Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Finals in Prison

Alrighty, you know hose tests I was talking about a couple of posts ago? Well, I took my last one this morning at the crack of dawn.....ALright, so it was like, 8 something, but it's close enough. So, The Hammer didn't show.....At all, he thought it was the final AFTER homeroom. He was mistaken. Silly boy...Anyway, lots of funny things happened today, it's a shame I don't remember alot of them, otherwise I'd have you all wetting your lovely computer chairs. SPeaking of computer chairs, I rolled over Father's foot last night with mine......
Oh yeah! I had to play for the graduation tonight, and one of our three valedictorians....He delivered a lovely speech, and in it....He talked to a sock. Not just any sock, but the wisest in the world. Sockrates! Get it? Socrates...Sockrates...It's a little play on...the...spelling.........Nevermind. To let you all know, the two blisters in between my big toe, and...second toe are greeted with a new friend..I call him John, another blister.....from a different pair of shoes.....It makes me sad that I get all these damn blisers, it's not cool at all.
And now i tihnk I'm going to go watch some Hell's Kitchen, becuase I missed last nights...I taped it for Father, since he wasn't home. Oh, and i highly recommend you guys to pick up 'A Fever You Can't Sweat Out', by Panic! at the Disco It's really good, and I'm not just saying that....I actually mean it.....

Ta ta,

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