Sunday, January 29, 2006

Saturday&Sunday Movies

Alright, yesturday I was too caught up Billie Joe Armstrong to even tell you about my day.
Around 10 o'clock I woke up, and went on the computer, to to see what time anything was playing. Apparently, The Chronicals Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe was playing. I've seen the play, and read the book, so naturally, I was interested. So, Mother, Sibling, and I went to the movies. And boy, was it awesome. My favorite character, of course, was not a main one...but a supporting character. He called himself Mr. Tumnus, a faun. He's so cute! He makes me smile, like a puppy would someone else. ^.^ Anyway, after that movie was over, we quickly drove to McDonalds, ate lunch in the Cinemark Parking Lot, and went to go see Nanny McPhee. That one was predictable, but cute. I think I might want to buy it when it comes out, kind of cute. Yes, so by that time it was 6:30, and we went home, and I went to my hole (my room), and turned on the computer. There, I was abruptly instant messaged by my friend with no logic (if you'll recall my earlier post
  • Where is Your Logic At!
  • , it's the same person). So, she said that she just got home from the movies. Evidently, it was the same movie theater that I spent my whole day at. She just missed me, becuase I got out a few minutes before Underworld:Evolution ended.
    Today, a show called It Happened One Night is on. It's an old movie...Black and White, but still. It's a good story. The only black and white movie I like. I'm listening to it right now, drinking iced tea, and typing to you guys. Anyway, I grow tired of swivling back and forth from between the puter, and the tv screen. So, I'll be on my way, thanks. Bye you guys!

    Saturday, January 28, 2006

    Billie Joe Armstrong On Television

    Alright...Apparently there was a show on a couple years back called Haunted. And apparently, I didn't pay attention too well to said show becuase in one of the last airings, Billie Joe was a special guest....Here is the the should take you to the page. You don't have to download it either, it'll just load, and then you can watch it. Pretty awesome stuff. And he's a pretty tasty actor too....-MmMmMm...He's rather tasty, ain't he?-

    Friday, January 27, 2006

    The Good, The Bad, and The Difficult

    Alright, as you may know the phrase, the good, the bad, and the ugly...and if you don't, learn it...stupid fish. Anyway, I have adjusted the phrase so it suits my needs. I do that with alot of hte things in my life..I fix it, so it works for me. So, the good...:
    This is Ben&Jerry's Fossil Feul. It is a sweet vanilla ice cream, filled with fudgy swirls, and chocolate dinosaurs. It's very tasty, and luckily, I'm the only one in my household that likes it. "It's too sweet"..."the dinosaurs are stupid and gross!"...-me pointing to ice cream- What do you think it is? "I think it's gross is what it is!" Well, I think it's wonderful! The sweetness..and the chocolate....-mumbles about tastyness of Iced Creameries.

    -Salad Fingers-


    The Bad is the copmparison between Nellie, from little house on the prarie, and Salad Fingers. I don't know if it's true or not...It was Sibling's comparison, she might be going insane though.

    And now, for the difficult...You may think this is really stupid, but it's not. The Darkest Faerie game by Neopets (c)

    Alright, they expect an 8 year old to play this game, and i's really hard! You have no idea.....well, you do if you you've played the game. But, you don't understand. These guys come at you left and right, and when you have no potions to heal yourself, you're stuck in a cave, with no way out, forced to fight this guy with 15x more health than you have, with no potions. yeah, good luck with that.

    Yeah, so, that's my post, as I sit on the couh, the heating up lap top on my legs, sitting in my living cold..cold..COLD living room...I'm so cold, my eye lids freeze every time I blink. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go now, to get warm in my room...

    Thursday, January 26, 2006

    Ill....some more...

    Remember in the very begining.....Back when dinosaurs room. Well, no..too bad! seems I'm still ill...Still. And Sibling is more obnixious than usual.....I wonder why...Oh well. And she took my bracelet. But I got it back...two seconds ago. Which is really good! Alright, just wanted to post, so all of you people would know thta I'm still alive.

    Onyx: hello?

    Me: What?
    Onyx: hello
    Me: -spit bubble-

    Monday, January 23, 2006

    Unleashed..and other stuff

    Well, I was going to do a survey, but I figured that'd take out all the surprise of me. So, I deleted it. I saw Unleashed today, a half hour ago or something. It was pretty good. We got it becuase Mother likes Jet Li. I think it's funny, but whatever. If I had to, and I do, I'd give the movie 4.75 stars out of 5....becuase it had weird sound effects. Do you like that? The decimal place? I do. It had a really good plot, and the casting was good. Morgan Freeman plays a really good blind man. Granted he's an awesome actor anyway, but still. Jet Li did really well as a 'dog', and that chick who played Morgan Freeman's adopted daughter, she did good too. What was her name...Veronica? I don't remember, I didn't really like her....But she did good as a not likeable character, honestly. Anyway, I think I'm going to leave you all now.
    FYI; I've sprayed Cool Mint Listerine pocket MIST in my mouth at leat seven times in the past half hour. I think i'm addicted...I'll have to fix that.....Good night!

    How Do I Get There
    To The Place
    Where I Fell Asleep
    Inside You
    How Do I Get Myself
    Back To The Place
    Where You Said
    I Want Something Else
    To Get Me Through This

    Sunday, January 22, 2006


    It's pretty self explanitory. I've got pictures, and you will view them. Simple as That.

    ----^ Retaliation. Even the dogs are doing it.

    -----^ Someone howl A little too much, perhaps.....

    -----^ Brings the 'Hang On There' epression to a whole other image, doesn't it?

    ------^ Now, the cliques have followed into the animal world too. That's depressing.

    -----^Now, it's time for a nap. Good Night All.

    My Day And....The Skeleton Key

    Well, I think you all should know that my friend Skeddles has decided to join us here in the World Of I congratualte her, as should you. I will post a link to get to her site after this post.
    Today, I woke up rather out-of-it, and looked at my clock, wondering why I was awake so early on a Sunday. I didn't have to go to church today, becuase Father wanted to go on a trip. We did. We went somewhere, to some Hotel-like business place, and I was greeted with a Cat Show. It was pretty cool, Cats everywhere. If you weren't already sure, or didn't know me, I have a liking for cats. The play, the movie, the animal in general. I think they are beautiful, and my cat brings me happiness everytime she walks into the room. As did Jake, RIP. Well, we went through the whole thing, and it was rather entertaining, becuase these people enter their cats into these competitions, and the cats look just as pleased to be there as a student in summer school. Most of them were asleep, or looking bored. Other, such as the persions, looked out at the people, their squashed faces hidden under pounds of cotton ball-like fur.
    After the show, I sat in the back of the van, and just stared ot the window...thinking. I thought about lots of things. I don't remember alot of it, actually, but I do remember thinking about my apathy post I did the other day. I remember frowning at myself for being so open with people I know I'll never meet, or letting myselfopen up to the two people I talk to all the time. Then I began to look at the people in the cars around me, their mostly happy faces staring at the front of the road, then swivling to the person in the back seat, or passenger side, and laughing. I remember wishing I could hear Father, Sibling, Mother, and Father's friend talking. But, being in the back, I could not. I blew the thought and wish off so suddenly I lost focus on the winodw in front of me.
    Then I finished out the rest of my day with breakfast for dinner, and a movie with Father. That movie, was The Skeleton Key. It was pretty good actually. It wasn't 'scary' persay, it was suspencful. Too the point that I didn't even want to get up to get a drink. I practically glued myself to the couch, and watched the movie straight through, with no interuptions, with Father. It was fun, our bonding..Movies, Music, and just talking. It's what we do, Father and I. That crazy man makes me smile. And that was my day.

    Quote Of The Day:
    And My Friend
    We Have All Come
    To Fear
    The Beating
    Of Your Drum

    Saturday, January 21, 2006


    I've Decided I'm Apathetic About Life.

    I was talking to Onyx last night. Apparently, she was looking up some quiz to test if you depression. Well, I took the quiz, and it turns out, I'm a 34....out of 40. But don't fret. I don't think there is a need to....I think. I was serously thinking about not posting tonight, but I figured it be better for me to get it all out of my system., rather than have everything bottled up like I usually do.
    If you don't want to read anymore, I won't blame you. It's all rather depressing anyway, I think.
    I have a tendancy to do that. Bottle things up, keep them locked inside with all of the other grudges I have kept over the years. I don't know what to do sometimes. Sometimes, it gets so bad, I have to retreat to a small site called Neopets, and role escape my life. Is that bad? To go into a virtual world, and become another person, live out their life, write what they say, dictate them? I don't know.
    Sorry this isn't one of my more random, cheerier posts. I'm just feeling really pressured, you know? I mean, I had a great night, had 'dunch' with my Dad-who ended up not liking what we had-, went to the Bookstore with Mother, then floated over to the mall. It was great...But I still feel like there is something missing. Something important.
    Maybe I'm thinking too much. Maybe I looked over that important thing. Maybe the giant picture of my dead cat is finally getting to me. I find it easier to cry about him now though. I couldn't for a long time. I've been crying alot lately. And I don't know why. Those silent, soft tears that just form at your eyes, and then disappear. Those, I'm getting lots. Sometimes one or two might fall down my cheek, and land on the desk, reminding me that I'm still here. Still living out my life...I wonder what will happen in my future. I'm always the 'optimistic' type...That was sarcasm. Everything is half empty, and the world is out to get me. That's how it is now. And I think it's becuase of the dog. She's sick, and I don't think she's going to make it. And that is horrable for me to say, to type so everyone can see....It's even worse for me to look at her, and just try to smile. Try to make her think everything is fine. Make her believe I think she's go a chance. But she's always doing worse. I can tell. She's in pain. Her eyes hurt her, her legs hurt her, she can't do the things she used to be able to do. And it makes me sad, becuase it brings me back to my cat. And how much it hurt to lose him. And the hate I felt toward the vet, for letting him die without me. Hate for the school for starting that November day. And the hatred I felt for him, for dying in the first place. And finally the hate I still have for myself for hating him for dying.
    Well, that's it. I hope I didn't damper your day any. Good night.

    Monday, January 16, 2006

    My Day...In Story Form...Kind Of...

    I jolted awake as Sibling banged open the door, and told me to wake up. "She said 11 o'clock," I mumble, rolling over to face the wall. Sibling stares at me, a twisted expression on her face as she leaves. I sleep until 10:30, and ignore the time until it hits 10:54. I get up, get a shower, get dressed all before my clock hit eleven. I woke up Mther, and she got up, and got ready for the day. Why so early? You may ask, well, I decided we should go to a diner for breakfast the day before. And it was agreed upon. Awesome!
    We get to the diner, and I get a coffee, and a Spinach & Feta omelette. It was awesome. Better the first time I had it a couple months ago. But still, it was good. I ignored the time, and blabbed about where we were going today. Something about the doctors to get pill subscriptions changed, and then a Dentist appointment. Which reminds me that I probably should not be chewing gum. Oh well. Anyway....
    We pull up to the doctor's office, and I bring a book that my best friend Onyx let me borrow. Godless, by some guy.... So, I was half way through, and ended up finishing it still sitting in the waiting room. So, my name finally gets called. Mind you we got there an hour early, and I was called fifteen minutes after the appointed appointment.12-1:30...That's right. An hour and a half, just sitting there in a room full of old people.
    So, we go in, I get blood work, and then I sit in another room for what feels like an eternity. Well, needless to say, I got the perscrption and the Jereality gang was back on the road to the dentist.
    We get there, pretty boring. A whole minute early. Well, the dentist....I get called second, and I sit in a chair a billion other people have sat in before me. Gross. The woman says "What flavor flouride do you want?" I stare at her, a 'what the hell' look on my face. Of course, she doesn't see it becuase her back is turned to me. "What flavors do you have?" I ask, suddenly realizing she'd never see my face. "Bubblegum, Orange and vanilla, and strawberry." I reply "bubblegum", Like there's any other flavor I think as she gets ready. Moron. So, finally the 'people chair' moves, and my teeth are being ready to be cleaned.
    She messing with my mouth at this point. "Your bottom gums are bleeding a little," she says. No shit, you're sticking a metal rod into them. Fat cow, I think. I think she was expecting an answer, but how can I answer when she's got tools in my face, hm? Was I supposed to say, "frah mwrah frwah frwah." I think not. So, she cleans my teeth some more. She's still talking to me, expecting answers that I refuse to give to her. I can't help but smile as thoughts race through my head...I wonder what would happen in I 'accidently' spit in her face....What would she do if I sneezed? Or swalled. Thoughts of my spit flying in her general direction wasa all I thought about. Granted, no one wants spit in their face, but she really was asking for it. Unfortunatly, I know better, and she left spit-free. Oh well, there is always another six months, right?
    I got a tooth brush, floss, and tooth paste from that little excursion. "Oh look, it's got their name on it," I say reading the title of the Dentist office finely printed on the handle of my blue tooth brush. "Huh, fancy that."

    And yeah, that was my day......the highlight was the thoughts I had in my head as she cleaned my teeth.....Very funny stuff.

    Quote Of The Day:
    'It's the cereal you'd make if you made cereal!'-Cereal Commercial
    'No, I'd make good cereal!-Sibling

    Sunday, January 15, 2006

    Birthday....Was it really...Mine?

    Well, my birthday was on the 14th, and I had a surprise party the 13th...Just like I said. My friends were there, and they rented out the nifty coffee shop. And it was really nice. BUt, I knew about it, like an hour before said 'shwar-ay'(makin' fun of Dad). So, I wasn't really 'surprised', I just put on a smile, and turned to Mom, and said, I knew it, real happy-like. She smiled, and I was left to greet the friends, and 'cling-ons'. There are a few cling-ons in our group. I shall give them names. There is Dess, Jeska, Jezzie, 2 boys and sometimes Jewels. Well, Dess, she always has to make everything be about her, we shall discuss that at a later bunch of words.
    I had alot of fun, Father catered my party with 'Denny', and oh my gosh, the food was awesome. We had a big bowl of little meatballs, and rolls, and chicken, and 'pasta purses', and some otherkind of meat thing. OH, and a salad that I didn't looked much too complicated to grasp with the tongs, and...there was a tomoato rose, so, I didn't want to destroy the presentation.-Pasta Purse: a small square of pasta filled with cheese. The corners of said square are folded up to meet in a grouping, and cooked, creating a 'purse-like' appearance.- So, naturally, I had two servings of the pasta things, meatballs...OH! And EGG ROLLS!!! Me and Onyx put a hurting on those egg rolls. Yeah. So all that happened, and then it was time to meander, and talk. Well.......that happened for a few moments, and then I opened stuff. It was great, I got awesome stuff....and chocolate... ^_^ Well, yeah. Then we had cake, and everything went swimmingly. My friend, we shall call her Virginia, got upset though. And I place all the blame on Dess-yes, the 'cling-on'. Well, not only did Dess make Virginia upset, she pissed me off too.
    A history on Dess. Her 'rents split up. She seeks attention. When she finds a boyfriend, she sucks the life from him, and uses him as a crutch...a place to get her love.
    Well, Boyfriend was not at his spirit sure was. Not one air of breath did Dess utter that was not based solely upon herself was about Boyfriend. Happy Birthday...Boyfriend did this! Let's go Ice Skating tomorrow! Guess what the tomorrow was...that's right...the fourteenth. My birthday day. That's wonderful Dess, make plans for my birthday day......Not only plans...plans about Ice skating....skating. Everyone knows I fear skating. And yet, she and Jezzie go and announce it to the whole table that a group of about 5-ish should go. Did that five include me? The birthday girl? NO! Dess...I solely blame the tension during my birthday on her. Dess has the uncanny ability to turn everything her way. My birthday was placed, and centered on Dess. My parents, neighbors, Denny, the owners of the coffee shop, Onyx, and Curly-oli weere the only people who actually payed attention to me. That's nine.....out of 26. Everyone else was entranced by Dess's immature 'stories'. Well, she pissed me off to the max. And you know, you only turn 16 once. And guess who is ALREADY SIXTEEN!?!?! That's right, Dess. So, she got two sweet sixteen birthday parties under her belt. I hope she chokes on her not-working-health-drink. Fucking bitch. I know, it's foolish to rant, and rave about a party....A superficial party, but I mean really. It was my day. I'm not spoiled, and I like a bit of attention once in a while. I don't really ask for a whole hell of alot, but I wanted this party, probably more than she wanted hers. And she stole it from me. And now I'm crying. Why am I crying? It's a superficialy party. It means nothing. But I don't know. I guess, subconciously I was truely looking forward to it. And now it's gone. And I can never have it back. It's not fair. Granted, life isn't fair...but it was my day...I justed wanted to have fun. To have fun with friends...And not have to deal with any drama. Dess travels with 169 pounds of drama wherever she goes. And I hate it.

    He Seized The Ring-Hilt
    Bristling And Battle-Grim
    Of Life Desparing
    Swung The Sword
    So That Her Own Neck
    Bone-Rings Broke
    On The Floor She Sank
    The Bloody Sword Grinning

    Friday, January 13, 2006

    Band Loser

    Alright, today, I was a tad on the late side. School for me begins at 7:20am...That is the crack of dawn-ish. I wake up at 5:33am every morning. Well, this morning was not the case. I woke up at 4-something, and let the cat out of my room. Oh, it's only four, I thought, back to sleep then. And then I take off, back to my dream world. Well, aparently, my alaram decided not to ring, and I slept through five o'clock. Not only did I sleep through five o'clock, I slept through six o'clock as well. So, Sibling comes bursting into my room, telling me that grandmother had just called wondering if we were coming along becuase it was 7:10! Yes, well, that wasn't too good for me. School would start in ten minutes! And Sibling takes a half an hour to get ready usually. But today, I'm assuming she felt my stress, she also completed getting ready for school-the getting dressed, brushing of the teeth, and in the car half way down the road-within nine minutes. And so, I get to school, and rush to Band. I am not late, thank God, but alas, where is my clarinet?
    That's what I play, the clarinet. Well, I search the shelves for a good ten minutes, and finally decide to asked Mr. D. That is what we call him, Mr. D. Anyway, he says he'll ask the class, but unfortunately, he's handing out a new song, that entails searching through large piles of different instrument parts, counting the alotted number of parts needed, and distributing them to 100 some students, succesfully. Well, I look again, and still can't find it. Friend A-she is very nice, red hair, funny stories about life. A good friend-mouths over What's wrong? I mouth back, I can't find my Clarinet. Who put it away yesturday? (Note:I'm not lazy, we have a system, Friend A, and Friend B take turns putting my instrument away, and I put away 4-6 folders away, two of which belonging to A and B.) She looks over at Friend B-a boy I have liked since the seventh grade. I'm now in 'friend' status. *does a dance*- who just shrugs, and points to the second shelf, all the way to the left. Not a big help. Friend A rolls her eyes, and gets up, and looks with me. "When I got my clarinet, yours was right next to it." She goes, and sits back down. I walk back up to Mr. D, and he finally adresses the class. "Did any of the Clarinets grab the wrong case, or are borrowing a clarinet?" One hand raises.
    I am disgusted, really, becuase I do not very much like this girl who 'borrowed' my clarinet. We shall give her a name to protect her identity. How about...Nicole. Yes, well, Nicole looks at me, and then holds up the case. I nod, and go to take my case, and clarinet back. (Note:When borrowing someone clarinet, you do not use their mouth piece or connector thing. So, her spit germs are not 'on' my clarinet. Thank God.) But no, in a nasally, rather restricted voice she goes, "Can you get me another clarinet?" I stare at her in disbelief, after taking my instrument, she couldn't get off of her fat ass and get herself another case. I go and get another clarinet and hand it to her rather forcefully, giggling to myself as she examins on of the nails I swung the box into. I take my clarinet, set up the rest of it, and finally look at Friend A. "Ew. She was useing my clarinet. Disugsting." Friend A agreed with me, and Friend B made sure everything was fine with it. *Made my skin crawl a bit, just becuase it's him.* It was, and we continued on with our lesson.
    Did I get a 'thank you', or an 'I'm sorry,' from that fat cow? NO! I got nothing. What a bitch. after the lesson, she even proceeded in almost toppling me over trying to get her fat cow ass out of her row. Well, I cut in front of her, and stepped on her toes 'accidently', and left to find Onyx.
    Easy to stop in the Cafe...of sorts. I always meet her there. So, I told her my story, and she looked just as disgusted as I was. Which, also, made me smile. So, she walks me to my locker, a ritual of sorts, and low and behold, my locker is covered with paper! Pretty paper, full of finger-dirtying charcoal. Happy Birthday!, and Happy Sweet Sixteen! All over the place. I got an amusing card from Onyx, and another from Onyx, and Sibling-they were taped to the locker, so they needed to be removed rather quickly before the were A) toppled, and kicked off to be squished under the feet of the other inmates, or B) Stolen, and thrown away. So, the rest of the day was filled with 'Happy Birthday's, which was nice, and it gave me alot more attention than usual.
    My gym locker too, was decorated, a single piece of paper-my name-'s Sixteen!. It made me smile. After gym, Onyx took my shirts and wore them, so I took hers, and her jacket, and we decided to switch for the day. In fact, I'm still wearing the jacket. It's all comfy on my shoulders. Yeah, I think that's it so far. The day still has some hours in it, so, we'll see what happens.
    *I think birthday things are going to happen today. Mother, Sibling, Friend's online...They're all gone.Mother said she was going t drop Sibling off at a friend's house, and be out till five or six. Then she proceeded to giggle down the stairs as she left me to my cuby hole-my room.
    Alright, I think I'm done now. This has been fun. Venting, and explaining my day thus far. Hope you all enjoyed it, if you didn't......-holds out arm, and wipes- SKIN ON YOU!

    Wednesday, January 11, 2006


    It has come to my attention that the English language is slowly dying. Well, shall I rephrase that? I shall. It has come to my attention that the English Language is being murdered. Yes, murdered. English has turned to ebonics, and Internet Slang. Do you listen to people talk? I sit next to a person during 'feeding time' in prison, who, when she stands up to get something says 'BRB'. The actually letters. And if that doesn't stab you metaphorically in the heart, how about this. A conversation between me and sibling:
    Me: Sorry about that.
    Sibling: It don't matter.

    Notice, Sibling said 'don't' instead of the appropriate 'doesn't' It has come to my attention that Sibling feels no sadness about useing 'don't' in Sibling's sentance becuase Sibling claims that 'I didn't make up the word.'

    Is it also bad when your math teacher doesn't teach math, but small words in Ebonics? A sentance:
    'Yo, I'm pushin' some wet. If you be takin', I be droppin'.'
    Translation:Hi, I'm selling laced drugs. If you are buying, I will be seeling them to you.

    I find this rather, annoying. I barely speak English. 'Real' English. I speak 'Half-ass-anese', and the ever so popular, 'Jerenese'. But I refuse to speak in Chat Speak, or most of the Ebonics. I speak some. Just a tad. Every so often you'll catch me in a 'English Murder' mood, and I'll go all out. Mos of the time, I'm just making other people laugh. Or just go and speak weird for the looks on the other people's faces.

    I think I'll leave you with that, yo.
    Peace out, my homies.
    Laughs At You.

    Quote Of The Day:
    When Sin Is Deep In My Blood,
    You'll Be The One To Fall
    -Avenged Sevenfold, Unholy Confessions

    Tuesday, January 10, 2006

    Funny Stuff....

    Alright, I've been getting random 'stupid bush' jokes from my friend. And one of them was just so off topic, but funny, I thought I'd give it to you. Here it is:

    The FCC is ruling that the "F-word" will be acceptable language on public television and radio as long as it does not refer to the actual sexual act. Therefore we must ask ourselves: When is @#$% Acceptable?

    There are only eleven times in history where the "F" word has been considered acceptable for use.

    They are as follows:

    8. "What the @#$% do you mean we are sinking?"-- Capt. E.J. Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912

    7. "What the @#$% was that?" -- Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945

    6. "Where did all those @#$%ing Indians come from?"-- General George Custer, 1877

    5. "Any @#$%ing idiot could understand that."-- Einstein, 1938 7. "It does so @#$%ing look like her!"- Picasso, 1926

    4. "How the @#$% did you work that out?"-- Pythagoras, 126 BC

    3. "You want! WHAT on the @#$%ing ceiling?"-- Michelangelo, 1566

    2. "Where the @#$% are we?"-- Amelia Earhart, 1937

    1. "Scattered @#$%ing showers, my ass!"-- Noah, 4314 BC

    Sunday, January 08, 2006

    Day Light....Save it?!

    "It's Only 8:30?! Oh God! this Day Is Never-Ending!!"


    Alright, we've all got some person in our lives that make us annoyed. Sometimes it's friends. Usually, it's family. Take cousins, for example. If you have a young cousin come over, and the mood you have is 'joke-worthy', and say 'If you break this, I'll have to hate you forever.' Being completely serious free, and have said cousin say 'Like you don't already...'. That was what my whole day was full of. Granted, seeing my counsins was fun, and a bit of a treat. But when the parents leave, and I am left with a sister of 14, a cousin of 10, and another of 8? I do not really enjoy said visit. Some say the behavior of the above conversation is 'emo', which I have learned means 'emotional'. I do not think that is what they mean in the context of said words, but that is fine. I had to make them food, becuase they whined. Something about being hungry, and some other things. So, they ate, and we received a phone call, 'We're going to Dave's Famous Barbeque for dinner. Get dressed, throw on a pair of jeans, and a shirt with no words. We'll be home soon.' They were not. They were home twenty to thirty minutes later, not 'right home', which was expected. So, the four of us sat in the living room, and were relativly silent. Except for the constant bickering between my two sibling cousins. So, it was not quiet, my head was pounding, and I didn't get paid of said 'baby sitting excursion'.
    So, we left for Dave's, and sat at a double table for a few moments. I listened to my aunt, and great aunt gripe about something stupid, and immature for their ages. I ignored them, and he my leg kicked insesantly by young cousin who was placed across from me. That was not fun. I soon left that double table, and was relocated at a single table with Sister, and cousins A and B. We had an uneventful dinner, in which Sister was denied her meal for a good ten minutes. That was rather annoying, the dinner waiting, and listening to Cousin Short blab about herself being hated, and me being rude, and mean. And suddenly become uncool, and then become cool within the next three seconds. Our conversations, well, the conversations that flew by Sister and I, were listened to with dead, and bored ears. Sister and I listened to the conversations, and commented on some things, a bit of acidity on our words at times. Cousin Short was rather obnoxious, and gave me the feeling of hitting her....with a fork. Cousin A Little Taller Than Short was fine, gave me and Sister the same looks we were giving each other of Cousin Short's words. Which, all in itself, made me smile a little bit.
    The day ended at Dave's, and we gave hugs with a happiness, and quietude in our hearts. Thrilled to the max that Cousin Short was leaving, but Cousin A Little Taller Than Short had to leave with her sibling. That was regretable, but it had to happen. I talked to Cousin A Little Taller Than Short online a few moments before I started this post. The conversation was, once again, more uneventful blabber...between both parties. She left me all alone for a while, and then Onyx came on, and proved to myself, once again, that I am truely insane, and bizarre. Which made me smile.

    Quote Of The Day:
    Sister: The Dingo Ate Your Baby.
    Cousin Short: What?
    Sister(a bit slower): The..Dingo..Ate..Your..Baby.
    Cousin Short: The Bimbo Ate My Baby?
    Me(almost immidiently):Yes. The Bimbo Ate Your Baby.

    Friday, January 06, 2006


    Alright, thirty minutes ago, I was an average, every day customer at the Wawa in my hometown. Stocking up on tasty Vinegar&Salt potato chips, and a Red Mountain Dew. Twenty minutes ago, I was standing in a line, staring at a man who calls himself by a letter. Staring at him becuase he was attractive? No, not really. Staring at the expression changes on his face as he rang up OnyxLunacy, and my order for that little voyage of ours. Well...'what were those expressions for?' you ask? Well, you'd understand if you tried to VOID some items from a certan receipt that had been carefully, and strategically left there to mock said Letter. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT try to take two $15.59 cameras off of a purchase that you intend to pay for with gift cards. It will take a while, and become a detriment to most customers in the store. Not fun...Well, it was funny. For me, anyway. Listening to Onyx apologize a couple thiry-some times, and smile, whilst agreeing with everything she says to the Letter.
    Anyway, the chips, sodas, and gum proved to be easy to get. The cameras, which we ended up getting rid of, after searching a good ten minutes for them. So, not only did we annoy ourselves, but we annoyed Letter too. I consider it a good days work...for me, not him. I'm almost positive he's hating this day, just about, oh, twenty minutes ago. So, as you may have already clicked, or will soon click(you best) the link to OnyxLunacy's site, to read her apology letter to Letter. So, I sit here, sighing, and laughing to myself.
    We talked about voids, and nuclear bomb registers whilst we walked home...where the stupid diligently followed. So, as the apology letter was being written, I decided to talk to the bed. Yes, so, when you read her not think of me as crazy...think of me as.....Well...crazy, yeah. But think of me as not menta- Wait.....Just don't think. Just read it, and giggle....Giggling is fun, I did it alot in my head whilst I watched Letter.

    Quote of the Day: Void! Void! Void!

    Wednesday, January 04, 2006

    'The Bird'

    You know when someone cuts you off, you show them a lovely finger? Or someone in another car shows you their lovelyfinger? I bet you all you don't know how 'The Bird' originated. If you do, go away, and come back tomorrow or another date when I have something to say. If not, come closer, it's Story Time!
    Alright, long ago in the Middle Ages, there were archers. And the archers used their undex finger, and their middle finger to pull back the arrow, and shoot. Well, when the archers would get captured, the opponent would cut off those fingers. Leaving you a useless mass of flesh that could once shoot arrows. So, when the other archers were ready for battle, they stuck up those two finger,s telling the other side that they didn't catch them, and that they would soon be dead. We, being lazy as the centuries grew longer, deleted the index finger, leaving only the middle.
    And that children is the history of 'The Bird'.

    Tuesday, January 03, 2006

    Unsend Button

    Keep anything and everything with 2GB of storage (unlimited storage for AOL members).
    Feel confident with industry leading spam and virus protection.
    Preserve important relationships with the handy "Unsend" button*.

    Alright. If you haven't noticed yet, the above message is the screen where I put my password and stuff for get all my non-existant mail. Anyway, it seems to me that AOL is having some....relations that none of the public knows about. Anyway, I thought you ought to know that....So you can 'preserve your own important relationships with a certain button....Have fun with that....

    Monday, January 02, 2006

    'Ew' generally means that something is gross, right? I always thought so. I have asked several people what the word 'ew' meant, these are my responses....
    Victim#1:....what do you mean? Is this -my name-
    Victim#1...-after prompting-: It means degoutant.(it's french)
    Victim#3:disgusting, I guess....
    Victim#4:I usually think of ew yuck, ill favored...
    There you have it. 'ew' means disgusting, says three people. It's the general consensus that that word means gross, disgusting, horrible looking. And any other synonym I can think of. So, why, I wonder, do most people around me use the word as an exclamation. When one has a good idea, "Ew, I have the best idea! You've got to listen to it. Ew, ohmigod!. Or, "Ew, that car is fantastic! I love it." So, why in the world would you exclaim that something is disgusting, with the expression of 'ew', and then turn around and say it's the best thing in said world? I don't understand it. I am going to search my peers vocabulary, and find other words, that are now being used as their opposites...when they really shouldn't! Well then, what have you to say now? Wait let me guess...."EW!"

    Sunday, January 01, 2006


    This night I was asked what we were going to do for Dinner. Well, I shot Down Old Country Buffet like it was filled with the Plague. I hate that place, makes my skin crawl. Everything covered in a nice sheen of grease...Not my kind of meal. Anyway, whilst on this little brain excursion, Dad comes up with his own emphany, I come in after he thumps his hand on my wall(my own little, hey you, c'mere...ritual). I go in and say, "If this restaurant is three words, I've got three choice words too." He laughed at me, and then shook his head, I could tell with his quick scrunched face expression, he was wondering what my three words were. Mom thought it was 'No F*ckin' way', but she was wrong.Anyway, he suggests "How about 'Dave's Famous BBQ'?" I stare at him for a moment, never hearing of this place. So, Dave's was agreed upon, and we drove there. Guess how long it took to get there. Go on, guess. GUESS! No, it was 15 minutes. Yeah, that's it. Just 15 minutes to a 'Famous' barbeque 'joint'. ANyway, when we get in, I almost pull an Elf. They have a big sign, saying they have The World's BEst Barebeque. You know what I mean bypull an Elf? Walke up to the person behind the desk, and go, "Congratualtions! You did it! World's best Barbeque! Wow, congratulations!" BUt, I restrained myself in said instance, and kept the comment whirling around in my skull. Well, we get served by an excentric man named Thom-pronounced TOM-. Anyway, Mr. Excentric leaves us at the Rock Star table.(Our own name for it. It was hugemongus, and far away from everyone else. Becuase, I'm such a person lover. (-_-) That was sarcasm) Anyway, Mr. Excentric leaves, and makes room for another Excentric personality to serve us. Enter Michael. Well, Good ol' Mike advised us to check out the All American something or other. So, we did, seeing as it was our first time there. Oh my goodness gracious! Do yo remember the cake from New Years? Pah! That was like a brownie compared the the awesomeness of the meat! We got, with the All-American thing...Two racks of ribs...oh my god....They were like.....-Homer Simpson moment--drools- And corn, which I didn't eat, but I heard it was tasty. Some pulled beef something, that was killer. Chicken...the chicken you could probably cut it off the bone with a spoon. It tasted like it was roasted on the Spit under the ribs, and pulled beef stuff, becuase it tasted like heaven. UH, what else, oh yeah, the chicken. It was a whole small chicken. Like one of those little perdu birds you get becuase you're too lazy to rotisserrize your own chicken. It was that size cut into chunks.I mean really, the perfect dinner, complete with a side of Angioplasty. It was awesome. In fact, I had 4 ribs, two pieces of chicken, and a couple spoon fulls of that meat. Er..the pulled beef stuff.(It's ALL meat) Wow, it was an awesome dinner. And when it says 'Can feed 4' on that menu, expect to bring some home. We are a family of four, and we couldn't finish it. They had random sauces too. I only liked one, though. Not famous one, but one called 'Devil's Spit'. Oh wow, that stuff could burn the tongue off of a weak person. I ate that stuff as if it were air. OH look, chicken -squirt the sauce on- Oh, lok, there is still meat on that bone -squirt-. Hm...finger......squirt- NO, I'm kidding. But really, the chicken, and the rib thing, all the way. But yes, 'Dave's Famous Barbeque' a must visit for any barbeque loving family. with the World's Best Ribs. Props Dave, props.

    Happy New Year!

    Well, it seems you all have made it to 2006. And what's that? Six years without have the world run by electronics. Yeah...way to go on that one, nerds. Well, I had a lovely evening. Next door neighbor came over, we had dinner. Keilbasa, Macorni and Cheese(the home-made stuff, not that gooey delicious-drools- crap from the box), and string beans. It was rather tasty. An all time favorite of mine, haven't had it in about two years or so. Yeah. So, after that we all had Torte...Chocolate Torte. It was divine! Chocolate, and gooey, and not toosweet. It was perfect. After that, we all had some sort of finger food, Bruchetta(tomatoes, red balsamic vinegrette, basil,garlic, and *magic ingredient*) over some toasted bread. That bread was also used for a veggie dip that Mother makes. Which is just as tasty as that Torte. MIdnight rolled around, Sister and I took a pot, and plastic spoon, hammered them around outside for a while, shouted, and then came back inside becuase, in case you all haven't noticed, it's rather nippy outside. We watched the fireworks out in the parking lot, we can see them as they go off sometimes, and then, once again, nature drove us back inside. So, the fireworks continued on the television, and now I sit here, almost an hour after said happenings. As I am still wired from my caffine nehanced day, I'm going to go have a soothing cup of tea, and read something. Perhaps the new book I received for Christmas. Yes, that is what I shall do.

    P.S. Beware electric appliances, we don't know if they will come to life.