Friday, June 20, 2008

They Love Me

I love my family, and it seems my family loves me too...which, to speak truthfully...which I will because this is my something that I enjoy. I graduated from my education station with Professors that I can now call my friends because I am no longer their students...which is also a lovely thing that I do enjoy very much. So, anyway, back to why this post is called what it is called... I keep getting these cards from family members and I think I got my most favorite one today... -keep in mind, I've only received four cards thus far...-

But it's from my grandparents. the ones that live on a hill in the middle of nowhere...the one where the nearest store is a little shack about four to six miles away. So, the front of the card is something's a rainbow over some body of water with a sunrise in the background - it's a drawn card from 'Academy Greetings' and it says 'For A Special Graduate' on it...then we open it and SHAZAM! The entire upper part of the card is written on, and the rest of the card says[ *Printed Prose* ->] 'A time to thank God for the gifts He has given you, and for the inspiring way you have used them with determination, dedication, hope and thoughtfulness. Congratulations'... I needed to tell you what the card actually said for you to first understand what the hand-written part is about.

It's written by my Grandfather..I call him Pop-pop...just 'cause I do. Anyway, he usualy draws pictures with funny little captions...I'll tell you about one after this... So, he wrote:

Dear Jereality,
        What really "struck" me was the first line of the printed prose. What an unconventional concept!! Thanking God?! Politically incorrect! [Note from Jereality: I'm just going to add here, this set of grandparents is totally, completely, back to his letter to me] Wouldn't such a notion be offensive to an atheist? There is something questionable in taking pride in something you've had no hand in. Sorta like bein' proud if you're tall. God gifts us with abilities, skills and talent and we need to be real careful about to whom we give the credit, the thanks and the Glory. Puffin' up one's self is to be on thin ice. The bible is chock-full of the narratives of individuals who let their Ego run their brain. Daniel 4:28-37, Romans 12:3, 1 Corinthians 10:12
    That being said, God has clearly blessed you. Bright mind, skills and ability. Latent tools awaiting to be honed, and to your credit, you've chosen to employ them. And, therein, lies the difference. You have made the conscious choice to diligently apply your gifts. We are free to choose our choices, but we cannot choose the consequences. This can be proven by choosing to step in front of a moving bus.
God has given us the gift of choice. Free Will. He'll never violate that gift. He wants us to make him part of our life. To choose Him. He'll never force your choice. We are free to reject him - most do.
As you delve further into the area of academics you will be exposed [to a] wide assortment of view points, philosophies and belief systems. There will be choices to consider and to be made. You'll need perception and spiritual discernment to avoid the snares and pitfalls that lie ahead for the naive view the world about you through the prism of your own personal integrity and moral principle.
In summary, continue to do as you have done.

I love this card, I really do. Gram'om wrote 'with all our love and very best wishes for your future' at the bottom... Love this card... and that's all I really have to say about it. Yep, with that knowledge, feel free to take what you may from the dedication to me from Pop pop...I suppose you could use it for your own cards and such...but you'll know where you got it...and I'll know..even though I really won't. ^_^

Oh, I got my hair cut the other day. It's angled and short in the back, and dyed black...It looks fantastic. That is all.

Quote of the Day
Pop-pop: What do you want to do after your junior year, then senior year?
Sibling: Be a chef...get my own restaurant...
Pop-pop: Going to Chef School will help that?
Sibling: Oh, yeah. Big time.
Pop-pop: I can get you a recipe for sourdough pancakes.
Sibling: Oh yeah?
Pop-pop: Would you like a recipe for sourdough pancakes?
Sibling: Oh, I would.
Pop-pop: I will see that you get such a recipe.

That was the best conversation bit I had heard all day...especially since it happened around 4:50 and I woke up at 1:30... Yeah, summer is fantastic...


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