Today was Father's birthday. I made him a amuses me...I'm going to show you..Here it is! My Masterpiece!
Glorious work of art, that...I enjoy it, and so did he... When he came in my room to wake me up this morning, he saw it there, hanging from a chain that is hooked onto my fan. It was good times. We exchanged good-byes, and then I went back to sleep only to wake up twenty minutes to brush my teeth and tell Sibling that I was going back into the bathroom to put contacts in in ten minutes...I was going back to sleep. So I did, and then *I woke up ten minutes later, went through my normal 'half-day' schedule until ten o'clock, when I left the Education Station to go to the horse races. I decided to bet on horse number Seven...When the horse lost is when Sibling woke me up.* Yeah, I fell asleep until ten of seven. She came in my room and was all loud... "Jereality! You did not come in in ten fell back to sleep."
I blinked myself awake for real this time and watched her leave and thought to myself, 'shouldn't you have come in earlier if you noticed my lack of contact applying attendance?'
However, Sibling cannot read minds, so my question went unanswered. So, I get all ready within 15 minutes - like usual - and dropped Sibling off to school, and I went off to WaWa...I love that place, really...I do. So, I got my little 12 ounce cup of coffee, a Code Red Mountain Dew and an Apple Fritter...
I drank my coffee in my car and waited until school began, did the school thing...ate/shared my fritter in my fourth period Study Hall....which is actually a classroom, not a hall... I drank my Dew through fourth, fifth and Seventh... -half days means Lunch gets skipped...Lunch happens to be sixth period for me. -
So, my day of education ended with glee as Sibling, Onyx and I piled into my vehicle and I drove Onyx home. It's what I do... It's not like I'm driving across the town to get to her abode or anything...Easy pickings for me and my gas tank - which, by the way, took up like 30 bucks to fill 9 gallons. Re-damn-diculous. AAaanyway. I drove home next, and Mother and Sibling and I went back out to pick up things for Father and his birthday happenings. We knew what we were going to get before-hand so it was really no big deal. Though, Sibling made Mother and I crack up in Acme when we went to go and buy Pecans for the pie we made....That's my quote of the day, so be ready for it...It might be one of those 'had-to-be-there' type of things...but I want you to know regardless...and when I reread these, I can vividly recall the memories...
So, we did the shopping and came home and ate lunch and it was all very uneventful...except for the fact that I beat two more bosses in Finaly Fantasy XII - which I discovered is in fact 12, and not ten two which is a totally different spin on Final Fantasy. - Then Father came home, and we waited a couple hours before going out to dinner...which was alright...He really enjoyed his cards and gifts. We got him a gift card to Pep-boys and a pair of replacement Garden Shears for the ones we destroyed the other day cutting up fakey flowers... And we got him two cards....Sibling and I.... one was South Park with Timmy and Jimmy on it ... and it said:: "Ti-Ti-Timmy has a very im-important message for you" and when you open it the card reads "Ha-Happy B-Bi-Birthday" and you can hear Timmy going "TIMMY! GA-BLA-BLAH! TIMMY!" Lots of fun, that card... and the other one originally said something about being a special 4 year old we added a it was special 44 year's got stickers inside and a coloring section on the back...good times.
Then we went home, and I went back to playing Final Fantasy and then after about an hour I watched Hell's Kitchen with Father. It's what we do on Tuesday nights... And then I said my good-nights' and went to 'bed' which really just constituted in me turning on my AC on 60 degrees and putting my fan on high...some wacko put it on low... Anyway, I came online and decided to talk to my friends and such. Then I got frustrated, and then I got really, really the point I forgot what exactly I read that made me so angry that I had to reread it... Then I got even more angry and decided I would blog about all my anger. But then I ran through my day with you, and I feel better. I really do...that and I'm bottling some of that anger up...saving it for later. When I get all pissed off later, I'll refer you all to this post...something like 'Remember the time I said I bottled up some anger that one day, well...what happened was...'. However, that can't be too interesting for you, so I won't bore you with the drama details. That is, until I feel it completely necessary. At the moment, I'm absolutely content to live as I am...and that's all I could ask for in the remaing twenty minutes of Father's birthday. I'm glad I could be happy on 'his special day.'
[ - passing the Pecan section of the Nut Case - ]
Mother: What else do we need...
Sibling: - another section catches her eye - Chili Peppers!
Mother & I: O_o;; - silence-
Sibling: -chuckles- Wouldn't that be a surprise in your Pecan Pie. Oh, ho!
Ah, she does make me smile...
I did my best,
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according to the prophecy
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