Thursday, July 13, 2006

I Believe In My Foot...I Pray To It Every Morning...

Sibling and I went running around our town's little, smelly lake this afternoon....Around one-ish.....Becuase with her doing Tennis, she wants to be fit, and healthy and all that mubo jumbo, so, in order to keep her to her schedule, I went with her..Becuase if she went alone, she would've walked around twice, and then came home....Besides, I like to walk with 'er.... Anyway....You're probably wondering what's gotten into my head about the whole 'title' thing..Well....

While walking (we decided to walk around the curvy parts), we were approached by this guy in an orange shirt. The second we neared him, I made a mental note of all possible escape routes, followed by what Sibling and I could do to get him out of our way so we could run away...Once we get two feet from him, he holds out his hand and says 'Hi, I'm Jim'. Sibling and I stare at him, a confused look mirroring both our faces. 'Do you know God is looking out for you?' he says. 'What're your names?' he continues. 'Jen', I say...'Sue' Sibling says...Yeah, like we're giving our name to a stranger.....

ANyway, he talks with us about God fora few seconds and makes us pray...and then leaves...It was bizarre...A drive-by-Jehova's-witness type dealy....Very weird. So, when he totally disappeared, Sibling and I were still walking along, and I switch the song on my nifty little iPod to my collection of Disney from System of a Down...which I had been listening to while we were listening to Jim....Funny, eh?

And all of a sudden, I go, "I should've said I prayed to Ra.....Or Buddah...I face North, or West or something, and pray toward my temple every ten hours...and I fast...." "every seven days, and pray to little golden statues!" Sibling finishes, a big grin on her face. I laugh, and nod, and we continue like this, tlaking of all the different Egyptian gods, and other religious figures until I pass a dead mouse....wherein the subject turns to how hungry were are, and when the lasagna will be done.....

All in was a very unevenful day.......


TheBaron said...

It commands an alter be built unto it!

Onyx said...

i wish i was there! i would have made the poor kid cry.

"pray to god? But Satan only requires prayer during hte nighttime!"