Sunday, July 23, 2006

One With Nature

I got home from a biking excursion a couple hours ago...Alright, half an hour ago, but really, who's counting? Anyway, we drove an hour and eleven minutes to get from my home to Maryland. Why we had to pass through two states to ride a bike is beyond me, I could just ride around our craptasmic lake...Oh well. Anyway, we drove, and drove, and drove..until finally we get there!
We're parking lot Blue. So, that was cool. Keep to the Blue paths if water, so, we had the options Left, straight and right. 'Let's go straight!' sibling said..Of course, straight was not blue, so I said, 'let's go up!'
Up, up meant hills...Rocks and hills. I like rocks...for throwing..And I like hills....To look at. I don't like them to ride my bike up. Granted it was a lot of fun, and all, Father, Sibling, Markis, Suzita and I, riding in the wildernes of Maryland. Lots of fun. So, I biked on! And found mud. My tires are awefully thin, I don't have a mountain bike, I've got cruiser? Sure, let's call it what I say it is. A land-cruiser. So, I'm cruisin' along the land, and stop dead in my treads...I swear I've said that before....Anyway, I did, except II wasn't on the break. I look down, my rand new kicks...once white and black, and kinda brown....and soggy. Oh well, it was a bike ride, I suppose I should ignore the shoes...Oh well...Regardless, I had a great time.
So, we hear horses, pull to the side, and ask what trail we're on, just checking to see if we're close to parking lot Blue...
They smile, and speak, I'm bringing up the rear, walking my bike..because I'm tired of riding, and my legs hurt, blah, blah, blah..So, we ride, and ride, and then I hear ' Parking Lot Red'. I stop dead in my tracks, and listen, confused. So, they say, just up that meadowy hill is the parking lot. Way to get my hopes up, fricken horse riders. You know they're only riding horses because they're lazy....At leasst that's the reason that makes my mind make me happy...And we'l leave it at that.
So, I ride, and ride, and ride, and finally The Parking Lot! I'm about to rejoice when I realize, this isn't ou parking lot. It's Parking Lot Red..We're parking lot blue..Makes sense now, doesn't it? So, Markis and Father look at the map, I swat bugs out of my eyes..Gnats..they seem to be attracted to the persperation on my face...Stupid bugs..I hope they drown in it! So, I hear a few choice curses, and look at the map. We are in P5, Red Parking Lot..we need P3, Blue parking lot..I swear to you, they are on polar opposites. That was fun, lemme tell ya. So, we rode on, and on, walking, peddling, a little of both, and suddenly, Markis and Suzita are far ahead of me, Sibling, and Father far behind, and BOOM! I'm on the ground. I stopped, and looked at the sky. How did it get above me? A hill ws in front of me too...
How in the hell did that happen?!
Well, my tire slid off of plot of dirt I was riding on, and slid into a bit of a ditch. Tire bounced, my foot hopped off of the peddle, hit the ground, and through me to the side. I saw myself flying through the air too, it was bizarre. I felt all light, and zoomy....And then I hear shouting, 'she's on the ground! She fell! You okay!?' Father, and Sibling. Yeah, I rassured them I was fine, fixed my seat, and sighed, 'Man, I wish I coulda seen that....' Thanks daddy, I love you too. It was hysterical though! I did get one killer headache though..That part was't so hysterical. So, between the mud, and the fall, and the hills the trip was still awesome. The Butterflies, and little chirpy noises in the brush..The rocks I had to walk my bike over were cool with their setting, and the water that flowed in the stream beside those frightening rocks was cool too.
Me and father saw a leaf bug, and everything was awesome! Yeah...Alright, I'm off to take some motrin, because my headache has not waned as of yet.....

Oh Yeah! I won't be here to blog at you guys from the 24th to the 27th...So, don't think I abandonded you guys, calm down....Ta guys!!