So, the first day we got there, we checked in, got changed into bathing suits, and hit the ocean! Onyx taught me how to body surf...Which was new to me, because you cannot surf in a bedroom....As far as I'm concerned anyway. So, I forgot to tell you who I went with. It was Mother, Sibling, her friend..Baron's li'l sis, who I will chick...or TC for short. So, it was Mother, sibling, TC, myself, and Onyx.Lots of fun. Two days was at the ocean, both of those nights were spent on the boardwalk. On night number one, Onyx, Mother, and I were walking side by side, eating our Kohr ice cream, when all of a sudden, someone from the railing yells out 'Lesbian Threesome!' We ignore them for a few steps and all of a sudden Mother grabs my butt, and punches the air. Myself and mother burst into laugter as we walk, and continue to make our own jokes as we get to the van.
The third day, we went to Smithville. It's a small shopping village...with soaps, and christmas stores, and kitchen stores, and toy stores, and candle stores, and a halloween store...And a great place to eat...I forget what it's called, but it was some tasty food. After Smithville, we went and chilled at the hotel, where we had a great time playing Chocolat-opoly....can you sense the sarcasm? I wanted a nap....But no, I played a monopoly spin-off instead. But whatever, I feel that I won anyway. That was good...that I won...I love winning....But that's not the moral of this story, no is it? No, it's not. So, that night, we ate at Menz Restaurant. Good food, crab cakes were really good, and the New England Clam Chowder was out of this world! I was mildly concerned of the mental health of one of the people who worked there though...Oh well...Later that night, we left, and played mini-golf.
It was pretty spontanious, we were about to pass it, Mother looked at the clock. It read 8:30-ish. 'Who wants to go mini-golf' 'Yes!' Sibling goes. And then we execute one of the most dangerous turns I've ever been in, and pull into the mini-golf place. We play a rousing 18 holes, where-in TC gets her ball sucked up into the filter of a pond, I get struck in the back of the legs with another groups ball, and I get second place. Par was 54, Sibling got 47, and I got 56....+2 isn't all that bad though, so I gave myself some 'kudos' on that one.
And that's it. that was my vacation. It was lots of fun.
And yesturday, and today, I played Inu Yasha:The Secret of the Cursed Mask, on the PS2. What? Don't give me that look...I happen to like the show, and frankly, killing a bunch of puffy 3D demons really helps one to vent.....Of course, leveling up the characters is an added bonus....
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