Sunday, January 04, 2009

According To The Prophecy

So, it's sort of still Saturday for me, because for some ungodly reason I'm still awake. I don't think I'll be going to bed. Well, no, I'm already in bed. I'm typing in bed, I just won't be sleeping. That may be a lie. I may just go and get a shower around seven, and then take a little nap. Or, I may just stay awake, eat some pancakes and go on with my day like a normal person and sleep great tonight. That's weird to say, as it is still night time. I may get some picture of the sun rise! That's exciting. And yes, the grammar and spelling are correct in that sentence. I'm going to see the sun rise, not the sunrise. I will watch it move, that's what I'm going for.

Anyway, I'm awake. I'm hungry. My eyes are kind of 'burn-y' because the fan is on and I've had my contacts in for... a couple hours. Since about two o'clock, I think that's when they let me sleep till, I don't really remember. I think I spoke about that earlier. Again, I don't remember.

I had something important to say, and now I don't remember. Oh yeah!

My birthday is coming up. And, for the first time in a long time, I don't think that it will be unhappy. I won't have anyone there I secretly don't want. As far as I know I won't be getting any surprise parties. It's not a marking birthday, like 10, 16, 18 or 21, so nothing really special should happen.

Also, I go back to my Collegiate Place of Learning on the 13th... and classes start on the 14th, which, incidentally, is my actual birthday. I suppose I should have expected it. I mean, if I'm not taking mid terms in high school for my birthday, I might as well be taking four classes. Would you like to know the classes I've scheduled for my birthday? My birthday is on a Wednesday this year, and Wednesday's classes are great...only because there's two. I've got English, which will be fantastic since it's the same guy I had for my first semester. Great teacher, I'm going to call him Michael, here... He lets us call him by his first name because we're all adults. I like that. And, since he reminds me of someone named Michael, that is what I shall call him. The second class is a Chemistry lab, which should be interesting. I hear the professor I have for that is really good, which is great, because I'm not so great at Chemistry. I will call this person Spice. If you knew the professor's actual name, you'd give a little chuckle, or crack a smile. However, you don't, which is mildly upsetting. However, I digress.

After my birthday comes Thursday, which is my most busy day. I have my Chemistry lecture, an Intro to Small Animal Science class, a Bio lecture and then Finite Math. I'm looking forward to one of those classes. And really, I'm only looking forward to two classes the entire semester - English and Intro to Small Animal Science.Anyway, after that math class, I'm finished until Monday again because I'm a genius and scheduled myself to have no classes on Fridays... that way I can come home and have a longer weekend... To do more homework and studying... By the way, I'm going to give you an equation: Student + Dying = Studying. Yay!

That's on flair all over facebook. -sigh-

Alright, it's been seven minutes, I'm going to go and flip through tv channels before I try to take a little nap before Sibling goes to wake me up from my slumber. I don't want to be disturbed whilst I slumber. I get all angry and grouchy. Keep that as a mental note, Internet, don't ake me up... or I will be forced to inflict harm upon your person.

Much love!
^_6;; Jereality


Anonymous said...

Actually, the correct grammar for that sentence would be:

" I may get some picture of the sun rising!"

Anonymous said...
