So, we piled the presents into the van, and drove an hour and a half or so and made it to Dirty Tree Campsite. We get there, and pile in, do hugs and 'I-haven't-seen-you-in-a-year' remarks, before we all finally settle in. The first thing I hear is "I'm gonna do your hair!" I whip around to see 8-year-old Jen with a brush and spray in her hand. "Humor the 8 year old," my aunt says. I sigh, and look toward Sibling, who is silently snickering at me, and then all of a sudden, Alfred says "We're going to the pool!"
Well, Jen, and Jarret(grew tired of the other 't') throw on their bathing suits, and are out the door. I hope you all know how much I love swimming. And if you read that wrong, add dripping sarcasm, and reread it. We walked to the little pol, where I wore my craptasmic capris-swim-pants, and top because I enjoy being sickly pale...Although, Sunscreen and I are old enemies... So, I didn't wear any. Don't fear, I don't think I got burnt, although I probably did. So, I 'humored' the eight year old, and the ten year old fora good two hours before Father says to me, "are you wearing sunscreen?" I shake my head, he tells me to get some, and then I'm swimming in it.
Forget that! So, with my sunscreened body, I sat on the pool chair. See, I can be 'Water-Proof'. So, Jarret walked over, and sat next to me on the other lounge chair. And thus came, the talking. Can't I relax in silence? Apparantly not. He spoke of his trip to Disney, and I nodded, not remembering what I did during my trip. So, I humored him some more, with little facts I had made up. And then something glorious happened...Alfred got up, and said "Let's go make dinner."
So, we left the pool, and 'chilled' in the trailer...It's nice inside that little bugger, all cool, and mostly bug free. So, the feast was made, and I ate outside. When I was done, I heard clicking on my chair. Guess what it was. Wrong!It was a brush. Jen was right behind me, "I'm gonna do your hair." I shrug, and humor her...again, for the seventh time.
Then all of a sudden, I'm in a van being whised away to WalMart to buy clothes to change into for tomorrow, and clothes to sleep in for tonight. I'm sleeping over...Lovely..I can do it again, right? They'll get quieter, right? Then..Mother and Father left...along with Alfred....
WRONG! I slept in the top bunk...They slept on the bottom bunk, and argued, and fought, and pulled my blanket, and whined, and drove me crazy. And every time somebody walked passed their room, I'd wake up, because there is no door. I have a problem with being watched when I sleep. I can't. When somebody passes, ragardless of how tired I am, my body wakes me up until the person is gone, and then I fall back to sleep. Well, Linda walked back and forth all night, scolding Jarret and Jen...Then, around 6 in the morning, squirrels played on the roof of the trailer....For a good hour and a half...Then, after I got back to slee at 7:30, an hour and a half later, and 9, Sibling wakes me up to tell me King of the Hill was on. I thanked her, waited till she left, and went back to sleep.
I was up, dressed, and out of bed at 9:30.
Lucky me.
We went to the pool at noon-ish. Sibling, and the chil'en went right into the water, I stepped in, swam to the 9 foot part, climbed out, and within five minutes of getting there was on a lounge chair in the shade. Jarret was 'the Kraken' from Pirates of the Caribbean, and Jen wouldn't stop shrieking Siblings name to pull her back to the wall. Jarret would periodically get out of the water-with a noddle, mind you- and fling his noodle bearing arms about, splashing the Spanish speaking sunbathers beside me. I told him to stop, and go play in the water. He responded, "Kraken needs blood! Need to suck blood!" So, I told him mine was bitter, and full of iron. That I've tasted it in my mixed drinks. He then, stuck the end of the noodle to my arm, and sucked-like a straw-from the other end. I stared at him, he finally got the hint, and leaped back into the pool.
"I'm the Kraken! But I'm sort of like Dracula too...I'm....Krakula!"-Jarret
"I'm gonna show you Krakula,"-Sibling...She makes me smile...the nitwit....
After the pool adventure, we had lunch, where Jen screamed about wanting two hotdogs, but that we needed to save one for Jarret...So, she cried in her little room for a while, and then came out, ate a hotdog, and then we played cards. Then she did my hair...Again...For the twelth time....I smiled, and moved myself outside, to sit on an awesome black whicker hanging chair they had on the tree. That was fun, just staring at the trees that surrounded the place.
Then I looked at my arms. I thought I had the plague for a few moments!
Red splotched mosquito bites all over my elbows and legs. I never get bitten....These mosquitos just didn't know that my blood is bitter..Oh well, tough for them....I hope they get indegestion from the bits of blood they got from me though, especcailly the bugger that got my ankles. I should've squished it....I should've found him...Felt 'im, and squished him...Saving the world one mosquito at a time, while they come back by the millions!
And now I'm back home, after being driven home as if on fire.
Linda drives like a beast. We seriously got home within a half hour. Leaving Jen enough time to open the presents we forgot to bring up, her to annoy Greta, my poor, gimpy little dog, and totally freak out my cat. Wanted to snap her neck when she picked the cat up by her back legs. Touch my cat, are you insane? Jeez, I don't go around proding your animals to the point you want to go around punching infants, do I? No!
So, while Jen annoyed the dog, I did the dishes, see, I kept my hands busy, I'm so clever. I did the dishes the whole time they were there, eating our chicken....and rice....and wasting dog treats.....Money doesn't grow on trees, dear.
So, they left, and I realized that i am a very intolerate person. Oh well, I'm loved for who I am, and who I can tolerate. I just hope my tolerance builds up, otherwise I'm going to grow up miserable....
And I won't tolerate being miserable.
Jen:Yeah, my mom's a lunch lady...
Sibling:My Mom's a nurse....My Dad's a lunchlady.
Me:Dad's a chef....
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