This is Ben&Jerry's Fossil Feul. It is a sweet vanilla ice cream, filled with fudgy swirls, and chocolate dinosaurs. It's very tasty, and luckily, I'm the only one in my household that likes it. "It's too sweet"..."the dinosaurs are stupid and gross!"...-me pointing to ice cream- What do you think it is? "I think it's gross is what it is!" Well, I think it's wonderful! The sweetness..and the chocolate....-mumbles about tastyness of Iced Creameries.
-Salad Fingers-
The Bad is the copmparison between Nellie, from little house on the prarie, and Salad Fingers. I don't know if it's true or not...It was Sibling's comparison, she might be going insane though.
And now, for the difficult...You may think this is really stupid, but it's not. The Darkest Faerie game by Neopets (c)

Alright, they expect an 8 year old to play this game, and i's really hard! You have no idea.....well, you do if you you've played the game. But, you don't understand. These guys come at you left and right, and when you have no potions to heal yourself, you're stuck in a cave, with no way out, forced to fight this guy with 15x more health than you have, with no potions. yeah, good luck with that.
Yeah, so, that's my post, as I sit on the couh, the heating up lap top on my legs, sitting in my living cold..cold..COLD living room...I'm so cold, my eye lids freeze every time I blink. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go now, to get warm in my room...
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