Well, you get a mess is what you get. Around four o'clock, Sibling and I decided we were bored, though, I didn't want to do anything, while she, on the other hand, complained on the steps that she wanted to 'make the, y'know, sugar stuff.' Mother and I looked at each other from our respective lounge spots, 'taffy?', we had proposed. 'No! The...where you just pour it out and it comes in strings? You know! The sugar!'
Needless to say, we had no inkling of what she was talking about, so we pushed the taffy theory until she believed that is what she wanted. So, she took off, to my room, which was a shock to me when I entered, computer already on and logged onto my name...Anyway, she ran down stairs, flailing a paper in my face, saying 'jereality! Jereality! Make this with me! It'll be an adventure. We're going on an adventure, Charlie!* An adventure!' So I sighed, and heaved myself from the wonderful couch which I had cleaned seven hours prior at the crack of dawn, and followed her into the kitchen, where, I sat myself on a chair, uninterested.
Uninterested, of course, until the goop was laying on a marble slab on our table, just calling my name. 'Go on, Jereality, pick up that spatula...fold me over, c'mon, you know you want to. I'm all sugar...So tasty...' All of a sudden, I was in the front lines, ordering my goopie sugary army of tooth decay and clogged arteries into battle! Then, Sibling and I split it evenly, and I took my half of, well...sort of liquid sort of solid corn syrup sugar water with 1 1/2 tablespoons of butter, and dyed them our respective colors. Sibling chose Green, which is odd, because her color is red, and I chose blue...because it's the best.
She added some peppermint flavoring to hers, as did I, and then I promptly turned my nose up at the sticky, peppermint smell of my blue goop. Then it dawned on me, Vanilla extract smells nice. So, I added a drop or two of that, and...nothing happened.
No insta-charm to make the stuff taffy-life, it continued to move around like...well, glue, really. Now that I think about it. Sibling and I finally decided nothing was going to happen, so, we played in it. Boy howdy, that stuff made some awesome sounds when you slam your hands in it. Eventually, we mixed both of our blobs together to make a giant canvas. We drew all over it...tasty...
Oh the fun adventure that was, until, there was cleanup. In which case paper towells was not the best thing to use. A sponge, and some hand soap, on the other hand...works wonders. But no, seriously, we washed that sucker until it was spotless. Good thing about marble, that sticky stuff comes right off. Oh, and to let you all know, it really did taste pretty good. Mine, better than Sibling's...because I'm not a fan of that all too powerful peppermint...I'm sure it was tasty to anyone else though, I mean, if you like peppermint, and all...
And just for you, we decided to throw out a shout out to one of my most interesting past times...Complaining, whining, and mindlessly chatting to all of you. I dedicate this mass of sugar, corn syrup, butter, water, neon blue, green, peppermint and vanilla extract to you, my readers...You deserve it...Plus, it's pretty cool, I think. Sibling wrote the 'JER' part, I did the 'EALITY' part....and almost ran out of goop for the 'Y'....no biggie...you can still sort of see it. We both stuck our hands in the pictures, but you can barely see my finger tips...Sibling, on the other hand is in the photo...Yeah...Enjoy!
I Hope All Of Your Sugary Adventures Go Smoothly,
*Charlie, from Charlie The Unicorn Goes To Candy Mountain...Go check it out if you like funny things, and unicorns and singing candy pieces. It's lots of fun...Enjoy!
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