You can read in the car?
Runner: Yeah...
Liz: I can't read in the car.... I become illiterate in the car.
Me: -insane laughter-
- - - - - -
Lance: You guys have fun at home... Don't do anything I wouldn't do... and if you do, name it Lance.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Renaissance Faire

Around 6 PM the roomies and I piled into Liz's mother's vehicle. Well, it seems that I am allergic to every vehicle that my family does not own, because in that two hour-ish ride, I was nauseous. In fact, the sensation hit me almost immediately after I sat down. So, I put my head against the window, and prepared myself by drinking Mountain Dew every time I felt bile build up in my throat. I know - gross, however, you're still reading which means you care about what I'm saying. If you stopped reading, well... Your bad. So we drove for a while until it was about 7:40PM, at which point in time Liz telephoned a place called Nick's. She ordered a plain and a pepperoni pizza... Let me tell you, Nick knows his way around a tasty pie. Liz told us they would be delicious - they were. So, we ate at her apartment and then we all took out our laptops -because college students don't go anywhere without their main source of networking - and played on those borrowing internet from a person called 'Russy'. Around eleven or so, we all went to bed, so...we did.
I woke up around eight o'clock AM to an amazing breakfast of eggs, and bacon and little muffins and orange juice... It so scrumptious compared to the lack of breakfast I usually consume. So, we ate and piled into the vehicle again for a drive into New York. Every so often [- and when I say this, I mean almost every car we saw -] we would wave to the vehicles around us. While we were in Jersey, North Jersey, no one waved, though, when we crossed into New York, people started to wave back to us. We had a lot of fun, and yes, I was nauseous there, too.
So, we weren't dropped off at the proper place - like, we didn't park and walk to the Faire. We were dropped off in the middle of the street and Liz, Runner, Audrina and I walked across the street and into the Faire while Liz's mother drove away - she then left us to our own devices. The first thing we did was buy our tickets, which were twenty dollars - because we're all adults. We then were told to go through the 'Fr~r~r~ront' gate (roll your R's when you say that, then you'll hear how she spoke to us). Well, we went through the frrrront gate and saw - whoa, i'm totally drawing a blank... oh yeah!- Gallows! I think... No... The big wooden thing where people who slandered or whatever stick their heads and hands into the wholes... STOCKS! Yes, that's what they're called. We saw them, so, Audrina and I were like 'Uh, lets do this!' So, I was in the stocks for being a Spiteful Gossip, and she was in for being a Nagging Shrew. They were good times.
After that photo was taken, we were on our way somewhere when all of a sudden we heard a whistle and people laughing and clapping. So, we were drawn to the amusement and found ourselves at 'Curious Magic' in the Silver Swan Stage. It was hysterical. There was a man and a woman, both dressed in Renaissance garb, playing with fire and and the 'ox of Death'... The girl had to be placed in the Box of Death, and the guy put all kinds of blades inside... No tricks at all, we got to see after the show was over - she had contorted herself in the most uncomfortable position... After that, we worked our way back through the crowd and sat back in the bleacher seats for the act that we had scheduled to see conveniently at the Silver Swan Stage. We got the furthest seats, directly in the center - amazing.
Enter: Dextre Tripp. He is a tight-rope walker, except he said the rope he used was loose, or something. He did all kinds of neat things... Balanced a chainsaw on his chin, which - ironically - was bound with medical tape, he balanced Audrina on a chair he had balanced on a chair while he did a handstand on them... I'm trying to get a picture... Use your imaginations. Then, he sat on a chair on the loose tight-rope... It was so awesome. He played with fire on this guy, Bob's, shoulders... And, and, and he was funny! He told us it was because he was a middle child... that they'd "do anything for attention, just watch us! Look at me!" Those were some amazing times, right there...
Then... We went and watched a human chess match, which - in the program - is called the Sheriff's Chess Match. We taunted the other sides of the field while we waited.. the taunt I remember? 'Hey Baker! Why pay for the flour when we can get the buns for free?' and then my side went 'Hot sticky buns, Mmm Mmm.' and another side went 'And the Yeast!' Good times, taunting each other. Then the chess match proceeded and Robin Hood filtered out of the woodwork, and he became the King of the White side of the chess board, and the Sheriff of Nottingham was the Black King on the black side of the chess board. When a side went to capture the square everyone had to 'clear the board' and then those two people fought. Every so often, someone would be replaced with another person until all of a sudden, people were replaced and Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham were on the field. They fought, words were spoken and a Drama began as the chess match ended with a 'Re-Do'. The game was supposed to be presented before the Queen, and she happened to arrive as Robin and S.o.N were just ending the battle... Maid Marian asked if they could re-enact the match at a later time. The Queen agreed, so did S.o.N and Robin and the spectators (including the roomies and myself) walked away, waiting for the next event.
The next event was the Joust! The Gaming Joust where we learned that there are two bad guys in the Renaissance town of Sterling. The one we all know, the Sheriff of Nottingham and a newcomer, Captain Guy DeGuisborne - who happens to be the Captain of the Guard. Well, Robin Hood and Will Scarlett rode for the Green Team, and DeGuisborne rode for the blue team - however, none of that matters because the team in gold won. This was, though, the first time my posse encountered Davie Radish, grower and prevayer of Turnips and turnip based products. Well, after we were finished meeting him, we all bought pennants that supported the horses as well as the rider whose side we happened to be sitting on. Did we have a chant? Yes. Do I remember it? - clears throat - 'Roses are Red. Our guy is Blue. Get in his way, he'll run you through! Gizzy gizzt gizzyy, oi oi oi. Gizzy gizzy gizzy oi oi oi!'

After the joust we went and roamed the Faire for a bit...
On our way around the Faire we found a lovely spot where we got Iced Chai Tea... which tasted like Ginger Snaps...but in beverage form... It was DELICIOUS! And then we each got Henna tattoos. Mine is a moon, and what looks to be the blazing sun behind it and some stars... If you move yours eyes to the right, you will see the picture... However, if your computer hates you, you may not see the picture... That would be disappointing.

Now, if you move your eyes to the left, you will see yet another Henna tattoo. This arm and henna stain belong to Liz. It is a throwing knife, you see with the letters 'S + A'. Now, I believe the proper thoughts would be 'Why does Liz, whose name most certainly not begin with an 'S' or an 'A' have those letters on her arm?' Well, that is because they stand for Stewart and Arnold. They are knife throwers who were not at the Faire, and the act Liz was so very much looking forward to. 'Did she get a strange look when she got this henna from the woman giving them?' What a strange question to ask! Of course she did not. The Henna woman gave it to her for free because she, along with Liz, wished for the knife throwers to return. In fact, we wrote e-mails to the people who hire and such with the people. That made no sense. We e-mailed the people who run the Faire, asking them to re-hire the knife throwers for next year. If we haven't already, we will soon. Anyway, while we were getting our hennas, I was an idiot and smudged mine! You can't really tell, because the woman who did them is a genie... Anyway... Then we left the henna people...
And then! After we got our hennas we made our way back to the Human Chess match, which this time was called the 'Royal Chess Match'. In this one, several things happened... I, however, will not tell you the plot lines at all because I would hate to ruin it for you. I will just tell you horrible things happened, the Queen was besmirched and Robin Hood became furious and worried all at once and ran away after the Sheriff of Nottingham. And then we ran after Robin Hood, to see if we could grab a picture with him because we're girls who happen to think he is attractive [sans Audrina, who complained a bit...] Well, when we finally found him, he and the Sheriff of Nottingham and Guy DeGuisborne and Maid Marian(M.M.) a'scufflin' on Robin's Bridge! Well, I won't tell you what happens, but in the end, the Sheriff and the Captain of the Guard walk away, leaving Robin and his Merry Men [sans M.M.] on the bridge. Well, the Sheriff left first, followed by his men and most of the guards, making the Captain leave last. Well as he turned to go, a little kid in the front of the crowd that had gathered, stepped in front of DeGuisborne with his little double sided plastic axe and his little fakey plastic chain mail and little helmet. The two stared at each other until DeGuisborne walked around him, but it was the cutest thing I had seen that day (besides Will Scarlett). Robin then made a little speech... and then the crowd disbanded as Robin and the Merry Men ran away into the forest.
Naturally, we ran after him - still on our photo mission. However, we couldn't catch him because, well... He ran, and we had to push through people and small children with little gnashing teeth and plastic swords and a stick or two... Actually, I just made that up - but there were children! So, we tried to find him again and wound up at the jousting area again, which, incidentally was where we needed to be for the next event, the 'Joust Spectacular' and the 'Royal Joust'. Well, that's where we split it. Liz and I grabbed seats in front of the left side of the jousting area, while Runner and Audrina went to get beverages and a pet. A pet which I will not speak of because it's precious. However, I will tell you he goes by many names including: Sebastian, Sebastian Houdini, Sebs, Soubini, Frog, Froggie, Robin, Robin Hood, M.R. Hood, and Mr. Hood. Nothing in there will give you the species of Sebs... no, he's not a frog... Aaanyway...
We separated and Liz and I grabbed seats. Well, it just so happens that our entertainment didn't cease. All throughout the Faire were merchant people, selling their crazy wares: musical things, crazy fruit things...and of course, Pickles. Well, it seems that right before our section was a stop and refill station for the pickle truck. Also, I may have not mentioned yet, that Liz is quite like me in the sense that I will amuse myself with anything and everything around me. So, with that in mind, it will be easy to see what we will do with just a few more sentences. Every time the Pickle Man got a tip, he would shout 'HUZZAH!' Well.. that's all that needs to be said. After every tip he got, he'd shout, then Liz and I would echo him....loudly. He looked for us the first time we echoed him, and he called us his cheerleaders. It was good times... asked us if we had 'nibbled on one of his pickles...' Dirty man...silly...good times. We did that for quite a while until the show before us began. After we had our time with the Pickle Man, a woman came up and told us that we were on someone called Dudley's side. Well, we had already saved seats and such and had made ourselves comfortable where we were. So, when she told us the chant for Dudley was simply 'Dudley Do-Right' we switched it up, because we were going to cheer for Robin Hood no matter what. So, while everyone was muttered 'Dudley Do-Right' we (the four of us) were shouting 'DUDLY DO-WRONG!' It was good times... She scowled at us... Fantastic times...
Well, before the joust was a 'traveling theatre group' and before them, someone who announced it all... Well, he told us again that our side was for Dudley...He heard our chant and then pointed to the group of all the people on the bleacher seats. Well, if I get pointed at, my natural instinct is to point back... So, I did. Well, Sir Ivanhoe pointed back again, but like, slammed his finger in the air. Challenged, I bobbed my head back and forth and muttered 'Wanna mess?' Thinking I had won that easily was stupid. The man on the other side of the fence hopped said fence and stood on it, pointing until the music began to play. Called me trouble, and the woman who taught us the chant agreed.
Then, we all watched some crazy reenactment of the Frog Prince... It was weird... I didn't really like it... And then people were knighted and a Joust happened and it was all quite fantastical... I was on the edge of my wooden seat almost the entire time... It was so much fun! Well, after the joust and the end of the entire story of Robin Hood for that day, everyone walked away. So, we began to walk away to get our pictures for 'Picturing Ourselves In the Renaissance.' However, I get easily distracted, and saw a woman on the inside of the jousting ring handing out 'shards of the lances' that were used. I called them sticks, and she abruptly corrected me with, that's why it's in quotes. So, I asked her if Robin Hood would come back out, because we still wanted that picture. She said that he would come out the back door behind the Jousting Arena...So, we - instead of doing the pictures right away - meandered toward the back of the jousting place.
We waited for a little bit until someone I recognized came out of the back door... DAVIE! Davie Radish! Well, I snagged him up and shouted 'Dave!' He looked slightly stunned, but smiled anyway and came toward us. "What can I do for you ladies?" he said. Well, I said 'do you know if Robin Hood is back there?' He thought for a moment and told us to 'stay put' and he would check. After a few moments, Davie came out and shook his head, and then he told us to 'stay right 'ere. I will facilitate Robin Hood'. Well, we waited for a few moments until we saw a big smile on a returning Davie Radish, smiley drawn-on hoe bouncing in the air as if he were leading some sort of parade. Instantly, our faces fell - there was no Robin Hood to be found! However, Davie's smile grew brighter as our faces lit up as Robin Hood rounded the corner, Maid Marian on his arm, both following the bouncing hoe. Well, we then got a picture with Davie, and he said he was glad to help such 'lovely ladies', and then he disappeared. Lovely fellow, really...
So now, we had what we had wanted all day long! We got a picture with Robin Hood, taken by Maid Marian. We were about to embark on conversation when all of a sudden, Liz shouts 'Will Scarlett!' We all turn, and sure enough a surprised, and shocked Will Scarlett came over to us - we were still by the exit door, so...we were sort of stalking everyone who came out. No biggie. Well, we got a picture with the guys.
Let me tell you something really quickly. It was cold - it got cold very quickly as soon as 5 o'clock hit. So, when Robin Hood put his hand on the back of my neck, it was like a shock. He was very warm, very, very warm. I was giddy, to say the least. So, soon after that, Will Scarlett disappeared off to do something or another, and the roomies and Robin Hood and Maid Marian made a 'Friendship Circle', and we talked for about fifteen minutes. We spoke for a few moments, and he said that he remembered us. That we were the loudest ones cheering for him - which made sense, since we were on his opponents side... It was amazing. And now, I'm going into story mode... Here we go!
Liz was talking about next year, how we were going to come back and dress up and talk to people. And I said that we were and that we had already practiced our accents. Robin Hood looked slightly impressed, so suddenly he says 'let's here 'em'. Liz and I looked at each other like he had just asked us to stand on our heads or something. However, he was amazing to look at, so we did. Liz went first, and Robin was impressed and said that she was 'really good'. Then he looked at me and said 'now you'. So, I gave him my accent and he said I was good, too! He said 'instead of just dressing up and talking to people, why don't [we] just work there, and get paid to dress up and talk to people.' And then I don't remember what happened, but I wanted to tell a story about something and I got interrupted by something, and apparently, Robin Hood wanted to know what I was going to say because after the interruption was over, he said 'go ahead, Darling.'
I swear, my heart stopped. I started in a few words, and everything in my mind shut down. 'He called me 'Darling',' I muttered. 'I knew she'd catch that,' Liz said. Robin Hood only grinned and chuckled as I regained what was left of my composure and told him my story - I think it was about Demetri Martin, and how he should look him up some day, that we was a very funny comedian. Robin Hood told us stories, too! He said how a couple of weeks ago, and then backtracked saying that the events of the day was the first time it had ever happened. So, I offered 'once, in this dream you had...' He smiled, and went on with his story about how a couple weekends ago a woman ran around to all of the groups during the joust thing, and got everyone to cheer for Robin Hood instead of the people they were supposed to... And then, he switched into a scottish accent because I think we were still talking about them or something... But his accent was fantastic! He said his name wasn't really Robin Hood, that he was Angus and he snuck in and killed Robin Hood, stole his costume and has been parading around like Robin Hood the whole day... Very funny... Good times...
After our conversation was over, we all shook hands... and for the strangest reason, I still remained turned around from the group and Robin Hood and Maid Marian turned away. Their backs were to me, but Robin Hood looked back and winked at me. Instantly I grinned and turned around to see if my group was still there. Nope - they were at least three steps away from me.
So, not only did I get a picture with Robin Hood, I shook his hand, he put his hand on my shoulders, he called me darling and he Winked. At. Me! So exciting.
After that, we got our picture in the Renaissance time-period clothing as Royalty, of course... We all saw how sun burnt we had gotten... It was a whole lot of fun, really it was...
We are going to do it next year... We will... It'll be awesome... Working at the 'RenFaire'... amazing. I had the best time... -swoon-
Me: - has smudged her henna- -gasp!- Oh no! Oh no! I'm an idiot!
Henna Woman: No, no. C'mere, I can fix this. We once had a kid who got a dragon, and we told him and his parents that he couldn't touch it or anything for ten minutes. He smudged it not once, not twice but three times.
Me: Whoa...
Henna Woman: Yeah. -completes henna...again- Now, I want you to repeat after me. 'I will not touch this henna'
Me: - holds arm away from body- I will not touch this henna.
Henna Woman: 'Or the Henna lady will find me, tie me up and roast me on a open spit.'
Me: -blank stare- 'Or bad things will happen.'
-leaving the Faire-
Me: - sees a RenFaire man shaking a stick around waist level- - I stare-
Stick Man: - stares back-
-We hold eye contact until I've got my head looking back at him as we (the roomies and I) near the exit.
Me: - sticks out tongue-
Stick Man: Ah ha! I knew it!
Me: O.O;; what?
Stick Man: I knew I sensed trouble in you!
Liz: What?
Stick Man: She stuck her tongue out at me! She's a trouble maker.
Me: You're waving a held eye contact....
Stick Man: -looks at my friends, they look like they are going to defend me- You're lucky to have friends like these.
Me: Yeah, I know...
-noise way behind us-
Stick Man: Trouble!
Me: Yeah, you should probably put a stop to that...
Stick Man: I can't, I can only sense where it is! -runs off-
Liz: What-
Me: -grins- I stuck my tongue out at him... He kept my eye contact the whole time we were walking... -shrug- Instinct...
Such amazing times. I recommend Renaissance Faires... Go to everyone you are around.... Look at everything - it's amazing. I love Robin Hood.... I'll try and get some pictures up when I go home for the weekend... If not, use your imaginations.... Yeah....I had a lovely time.... -sigh-
Robin Hood called me Darling...and winked...
^_6;; Jereality
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Suspense For You!
Alright, I will be posting about the Renaissance Faire tomorrow after my class... It will be amazing, you'll see....
So maybe, I will post about it today. I was very tired yesterday.... So I slept after I got back from my class... I promise, though, you guys are first on my agenda when I get back from english... Pinky Promise!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Side Note
Eight AM is wayyyy to earlier for a Bio lab... Just thought you all should know. I'm not a fan of waking up this early to sit in a double Bio lab session. Thrilled? Not in the least. I think after my Computer Applications I'm going to eat lunch...and then move on to Bio Lecture - where I have a test, and then after that I have Skills for College... that ends at 5:20-ish, I think. After that I think I"ll be able to get a real post in... Unless I"m bogged down with homework... Then you'll just have to use your imaginations to figure out what I"m doing. I'll give you some things to put in those imagination scenes: Me(Jereality), books, a computer, a chair, 18 bottles of various Mountain Dews, and Sour Patch Kids.
-If I had time....Mountain Dew and Sour Patch Kids would have links on them... however... I have a class at eight o'clock that I need to finish getting ready for.-
I'll put links on them later.
Enjoy your sleeping!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
College Teached Me Good Things
Yo! At the current moment in time, I am listening to Barenaked Ladies. It's the live album they did - it's called, uh... Rock Spectacle (Live). It's the only album of theirs that I have.... It's quite fantastic, really. So, yeah - that's what I'm doing. Now, the real thing that should be going through the minds of everyone reading this should be: 'Jereality is in college now... Shouldn't she be doing some sort of work to further benefit her stay there?'
Quote of the Day
Ah, and you are correct! What I should be doing - instead of rocking out with my amazing BOSE headphones that will only allow me to hear the music and nothing else - is my English 1 paper. Well, I just want you to all be aware of the assignment and how I came up with my lovely topic. Well, we were prompted by our Professor, Dave, to think of something based on our literacy. Well, he also told us that you can be literate about anything. I happen to be literate in the writing field, and Dave is literate in reading the happenings in a forest, and another young adult in my class was literate on plant behavior. Well, it seems I am also literate - not only in the Writing sense - but in reading people. It's an uncanny ability, to be sure - however, it doesn't seem to work over the phone. Which is where the topic for my Literacy Narrative came to be. The whole thing is about how I hate the phone because I can't see the person on the other line. I don't know if they understand me, and I often can't see what they're trying to project because I'm missing important components of the story because I'm not there to see the gestures needed to get the proper point across.
But now I'm torn. You see, I hate the phone, but I love to text and IM people. I believe this is true for me because instead of getting half of the detail I receive nothing - just text. No hidden voice inflections necessary, no idle chatter in the background of the conversations that I can't discern - nothing. It seems I require all the detail or none at all in conversations - not the half detailed stuff I get over phone calls.
Hold on... Dinner....
Alright - I'm back. Dinner this evening was a Buffalo Panini - which is actually, in fact, a Quesadilla shell with buffalo chicken, hot sauce and bleu cheese... I've drifted from the earlier conversation with you all... I no longer wish to speak of phone calls... I wish instead, to speak of...well, there are several things... The Blood Drive that I'm super excited for and only have 3 hours and 12 minutes - 11 minutes now -, or the mess Vincenzo made for his own dinner... which was delicious, by the way... Or I could discuss the ramifications on the economics of the college dorm life fixated upon the usage of mac and cheese as a currency.
See? I can use large words without sounding like a nitwit. Go, Me! -insert sigh here- Regardless of anything I said in the blurb about what I will talk about, I will decide now. I will talk about how I enjoy college. My roomies are lovely people. Runner, whose desk is lodged beside mine on the right-hand side is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. Her personality is similar to that of Qualms', and it's lovely because I miss Qualms. My other room mate, Liz [who just recently celebrated her birthday] reminds me of Sibling, who I miss quite terribly... That's okay though, because I have a habit of going home on the weekends and speaking with her over the internet via iChat (AIM for Macs). And then there is my other roomie.... Audrina... Reminds me a little bit of Where's-Your-Logic-At.... with standard, Hollywood Prom Queen/Head Cheerleader rolled in as well... Whatever - we all get along and it's awesome. And when we don't get along, well, that hasn't quite happened yet. We do have an alliance, though.... A secret alliance which I dare not speak about because by uttering certain things I'd be condemning myself to a watery death...
That's not true... I plan on living forever. Like Highlander... you'd have to lop off my head for me to die... By doing that you'd be getting all of my power through lightning... Which, if that happens, I hope electrocutes you. Harsh? Well, you just killed me - so, we're even. Okay, I'm going to write my paper a bit more... and look over the Bio stuff because I have an exam on Wednesday.... and I have a Functions exam tomorrow - which will be a piece of chocolate cake - mostly because it's easy peasy. If you have an question for me, please leave them at the desk. Thanks for dropping by!
-Enter scene... I'm opening a package of gum. Liz's hand appears by my side, her eyes glued to her own computer.
Me: -tosses an entire pack of gum in her hand
Her: Oh!
Me: What?
Her: I didn't know I was getting gum
Me: o.O
Her: I just heard you opening something... I wanted some...
Me: What if it was arsenic tablets?
Her: -shrug-
Sharing is caring...unless it's Herpes...
I know you're all curious.... Vincenzo[Runner's boyfriend] works in the kitchen in the place we call 'The Pub'. Today, for dinner, he made a philly cheesesteak sans (without) a roll... He put it in a little container and added hot sauce and had that... Runner, Liz and Audrina were disgusted... I didn't care... He made me taste it to tell them it was good... They didn't believe me... Ah well.... Woo, Advanced Palate.... ?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
So, I'm in college right now and I can honestly say, I was kind of sad to see my parents leave...
Quote of the Day
Alright, so I woke up at six in the morning after going to bed at like...three o'clock in the morning. I'm kind of wishing I got a shower...I feel really skeevy right now. I don't like it. Anyway... We drove for about an hour and got to my school. My college. And then we unpacked, after several jokes on the many good times. We then unpacked everything and got it to my dorm where Audrina, Liz, and Runner were already packing and stuff. It was a good time. I brought all my stuff and got everything done in about an hour and then Mother, Father, Sibling and I went to lunch at a place called Duck's Deli - Restaurant... It was delicious food, really it was....
Then we came back and found the room to be completely finished and looking fantastic... Everything is so amazing... My desk is the first desk in a row of three, and Liz's desk is in a corner somewhere behind me... but our room is fantastic. I really can't describe it any other way...
Oh... it's amazing. These girls are fantastic. It's not going to be difficult for me to become friends with them... they're already friends in my book... They like Disney, and we have similar style in personalities.... so, it's all fantastically amazing. I can't really explain anything else... I'm getting thoroughly distracted watching Mulan... that movie is so awesome... I really need to find another adjective... 'Awesome' and 'amazing' just don't seem to cut it anymore.
I'll tell you more about college when I have real classes on Monday... I haven't even gotten my books yet. Anyway, it's about that time...
Mother: -nods out of the car- That boy is wearing kneepads...
Sibling: He probably plays football...
Father: No, thats the kid who gets his shins beaten with baseball bats. Now he's got shin pads... -shakes fist in air- "You won't get me now! Not today!"
That's was some amazing times...
I'm going to muss them more every day, I think...
I love my family, I really do...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I Hope You Have The Time Of Your Life
If I were a wordsmith I'd say:
I spent the evening with friends I thought I would never acquire, around a 'roaring' fire built of wood, paper plates and other random pieces of cardboard and soda cans. Sometime during the night a shower of embers exploded from the fire 'bowl', ignited by little fire crackers. We sat around the fire, we spoke about the trivial things, watched a movie starring most of us, listened to music and ate pizza and drank soda. After a while, we went to another friend's house, and waited in his basement until he came home, then surprised him when he walked down the stairs - he was shocked. We then went to another friend's house and played Murder, a game previously diagrammed. The group of us, Flower, Tophersan, Dirk, AJ aka Mr. Bamboo, Onyx, msCyborg, General Chukamaga laughed and made jokes about each other.
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the Road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go...
Then, it was time for us to leave. I drove AJ home first, followed by msCyborg...and then Onyx. I drove to her house a little under the speed limit. You see, I am leaving for a new location in a day, and I wanted to get as much time as I could to talk with her and just listen as I could before I left her. I'm going to see her later in the day this day, but that will be the last time for a very long time. After I left her house, I was alone in my car.
The moment I turned off of her street, Green Day came on the radio. Good Riddance (I Hope Your Have The Time of Your Life). I frowned the moment I heard the first few chords, but still sang along... thinking all the while. I thought about my friendships, how I hugged everyone who was in that room with me tonight. How I said 'bye' to every single one of them. How I could feel real sadness in some of the hugs, where I hadn't expected to feel anything but another person. And though 'I love you's were thrown about haphazardly this evening, I know for a fact they were true. I'm going to miss them, and I do love them, each one of them.
So take the photographs and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
I continued to drive home, the radio off now, looking at the road, still thinking. Everywhere I looked, there was some sort of relationship. I saw an elderly couple sitting on their front porch. I saw a group of teenagers standing around a 'hang-out' spot... and then I started to see other things. Like, how the glow of one headlight is far less brilliant than two - all alone, it really is not effective. Or how despite having a home, a small dog would rather sit patiently outside, sniffing the night air. Or how the moon, despite its haunting glow is in fact, alone.
It's something unpredictable, but in the End it's Right
I hope you have the time of your Life
However, despite the dog's content attitude outside, there will always be a happy family inside to greet him when he decides to enter. The burnt headlight will be replaced eventually, blinding each oncoming vehicle. And the moon, without the sun's warm glow behind, the moon would remain dark - and we would remain ignorant of the beauty it holds on a clear night.
And like the moon, I would be nothing without the warm love I have from my friends and family. Without them, I would be nothing more than a shell of a being, doomed to remain in a limbo between life and the unknown - not really living, but far from dead.
I'm leaving them all soon. However, if you look close enough, it's very easy to make out the faint outline of the dark side of the moon in the night's sky.
But I'm not...
All I can say is that my name is Jereality. I'm eighteen years old. I'm going to start - no, continue - my life in college...
I guess I'll just say that I had one of the best, most depressing evening of my life. I enjoyed every minute of it.
For what it's worth it was worth All the While
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