And there I was, sitting on a stool, behind a podium, listening to them play and singing along. After the song, a student I avoided my entire career thus far in that building...because, well, he frightened me...he thanked me, gave me a hug and kissed my cheek...then we played patty cake and he left. It was bizarre. Then there was a large confrence scene, the lighting went from bright to dull and back to bright again as the dream progressed, but it was mostly dull during the meeting part, where Onyx and I spoke about REBEL, an anti-tobacco organization, how it benefitted this very blog. Which, in fact, it doesn't...I don't know how my mind worked that one out. Oh well, strange dream.
And onto other news, I watched The Grudge last night with Father and Sibling. It was good, I had already scene more than half of it on TNT or one of those stations though, so I knew how it ended. That little boy though, the one that makes cat sounds, still scares the crap out of me. In fact, my silly mind as the little urchin sitting right under my computer table right now. So, I won't be looking under there for a while...for I am afraid of my irrational fear. Yay me!
So, I'm going to give you something that I haven't in a very long least, I don't remember giving you one of these in a very long time. I could be very wrong, but I'm sure you'll all enjoy it either way. A Quote of the day! Brought to you from...well, Last Night....^_6
[Sibling and I are doing the Dishes-Cleaning up after Dinner and The Grudge-Around 10 o'clock]
Sibling:Y'know, how the woman came down the stairs...
Me:The one in the bag?
Sibling:Yeah, her hair was wet.
Me: (O_o)
Sibling:Their hair is always wet. Someone's dead in a horror film, they're tall, skinny pale people with stringy black wet hair. No matter where they died.
Me: Uh huh... -notices the connection-
Sibling:The kind of face when you see when you walk passed a mirror. All pale...
Sibling:No, not you.
Me:-shrugs- So, you're saying, if they died in the Sahara, they'd haunt you and be wet?
Sibling:-laughter- Yes. Yes I am.
Good times. I looked under my desk. There was nothing there. Shocker, right? All right, I'll talk to you all later.
Keep Your Horror Hair Dry,
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