Alright, today, I was a tad on the late side. School for me begins at 7:20am...That is the crack of dawn-ish. I wake up at 5:33am every morning. Well, this morning was not the case. I woke up at 4-something, and let the cat out of my room.
Oh, it's only four, I thought,
back to sleep then. And then I take off, back to my dream world. Well, aparently, my alaram decided not to ring, and I slept through five o'clock. Not only did I sleep through five o'clock, I slept through six o'clock as well. So, Sibling comes bursting into my room, telling me that grandmother had just called wondering if we were coming along becuase it was
7:10! Yes, well, that wasn't too good for me. School would start in ten minutes! And Sibling takes a half an hour to get ready usually. But today, I'm assuming she felt my stress, she also completed getting ready for school-the getting dressed, brushing of the teeth, and in the car half way down the road-within nine minutes. And so, I get to school, and rush to Band. I am not late, thank God, but alas, where is my clarinet?
That's what I play, the clarinet. Well, I search the shelves for a good ten minutes, and finally decide to asked Mr. D. That is what we call him, Mr. D. Anyway, he says he'll ask the class, but unfortunately, he's handing out a new song, that entails searching through large piles of different instrument parts, counting the alotted number of parts needed, and distributing them to 100 some students, succesfully. Well, I look again, and still can't find it. Friend A-she is very nice, red hair, funny stories about life. A good friend-mouths over
What's wrong? I mouth back,
I can't find my Clarinet. Who put it away yesturday? (Note:I'm not lazy, we have a system, Friend A, and Friend B take turns putting my instrument away, and I put away 4-6 folders away, two of which belonging to A and B.) She looks over at Friend B-a boy I have liked since the seventh grade. I'm now in 'friend' status. *does a dance*- who just shrugs, and points to the second shelf, all the way to the left. Not a big help. Friend A rolls her eyes, and gets up, and looks with me. "When I got my clarinet, yours was right next to it." She goes, and sits back down. I walk back up to Mr. D, and he finally adresses the class. "Did any of the Clarinets grab the wrong case, or are borrowing a clarinet?" One hand raises.
I am disgusted, really, becuase I do not very much like this girl who 'borrowed' my clarinet. We shall give her a name to protect her identity. How about...Nicole. Yes, well, Nicole looks at me, and then holds up the case. I nod, and go to take my case, and clarinet back.
(Note:When borrowing someone clarinet, you do not use their mouth piece or connector thing. So, her spit germs are not 'on' my clarinet. Thank God.) But no, in a nasally, rather restricted voice she goes, "Can you get me another clarinet?" I stare at her in disbelief, after taking
my instrument, she couldn't get off of her fat ass and get herself another case. I go and get another clarinet and hand it to her rather forcefully, giggling to myself as she examins on of the nails I swung the box into. I take my clarinet, set up the rest of it, and finally look at Friend A. "Ew. She was useing my clarinet. Disugsting." Friend A agreed with me, and Friend B made sure everything was fine with it. *Made my skin crawl a bit, just becuase it's him.* It was, and we continued on with our lesson.
Did I get a 'thank you', or an 'I'm sorry,' from that fat cow?
NO! I got nothing. What a
bitch. after the lesson, she even proceeded in almost toppling me over trying to get her
fat cow ass out of her row. Well, I cut in front of her, and stepped on her toes 'accidently', and left to find Onyx.
Easy to stop in the Cafe...of sorts. I always meet her there. So, I told her my story, and she looked just as disgusted as I was. Which, also, made me smile. So, she walks me to my locker, a ritual of sorts, and low and behold, my locker is covered with paper! Pretty paper, full of finger-dirtying charcoal.
Happy Birthday!, and
Happy Sweet Sixteen! All over the place. I got an amusing card from Onyx, and another from Onyx, and Sibling-they were taped to the locker, so they needed to be removed rather quickly before the were A) toppled, and kicked off to be squished under the feet of the other inmates, or B) Stolen, and thrown away. So, the rest of the day was filled with 'Happy Birthday's, which was nice, and it gave me alot more attention than usual.
My gym locker too, was decorated, a single piece of paper
-my name-'s Sixteen!. It made me smile. After gym, Onyx took my shirts and wore them, so I took hers, and her jacket, and we decided to switch for the day. In fact, I'm still wearing the jacket. It's all comfy on my shoulders. Yeah, I think that's it so far. The day still has some hours in it, so, we'll see what happens.
*I think birthday things are going to happen today. Mother, Sibling, Friend's online...They're all gone.Mother said she was going t drop Sibling off at a friend's house, and be out till five or six. Then she proceeded to giggle down the stairs as she left me to my cuby hole-my room.
Alright, I think I'm done now. This has been fun. Venting, and explaining my day thus far. Hope you all enjoyed it, if you didn't......-holds out arm, and wipes-