Monday, October 06, 2008


Well, as of late nothing of large consequence has happened. I've learned some things about chemistry, biology, food, people.... food people. Weird, I know. It doesn't matter though... The thing that does matter, however, is that I am sick. Remember all those other times I said I was ill, and sickly and such? No? Read from the beginning, I think I begin to complain the second post of this blog. Really, I'm sure of it.

Anyway, those 'ill' days are nothing like this. Those were all probably headaches and just general not-feeling-well times. This time, I"m sick. I have a runny/stuffy nose, a constant headache [-I have a story about that.... if I haven't already told you.... -], and this cough that makes me feel like I'm going to lose a lung. Gross, I know.... I need those to breathe! Aaanyway, I will tell you how I got it.

Audrina. She was sick, and careful not to contaminate the things in our room. However, germs have a mind of their own, and if they should decide to cling to everything in the room, well, they will. So, now our entire room is sick. Audrina is getting better... Runner is still moderately healthy, and then it's Liz, who has a cough and the nose thing...and then there's me... I pride myself on being able to take common ailments and make them ten times worse. I swear, that's what I do... If I get a cold, my body will mutate that sucker to become a Cold of Death! So, now I've got the Cold of Death, and I'm going to tell you that it's not fun.

So, now my story.... I went home the last weekend, and I had been getting headaches for the entire week prior. So, I told myself 'Self, when you get home, you will get some Imitrex and all will be fine.'

Well, I got home and took an Imitrex and, well... That day was the day Liz (I brought her to my home), GGR, and I were supposed to go shopping... Well, I ingested said pill, and we went out to lunch. I knew something was wrong when my jaw started to hurt when I tried to eat my sandwich, then my throat felt like it was closing... Then I got a terrible headache, but I made myself look fine for the sake of not ruining the day. Well, we all got back into the car, and my neck muscles started to tense up... After we lucked out at L.L. Bean in the shoe department... we found nothing, and I really need boots... after L.L. Bean, we got back in the car where my shoulder muscles tensed up, and I got nauseous... It was terrible... I told GGR and she drove us home...then I went upstairs, and curled in a ball in my bed and called Me Madre.

I thought I as going to die.... Turns out - in the fine print of Imitrex - it says that the migraine pill could cause tightness of the muscles in the neck and shoulders, nausea, blindness and, oh yeah, DEATH! True story...

So, that's it.. those are my stories right now... I've got some Chemistry to do... Not looking forward to it, even though I'm beginning to understand it. Yay!

Quote of the Day:
Brought to you by Liz
-an elderly man has just walked by-
Liz: I hope... in my elderly elder years I don't become completely unfortunate... I mean, I'm not the most beautiful thing, but I like to think I've got something going for me...
Me: -laughter-

-This was funny because of the humor, as well as the fact we're both sick and fell asleep at four in the morning....

Peace Out, My Homies!!

Listening To: Paramore;; Brighter

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