See? Right there? That is what we call a mosquito bite. I usually don't get bitten, because I try to be mean, thus giving me not so sweet blood, ergo, no eating. Unfortunatly, I have been rather nice, and quiet, and pleasant...wouldn't you agree? Anywho, I got a bug bite, and I am less than thrilled.
Also, I'd like to mention that it is 2:59 am, Friday morning, and I currently want to vaccuum my bedroom. But I cannot. For the other members of my family would frown upon it...if they were awake. In other news, I think my cat has fleas, and the dog is slightly blinder than usual. Ah, the woes of Jereality...No matter, I'll get over it...Except this bug bite...and that nagging feeling you feel when there is a piece of hair on your arm and you just can't seem to get it off....Anyone have days like that? Ladies? Men? Other? You go to brush it away only to find nothing there in the first place, then feeling it again...I hate that...big time. I also hate people who nag on and on and on about stupid things, so I'm going to stop that. Yeah, all out of my system...
Alright, I think I might do some laundry then read...or color....or watch a movie...or read and color while watching a movie...and painting my nails and eating some cereal. Or...I'll just put myself to sleep with some Dramamine...Either way, I'm a happy bug bitten person.
Keep the Repellent nearby and enjoy the heat...

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