Thursday, February 22, 2007


I haven't posted in a while...kinda makes you feel neglected, doesn't it? I didn't mean to, honest. I wanted to tell you guys all the happenings over here in Jereality-land, but I've been so busy, and sick.... Yep, I got sick on Valentine's Day and it hasn't gotten better yet. I have this terrible cough, and my nose is running off of my face...I don't know if I've told you all that yet. But it's true.

So, today, I had a good day, except for the fact that Sibling got me angry within the first waking moments of my day. I haven't really gotten over it, seeing as she's gotten on my nerves all day. But hey, what're Siblings supposed to do? Anyway, I saw another movie today, Saw III. It was pretty good. Nice twist that I saw coming....All in all, I give it a seven out of ten....because it's not really my favorite genre, and I think they could've shot it a better way. Once again, just my opinion....Anyway, I watched that and then came right up to my room to tell you all. So, here I am! -insert crazy dance here-

And now I have to leave...Read a book, good book. I'll tell you how it is once I finish it.

Yep, so until then,

Keep Gum Wrappers Close To Your Heart,


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