Actually, it looked alot like this, seeing as this is that note she had taped up on our bathroom door. Anyway, after we realized that we had off today, Father, Sibling and I watched a movie we got from Netflix called House of Sand And Fog. One, the movie had nothing to do with sand or fog, but of an angry woman whose house was wrongfully repossesed by the state, and auctioned to an exiled family from Iran. Very sand for the Iran exiles, and it also made me want to reach into the tv to grab the crazed angry woman, and slap her across the face with my flaming blue converse shoes.
Lots of fun there, I tell you what. So, after that, I did some dishes, and played Final Fantasy XII. No, not 'ten-two' as many people may think, but twelve....It's prety good so far, and all I've done so far is kill some guards, some sewer rats, a couple hyenas, some wolves, and I've battled Terexa? Thertex? Whatever, some big wolf thing...I've battled it at least three times...because apparantly, being on level two this far in the game is frowned upon, and pitting me in battle with a giant wolf with two cronies is payback. Oh well....
Then I went to GGR's house to shovel her driveway. At least three inches of ice on that sucker, and a plastic snow shovel doesn't help with that. So, we got some real shovels, y'know, for gardening, and slammed at the ground for a while. Another not-so-productive thing, consider I only got a 7x3 rectangle cut out. But, I did manage to get a whole Polar bear sized blob of snow from the end of her drive.
Then I walked home with Sibling, 'cause she had to help me. And as we were talking, I realized that my bottom lip didn't exactly form the way I needed it to so I could speak properly. So, as I'm blabbing away, she's giggling, and I'm al 'whbat? whbat ish sho funngeh?' Then she made fun of me for not doubling up on pants, and I said 'well at least I doubbllbed-bup don socks!' So, she promptly gave me her reply, 'meh neh shneh neh neh, SOCKS!'
We had fun walking home....and then I went out to dinner with GGR after she got home. Yep, Me, Sibling and GGR sitting in the Golden Corral, a new buffet down the street from us. Good food, crowded if you go after 6:30pm, and inevitably, given our current 'luck-status', we went 'round 7. So, it was busy, very busy...
And now my throat kills, and tea isn't helping at all, even though it should be...Oh well, I should go to sleep now, see what happens in the life of me tomorrow....Just 'cause it's fun to live through.
Have a good one!
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