Monday, June 05, 2006

Matter of Factly...

It was 22.6 miles..Not twenty-five, like I thought. Mother came with us too, which was a bit of a shock, since she doesn't really like bike riding. No matter, we all went, and when we got up there, through the other side of the mountain..It began to rain! So, we rode the little bus up the side of the mountain, the group of kids, all probably 12-14 maybe, all horrified as the bus bumped its way through the narrow roads.

Their questions:(Father and my answers....we whispered them ^.^)

Will we get hurt?

What if we get lost?
We leave you to fend off the 'puh-nemonia'

We have to speed up going down?
blank stares

Then they'd always say 'Oh-ma gawd'. It wasn't even oh my, it was oh-ma....Like Ohmaha, without the last 'ha'. Funny to listen to. ANyway, Sibling and I rode in the front the most, talking about people, and annoying things, and how we liked the harder rain over the soft, mist like things they called 'drops'. Only becuase the misty stuff stuck to my glasses, and the harder stuff kind of made it easier to see, and easier to accomplish our goal of reaching the 'Ohmagawds'. We went on the 22.6 mile trail, they did the 15-something...They get a seven mile head start....Needless to say(although I will anyway) we didn't catch up to them.
Oh well, I guess it wasn't that big a deal. Afterward, when we got finished our ride, our stomachs began to eat the lining, and through our skin, so we decided it'd be best if we ate. So, we went back to the 'Home Base' of this place, and Sibling and myself got Chicken Tenders.....-snicker-.....And boy, were they tasty. They weren't dry, and cold, but oh so tender, and tasty.

And, I figured out what I wanted to tell you all yesterday! Mother, Sibling, and I were driving, and we saw...a liscense plate that read.......

Quote Of The Yesterday:
...other woman......
Pretty ballsy, eh?

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