Where It's At, by Beck...
Zoot Suit Riot, by Cherry Poppin' Daddies
The Joker, by the Steve Miller Band
Peaches, by The Presidents of the United States
That's it so far, I'm sure I'll remember more and add them to my newest playlist 'Duster Tunes'. Anyway, I'll be glad to let you all know that I've met my own Wander Woman. If you don't know where this phenomenon started, go find www.onyxlunacy.com and look for the post. It's lengthy, but damn funny....Go take a gander, I dare you. Mine, however, was not at the local WaWa, but at the new Wal~Mart. Oh yes, they've gt Waonder Woman and Meander Men then, I tell you what. Boy howdy. Anyway, Mother and I were line to purchase some eye drops and contact solution (which, by the way, are doing lovely in my baby blues) when all of a sudden, a woman places some shampoo, Pledge, a bottle of glue, a small container of ice cream, and a hair brush beside me, and takes off.
Mind you, Wal~Mart isn't a tiny store, especially when it's one of those mega wal~marts with those little alley way aisles that you could lose your children in....Oh yeah, it was around 4, so lots of people are trying to get there and out before the standard '5 o'clock' rush. So, I was slightly appalled that she left when there are several other good, decent people in the Wall~Mart I had ventured into. So, we left, and when I looked behind me, Wander Woman was gone, and her to be purchased items sitting on the counter, another man in line, having his things rung up.
I wonder though, if all of her shopping lists are so strange....
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