Monday, February 12, 2007

Busy Busy Busy....

This feels like the first time I've actually sat down this whole past three days. It was utter confusion last night, and at least half of my day on Saturday. I do believe I will tell you the story of...The History Project.

On Friday, we were all assigned a project to pick 4-5 things out of the 1920's, and stick them in a book, or a powerpoint. I'm sorry, I phrased that badly, pick 4-5 things out of each year in the decade of the 20's. That's 4-5 things in 1920, 1921....all the way to 1929. So, I picked the book one. I like to pretend I'm creative, and it seemed like the easiest one on the list. No powerpoint problems, no dealing with software that doesn't quite meet up with the software used in my learning facility...Easy, right?

Wrong! In fact, you couldn't be any more wrong, unless of course you said 'no' to the above question...Making you right...Anyway, I looked up some pictures of my topics, which ranged from women first voting, in 1920, to the creation of Popeye, in 1929, and cut them out. Here is where I encountered problem number one. Glue. One word, simple enough...My options, you ask? Wood glue, and fabric glue. Which did I pick? Fabric glue.....because it wasn't hidden. And by 'hidden' I mean not in Sibling's room. So, I sat in my room for a good welve minutes trying to spread this toxin, headache inducing, nasal cavity burning paste onto pices of paper that were two or so inches long.

Let me tell you, that was tons o' fun.

So, I stopped, and ate dinner...which turned out to be breakfast foods...Waffles, pancakes, juice...It was tasty. Then I came back, and looked at the giant mess that was my desk, and almost cried. Actually, no. I didn't almost cry, I almost just decided not to finish and sit on the floor in front of my door...Seriously....It was bad. So, I resisted the urge, and went into my bedroom, sat on my chair, looking at my piles of pictures, and heard a knock. Who could it be? My Father...with gluesticks! Happy me! Happy day! Not so happy gluing....but hey, it was oodles better!

So, I glued all of pictures onto their arranged borders...What? I can't just have a picture glued to a piece of paper for my report, I gave them each different colored construction paper borders...they all look splendid, by the way. Then I glued the pictures to their appropriate year page, and went on my merry way to sleep.

Here comes Sunday!

We went to a Pet Expo, where Mother had heard the day before there were two Bengal tiger cubs. They were there, they were adorable...I got a pamphlet. I might go to Florida over the summer should they have a help out with the animals program, or something...Pretty nifty, if I do say so myself. And I do...

After the expo, we went to Baja Fresh for lunch. I got a 'something-Ultimo' with no rice....Because rice is nas-tay. Except when it's mixed with pork and such other delights found in Pork Fried Rice.

I'm off topic now. Now I'm back. So, I got home and went to go glue some more, and draw some pretty pictures on the topics that were impossible to find on the mysterious interweb. So, I was creative. Yay creative! Then I wrote in all of my words, and consulted with how I should stick all the pages together. 'Punch holes in the sides...and loop 'em up with yarn...' said Mother. Genius...

So, I took our hidden holepunch...Mother found it in the secretary...and looked at the paper. It's too big for that hole punch. So, Father had the genius idea to call Grandmother. So, I call GGR, and ask her if she's got a single hole punch holepuncher. By now, it's 8:50pm. So Father starts to sing.... 'Hold your banner high, High, HIGH! Now it's come to say so long to all our company. M-I-C, see ya real soon, K-E-Y. Why? Because I hafta go to friggen CVS! M-O-O-S-E! Mickey Moose.....

So then, I wait and then Father comes home at 9:20pm, with a new holepunch. One that will, in fact, fit my paper. So, I'm all jazzed, when suddenly, I realize that even though the hole punch fits my paper, it punches through my words. So, I sit there, in a cloud of anger, annoyance, frustration, sleep deprevation....with a bunch of huge paper.

So, Father and I traveled to CVS. That's excursion number three to the same CVS by my dear Father. Once there, we got some plastic sleeves, and a binder...Then we checked out some Valentine's Day cards that sang, and played music. Very fun. Then we went to the counter, and suddenly I was filled with more anxiety. Father had left his wallet at home. So, Mother had to come by and drop it off...Once our items were purchased, I went home, and proceeded to trim the paper to fit the sleeves. I cut off words, and borders were trimmed, I had to cut through a pair of monkeys. It was all very distressing, and caused me great upset-ness.

And then I was finished! My project was complete! And it turned out very well. I won't get it back though, I don't think, because my instructor keeps the good ones. And he told me that he already has me set for an A because of the layout...All that hard work paid off, I guess....

If I remember, tomorrow maybe I'll tell you the dream I had last night. It was very neat...perhaps I will have a continuation of said dream tonight! That would be wonderful...Good night now...

Keep Your Tube-Socks Clean,

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