Anyway, I went to 'Where's-our-Logic-At?'s party today. Got 'er a shirt, Inu Yasha. An anime we both enjoy. And then I went 'deep' in our card. Which, I sort of did...I told her something like '
Not that I think our friendship is like a craptasmic magazine, it was just a comaprison...a bad one...Ignore that, pretend I never wrote it. Ther enow, we're all one big happy blog-family again, aren't we?
Yes, yes of course we are.
So, at this party, I had a Pina Colada. It was very good, although some sips did taste like 'tooth-pick'. Like, that wood taste you get from a bad toothpick....Oh well...It was good anyway. Onyx had a Margarita...I think there was some Jack Daniel's Lemon in there....although I was told profuelsy that it was a virgin drink...I think KT might've accidently switched up the 'adult' drinks with the 'underage' drinks....Oh well, it tasted good anyway....
All in all, it was a very nice day....
(while listening to Disney's 'Don't Come Out Of Thin Air', from Aladdin 2 or 3)
Onyx:....obviously aladdin did not come out of thin air
maybe thick air
or heavy air
or reproductive air
but not THIN air i assure you
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