Thursday, July 06, 2006

Hm..Mild Problems At The Throathold Of Myself...

Remember last night, when I was posting, and I stopped and took a sip of water from a Mountain Dew bottle? No? You sould, I did. So, I took a sip, and felt a chunk of plastic from the bottle 'woops' slip down my throat. So I think to myself, 'Oh, shit...I'm eating plastic...Not good....' So then I stop thinking, and get back to my sort-of-life, and role play, or go back to whatever it was that I was doing.
This morning I woke up, and realized, my throat hurts....why?- OH NO! The PLASTIC!! So, I told mother, and she said 'Oh, you scratched your throat.' And I think to myself...No, Mother, I did not..I can feel the plastic in my throat... So I tell her, "but I can feel it..."
"Take Motrin, and if it gets better, you scratched it."
It didn't get bothers me when I swallow, so that means eating is out of the question. Deep, none of that..I must breathe through my nose.....Which is generally stuffy in the morning becuase I like to sleep in below freezing temperatures. So, between 5-9 in the morning, I will have to hold my breath......Or breathe slowly...or whistle through my nose whilst I breathe...No matter......
Stupid Mountain Dew bottle.....I blame...who do I blame? Hm....Ben and Jerry! It's their fault I got so thirsty, and took a ip of water! Damn you Ben and Jerry!!

By the way, kudos on the ice cream, it's stupendous.....

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