At the current moment, I'm watching Dane Cook: Visious Circle and it's pretty funny. Talking about dead people now, and now it's something totally different because I stopped to watch instead of type to you guys.
I realize that I have been very bored for the past several days - after Christmas, whitch I will tell you about - and I figured out that all I really wanted to do was blog. That's why I was feeling kind of bored and lonely, I wanted to blog. I needed to type something, so that was it. I'm here now, typing.
Alrighty, every year on christmas day, Sibling and I sit on the top of the stairs and Mother takes a picture and then we go and open gifties and things. It's good times, really, it is. So, we took our picture and then we went downstairs and opened our gifts.
I got a whole bunch of things, and they are fantastic. I got the Dane Cook DVDs that I'm watching right now, a hat from sibling with '^_6' on it - she got it custom made, good times. A bunch of shirts and a pair of jeans and a nifty robe which has come in very handy over the past three days - which I will later describe. I also got Cinderella, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1, 2, and 3, Fern Gully, Transformers, magnets from Father, some crazy pen from GGR, and a pair of fantastic BOSE headphones from Father...I love them. They're so loud - amazing. And a whole buncha other things. Ah, good times.
And then we did the bonding with the family, and it was good times. I loved the good times. Sibling got a camera she loves, Father got a new bed which he loves, and Mother got everything she wanted - which, in case you haven't been already told, never happens. I love when they get happy - my family, I like it.
December 26th, I rest. I play with my Christmas gift. I watch TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and bonded with Father, it was good times.
December 27th, 12:15pm - Dentist's Office
I got my Wisdom Teeth removed.
Number one thing I want to tell you - dentist helper man, 'Nick', he was lovely to look at. Anyway, I was on the movey chair thing and it was time for me to be placed under local anestetics - not 'put under', that's just silly. So, he rams the needle in my gums and that hurts a bit, but I'm fine. Dentist Man (DM for short) says "Do you feel pain?" I look at him, a sarcastic shift in my brows as he withdraws the two and a half inch needle from my gum and I say "" He says good and we get on our merry way.
First Tooth - top right, out without my knowledge. He pulled it out and said "Three Wisdom teeth to go." I blinked, "really?" "yeah." Blinks, Shifty Eyes. "Can-I-See-It?" He shows me the tooth. It's red. B-E-A-Utiful. One piece.
Second Tooth - top left, a little bit of pokin' on my gum but I didn't really feel anything. "Two wisdom teeth to go." Fantastic. I didn't even need to ask to see that one and he showed me. One piece. Lovely.
Third Tooth - lower left. Lots of poking on my gum. And then the drill. He jammed that sucker in around and through my tooth, that hurt so badly! So, naturally, my eyes tear up. No biggie - however, with the application of gravity and my vertical lay down position, said 'tear-up' became a tear fall. Just one. DM looks at me and says, "don't you feel pain?" I say nothing, and then I do that 'no' grunt, as he still has a mirror and a gummy thing between the opposite set of jaws - not comfy, by the way.
So, DM continues and drills and scrapes at my tooth until finally it comes out in four chunks of enamel. Lovely.
Fourth and Final Tooth - lower right. Oh. My. God. Remember, remember when I had that little tear-jerker thing up there, up in those words you just read? Recall? Well, this tooth got six of those teras. SIX! OUCH! Dear ol' DM asked if I was in pain five times. First time I said 'uh uh, no' second, third, fourth and fifth I said yes. Oh, goodness gracious. He used that needle I talked about before first tooth four times. And still, after all that numbing crap, I still felt pain.
I wanted so badly to just grab the little twisty screwdriver type tool he was useing to break apart my last wisdom tooth, and just break it off myself.
It was frustrating, really, and the woman who was so lovingly shoving the mirror down my throat was a big help, too. She choked me three times, for the record. Ah, it was a painful day. eventually, DM ended up scraping out my tooth in many pieces, chunks and otherwise bloody hunks of enamel.
Not pretty to see, mind you. And I did. I did see it. Because I was awake. I justl ike to state that. I don't know why...maybe because everyone else I know was 'put under' for their lovely tooth extractions. Whatever...
December 28th,
I woke up at 4 pm. Good stuff.
I woke up at noon-ish...I did some other things...really, I did nothing.
Today, woke up at ten-ish...
I watched TV.
The past three days, I've worn PJ pants, a cami and my fantabulous robe. Good stuff.
Face Swollen. Medicated. Nauseous. Tired.
I'm gonna go to bed now...ugh, I feel horrible.
Nighty night.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
I Meant To...Dreams..And A Newsflash
Hey guys, sorry about the wait - I meant to post, I've just been either preoccupado, or I've forgotten. That means I've neglected you, meaning I'm a terrible Blog Mother, and I apologize for that. However, this time it wasn't for several months, merely a few weeks....or days, I'm not really sure, I haven't counted yet....Yet.
There were several humerous and slightly amusing things I've wanted to tell you and a few other things, all of which I've forgotten. So, I'll start off with a dream and then a breif retelling and realization of my day. Gather 'round the internet fire, grab your cyber hot chocolate and grab a blanket - this might be a doozy.
The Dream:
Okay, so I've been having these strange dreams lately...On Wednesday night I had a dream in which my Grandmother died - but it wasn't really my Grandmother, it was a fictional woman who my brain made up and configured to fit the role of grandmother in my 'dream life'. So, my G-Mom died, and I was very sad, and a friend of mine ( one who recently took me to Winter Ball - I'll call him...Hamlet ) was consoling me when a group of kids went and walked all over her grave. Well, naturally, I said I would kick them all in the throat if they didn't stop. They didn't stop. So, I climbed over the wooden fence I was behind and my AP Biology teacher comes up out of no where and says "Jereality, don't do anything you'll regret later. Remember, I'll have to report you..." So, Hamlet takes my hand and the dream me feels much better, and we go for a walk and I get all calm and stuff. He takes me to some barn loft somewhere and we watched the sun rise together. It was nice, I woke up feeling really good about the day.
Then I had another odd one last night, Thursday night....
It started out with me in a Ninja academy, where I made a whole bunch of Ninja friends yet learned nothing of defending myself. For some strange reason, I had to leave the training school and go home to live with my Grandmother (the one I've actually got, looked just like her) and all of my Ninja friends promised to protect me.
So, I go live with my G-Mom where I find out that my cousin and Pop-pop on my Mother's side are living with my Grandmother.(Note* Mind you, the Grandmother I'm talking about is GGR, the one that literally lives 1/4 of a mile away from me and is on my Father's side. ) So, Pop-pop and my cousin, I'm going to call him Horatio, have a long conversation with me about how GGR is going away for a little bit, and that I can still live in the house if I do the dishes. I agree, since I almost always do the dishes and I am so used to it.
I live like that for a couple months, until finally Pop-pop and Horatio get a letter that I can't read because it's in 'scribble text'. I get all confused, night falls outside and all of a sudden Pop-pop and Horatio have glazed looks in their eyes. My eyes get wide, I get scared and run through the house trying to escape my 60-something year old Grandfather, and my 19-or-so year old cousin - both chasing me with daggers.
I somehow end up locking myself in one of the bedrooms (the one that happens to be right above the kitchen, where a bay window has just been installed) and try to formulate a plan. Horatio and Pop-pop grow silent as they try to figure out how to kill me, finally deciding getting a larger arsenal being the best idea. While they are doing that, I am opening the window and deciding how much pain I'd be in if I just jumped out.
All of a sudden, I remember that I was in a Ninja school, so, I grab the ledge of the window and flip out of it. So now, I'm dangling out of a second-story window, my feet just visible from the top of the bay window Horatio is staring out of. I hear him shout, so I drop from the window, and run to the fence that surrounds GGR's house. I leap the fence just as Pop-pop and Horatio come out of the housee (which is not encircled by fence) and chase me.
Then, I see my Ninja Trainer, standing all calm in the middle of the street. No cars are coming, it's late at nothing is happening outside for him to be there, yet, there he is. He says to me, very calmly, 'what did you learn?' I turn to face him just as Pop-pop crumples to the ground, a dart in his arm. I can't think of what I've learned, so I continue to run away from Horatio. He throws his dagger at my spine - right between my shoulder blades - but it doesn't pierce the skin, it just kind of pokes my back. And then I remember, my Ninja friends promised to protect me. So, I say it 'that a ninja always keeps their promise.' I turn around and look up to a set of telephone wires and see the form of a Ninja, squating on the wires, a dart gun glinting in his hands.
Then I woke up all pissed off because my trainer was about to say something when my alarm went off.
But it was crazy, my cousin and granfather about to kill me - I was terrified...
I hope I have another 'strange' dream....I really enjoy how vivid they are.
And now, onto my realization - I don't tell my parental units when Sibling does something wrong because Sibling has a very low self esteem. She can't build up her character enough to gain self-esteem because she doesn't get in trouble for things. When she does get in trouble, she gets depressed. I don't 'tattle' on her because I don't want her depressed. If I don't tattle on her, she stays happy and also loses a chance to become a more well-rounded individual. She lies because she thinks she can get away with it. She can't when I'm around. Then she gets into trouble. She gets into trouble, blames me, gets depressed. I get depressed because I feel guilty, and then no one wins. Except I'll get over it, I'm already well-rounded. I don't lie every time I open my mouth. I tell my parental units almost everything that it related to my education, whether it be 'oh, i've just received a lateness' or 'i've got a D in History' or 'I just passed a math test with an 11/10.'
And I watch my life like its a Television show...Except I can't change the channel, and it's all a rerun. Same episode, different day. Waste of my time. I listen to the same arguements ove rdifferent things, all ending up with she argued with me because she thinks she's always right. She's not always right, she's just irrational. And yes, it pisses you off, I know that. Did you ever stop to think, though, that it pisses me off, that it gets me slightly irritated that whenever you two argue I'm always there and can't get away?
You always find a way to argue in situations where I can't leave. The mall. The car ride home. The car ride away. I can't run from that. I want to. I could probably end the conversations if you two would just let me argue for you. I'll help you out.
You think you're right. And you think you're right. You're both wrong. End of story. Both have valid points, both and having the same argument. Everyone loses.
Especially me. I lose twice, whenever you argue. Six more months.
That's horrible to say - but that is how I feel right now.
Thanks for listening, readers...I didn't mean for all of that monologue/dialogue/trialogue to be just sort of happened.
^_6;;Happy Hoildays,
There were several humerous and slightly amusing things I've wanted to tell you and a few other things, all of which I've forgotten. So, I'll start off with a dream and then a breif retelling and realization of my day. Gather 'round the internet fire, grab your cyber hot chocolate and grab a blanket - this might be a doozy.
The Dream:
Okay, so I've been having these strange dreams lately...On Wednesday night I had a dream in which my Grandmother died - but it wasn't really my Grandmother, it was a fictional woman who my brain made up and configured to fit the role of grandmother in my 'dream life'. So, my G-Mom died, and I was very sad, and a friend of mine ( one who recently took me to Winter Ball - I'll call him...Hamlet ) was consoling me when a group of kids went and walked all over her grave. Well, naturally, I said I would kick them all in the throat if they didn't stop. They didn't stop. So, I climbed over the wooden fence I was behind and my AP Biology teacher comes up out of no where and says "Jereality, don't do anything you'll regret later. Remember, I'll have to report you..." So, Hamlet takes my hand and the dream me feels much better, and we go for a walk and I get all calm and stuff. He takes me to some barn loft somewhere and we watched the sun rise together. It was nice, I woke up feeling really good about the day.
Then I had another odd one last night, Thursday night....
It started out with me in a Ninja academy, where I made a whole bunch of Ninja friends yet learned nothing of defending myself. For some strange reason, I had to leave the training school and go home to live with my Grandmother (the one I've actually got, looked just like her) and all of my Ninja friends promised to protect me.
So, I go live with my G-Mom where I find out that my cousin and Pop-pop on my Mother's side are living with my Grandmother.(Note* Mind you, the Grandmother I'm talking about is GGR, the one that literally lives 1/4 of a mile away from me and is on my Father's side. ) So, Pop-pop and my cousin, I'm going to call him Horatio, have a long conversation with me about how GGR is going away for a little bit, and that I can still live in the house if I do the dishes. I agree, since I almost always do the dishes and I am so used to it.
I live like that for a couple months, until finally Pop-pop and Horatio get a letter that I can't read because it's in 'scribble text'. I get all confused, night falls outside and all of a sudden Pop-pop and Horatio have glazed looks in their eyes. My eyes get wide, I get scared and run through the house trying to escape my 60-something year old Grandfather, and my 19-or-so year old cousin - both chasing me with daggers.
I somehow end up locking myself in one of the bedrooms (the one that happens to be right above the kitchen, where a bay window has just been installed) and try to formulate a plan. Horatio and Pop-pop grow silent as they try to figure out how to kill me, finally deciding getting a larger arsenal being the best idea. While they are doing that, I am opening the window and deciding how much pain I'd be in if I just jumped out.
All of a sudden, I remember that I was in a Ninja school, so, I grab the ledge of the window and flip out of it. So now, I'm dangling out of a second-story window, my feet just visible from the top of the bay window Horatio is staring out of. I hear him shout, so I drop from the window, and run to the fence that surrounds GGR's house. I leap the fence just as Pop-pop and Horatio come out of the housee (which is not encircled by fence) and chase me.
Then, I see my Ninja Trainer, standing all calm in the middle of the street. No cars are coming, it's late at nothing is happening outside for him to be there, yet, there he is. He says to me, very calmly, 'what did you learn?' I turn to face him just as Pop-pop crumples to the ground, a dart in his arm. I can't think of what I've learned, so I continue to run away from Horatio. He throws his dagger at my spine - right between my shoulder blades - but it doesn't pierce the skin, it just kind of pokes my back. And then I remember, my Ninja friends promised to protect me. So, I say it 'that a ninja always keeps their promise.' I turn around and look up to a set of telephone wires and see the form of a Ninja, squating on the wires, a dart gun glinting in his hands.
Then I woke up all pissed off because my trainer was about to say something when my alarm went off.
But it was crazy, my cousin and granfather about to kill me - I was terrified...
I hope I have another 'strange' dream....I really enjoy how vivid they are.
And now, onto my realization - I don't tell my parental units when Sibling does something wrong because Sibling has a very low self esteem. She can't build up her character enough to gain self-esteem because she doesn't get in trouble for things. When she does get in trouble, she gets depressed. I don't 'tattle' on her because I don't want her depressed. If I don't tattle on her, she stays happy and also loses a chance to become a more well-rounded individual. She lies because she thinks she can get away with it. She can't when I'm around. Then she gets into trouble. She gets into trouble, blames me, gets depressed. I get depressed because I feel guilty, and then no one wins. Except I'll get over it, I'm already well-rounded. I don't lie every time I open my mouth. I tell my parental units almost everything that it related to my education, whether it be 'oh, i've just received a lateness' or 'i've got a D in History' or 'I just passed a math test with an 11/10.'
And I watch my life like its a Television show...Except I can't change the channel, and it's all a rerun. Same episode, different day. Waste of my time. I listen to the same arguements ove rdifferent things, all ending up with she argued with me because she thinks she's always right. She's not always right, she's just irrational. And yes, it pisses you off, I know that. Did you ever stop to think, though, that it pisses me off, that it gets me slightly irritated that whenever you two argue I'm always there and can't get away?
You always find a way to argue in situations where I can't leave. The mall. The car ride home. The car ride away. I can't run from that. I want to. I could probably end the conversations if you two would just let me argue for you. I'll help you out.
You think you're right. And you think you're right. You're both wrong. End of story. Both have valid points, both and having the same argument. Everyone loses.
Especially me. I lose twice, whenever you argue. Six more months.
That's horrible to say - but that is how I feel right now.
Thanks for listening, readers...I didn't mean for all of that monologue/dialogue/trialogue to be just sort of happened.
^_6;;Happy Hoildays,
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Nothin' Much...
ALright guys, I've had this one quote I've been wanting to use so very badly ever since I thought of it.
I'm a writer and a role player - so I make up these people and write out their lives. It's tons of fun and takes away my boredom. Anyway, I've got this one story called 'Escape' and the two main characters Coh and John are going to get kidnapped... well, Coh is from a tribe of nomad people who live in the desert called 'Cascuns'. It jus so happened they are going to 'napped' by the Cascun's rival, the Duntaks. The main Duntak's name is Jak...and at some point in the story, John is going to be complaining to Coh about how he is 'dying of thirst' and Jak will corner John and just say 'don't tease me' all serious like. I'm so excited to write that, 'cause it'd be the second time John would have been cut off, speechless.
I'm so excited...when I finish it, and get it published, I'll send everyone who keeps in contact the nearest bookstore address so you can go and buy it...Yep, it'll be fantastic...
-So, Good bye Courage...what's the harm
If I was slightly...naughty
With love, (Courage the Cowardly Dog - Freaky Fred)
-Jereality;; ^_6
I'm a writer and a role player - so I make up these people and write out their lives. It's tons of fun and takes away my boredom. Anyway, I've got this one story called 'Escape' and the two main characters Coh and John are going to get kidnapped... well, Coh is from a tribe of nomad people who live in the desert called 'Cascuns'. It jus so happened they are going to 'napped' by the Cascun's rival, the Duntaks. The main Duntak's name is Jak...and at some point in the story, John is going to be complaining to Coh about how he is 'dying of thirst' and Jak will corner John and just say 'don't tease me' all serious like. I'm so excited to write that, 'cause it'd be the second time John would have been cut off, speechless.
I'm so excited...when I finish it, and get it published, I'll send everyone who keeps in contact the nearest bookstore address so you can go and buy it...Yep, it'll be fantastic...
-So, Good bye Courage...what's the harm
If I was slightly...naughty
With love, (Courage the Cowardly Dog - Freaky Fred)
-Jereality;; ^_6
Monday, December 03, 2007
I'm almost positive I had a post enitled Shazam before...It's just so easy to use....It's like, oh it must be interesting, it's such an interesting, eventful word.. SHAZAM!
Anyway, I just want to let you all know that it is aweful windy outside...So much to the point that I feel as though I may be swooped out of my room and transported to the O.Z. Do you all know what that means to me? Well, it is a Mini Series on the Sci-Fi network called Tin-Man. It's pretty awesome. I won't tell you about it because I want you all to watch it.
Now, I'm watching Heroes - fyi, it's intense. I thought it was so stupid in the beginning, which is why I didn't watch the entire first season. I accidently watched the first episode of the second season and wham! I was hooked...Of course, it took me a couple mintues and weeks to remember who was who...but I got it, and am in love with Peter, Adam and Suresh. I don't really know who they are...but they are lovely to stare at.
I had something else to say to you all, but I don't recall...
Anyway, I just want to let you all know that it is aweful windy outside...So much to the point that I feel as though I may be swooped out of my room and transported to the O.Z. Do you all know what that means to me? Well, it is a Mini Series on the Sci-Fi network called Tin-Man. It's pretty awesome. I won't tell you about it because I want you all to watch it.
Now, I'm watching Heroes - fyi, it's intense. I thought it was so stupid in the beginning, which is why I didn't watch the entire first season. I accidently watched the first episode of the second season and wham! I was hooked...Of course, it took me a couple mintues and weeks to remember who was who...but I got it, and am in love with Peter, Adam and Suresh. I don't really know who they are...but they are lovely to stare at.
I had something else to say to you all, but I don't recall...
Sunday, December 02, 2007
It seems to me that November was a bit of a barren month. I didn't mean to not post on purpose. Everytime I wanted to, I forgot what I had been doing or got distracted or something. I don't even remember - which is not good if I am going to tell you what I've been up to.
Nothing 'big' has really happened - I got a new fish, his name is Keiran. He's a crowned Betta fish, and he is so cool looking! Of course, his tank is a little nasty, but hey, it'll get cleaned. Um, what has happened otherwise...I don't really know...
I've been playing a particular card game for the past week and a half like it was going out of style...and I desperately want to hold a tournament for said game. Perhaps I'll teach you all how to play one of these days...Perhaps.
I went to Maryland this cousin got married, it was a lovely wedding, very small. I took some nice pictures which, due to paranoia, I will not post. However, I've got some nice pictures of things other than the wedding for you to view when I upload them. LIke, I have this one of the sun and some trees that blurred so looks like the trees are on fire -it's amazing.
Well, I'm just letting you all know that I'm still alive, and regretting let you all go unposted for an entire month...very upsetting that is to me...Yep...
Oh, in case you've noticed the change in layout - I was told the one I had before was painful...ya'll should've told me earlier...I would've picked a new one sooner. Regardless, I like this one infinitely better than that red and grey one...good stuff...So, I'll talk at you all later...I've got a brownie that needs eating.
^_6;; Jereality
Nothing 'big' has really happened - I got a new fish, his name is Keiran. He's a crowned Betta fish, and he is so cool looking! Of course, his tank is a little nasty, but hey, it'll get cleaned. Um, what has happened otherwise...I don't really know...
I've been playing a particular card game for the past week and a half like it was going out of style...and I desperately want to hold a tournament for said game. Perhaps I'll teach you all how to play one of these days...Perhaps.
I went to Maryland this cousin got married, it was a lovely wedding, very small. I took some nice pictures which, due to paranoia, I will not post. However, I've got some nice pictures of things other than the wedding for you to view when I upload them. LIke, I have this one of the sun and some trees that blurred so looks like the trees are on fire -it's amazing.
Well, I'm just letting you all know that I'm still alive, and regretting let you all go unposted for an entire month...very upsetting that is to me...Yep...
Oh, in case you've noticed the change in layout - I was told the one I had before was painful...ya'll should've told me earlier...I would've picked a new one sooner. Regardless, I like this one infinitely better than that red and grey one...good stuff...So, I'll talk at you all later...I've got a brownie that needs eating.
^_6;; Jereality
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Jace died. Sometime around This night. He had been acting strange for the past couple days, and his color sort of drained. I found him face down in the rocks by the bottom of the bowl. I just cleaned it, too...I had cleaned it earlier in the week, but it began to smell like death again, so I cleaned it...I guess I know why it smelled...Jace was dying.

R.I.P Jace - you really were a cool fish. I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep you alive any longer. Though, I did think it was very strange that you'd be staring at me every single time I woke up, I did like you.
Sibling walked in a couple minutes ago...talking about what we should do with his little fish body. I said I didn't know...he was just a fish...she said to put him in a box, that it'd be cute. Said if it had a name, it was part of the family. So I said, when family dies, you put them in boxes. Then she said 'or blankets'.
We buried my first cat, Jake, in a towel. I told her she should leave. I miss Jake so much...that was a low blow, even for her. Now I'm just sitting here, in my room with a dead fish across from me...thinking about how much I miss Jake, and how amazing he was. If he were here now, he'd be right by my side. He would always - if someone wass upset and crying - be right there next to them...just to give them company. He'd stay right in front of the bookcase that was across from my bed, waiting until I fell asleep before he left, prancing in as soon as I got out of bed the next morning.
Greta is going to die soon, I think. She's got too much spirit to die though. She still acts like she's a puppy...she still wants to run, but she can't because her back legs won't work. She can't see because one eye is blind because of the glaucoma. All she can do is lay in her own pee-soaked bed 'cause she can't control her bladder anymore. She's not going to die by herself, though, not for a long time. Keeping her alive is wrong, she can't really live stuck in her bed. But I don't want to lose her either. And she loves us so much, her personality just brightens whenever one of the family is in the room with her. And I can just imagine walking into the vets office to put her down, her just thinking it's another routine thing, 'oh, look, there's my family...' and then the needle, and then she's gone. Betrayed by the people she loves the most. Then I think if she was going to die at home, in her it'll be most likely that no one will be with her when she goes. She'll be all alone...then she'll be gone...and I won't have her anymore.
I'm gonna go now...get a shower or something....I need to calm down...
Take nothing for granted, life is only so long
R.I.P Jace - you really were a cool fish. I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep you alive any longer. Though, I did think it was very strange that you'd be staring at me every single time I woke up, I did like you.
Sibling walked in a couple minutes ago...talking about what we should do with his little fish body. I said I didn't know...he was just a fish...she said to put him in a box, that it'd be cute. Said if it had a name, it was part of the family. So I said, when family dies, you put them in boxes. Then she said 'or blankets'.
We buried my first cat, Jake, in a towel. I told her she should leave. I miss Jake so much...that was a low blow, even for her. Now I'm just sitting here, in my room with a dead fish across from me...thinking about how much I miss Jake, and how amazing he was. If he were here now, he'd be right by my side. He would always - if someone wass upset and crying - be right there next to them...just to give them company. He'd stay right in front of the bookcase that was across from my bed, waiting until I fell asleep before he left, prancing in as soon as I got out of bed the next morning.
Greta is going to die soon, I think. She's got too much spirit to die though. She still acts like she's a puppy...she still wants to run, but she can't because her back legs won't work. She can't see because one eye is blind because of the glaucoma. All she can do is lay in her own pee-soaked bed 'cause she can't control her bladder anymore. She's not going to die by herself, though, not for a long time. Keeping her alive is wrong, she can't really live stuck in her bed. But I don't want to lose her either. And she loves us so much, her personality just brightens whenever one of the family is in the room with her. And I can just imagine walking into the vets office to put her down, her just thinking it's another routine thing, 'oh, look, there's my family...' and then the needle, and then she's gone. Betrayed by the people she loves the most. Then I think if she was going to die at home, in her it'll be most likely that no one will be with her when she goes. She'll be all alone...then she'll be gone...and I won't have her anymore.
I'm gonna go now...get a shower or something....I need to calm down...
Take nothing for granted, life is only so long
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Biology Lesson...
Today we tested genetics...genotypes and the like....through five generations....It was lots of fun. We bred note card letters throughout the classroom. I was heterozygous four times and homozygous recessive three times. Bundles o' fun.
Quote of the Day
Edward: Who did you get stuck breeding with?
Me: Everyone but two girls...
Edward: Dude, you'll never guess who i bred with.....
Jello and Bigwepz
Me: O_O
Edward: Pudding even did a finger shoot at me
like the whole "i'm a charming dude, mate with me"
Ah, good times...goood tiiimes
Heterozygous orr Homozygous?
Edward: Who did you get stuck breeding with?
Me: Everyone but two girls...
Edward: Dude, you'll never guess who i bred with.....
Jello and Bigwepz
Me: O_O
Edward: Pudding even did a finger shoot at me
like the whole "i'm a charming dude, mate with me"
Ah, good times...goood tiiimes
Heterozygous orr Homozygous?
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Cinderellie, Cinderellie...
Ah, yeah. Very busy day today...yesterday? Saturday....I woke up at 5:30, and left the house by 6:30 to go to Bankroft Neurohealth for Bankcroft Day. It was Victorian themed, so i wore a black shirt an pair of jeans, black chucks and a pair of victorian-esque fingerless gloves. Ta Da. Anyway, when I got there, one of Father's collegues says to me 'I have an extra 'Victorian-ish' white nightshirt if any of you (Sibling was there also) want to wear it.' Naturally, Sibling declined, but hey, I wasn''t about to pass up dressing up. I love that kinda stuff. So, I slipped the shirt over my head and moved the elasticed sleeves to the center of my forearm, leaving about three inches before my black gloves sarted up. Sibling turned to look at me and want 'you look like an evil baby doll'. I smiled, and looked in a mirror...she wasn't wrong.
After an hour and a half of setting up tables and chairs and tent things, and food equpiment, I stood on my feet for four-five hours scooping out macaroni salad, tossing bags of carrots and adding cookies to hot dog, 'kraut dog, hamburger, or cheeseburger platters. It was fun though, I like Bancroft day.
Then, we, Father, Sibling and I went home where I slept off a spilliting headache for two hours before going off to babysit. I just got back not twenty minutes, like..2:10 am. It was fun though..I played hungry hungry hippos. I was Henry - he's green, and I won...five out of the seven times we played. Goooood tiiimmmeesss.
And now I am sleepy...So, I'm going to say good night.
Good night,
-Jereality;; ^_6
After an hour and a half of setting up tables and chairs and tent things, and food equpiment, I stood on my feet for four-five hours scooping out macaroni salad, tossing bags of carrots and adding cookies to hot dog, 'kraut dog, hamburger, or cheeseburger platters. It was fun though, I like Bancroft day.
Then, we, Father, Sibling and I went home where I slept off a spilliting headache for two hours before going off to babysit. I just got back not twenty minutes, like..2:10 am. It was fun though..I played hungry hungry hippos. I was Henry - he's green, and I won...five out of the seven times we played. Goooood tiiimmmeesss.
And now I am sleepy...So, I'm going to say good night.
Good night,
-Jereality;; ^_6
Saturday, October 06, 2007
...May Be Crazy...
I just finished a book called Back Roads, by Tawni O'Dell. My silly brain made me connect with the characters sometimes. Certain times when the protagonist visitis his mother in jail, I teared up a little...Probably because I had a horrible conversation with my own Mother before she left for work. My stress levels can't really handle certain phrases strung together with certain tones of voice. Talking about my future as if it was nothing...I did nothing to provoke her...didn't stop her from making me feel hollow and inhuman. Subhuman. Inadequate. Worthless. I could go on, but I'm sure you all get the point by now.
So, I decided to read for five hours straight, leaving my room for nothing and getting off the bed only to let the cat out of my room. I felt most sorry for the main character's dog, though. Maybe it's empathy...maybe sympathy guilt...or some kind of twisted reality where its all my fault this kid's fictional life is screwed up. Yeah...I'm going to have one helluva time figuring out a thesis for this one.
Tip: Don't Listien To 'Untitled' By Simple Plan When You Feel Like Shit...It Does Nothing,
So, I decided to read for five hours straight, leaving my room for nothing and getting off the bed only to let the cat out of my room. I felt most sorry for the main character's dog, though. Maybe it's empathy...maybe sympathy guilt...or some kind of twisted reality where its all my fault this kid's fictional life is screwed up. Yeah...I'm going to have one helluva time figuring out a thesis for this one.
Tip: Don't Listien To 'Untitled' By Simple Plan When You Feel Like Shit...It Does Nothing,
Friday, October 05, 2007
What Is...
Does anyone have any ideas? Any at all?
We have these discussions in the Education Station where I do my schooling...we go into Socratic circles and discuss these questions that the philosophers pondered over. Today's question was 'Does history exist', to which several people answered 'yes' to, other, like Onyx, said 'no,' and something to the effect of 'no, because it's not a complete history. There are some civilizations that have existed that we don't even know about.' I thought that was an amazing answer, one, that apparantly, evaded me as I answered the question with a simple, 'we only have 'the winners' point of view. The loser is conquered, gone, no more...' Which, now that I think about it, makes much less sense then it did while I was there.
Then there was another question, what have you invented in your reality. Well, first, I discussed my own reality, 'Jereality' - as it is my name, combined with 'reality', very clever, I know. I finally got it out there that I like to watch fights...some...most of which I've instigated and backed away from. That is a terrible character flaw. I should work on that. I'm pretty sure I'm going to work on becoming a better person. Try not to be as sarcastic as I am, hurtful...things like that. Though, it's going to be very difficult because I'm almost positive sarcasm is a defense mechanism of mine. Sorry, this post started good, and ended with me feeling lousy. That kinda sucks for me, doesn't it? Yeah. It does. I'm a terrible person. I'll work on it...
May You Be The Change You Wish To See In The World - Ghandi,
Does anyone have any ideas? Any at all?
We have these discussions in the Education Station where I do my schooling...we go into Socratic circles and discuss these questions that the philosophers pondered over. Today's question was 'Does history exist', to which several people answered 'yes' to, other, like Onyx, said 'no,' and something to the effect of 'no, because it's not a complete history. There are some civilizations that have existed that we don't even know about.' I thought that was an amazing answer, one, that apparantly, evaded me as I answered the question with a simple, 'we only have 'the winners' point of view. The loser is conquered, gone, no more...' Which, now that I think about it, makes much less sense then it did while I was there.
Then there was another question, what have you invented in your reality. Well, first, I discussed my own reality, 'Jereality' - as it is my name, combined with 'reality', very clever, I know. I finally got it out there that I like to watch fights...some...most of which I've instigated and backed away from. That is a terrible character flaw. I should work on that. I'm pretty sure I'm going to work on becoming a better person. Try not to be as sarcastic as I am, hurtful...things like that. Though, it's going to be very difficult because I'm almost positive sarcasm is a defense mechanism of mine. Sorry, this post started good, and ended with me feeling lousy. That kinda sucks for me, doesn't it? Yeah. It does. I'm a terrible person. I'll work on it...
May You Be The Change You Wish To See In The World - Ghandi,
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Mental Explosion
Alrighty, when you read the title, were your first thoughts 'oh my gosh, brilliant ideas had been formed!' or were your thoughts more along the lines of 'somone's head exploded?' Well, for the past couple days, actually, since last friday, I've been getting these 'sort-of' migranes. They start a little above the center of my forehead, and spread. Like, take your head, and fold your fingers so that they all come to a point, then place it a little above your forehead, and spread your fingers. That's how my little headaches start. Then the pain goes down my jaw bone, and sort of resonates there for a while, until it gets tired of staying there, when it then moves to my temples and the room begins to spin.
It is terrible. I've had to go and lay down and take motrin until I fall asleep. The worst. Everyday without hesitation, BAM! Headache....the worst. If I get them every day this week, I'm telling Mother and requestiong a scan on my noggin.... 'cause this can't be normal. Nope, can't be normal.
Hope your brains don't explode,
-Jereality;; ^_6
It is terrible. I've had to go and lay down and take motrin until I fall asleep. The worst. Everyday without hesitation, BAM! Headache....the worst. If I get them every day this week, I'm telling Mother and requestiong a scan on my noggin.... 'cause this can't be normal. Nope, can't be normal.
Hope your brains don't explode,
-Jereality;; ^_6
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Updates on me! And a little bit of Bio-Related Humor...
Hello! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a couple weeks....well, two weeks and a day. I really, really meant to...I just couldn't find the time. Between the new year at my Education Station, and some other family related arguements...well, I just had to sleep through it all until it stopped its boiling rage, and cooled to a nice simmer. Anyway, now that I am back, I'd like to update you all on a few things.
1) I've reaaraanged my bedroom. I don't know if I told you that yet, but I did....and It's amazing how much extra room I've got now. Mind boggling, and the like.
2) I battled my Mathematics teacher for a one hundred when I got a 95....just so you know, I won.
3) I have this bizarre tendency t cut little half moons out of my contacts when I take them out now...I think I need to cut my nails or something...'cause this is getting ridiculous now.
4) I really enjoy making these lists....sadly, it must come to an end...for I have some Scientific Humor for you...
Alrighty, so, I have to run a few things by you all firstly. In list form, pra'aly...
1) My class of seven had to do a lab useing a special enzyme in potatoes. This enzyme is also found in liver...but it tends to smell when you blend it and add it to water and set it on ice...So, we just used the potato.
2) We did read the lab directions...though, in the backs of our minds we had a question or two...that was probably a mistake...
Okay, now that you know those two little facts, I'm going to tell you some more. The lab was designed for us to be able to study the enzyme catalaase, which speeds up the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide - which happens to also be in our splendid human bodies (*Fact: If too much of this product builds up in your die. End of story...) - into water and oxygen. This catalase-mediated reaction is important to the cell because it prevents a build up of hydrogen peroxide, which, as I stated before, will mess up the fragile balance of cell chemistry.
Alright, so what we needed to do was put a little piece of cheesecloth paper disc thing, and dip it in different concentrations of this potato enzyme liquid and then drop it in some hydrogn peroxide, and count the seconds it took for the disc to float back to the top. (*Note:The disc floats to the top of the hydrogen peroxide because of the enzyme in the potato juice. The enzyme breaks down the hydrogen peroxide, causing the gasses to get trapped as bubbles, which lift the little disc to the surface)
Well, my group, already half crazed because of laughter think we understand what we're supposed to do. So, we fill out little beakers up with the potato juice, and figure hey, why not waste the hydrogen peroxide and just pour it into the lid. We switched the hydrogen peroxide and the potato's roles in the experiment! So, we'd dunk the disc into the lid of hydrogen peroxide and then dropped it in the potato juice! Needless to say, our results were horrible...
Well, we (my group o' two and I = 3 persons) decided to ask what was going wrong. Well, our instructor comes over, apparantly glancing at the table behind us before coming over, because he instantly looks at our table and says 'where's your hydrogen peroxide'. Well, we tell him, and then there is a chorus of 'ours too' from the table behind us. Well, after a few claims of the group behind us being followers, we were dissed by group three on the other side of the room.
Group Mine and Groupe Table Behind Us got together to see our newly revised data when over strolls a member of Group Three. She looked slightly confused, but had her hands steepled in front of her...sort of like Mr. Burns
, so I look at her and go 'what?' and she says 'when did you guys dip -mumble mubmle mumble-' And then she looked at us, and then me, and I registered what she said and went 'you did the same thing as us!' Then she backed away, and I pointed and went 'Ooohh!' which came as a collective 'Oooohhh!' from the other four girls that were in the combined 'our side of the room' group.
Then the girl who had come over as Mr. Burns's partner tried to defend her group. But I would have none of that, ending the 'you diss us, we diss you back' chant with a '' Ah, good times....
I do suppose you'd have to be there for it to be really funny. 'Cause let me tell you, it was freakin' hysterical. We laughed...oh, did we laugh..
And that's about it....
May you never forget which is the catalase,
1) I've reaaraanged my bedroom. I don't know if I told you that yet, but I did....and It's amazing how much extra room I've got now. Mind boggling, and the like.
2) I battled my Mathematics teacher for a one hundred when I got a 95....just so you know, I won.
3) I have this bizarre tendency t cut little half moons out of my contacts when I take them out now...I think I need to cut my nails or something...'cause this is getting ridiculous now.
4) I really enjoy making these lists....sadly, it must come to an end...for I have some Scientific Humor for you...
Alrighty, so, I have to run a few things by you all firstly. In list form, pra'aly...
1) My class of seven had to do a lab useing a special enzyme in potatoes. This enzyme is also found in liver...but it tends to smell when you blend it and add it to water and set it on ice...So, we just used the potato.
2) We did read the lab directions...though, in the backs of our minds we had a question or two...that was probably a mistake...
Okay, now that you know those two little facts, I'm going to tell you some more. The lab was designed for us to be able to study the enzyme catalaase, which speeds up the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide - which happens to also be in our splendid human bodies (*Fact: If too much of this product builds up in your die. End of story...) - into water and oxygen. This catalase-mediated reaction is important to the cell because it prevents a build up of hydrogen peroxide, which, as I stated before, will mess up the fragile balance of cell chemistry.
Alright, so what we needed to do was put a little piece of cheesecloth paper disc thing, and dip it in different concentrations of this potato enzyme liquid and then drop it in some hydrogn peroxide, and count the seconds it took for the disc to float back to the top. (*Note:The disc floats to the top of the hydrogen peroxide because of the enzyme in the potato juice. The enzyme breaks down the hydrogen peroxide, causing the gasses to get trapped as bubbles, which lift the little disc to the surface)
Well, my group, already half crazed because of laughter think we understand what we're supposed to do. So, we fill out little beakers up with the potato juice, and figure hey, why not waste the hydrogen peroxide and just pour it into the lid. We switched the hydrogen peroxide and the potato's roles in the experiment! So, we'd dunk the disc into the lid of hydrogen peroxide and then dropped it in the potato juice! Needless to say, our results were horrible...
Well, we (my group o' two and I = 3 persons) decided to ask what was going wrong. Well, our instructor comes over, apparantly glancing at the table behind us before coming over, because he instantly looks at our table and says 'where's your hydrogen peroxide'. Well, we tell him, and then there is a chorus of 'ours too' from the table behind us. Well, after a few claims of the group behind us being followers, we were dissed by group three on the other side of the room.
Group Mine and Groupe Table Behind Us got together to see our newly revised data when over strolls a member of Group Three. She looked slightly confused, but had her hands steepled in front of her...sort of like Mr. Burns
Then the girl who had come over as Mr. Burns's partner tried to defend her group. But I would have none of that, ending the 'you diss us, we diss you back' chant with a '' Ah, good times....
I do suppose you'd have to be there for it to be really funny. 'Cause let me tell you, it was freakin' hysterical. We laughed...oh, did we laugh..
And that's about it....
May you never forget which is the catalase,
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The VCR Chronicles: Red, White and Yellow....S-Cord?
Alright, after a long time of postless days, it has come time for me to post for you. And, as promised, the second part to my VCR story....
Last time you caught me putting in the complaint to my Superiors, and them telling me I would be getting a new VCR. Well, it turns out that Mother had put this plan to action one evening as she took me to the back of Wal*Mart, into the Electronics station. I picked out a neat black, sleek lookin' VCR/DVD player and went on my merry way.
Well, we get home, install it, and realize we don't have the right kind of TV. So, we look at each other and decide another adventure is up for grabs. So, we get the keys, hop back into the Mystery Machine and go back to Wal*Mart. Once there, we made ou way back to the Electronics section, and found this thing that was supposed to connect any TV to any VCR, and some wires we knew that we didn't have ( like, 'S-Cord'...what's that??). We drove home, and set up the Magic Box thing, and tried to watch a movie. Didn't work. Nor did trying to watch a video....
Turns out that VCRs are going out of style...unfortunate, I know. You need to rent a cable box, or something and do some other fancy wiring work...It's all very complicated for me, and I don't understand it. I just know that my VCR stinks and I want a new one. End of story...or is it?
That's about it...Nap tiimmmmeee!
I'll talk atchy'all later. Good Evening....
-Jereality;; ^_6
Last time you caught me putting in the complaint to my Superiors, and them telling me I would be getting a new VCR. Well, it turns out that Mother had put this plan to action one evening as she took me to the back of Wal*Mart, into the Electronics station. I picked out a neat black, sleek lookin' VCR/DVD player and went on my merry way.
Well, we get home, install it, and realize we don't have the right kind of TV. So, we look at each other and decide another adventure is up for grabs. So, we get the keys, hop back into the Mystery Machine and go back to Wal*Mart. Once there, we made ou way back to the Electronics section, and found this thing that was supposed to connect any TV to any VCR, and some wires we knew that we didn't have ( like, 'S-Cord'...what's that??). We drove home, and set up the Magic Box thing, and tried to watch a movie. Didn't work. Nor did trying to watch a video....
Turns out that VCRs are going out of style...unfortunate, I know. You need to rent a cable box, or something and do some other fancy wiring work...It's all very complicated for me, and I don't understand it. I just know that my VCR stinks and I want a new one. End of story...or is it?
That's about it...Nap tiimmmmeee!
I'll talk atchy'all later. Good Evening....
-Jereality;; ^_6
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Commercial Break
We interupt the telling of The VCR Chronicles for this bit of amazing news.
There is going to be a lunar Eclipse tonight! thought you'd all like to know....

Okay, those're the times and wat the moon'll look like, looks like this sucker is for those of you on the West Coast, seeing as it'll be 6:30 or something (my time) when it disappears completely. Unless, of course, I've done my math wrong, which is highly possible. Anyway, I need to go find my camera....I'm going to go totally 'tourist' on this silly moon....
Hope ya catch it!
There is going to be a lunar Eclipse tonight! thought you'd all like to know....
Okay, those're the times and wat the moon'll look like, looks like this sucker is for those of you on the West Coast, seeing as it'll be 6:30 or something (my time) when it disappears completely. Unless, of course, I've done my math wrong, which is highly possible. Anyway, I need to go find my camera....I'm going to go totally 'tourist' on this silly moon....
Hope ya catch it!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The VCR Chronicles:The Beginning
Alright, so now it's more of a Saga, as we still do not have a VCR/DVD player for me.
Once upon a time, in a room not so far away from this one, I lived happily. Of course, the lack of space was beginning to get to me, and I was becomming almost claustrophobic with the amount of crap I keep stored and saved. Call me a magpie - it's cool, I hear it more than you'd know. So, I traded rooms with my Sibling. The transfer went well, moving both of our rooms into the other room only took one day, and situating everything else, only a few hours. It wasn't until I lay down on my bed to relax did I become aware of the double-remote-situation.
Well, I went to my Supervising Officer, and kindly requested a change of televisions, as the one I had was a one-remote kind of guy. Well, my proposal of television switching was dashed away, so I was forced to be content with my two-timing television. Of course, it wasn't long after the switch did I realize that the DVD/VCR player was peculiar. It could not time-tape anything, for it lacked the general knowledge. No problems, we can just time tape from a different television - problem solved, yes?
Sort of...A few months after that, while rewinding, a strange whining clicking noise reached my ears. So, naturally I suspect the VCR. I stop the box, and hit eject, only to have the tape stop just out of my reach. With my nasty habit of trying to get what I want, I took the nearest pair of scissors and a needle, and pried the tape out, only to realize that the actual tape - the film was pulled out of its plastic shell. Not good, I remember thinking. So, I left if be for a while after I removed the tape.
Weeks passed, and I forgot about it, remembering only when I tried to rewind another tape and the VCR shut off completely, and began blinking a little red light. I put in the complaint to my Superiors and they took a gander at it for a breif moment, insisting I'd get a new one eventually....
Eventually will come, I tell you....The VCR Chronicles:Red, White and Yellow....S-Cord?...coming soon....
May Your VCR's Do What They're Told,
Once upon a time, in a room not so far away from this one, I lived happily. Of course, the lack of space was beginning to get to me, and I was becomming almost claustrophobic with the amount of crap I keep stored and saved. Call me a magpie - it's cool, I hear it more than you'd know. So, I traded rooms with my Sibling. The transfer went well, moving both of our rooms into the other room only took one day, and situating everything else, only a few hours. It wasn't until I lay down on my bed to relax did I become aware of the double-remote-situation.
Well, I went to my Supervising Officer, and kindly requested a change of televisions, as the one I had was a one-remote kind of guy. Well, my proposal of television switching was dashed away, so I was forced to be content with my two-timing television. Of course, it wasn't long after the switch did I realize that the DVD/VCR player was peculiar. It could not time-tape anything, for it lacked the general knowledge. No problems, we can just time tape from a different television - problem solved, yes?
Sort of...A few months after that, while rewinding, a strange whining clicking noise reached my ears. So, naturally I suspect the VCR. I stop the box, and hit eject, only to have the tape stop just out of my reach. With my nasty habit of trying to get what I want, I took the nearest pair of scissors and a needle, and pried the tape out, only to realize that the actual tape - the film was pulled out of its plastic shell. Not good, I remember thinking. So, I left if be for a while after I removed the tape.
Weeks passed, and I forgot about it, remembering only when I tried to rewind another tape and the VCR shut off completely, and began blinking a little red light. I put in the complaint to my Superiors and they took a gander at it for a breif moment, insisting I'd get a new one eventually....
Eventually will come, I tell you....The VCR Chronicles:Red, White and Yellow....S-Cord?...coming soon....
May Your VCR's Do What They're Told,
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Yay Sitting!
It feels like forever since I posted last for you. Remember the days where I used to post every single day? Do ya? I wonder what happened...I guess I got busy, or something. Anyway, I have news. I have a blister on the bottom of my foot...on my hee - under that thick skin...yeah. That hurts really badly. And I want to lop off both of my feet from the ankle down because the blisters hurt....and I might have mad razer burn on my legs - ouch! Of course, I discovered it as I was putting lotion on it burned even worse. And then, I realized, as I was walking - hobbling - around my abode, that I could practically feel my hip bones and my leg bone rubbing against each other. Kind of grating, and causing shivers to go up my spine...It makes my brain hurt.
Ah yes...I thought it'd be a lovely idea for a walk....five miles away...and then take several detours...and then walk back - through said detours..which gave me blisters, and shin splints. I should've just ran around the park twice. No harm in a little run. No, a 10mph walk gives me blisters that make me anti-anything-below-the-ankle....Way to go, Jereality, way to go. Next time, guys, warn me. Go 'hey..last time it didn't turn out too well when you did that...Nope, you should just go back to sleep....your place of learning is coming up soon, so, just ge the sleep while you can.'
Yeah....a warning....
Next Blog Post: The VCR Chronicals
May you always have more Mac than Cheese,
It feels like forever since I posted last for you. Remember the days where I used to post every single day? Do ya? I wonder what happened...I guess I got busy, or something. Anyway, I have news. I have a blister on the bottom of my foot...on my hee - under that thick skin...yeah. That hurts really badly. And I want to lop off both of my feet from the ankle down because the blisters hurt....and I might have mad razer burn on my legs - ouch! Of course, I discovered it as I was putting lotion on it burned even worse. And then, I realized, as I was walking - hobbling - around my abode, that I could practically feel my hip bones and my leg bone rubbing against each other. Kind of grating, and causing shivers to go up my spine...It makes my brain hurt.
Ah yes...I thought it'd be a lovely idea for a walk....five miles away...and then take several detours...and then walk back - through said detours..which gave me blisters, and shin splints. I should've just ran around the park twice. No harm in a little run. No, a 10mph walk gives me blisters that make me anti-anything-below-the-ankle....Way to go, Jereality, way to go. Next time, guys, warn me. Go 'hey..last time it didn't turn out too well when you did that...Nope, you should just go back to sleep....your place of learning is coming up soon, so, just ge the sleep while you can.'
Yeah....a warning....
Next Blog Post: The VCR Chronicals
May you always have more Mac than Cheese,
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
.It's Official.
Well, it is...I've officially seen every episode of Hercules:The Legendary Jounerys ever created. I'm not going to lie, no, I teared up at the end. The last official episode was called Hercules, Tramps and Theives, and the last scene, Autolocus (The King of Theives...although, now he plays Sam Axe on Burn Notice) and Hercules are in some dance club establishment, and the theif has reformed and he says something to the affect of 'well, I guess this is goodbye', and Hercules looks at him, takes a deep breath, claps him on the back and says 'not really good bye...more like 'see ya later' '. They smile to each other, Auto looks back at the dancing, Herc walks out, stops in the doorway, and looks back to smile and walks away. Very sad, to me. Very sad.
But, I figured I'd tell you that the wonderful Bruce Campbell is on tv again. Sam Axe, my favorite character in Burn Notice (linked above) should watch it. It's about a spy who gets disowned by the US Governement...I.E, 'Burned'...and he used his Special Ops training to help other people who're in trouble, while, at the same time, looking for the guy who had him black listed/burned/disowned. It's pretty good....Although, Jeffrey Donovan's voice gets on my nerves so badly. I get over it though, because it's got a bunch of humor...and Bruce Campbell. Yep. that's pretty much the reason I watch the see Bruce. Good job Bruce, you've got a viewer....
Hercules: Don't you care about the needs of the people?
Autolycus: Of course I care about the needs of the people... I happen to be one of them.
Autolycus: Gadzooks, if I were a woman I'd kiss myself!
Autolycus: I hate to break it to you, big guy, you've got harpies.
Ah, good times...gewd times...
Have a good night, and remember...once you've got harpies, you can't get rid of 'em...
-little Hercules humor right there....-
But, I figured I'd tell you that the wonderful Bruce Campbell is on tv again. Sam Axe, my favorite character in Burn Notice (linked above) should watch it. It's about a spy who gets disowned by the US Governement...I.E, 'Burned'...and he used his Special Ops training to help other people who're in trouble, while, at the same time, looking for the guy who had him black listed/burned/disowned. It's pretty good....Although, Jeffrey Donovan's voice gets on my nerves so badly. I get over it though, because it's got a bunch of humor...and Bruce Campbell. Yep. that's pretty much the reason I watch the see Bruce. Good job Bruce, you've got a viewer....
Hercules: Don't you care about the needs of the people?
Autolycus: Of course I care about the needs of the people... I happen to be one of them.
Autolycus: Gadzooks, if I were a woman I'd kiss myself!
Autolycus: I hate to break it to you, big guy, you've got harpies.
Ah, good times...gewd times...
Have a good night, and remember...once you've got harpies, you can't get rid of 'em...
-little Hercules humor right there....-
Monday, August 13, 2007
My Weekend...
Have any of you ever played Oblivion? Hm? It's the game afterMorrowind...or something... I don't know, but let me tell you, it's pretty freakin' addicting! My God, I never imagined that I'd end up playing a game I loved so much. I could probably plaay it for hours. And you know what sucks about that? I don't own an X Box 360...which happens to be the only system the game plays on...That, and I don't own the game.
I went to Onyx's house this weekend, where I discovered the wonderful game. In the game, I'm a Bretan, named Keiran...I have a bounty on my head because I have a nasty clepto habit, I kill people, and break into houses. What sucks though, is that I collect things..and the character can only hold 200 pounds worth of stuff, and at one point I was sixty pounds over the limit becasue I had gotten some kind of gift. I don't know, but I strongly recommend the game to anyone who enjoys the dark, and long hours in front of the tv set.
Also, during my stay at Onyx's house, I listened to a band called t.A.T.u. . They're pretty amazing. They're Russian, so the best songs are in Russian...they have English translations, but it's not the same. Something missing from them, and it makes me go 'where's the Russian lyrics?'. So that's what I'm listening to right now. is very convinient when one doesn't own the music one wishes to listen to. Yay youtube!
I had lots of good times over at Onyx's abode, and then at Wyoming's abode, which we went to both nights after a happy jaunt to our Wawa. Soda, and coffee...except for that time I got a milkshake...and ended up spitting it at Onyx when she insisted it was empty. That, my friends, was hysterical. Ah, yes...I also got hit in the mouth with a hacky sack...mid sentence. I can tell you, grass seed, dirt, and bits of grass...not tasty.
I came back to my house after two days of those fun times, and finished Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer, who I'm sure I've raved about before. The website is easy enough, StephenieMeyer.Com, it's just her name with a nifty dot com at the end. When I publish a book, my website will still be Jereality, I think. It's nifty, and easy, and rolls off the tongue. Say it with me now, 'Jereality'...ah, very nice.
Oh! I also saw Blood Diamond...Oh my gosh, I strongly recommend this too. It was amazing. So amazing, in fact, I added it to my 'List Of Movies I Want On DVD' list. I like to say that list's name for the fun of it...You can say it all you want, you can even use it..knock your socks off...just watch this movie. I like it a lot...It's amazing. And Leo DiCaprio's African Accent is amazing in the movie. It takes a couple seconds to catch onto, but after those breif moments of 'wtf?'-ness, you go, 'wow...that's hot', regardless of your gender. Any accent that isn't your own seems to enchant. Don't worry though, your secrets are safe with me. Mine, however, are plastered on this website...But I'm the one who puts them there, so I guess they aren't really meant to be secrets. Whatever...I'm going to go now...sleep, or something... NIghty night!
Quote Of The Day:
-talking of youtube spoofs, and videos-
Onyx: I really like the Blood Diamond spoof...
Wyoming&Myself: (O_o) Eh?
Onyx:Oh yeah, it's out there. A bunch of English guys runnin' around going
"My name is Archer! A-R-C-H-E-R!...Fuck!"
Wyoming&Myself: -laughter-
All: " 'My name is Archer! A-R-C-H-E-R!...' "
Me: Fuck!
All: -laughter-
This is what happens when you play cards, and speak of amazing things....You should try it...
Whatever your choice in Muffin, enjoy,
I went to Onyx's house this weekend, where I discovered the wonderful game. In the game, I'm a Bretan, named Keiran...I have a bounty on my head because I have a nasty clepto habit, I kill people, and break into houses. What sucks though, is that I collect things..and the character can only hold 200 pounds worth of stuff, and at one point I was sixty pounds over the limit becasue I had gotten some kind of gift. I don't know, but I strongly recommend the game to anyone who enjoys the dark, and long hours in front of the tv set.
Also, during my stay at Onyx's house, I listened to a band called t.A.T.u. . They're pretty amazing. They're Russian, so the best songs are in Russian...they have English translations, but it's not the same. Something missing from them, and it makes me go 'where's the Russian lyrics?'. So that's what I'm listening to right now. is very convinient when one doesn't own the music one wishes to listen to. Yay youtube!
I had lots of good times over at Onyx's abode, and then at Wyoming's abode, which we went to both nights after a happy jaunt to our Wawa. Soda, and coffee...except for that time I got a milkshake...and ended up spitting it at Onyx when she insisted it was empty. That, my friends, was hysterical. Ah, yes...I also got hit in the mouth with a hacky sack...mid sentence. I can tell you, grass seed, dirt, and bits of grass...not tasty.
I came back to my house after two days of those fun times, and finished Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer, who I'm sure I've raved about before. The website is easy enough, StephenieMeyer.Com, it's just her name with a nifty dot com at the end. When I publish a book, my website will still be Jereality, I think. It's nifty, and easy, and rolls off the tongue. Say it with me now, 'Jereality'...ah, very nice.
Oh! I also saw Blood Diamond...Oh my gosh, I strongly recommend this too. It was amazing. So amazing, in fact, I added it to my 'List Of Movies I Want On DVD' list. I like to say that list's name for the fun of it...You can say it all you want, you can even use it..knock your socks off...just watch this movie. I like it a lot...It's amazing. And Leo DiCaprio's African Accent is amazing in the movie. It takes a couple seconds to catch onto, but after those breif moments of 'wtf?'-ness, you go, 'wow...that's hot', regardless of your gender. Any accent that isn't your own seems to enchant. Don't worry though, your secrets are safe with me. Mine, however, are plastered on this website...But I'm the one who puts them there, so I guess they aren't really meant to be secrets. Whatever...I'm going to go now...sleep, or something... NIghty night!
-talking of youtube spoofs, and videos-
Onyx: I really like the Blood Diamond spoof...
Wyoming&Myself: (O_o) Eh?
Onyx:Oh yeah, it's out there. A bunch of English guys runnin' around going
"My name is Archer! A-R-C-H-E-R!...Fuck!"
Wyoming&Myself: -laughter-
All: " 'My name is Archer! A-R-C-H-E-R!...' "
Me: Fuck!
All: -laughter-
This is what happens when you play cards, and speak of amazing things....You should try it...
Whatever your choice in Muffin, enjoy,
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
The Bourne Ultimatum
Well, today I woke up and cleaned the bathroom...Actually..I woke up and turned out to be furious. And then I got over it, had a meatball sandwich and watched Hercules:The Legendary Journeys. Just so you know, I won't stop mentioning it until I finish up the series....which, by my own standards is a couuple more weeks. Anyway, at around 6 o'clock, my family and I left for an adventure. Of course, that adventure was a pre-determined trip to the movies. Well, needless to say, I was excited because we were going to go and seeThe Bourne Ultimatum...
Well, I just got back recently, and boy, can I tell you it was the best of the three! I loved it...and now must add it to the movies I want on DVD know, before I forget.....Alright, so anyway - the movie. The camera technique was a little too fast, so those of you who get motion sickness, I recommend some Dramamine or something before you watch it. I won't tell you what happens in the movie, but the ending is amazing! I was sitting in my chair going 'No way! Not possible!' and then 'Yes! Ah ha ha!'...of course, that was in my mind, otherwise I would've gotten stared at....because no one likes to be interupted after a dive.
So, I will now leave you with a few parting notes:
-Using door knobs is for wusses. Jason Bourne is so intense that he breaks down every door he comes across.
-Car chases are alot more fun when you're running away in a stolen cop car
-Fighting hand to hand against someone with a book, while you've got assassin training will end up with you dead in a shower.... -c'mon, that was a was midway through the movie....can't kill the main character before the movies over...that'd be lame...-
Remember to hold onto the seatbelts during your car crashes,
Well, I just got back recently, and boy, can I tell you it was the best of the three! I loved it...and now must add it to the movies I want on DVD know, before I forget.....Alright, so anyway - the movie. The camera technique was a little too fast, so those of you who get motion sickness, I recommend some Dramamine or something before you watch it. I won't tell you what happens in the movie, but the ending is amazing! I was sitting in my chair going 'No way! Not possible!' and then 'Yes! Ah ha ha!'...of course, that was in my mind, otherwise I would've gotten stared at....because no one likes to be interupted after a dive.
So, I will now leave you with a few parting notes:
-Using door knobs is for wusses. Jason Bourne is so intense that he breaks down every door he comes across.
-Car chases are alot more fun when you're running away in a stolen cop car
-Fighting hand to hand against someone with a book, while you've got assassin training will end up with you dead in a shower.... -c'mon, that was a was midway through the movie....can't kill the main character before the movies over...that'd be lame...-
Remember to hold onto the seatbelts during your car crashes,
Neko Kitty
Well, I've added somthing for you all to do when you come to my blog...You all can have a litte cat chase after your pointers as you read what I've written! That's right! Up ther ein the top left hand corner of the page is a little the moment, he's red and purple. Just click on 'im, and move your mouse...and when you get tired of him following you around, click him again, and he'll go back to his corner.
Want a little Neko Kitty? Well, double click him, and it'll bring you to a page with a selection of like...eighteen different 'skins' of Neko Kitty's....They're bundles of fun....^_6
Day Two of Jace's homelife with me..and now he has a fake plant to hide in....He's such a happy little fishie!
Nighty Night,
Want a little Neko Kitty? Well, double click him, and it'll bring you to a page with a selection of like...eighteen different 'skins' of Neko Kitty's....They're bundles of fun....^_6
Day Two of Jace's homelife with me..and now he has a fake plant to hide in....He's such a happy little fishie!
Nighty Night,
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Fishy! And The Omen
Wow, it has been quite some time since I last updated for you. Well, not much has happened since the 18th...just some boring sleeping...and tv-watching...I made it through to the fifth season of Hercules:The Legendary Journeys the other day, and still, it makes me smile. The Hercules character reminds me of Father, and that's why I think of Dear ol' Dad when I watch it. Anyway, we have our free Netflix still coming to us for another four months, or something, and the other day we received our movie. The Omen...the remake. It, um, wasn't quite what I expected. It didn't scare me, and I was only startled when the two men were in the graveyard and a couple dogs popped on-screen, out of nowhere.
I guess maybe I'm desensitized, or something...I dunno, people said they were scared and all kinds of stuff when it first came out...After watching it, all I could do was sigh, take it out of my DVD player, and go downstairs to watch the rest of Drake and Josh:Really Big Shrimp...which ended up to be fairly amusing. Good times...sittin' in the dark, eating cake and watching tv. It's really the most amazing cake...anyone could make it...if they knew the ingrediants and such. And I won't tell you, so live in darkness...I will tell you this, though, it requires 26 ounces of chocolate, sugar, eggs and milk. Yeppers.
Anyway, I got a Betta Fish today! I was so excited, and I still am thrilled. Long ago, Onyx got a Betta fish, and has been saying she'd get me one. And I got one! He is so pretty...I'm going to put some picture in here for you guys to see. Once they all load, I mean...otherwise, I'm at a loss for words. So, he's red, and blue and purpley...and he likes to lay on the colorful stones on the bottom....He's a lot of fun to stare at, because he stares right back at you. Lots of fun.
This is what he looks like! He's so perdy!

This is what he looks like when I take away all the colors except for red...

This is what he looks like when I do the same thing, but with blue...

I loves my Betta Fish, Jace. He's pretty. Do you agree? You should...He's so pretty, he's perdier than you!

Don't be jealous...You have thumbs.
Just Keep Swimming!
-Jereality; ^_6
I guess maybe I'm desensitized, or something...I dunno, people said they were scared and all kinds of stuff when it first came out...After watching it, all I could do was sigh, take it out of my DVD player, and go downstairs to watch the rest of Drake and Josh:Really Big Shrimp...which ended up to be fairly amusing. Good times...sittin' in the dark, eating cake and watching tv. It's really the most amazing cake...anyone could make it...if they knew the ingrediants and such. And I won't tell you, so live in darkness...I will tell you this, though, it requires 26 ounces of chocolate, sugar, eggs and milk. Yeppers.
Anyway, I got a Betta Fish today! I was so excited, and I still am thrilled. Long ago, Onyx got a Betta fish, and has been saying she'd get me one. And I got one! He is so pretty...I'm going to put some picture in here for you guys to see. Once they all load, I mean...otherwise, I'm at a loss for words. So, he's red, and blue and purpley...and he likes to lay on the colorful stones on the bottom....He's a lot of fun to stare at, because he stares right back at you. Lots of fun.
This is what he looks like! He's so perdy!
This is what he looks like when I take away all the colors except for red...
This is what he looks like when I do the same thing, but with blue...
I loves my Betta Fish, Jace. He's pretty. Do you agree? You should...He's so pretty, he's perdier than you!

Don't be jealous...You have thumbs.
Just Keep Swimming!
-Jereality; ^_6
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
It has been quite a while since I've spoken to you all last, hasn't it? Well, not to worry! For I am here right now, and it'll all be okay. I should tell you, I saw both of the Grudge's over the past two weeks...The Grudge and The Grudge 2...and to be honest, the Ghost people are still in my mind, and when I close my eyes, they are right there in my face....and I've got more news! the movies...they were less than adequate, in truth, I thought they kind of sucked...No closure at all...I was rather annoyed...
So, that's pretty much all the neat things that have happened lately. I haven't really done anything interesting for quite some time....I should do that soon, I think...Just go out and 'chill' with one or a couple of 'my homies'...Yeah, that'd be 'bangin'...
Alright, that's enough of that.
I'll talk at you all later!
Save Brain Cells, Don't Watch The Grudge
So, that's pretty much all the neat things that have happened lately. I haven't really done anything interesting for quite some time....I should do that soon, I think...Just go out and 'chill' with one or a couple of 'my homies'...Yeah, that'd be 'bangin'...
Alright, that's enough of that.
I'll talk at you all later!
Save Brain Cells, Don't Watch The Grudge
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Meehhh! And Other Things
I have a mosquito bite on the bottom of my foot. Can I tell you how annoying that is? No? No! Fine. I'll do it anyway though. It's so annoying! I'm just walking around and suddenly, 'oh dear...the bottom of my foot itches. Strange.' No, not strange! BUGS! I hate them. With a passion...Filthy little -mutters off into the distance-
While browsing my e-mail this evening (five minutes ago), I noticed an e-mail from my Mother, the topic, you ask? 'A Story For Your Blog'. Well, I can't deny my Mother the right to ask for her story to be placed on my blog, so I took a gander at it. Well, it seems - after reading - that her story is both funny, and amusing, thus making a perfect addition to the insanity that is myself. So, brought to you by myself, from my Mother: Grabby McPenguin::
A mother was a chaperone for her grade school son's trip to the Aquarium. She was in charge of 5 children. When it was time to go, the mother did a head count as the children got onthe bus. 1,2,3,4,... one was missing. It was her OWN child. The Aquarium was locked down as they searched for the child. They finally found him .. swimming with the penguins! They loaded up the boy and went home. Smelling the whole way. When the mother got the boy home she was so annoyed she sent him to his room immediately.
About 1 hour later she sent her older son to get the child and bring him down for dinner. The son came back and told the mother, you need to get him . The mother went to her younger son's room, and there he was watching Happy Feet... .... ....with a penguin!
The police refused to touch the penquin. The mother had to drive back to the Aquarium ... they are no longer permitted to visit.
Amusing? Yes. Probable? Yes. Funny? The same as amusing? Peesh Posh. Funny? Yes. And there you have it.
Keep The Mosquitos Far From Your Feet And Your Children Away From The Penguins,
While browsing my e-mail this evening (five minutes ago), I noticed an e-mail from my Mother, the topic, you ask? 'A Story For Your Blog'. Well, I can't deny my Mother the right to ask for her story to be placed on my blog, so I took a gander at it. Well, it seems - after reading - that her story is both funny, and amusing, thus making a perfect addition to the insanity that is myself. So, brought to you by myself, from my Mother: Grabby McPenguin::
A mother was a chaperone for her grade school son's trip to the Aquarium. She was in charge of 5 children. When it was time to go, the mother did a head count as the children got onthe bus. 1,2,3,4,... one was missing. It was her OWN child. The Aquarium was locked down as they searched for the child. They finally found him .. swimming with the penguins! They loaded up the boy and went home. Smelling the whole way. When the mother got the boy home she was so annoyed she sent him to his room immediately.
About 1 hour later she sent her older son to get the child and bring him down for dinner. The son came back and told the mother, you need to get him . The mother went to her younger son's room, and there he was watching Happy Feet... .... ....with a penguin!
The police refused to touch the penquin. The mother had to drive back to the Aquarium ... they are no longer permitted to visit.
Amusing? Yes. Probable? Yes. Funny? The same as amusing? Peesh Posh. Funny? Yes. And there you have it.
Keep The Mosquitos Far From Your Feet And Your Children Away From The Penguins,
Thursday, July 05, 2007
The Fourth
Well, let's just start by saying Happy Fourth of July.
My day began when Father woke me up at 10 of nine for the parade. I said that I might go back to sleep, and he said it was alright and that he didn't really care about the parade. he left, and I thought for a while. father and I always walk down the road a piece to GGR's house and watch the parade. I can't not go because I'm a little sleepy. So, I got up and got dressed. What time does the parade start? I don't know, he countered. Well, it's easily assesed that I am not amused, so he gives me the latest 'send-back' netflix movie and says 'Go ask the Hall'. So, I go and ask the hall, where some woman tells me registration is at nine-thirty. At that time, it was 9:15-ish. So, I stared at her and her festival of pockets for a few minutes, said thanks and waited till she left so I could be on my merry way.
I left the Hall, dropped off the movie and went back to my home. Ten, I say to him. So, I went back upstairs and changed my pants from capris to jeans...because it was cold outside, who'da thought? Anyway, at ten o'clock, we - Father and I - walked to GGR's house and talked it up a bit, and then the parade came!
We had a bunch of little kids on bikes, and a pair of wins on a float - one enjoying herself, the other, though, looked like she could use some candy. Speaking of which, only a couple pieces were thrown during the entire five minutes drive-by. Needless to say, the funds for our parade have decreased exponentially since I have moved in. I don't sense a connection though, I'm too cool to bring the downfall of an entire community's parade lifestyle. Right? We'll go with that anyway.
After tha, I went to Onyx's house and had a blasty blast from 3 to 9 o'clock ish and then came home. Where I type to you now. So, all in all, I had fun today, it seemd to go by very quickly though...oh well, maybe tomorrow will be longer. I want a long summer, not one that whooshes by....those summers are lame.
Hope Your Parade Was Amazing,
My day began when Father woke me up at 10 of nine for the parade. I said that I might go back to sleep, and he said it was alright and that he didn't really care about the parade. he left, and I thought for a while. father and I always walk down the road a piece to GGR's house and watch the parade. I can't not go because I'm a little sleepy. So, I got up and got dressed. What time does the parade start? I don't know, he countered. Well, it's easily assesed that I am not amused, so he gives me the latest 'send-back' netflix movie and says 'Go ask the Hall'. So, I go and ask the hall, where some woman tells me registration is at nine-thirty. At that time, it was 9:15-ish. So, I stared at her and her festival of pockets for a few minutes, said thanks and waited till she left so I could be on my merry way.
I left the Hall, dropped off the movie and went back to my home. Ten, I say to him. So, I went back upstairs and changed my pants from capris to jeans...because it was cold outside, who'da thought? Anyway, at ten o'clock, we - Father and I - walked to GGR's house and talked it up a bit, and then the parade came!
We had a bunch of little kids on bikes, and a pair of wins on a float - one enjoying herself, the other, though, looked like she could use some candy. Speaking of which, only a couple pieces were thrown during the entire five minutes drive-by. Needless to say, the funds for our parade have decreased exponentially since I have moved in. I don't sense a connection though, I'm too cool to bring the downfall of an entire community's parade lifestyle. Right? We'll go with that anyway.
After tha, I went to Onyx's house and had a blasty blast from 3 to 9 o'clock ish and then came home. Where I type to you now. So, all in all, I had fun today, it seemd to go by very quickly though...oh well, maybe tomorrow will be longer. I want a long summer, not one that whooshes by....those summers are lame.
Hope Your Parade Was Amazing,
Monday, July 02, 2007
Just Something Interesting
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Dear Galinda, You Are Just To Good...
Ah, Wicked, listen to it long enough, you start to like it a lot. thanks a heap, Onyx, I now enjoy the music. To the point I was singing What Is This Feeling when I woke up this morning. That and some song called 'Bella Note`'...which, in my dream was the song sang in Lady And The Tramp...I don't know if it really is, but it seemed to work out well, because on the third floor of my Education Station, the grand-piano they had managed to get up the stairwell and the other senior students who were doing this for their graduation, seemed to agree.
And there I was, sitting on a stool, behind a podium, listening to them play and singing along. After the song, a student I avoided my entire career thus far in that building...because, well, he frightened me...he thanked me, gave me a hug and kissed my cheek...then we played patty cake and he left. It was bizarre. Then there was a large confrence scene, the lighting went from bright to dull and back to bright again as the dream progressed, but it was mostly dull during the meeting part, where Onyx and I spoke about REBEL, an anti-tobacco organization, how it benefitted this very blog. Which, in fact, it doesn't...I don't know how my mind worked that one out. Oh well, strange dream.
And onto other news, I watched The Grudge last night with Father and Sibling. It was good, I had already scene more than half of it on TNT or one of those stations though, so I knew how it ended. That little boy though, the one that makes cat sounds, still scares the crap out of me. In fact, my silly mind as the little urchin sitting right under my computer table right now. So, I won't be looking under there for a while...for I am afraid of my irrational fear. Yay me!
So, I'm going to give you something that I haven't in a very long least, I don't remember giving you one of these in a very long time. I could be very wrong, but I'm sure you'll all enjoy it either way. A Quote of the day! Brought to you from...well, Last Night....^_6
Quote Of Last Night
[Sibling and I are doing the Dishes-Cleaning up after Dinner and The Grudge-Around 10 o'clock]
Sibling:Y'know, how the woman came down the stairs...
Me:The one in the bag?
Sibling:Yeah, her hair was wet.
Me: (O_o)
Sibling:Their hair is always wet. Someone's dead in a horror film, they're tall, skinny pale people with stringy black wet hair. No matter where they died.
Me: Uh huh... -notices the connection-
Sibling:The kind of face when you see when you walk passed a mirror. All pale...
Sibling:No, not you.
Me:-shrugs- So, you're saying, if they died in the Sahara, they'd haunt you and be wet?
Sibling:-laughter- Yes. Yes I am.
Good times. I looked under my desk. There was nothing there. Shocker, right? All right, I'll talk to you all later.
Keep Your Horror Hair Dry,
And there I was, sitting on a stool, behind a podium, listening to them play and singing along. After the song, a student I avoided my entire career thus far in that building...because, well, he frightened me...he thanked me, gave me a hug and kissed my cheek...then we played patty cake and he left. It was bizarre. Then there was a large confrence scene, the lighting went from bright to dull and back to bright again as the dream progressed, but it was mostly dull during the meeting part, where Onyx and I spoke about REBEL, an anti-tobacco organization, how it benefitted this very blog. Which, in fact, it doesn't...I don't know how my mind worked that one out. Oh well, strange dream.
And onto other news, I watched The Grudge last night with Father and Sibling. It was good, I had already scene more than half of it on TNT or one of those stations though, so I knew how it ended. That little boy though, the one that makes cat sounds, still scares the crap out of me. In fact, my silly mind as the little urchin sitting right under my computer table right now. So, I won't be looking under there for a while...for I am afraid of my irrational fear. Yay me!
So, I'm going to give you something that I haven't in a very long least, I don't remember giving you one of these in a very long time. I could be very wrong, but I'm sure you'll all enjoy it either way. A Quote of the day! Brought to you from...well, Last Night....^_6
[Sibling and I are doing the Dishes-Cleaning up after Dinner and The Grudge-Around 10 o'clock]
Sibling:Y'know, how the woman came down the stairs...
Me:The one in the bag?
Sibling:Yeah, her hair was wet.
Me: (O_o)
Sibling:Their hair is always wet. Someone's dead in a horror film, they're tall, skinny pale people with stringy black wet hair. No matter where they died.
Me: Uh huh... -notices the connection-
Sibling:The kind of face when you see when you walk passed a mirror. All pale...
Sibling:No, not you.
Me:-shrugs- So, you're saying, if they died in the Sahara, they'd haunt you and be wet?
Sibling:-laughter- Yes. Yes I am.
Good times. I looked under my desk. There was nothing there. Shocker, right? All right, I'll talk to you all later.
Keep Your Horror Hair Dry,
Thursday, June 28, 2007
The Nightmare.
Yesterday started out wonderfully. I woke up early, got ready for a pool party, went to the pool party and had a blast with all of my friends. After that, I went home and walked to the nearest FYE store and bought the new 'The Used' CD, a game for Sibling (Ratatouille...or something like that...she beat it already), and the Special Edition of Titanic. Well, I watched thirty-five minutes of it before I had to go to dinner. It was alright...then I went to Onyx's house. It's always a blast there. We cleaned up a bit, talked..argued, rather about economics - I read, Onyx did the talking - and that went on for about an hour or so. Fun and games since I had gotten there.
Then, at 2-ish am, it was bed time. Sleep started out well...
Then I had the worst nightmare of my life.
It wasn't a nightmare in the sense I was frightened, but it was no dream either. I can assure you of that.
It starts out, my entire family - Mother, Father, Sibling and I - all aboard the Titanic, everything is white and clean...everyone is laughing and Father turns to me and hands me this little blue and white china dollhouse stove. It was beautiful, and only about three inches by four inches. He said it was his Grandmother's, and that he wanted me to have it. There was so much joy in his eyes...he's one of those people that knows everyone, and when he's happy, everyone's happy. When he's sad, everyone else is sad. He's just got one of those personalities, which, happened to transfer over into my dream.
A box of other little china figures were on the floor where I sat, a box with a crank sitting beside it. So, I put the little stove Father had given to me on the box with the crank. I stood up for a moment, then turned around and watched the little stove sink like quicksand into the box. I opened the little drawer, and saw the stove in puzzle pieces. Father stared at me, a frown on his lips, 'it's okay', he had said, 'we can just put it back together.' It barely brought a smile to my face, but I closed the little drawer anyway, a grinding sound coming to my ears. I opened the drawer again, and the pieces were gone. Another drawer had appeared under that one, so I opened it, hoping to see the little stove. There was nothing there except the little iron burners that had been on top. My little gift, Father's Grandmother's little China stove was gone.
The scene then changed drastically. Mother, Sibling and I are on the ground, in a patio type area. Not one of those little patios, with the tent covering, and a stone floor, no. The side of the house was bright white, there was no covering, and the ground was cement. But it was gigantic, gorgeous and all pure white.
Mother was humming softly to herself as she individually wrapped oatmeal cookies on sticks - like a lollypop cookie... - and tied the little baggies with bright red ribbons, so the plastic would stay on. She took one, and handed it to me, no smile on her porcelain looking face. She was my Mother, I knew it, but she seemed like a villain from a Disney movie. tall, thin, dark hair, white face and dark red lips. Keeping along with the white theme, she was wearing a white dress, a black fishnet looking corset around her waist. Sibling was by her side, a slight, sinister grin on her face.
'Give your Father the cookie,' Mother told me. I smiled and nodding, knowing exactly what it was, so caught up in the moment as I ran up the stone stairs and into the Master bedroom. There was Father asleep in the huge white four poster bed. He woke up when I came in and ran to the drawer to rip off the plastic coverings, leaving it, the ribbon and a few crumbs on the wooden surface before I ran to him. 'I made you a cookie, Dad!' I shouted, a smile on my face as I handed it to him. He smiled, and kissed my forehead, taking the cookie from me and eating it. The words rang through my head as I watched a look of disappointment fill his light blue eyes.
Mind you, my brain remembers every single detail about my Father and sticks them right in this dream, as if it were reality.
'Feeling choked up?' my Mother asked, her arms were crossed over her chest as she stood at the foot of the bed, Sibling standing right beside her, looking almost identical. Father looked at me, tears coming to my eyes as I looked from the wrapper on the table, to the bits of crumbs on the bed, Father's eyes welling up as he died.
I knew what I was doing. I knew what it was. I poisoned him. 'I made you a cooke. I did...'
That was probably the first time I've ever woken up crying. I woke up at 5:25 am, and stayed awake until 7:13, unable to go to sleep, Father's disappointed eyes looking straight at me. No matter what I did, I couldn't shake the nightmare. I went downstairs quietly, got a drink, wet my face, and went back to Onyx's room. Everything I thought of seemed to link directly back to memories of my life with my Dad. Which made me cry again. I don't know how I got to sleep again...but I did until eleven.
It all seemed so real, the wave of shock that ran through my nightmare self, the fear, the pain of killing my own Father...I couldn't believe it. Why would I even dream up that? God knows I love that man with all my heart...why would I kill him? I don't understand it.
And it wasn't like I could goo walk to his room, and wake him up to talk with him or anything...I wasn't at home. Worst sleep ever. The worst. Made me understand how mortal people are...and that understanding hurts.
Sweet Dreams,
Then, at 2-ish am, it was bed time. Sleep started out well...
Then I had the worst nightmare of my life.
It wasn't a nightmare in the sense I was frightened, but it was no dream either. I can assure you of that.
It starts out, my entire family - Mother, Father, Sibling and I - all aboard the Titanic, everything is white and clean...everyone is laughing and Father turns to me and hands me this little blue and white china dollhouse stove. It was beautiful, and only about three inches by four inches. He said it was his Grandmother's, and that he wanted me to have it. There was so much joy in his eyes...he's one of those people that knows everyone, and when he's happy, everyone's happy. When he's sad, everyone else is sad. He's just got one of those personalities, which, happened to transfer over into my dream.
A box of other little china figures were on the floor where I sat, a box with a crank sitting beside it. So, I put the little stove Father had given to me on the box with the crank. I stood up for a moment, then turned around and watched the little stove sink like quicksand into the box. I opened the little drawer, and saw the stove in puzzle pieces. Father stared at me, a frown on his lips, 'it's okay', he had said, 'we can just put it back together.' It barely brought a smile to my face, but I closed the little drawer anyway, a grinding sound coming to my ears. I opened the drawer again, and the pieces were gone. Another drawer had appeared under that one, so I opened it, hoping to see the little stove. There was nothing there except the little iron burners that had been on top. My little gift, Father's Grandmother's little China stove was gone.
The scene then changed drastically. Mother, Sibling and I are on the ground, in a patio type area. Not one of those little patios, with the tent covering, and a stone floor, no. The side of the house was bright white, there was no covering, and the ground was cement. But it was gigantic, gorgeous and all pure white.
Mother was humming softly to herself as she individually wrapped oatmeal cookies on sticks - like a lollypop cookie... - and tied the little baggies with bright red ribbons, so the plastic would stay on. She took one, and handed it to me, no smile on her porcelain looking face. She was my Mother, I knew it, but she seemed like a villain from a Disney movie. tall, thin, dark hair, white face and dark red lips. Keeping along with the white theme, she was wearing a white dress, a black fishnet looking corset around her waist. Sibling was by her side, a slight, sinister grin on her face.
'Give your Father the cookie,' Mother told me. I smiled and nodding, knowing exactly what it was, so caught up in the moment as I ran up the stone stairs and into the Master bedroom. There was Father asleep in the huge white four poster bed. He woke up when I came in and ran to the drawer to rip off the plastic coverings, leaving it, the ribbon and a few crumbs on the wooden surface before I ran to him. 'I made you a cookie, Dad!' I shouted, a smile on my face as I handed it to him. He smiled, and kissed my forehead, taking the cookie from me and eating it. The words rang through my head as I watched a look of disappointment fill his light blue eyes.
Mind you, my brain remembers every single detail about my Father and sticks them right in this dream, as if it were reality.
'Feeling choked up?' my Mother asked, her arms were crossed over her chest as she stood at the foot of the bed, Sibling standing right beside her, looking almost identical. Father looked at me, tears coming to my eyes as I looked from the wrapper on the table, to the bits of crumbs on the bed, Father's eyes welling up as he died.
I knew what I was doing. I knew what it was. I poisoned him. 'I made you a cooke. I did...'
That was probably the first time I've ever woken up crying. I woke up at 5:25 am, and stayed awake until 7:13, unable to go to sleep, Father's disappointed eyes looking straight at me. No matter what I did, I couldn't shake the nightmare. I went downstairs quietly, got a drink, wet my face, and went back to Onyx's room. Everything I thought of seemed to link directly back to memories of my life with my Dad. Which made me cry again. I don't know how I got to sleep again...but I did until eleven.
It all seemed so real, the wave of shock that ran through my nightmare self, the fear, the pain of killing my own Father...I couldn't believe it. Why would I even dream up that? God knows I love that man with all my heart...why would I kill him? I don't understand it.
And it wasn't like I could goo walk to his room, and wake him up to talk with him or anything...I wasn't at home. Worst sleep ever. The worst. Made me understand how mortal people are...and that understanding hurts.
Sweet Dreams,
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Equation
What do you get when you've got two bored people, one who is willing to get messy, the other a culinary enthusiast, a Mother who will supervise whatever crazy schemes the two may think up, a marble slab and a stove full of possibilities?
Well, you get a mess is what you get. Around four o'clock, Sibling and I decided we were bored, though, I didn't want to do anything, while she, on the other hand, complained on the steps that she wanted to 'make the, y'know, sugar stuff.' Mother and I looked at each other from our respective lounge spots, 'taffy?', we had proposed. 'No! The...where you just pour it out and it comes in strings? You know! The sugar!'
Needless to say, we had no inkling of what she was talking about, so we pushed the taffy theory until she believed that is what she wanted. So, she took off, to my room, which was a shock to me when I entered, computer already on and logged onto my name...Anyway, she ran down stairs, flailing a paper in my face, saying 'jereality! Jereality! Make this with me! It'll be an adventure. We're going on an adventure, Charlie!* An adventure!' So I sighed, and heaved myself from the wonderful couch which I had cleaned seven hours prior at the crack of dawn, and followed her into the kitchen, where, I sat myself on a chair, uninterested.
Uninterested, of course, until the goop was laying on a marble slab on our table, just calling my name. 'Go on, Jereality, pick up that spatula...fold me over, c'mon, you know you want to. I'm all sugar...So tasty...' All of a sudden, I was in the front lines, ordering my goopie sugary army of tooth decay and clogged arteries into battle! Then, Sibling and I split it evenly, and I took my half of, well...sort of liquid sort of solid corn syrup sugar water with 1 1/2 tablespoons of butter, and dyed them our respective colors. Sibling chose Green, which is odd, because her color is red, and I chose blue...because it's the best.
This is before the color, Sibling is working hard here...kneeding, or something...I dunno...
She added some peppermint flavoring to hers, as did I, and then I promptly turned my nose up at the sticky, peppermint smell of my blue goop. Then it dawned on me, Vanilla extract smells nice. So, I added a drop or two of that, and...nothing happened.
Us kneeding our...goop
No insta-charm to make the stuff taffy-life, it continued to move around like...well, glue, really. Now that I think about it. Sibling and I finally decided nothing was going to happen, so, we played in it. Boy howdy, that stuff made some awesome sounds when you slam your hands in it. Eventually, we mixed both of our blobs together to make a giant canvas. We drew all over it...tasty...

Oh the fun adventure that was, until, there was cleanup. In which case paper towells was not the best thing to use. A sponge, and some hand soap, on the other wonders. But no, seriously, we washed that sucker until it was spotless. Good thing about marble, that sticky stuff comes right off. Oh, and to let you all know, it really did taste pretty good. Mine, better than Sibling's...because I'm not a fan of that all too powerful peppermint...I'm sure it was tasty to anyone else though, I mean, if you like peppermint, and all...
And just for you, we decided to throw out a shout out to one of my most interesting past times...Complaining, whining, and mindlessly chatting to all of you. I dedicate this mass of sugar, corn syrup, butter, water, neon blue, green, peppermint and vanilla extract to you, my readers...You deserve it...Plus, it's pretty cool, I think. Sibling wrote the 'JER' part, I did the 'EALITY' part....and almost ran out of goop for the 'Y' can still sort of see it. We both stuck our hands in the pictures, but you can barely see my finger tips...Sibling, on the other hand is in the photo...Yeah...Enjoy!

I Hope All Of Your Sugary Adventures Go Smoothly,
*Charlie, from Charlie The Unicorn Goes To Candy Mountain...Go check it out if you like funny things, and unicorns and singing candy pieces. It's lots of fun...Enjoy!
Well, you get a mess is what you get. Around four o'clock, Sibling and I decided we were bored, though, I didn't want to do anything, while she, on the other hand, complained on the steps that she wanted to 'make the, y'know, sugar stuff.' Mother and I looked at each other from our respective lounge spots, 'taffy?', we had proposed. 'No! The...where you just pour it out and it comes in strings? You know! The sugar!'
Needless to say, we had no inkling of what she was talking about, so we pushed the taffy theory until she believed that is what she wanted. So, she took off, to my room, which was a shock to me when I entered, computer already on and logged onto my name...Anyway, she ran down stairs, flailing a paper in my face, saying 'jereality! Jereality! Make this with me! It'll be an adventure. We're going on an adventure, Charlie!* An adventure!' So I sighed, and heaved myself from the wonderful couch which I had cleaned seven hours prior at the crack of dawn, and followed her into the kitchen, where, I sat myself on a chair, uninterested.
Uninterested, of course, until the goop was laying on a marble slab on our table, just calling my name. 'Go on, Jereality, pick up that spatula...fold me over, c'mon, you know you want to. I'm all sugar...So tasty...' All of a sudden, I was in the front lines, ordering my goopie sugary army of tooth decay and clogged arteries into battle! Then, Sibling and I split it evenly, and I took my half of, well...sort of liquid sort of solid corn syrup sugar water with 1 1/2 tablespoons of butter, and dyed them our respective colors. Sibling chose Green, which is odd, because her color is red, and I chose blue...because it's the best.
She added some peppermint flavoring to hers, as did I, and then I promptly turned my nose up at the sticky, peppermint smell of my blue goop. Then it dawned on me, Vanilla extract smells nice. So, I added a drop or two of that, and...nothing happened.
No insta-charm to make the stuff taffy-life, it continued to move around like...well, glue, really. Now that I think about it. Sibling and I finally decided nothing was going to happen, so, we played in it. Boy howdy, that stuff made some awesome sounds when you slam your hands in it. Eventually, we mixed both of our blobs together to make a giant canvas. We drew all over it...tasty...
Oh the fun adventure that was, until, there was cleanup. In which case paper towells was not the best thing to use. A sponge, and some hand soap, on the other wonders. But no, seriously, we washed that sucker until it was spotless. Good thing about marble, that sticky stuff comes right off. Oh, and to let you all know, it really did taste pretty good. Mine, better than Sibling's...because I'm not a fan of that all too powerful peppermint...I'm sure it was tasty to anyone else though, I mean, if you like peppermint, and all...
And just for you, we decided to throw out a shout out to one of my most interesting past times...Complaining, whining, and mindlessly chatting to all of you. I dedicate this mass of sugar, corn syrup, butter, water, neon blue, green, peppermint and vanilla extract to you, my readers...You deserve it...Plus, it's pretty cool, I think. Sibling wrote the 'JER' part, I did the 'EALITY' part....and almost ran out of goop for the 'Y' can still sort of see it. We both stuck our hands in the pictures, but you can barely see my finger tips...Sibling, on the other hand is in the photo...Yeah...Enjoy!
I Hope All Of Your Sugary Adventures Go Smoothly,
*Charlie, from Charlie The Unicorn Goes To Candy Mountain...Go check it out if you like funny things, and unicorns and singing candy pieces. It's lots of fun...Enjoy!
Friday, June 22, 2007
A Little Bit Late...
Well, as you recall, last night's adventure led me to remain awake until the wee hours of the morning...In fact, I fell asleep to the sunrise and the birds singing their morning songs... You know how a normal person gets, like, seven to eight hours of sleep a night? I got at least ten, for I fell asleep at five and woke up at three pm. Yes, Three O'clock....the little coo-coo-clock downstairs was singing and I just laid there, in my bed, thinking to myself 'Self, you are still tired...'
On that note, I decided to go downstairs and heat up some Chinese food from last night's dinner...and top off the Root Beer that we got for free. That's what happens when you spend over fifty dollars at the Chinese food place across the way. Anyway, I cleaned the living room after that, and now I think I'm going to vaccuum my room, because everyone is awake...or gone. Which means I have free range of volume, i.e., the vaccuum. Yay me! So, that's about it...If anything interesting happens, well, I'll hop back on the computer and type it to you all.
Get Rested,
On that note, I decided to go downstairs and heat up some Chinese food from last night's dinner...and top off the Root Beer that we got for free. That's what happens when you spend over fifty dollars at the Chinese food place across the way. Anyway, I cleaned the living room after that, and now I think I'm going to vaccuum my room, because everyone is awake...or gone. Which means I have free range of volume, i.e., the vaccuum. Yay me! So, that's about it...If anything interesting happens, well, I'll hop back on the computer and type it to you all.
Get Rested,
Summer Has Begun
You heard it here - probably - last, folks! Summer has arrived, and with its weather, so have the bugs made their appearance also. Or rather, their marks... Yes'iree bob, in fact, I'll show you a picture.
See? Right there? That is what we call a mosquito bite. I usually don't get bitten, because I try to be mean, thus giving me not so sweet blood, ergo, no eating. Unfortunatly, I have been rather nice, and quiet, and pleasant...wouldn't you agree? Anywho, I got a bug bite, and I am less than thrilled.
Also, I'd like to mention that it is 2:59 am, Friday morning, and I currently want to vaccuum my bedroom. But I cannot. For the other members of my family would frown upon it...if they were awake. In other news, I think my cat has fleas, and the dog is slightly blinder than usual. Ah, the woes of Jereality...No matter, I'll get over it...Except this bug bite...and that nagging feeling you feel when there is a piece of hair on your arm and you just can't seem to get it off....Anyone have days like that? Ladies? Men? Other? You go to brush it away only to find nothing there in the first place, then feeling it again...I hate that...big time. I also hate people who nag on and on and on about stupid things, so I'm going to stop that. Yeah, all out of my system...
Alright, I think I might do some laundry then read...or color....or watch a movie...or read and color while watching a movie...and painting my nails and eating some cereal. Or...I'll just put myself to sleep with some Dramamine...Either way, I'm a happy bug bitten person.
Keep the Repellent nearby and enjoy the heat...

See? Right there? That is what we call a mosquito bite. I usually don't get bitten, because I try to be mean, thus giving me not so sweet blood, ergo, no eating. Unfortunatly, I have been rather nice, and quiet, and pleasant...wouldn't you agree? Anywho, I got a bug bite, and I am less than thrilled.
Also, I'd like to mention that it is 2:59 am, Friday morning, and I currently want to vaccuum my bedroom. But I cannot. For the other members of my family would frown upon it...if they were awake. In other news, I think my cat has fleas, and the dog is slightly blinder than usual. Ah, the woes of Jereality...No matter, I'll get over it...Except this bug bite...and that nagging feeling you feel when there is a piece of hair on your arm and you just can't seem to get it off....Anyone have days like that? Ladies? Men? Other? You go to brush it away only to find nothing there in the first place, then feeling it again...I hate that...big time. I also hate people who nag on and on and on about stupid things, so I'm going to stop that. Yeah, all out of my system...
Alright, I think I might do some laundry then read...or color....or watch a movie...or read and color while watching a movie...and painting my nails and eating some cereal. Or...I'll just put myself to sleep with some Dramamine...Either way, I'm a happy bug bitten person.
Keep the Repellent nearby and enjoy the heat...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The End.
Not only is it a great song by My Chemical Romance, but it also marks the last day of the Education Station I attend. I am rather pleased with my bad self, what with moving up in my years, and getting more privileges. And yet another title. You know what I mean by titles, yes? Well, there's the general, seventh graders, eighth graders, then the titles of Freshmen, Sophmores, Juniors, and Seniors...and once you're done being a Senior, you go to being a Freshmen again. It's all very monotonous...but like I said before, the privileges are a lovely bonus.
I had water ice today. Blue; the only color worth eating...of course, I was later given red, which I mixed to create a tasty purple color. I thought you'd all like to know that there is dirt under my left hand ring finger you all know how annoying it is to type with something under your fingernail? But I am progressing, because I love you. If it weren't for all of you avid readers, I wouldn't be getting any hits. And without the hits, I wouldn't blog...because there'd be no one out there to go and say 'wow...she's a fruitbat, that Jereality. I like 'er. Boot mark time!'
And without something as random as myself, or as informational about small nothings as I am, I'd worry for your mental health. Very unfortunate...the lack of mental health in your heads from not reading my blog. Of course, you'd all probably be a bit saner if you didn't, and kept the random to me...but where's the fun in that? Honestly?
Okay, it is time to make my exit, and leave you with the title for this post...
The End.
I had water ice today. Blue; the only color worth eating...of course, I was later given red, which I mixed to create a tasty purple color. I thought you'd all like to know that there is dirt under my left hand ring finger you all know how annoying it is to type with something under your fingernail? But I am progressing, because I love you. If it weren't for all of you avid readers, I wouldn't be getting any hits. And without the hits, I wouldn't blog...because there'd be no one out there to go and say 'wow...she's a fruitbat, that Jereality. I like 'er. Boot mark time!'
And without something as random as myself, or as informational about small nothings as I am, I'd worry for your mental health. Very unfortunate...the lack of mental health in your heads from not reading my blog. Of course, you'd all probably be a bit saner if you didn't, and kept the random to me...but where's the fun in that? Honestly?
Okay, it is time to make my exit, and leave you with the title for this post...
The End.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
XTU And Other Things...
Hello! And welcome to my blog!
Now that I've got that out of my system, I'd like to apologize on the lack of information I have given you about my life. Well, on Saturday...what is this month? June? Wow..June already. Anyway, on Saturday, June 9th I went to the XTU concert...Philly's Country Music station, or something...I don't know...but it was freakin' hot! The weather, the guys, the music...did I say weather already? Man, am I glad I didn't wear jeans like I said I would.
Well, we, my band of merry music or eight of us total, were on a bunch of beach towels and blankets all set up on the lawn area, and a friend, DisneyGirl, had gotten front seat tickets...So, some of us would get to go down and see the acts up close. Of course, the sitting area was open to everyone until 5 o'clock, when Clint Black came on, and all the guys after that...
It was pretty awesome...Man, I wish I'dve brought my camera...there were several amazing shots of landscapes, and a couple shots I could've taken of the 37,000 people there. Confederate flags were everywhere. One guy, in particular, who, my dear lady readers, was quite the looker... ^_-...He wore a black cowboy hat, jeans, and a confedorate flag as a cape. The girls in my band of music lovers began to call him Confederate Flag Man...because that's what I called him. Not to his face, of course, but from afar.
So, we waited for a while, listened to some music and played cards on the towles and stuff, and had a lot of fun. I was in the seats for a singer called Luke Bryan...He's a sexy little guy, really, he is, and he has such nice teeth. And after Luke, was Bucky Covington, he was amazing too. I think you should all check them out, it's good stuff to listen to. It's country music, but it's still amazing, for all you readers who are die hard rock fans..or if you're a power pop type of person..Whichever, just give 'em a listen and see if you like them or not.
Also, if you got this address from XTU, as I wrote it on two beach balls that were floating around, and texted in on the big screen in the inner seated area, welcome to the blog. It's great to see you - figuratively - here...and I hope you'll stay and read on, giving comments and such, regardless of what I type....
As for the 'Other Things' part of the title, I've since forgotten what they were...So, instead of chaning the title to just 'XTU', I'm going to leave it, and assume you're going to use your imagination, giving me a good rest of the weekend in your minds.
With Internet Based-Love,
Now that I've got that out of my system, I'd like to apologize on the lack of information I have given you about my life. Well, on Saturday...what is this month? June? Wow..June already. Anyway, on Saturday, June 9th I went to the XTU concert...Philly's Country Music station, or something...I don't know...but it was freakin' hot! The weather, the guys, the music...did I say weather already? Man, am I glad I didn't wear jeans like I said I would.
Well, we, my band of merry music or eight of us total, were on a bunch of beach towels and blankets all set up on the lawn area, and a friend, DisneyGirl, had gotten front seat tickets...So, some of us would get to go down and see the acts up close. Of course, the sitting area was open to everyone until 5 o'clock, when Clint Black came on, and all the guys after that...
It was pretty awesome...Man, I wish I'dve brought my camera...there were several amazing shots of landscapes, and a couple shots I could've taken of the 37,000 people there. Confederate flags were everywhere. One guy, in particular, who, my dear lady readers, was quite the looker... ^_-...He wore a black cowboy hat, jeans, and a confedorate flag as a cape. The girls in my band of music lovers began to call him Confederate Flag Man...because that's what I called him. Not to his face, of course, but from afar.
So, we waited for a while, listened to some music and played cards on the towles and stuff, and had a lot of fun. I was in the seats for a singer called Luke Bryan...He's a sexy little guy, really, he is, and he has such nice teeth. And after Luke, was Bucky Covington, he was amazing too. I think you should all check them out, it's good stuff to listen to. It's country music, but it's still amazing, for all you readers who are die hard rock fans..or if you're a power pop type of person..Whichever, just give 'em a listen and see if you like them or not.
Also, if you got this address from XTU, as I wrote it on two beach balls that were floating around, and texted in on the big screen in the inner seated area, welcome to the blog. It's great to see you - figuratively - here...and I hope you'll stay and read on, giving comments and such, regardless of what I type....
As for the 'Other Things' part of the title, I've since forgotten what they were...So, instead of chaning the title to just 'XTU', I'm going to leave it, and assume you're going to use your imagination, giving me a good rest of the weekend in your minds.
With Internet Based-Love,
Friday, June 08, 2007
Rather Odd...

This was chillilng as an advertisement when I logged into AOL the other day, I thought it was interesting...Thought I'd share it with you all...It came with this nifty article, and this picture...
"Two-Toned Lobster Caught Off Rhode Island
ABC News
(June 2) - Fishermen are scratching their heads at a rare catch off Rhode Island.
Strange Animals
A half-brown, half-orange lobster is the talk of the town in Little Compton, R.I. The unique-looking crustacean was caught off the coast of Newport.
Lobster aficionados say the chances of catching a two-toned lobster is one in 50 million. By comparison, the odds of finding a blue lobster are about 1 in a million.
In fact, the lobsterman who caught it thought someone was fooling with him.
When a similar two-toned lobster was caught off the coast of Maine last year, Bette Spurling of the Mount Desert Oceanarium’s told the Associated Press that lobster shells are usually a blend of the three primary colors: red, yellow and blue. Those colors mix to form the greenish-brown color of most lobsters. The two-toned lobster caught off Rhode Island apparently had no blue in half its shell.
Bernard Arseneau, a former manager at the oceanarium's lobster hatchery, said lobsters also have a growth pattern in which the two sides develop independently of each other.
ABC News reported that the two-toned lobster was heading to an aquarium for all to see. This two-toned lobster was caught off Rhode Island in May. Lobster aficionados said the odds of netting one are one in 50 million.
And this was in a small portion labeled 'Other', so I checked it out...Poor Kitten...
In December 2005, a kitten named Cy, short for Cyclops, died a day after its birth in Redmond, Ore. A condition called holoprosencephaly caused the deformity.

In other news....
" Illinois Students Denied Diplomas Over Cheers
Tropical Depression Barry Hits Gulf Coast
Boy's 'Wild Pig' Claim Is Hogwash, Owners Say
Tuberculosis Patient Asks for Forgiveness
'Dr. Death' Jack Kevorkian Freed From Prison
That's about it...I'm listening to Cats, ANdrew Lloyd Webber's....yeah, he's a freakin' genius...He also did Phantom of the Opera...another favorite of mine...Ya'll should check 'em out..They're musicals though, so, if you don't like those...I don't have anything more to say about 'em to you....Enjoy the rest of your night!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I Like Chocolate Milk.
And to prove this little fact, I have found a compilation of statements, thus proving my liking of the Chocolate Milk.
There we go. That's Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends..I watch that show. It's very funny. That, up there, that's Cheese. His brother's name is Blooregard, but they just call him Bloo...Together, they're Bloo Cheese...., get it? And his creator? Well, his name is Mac...and together..they're Mac and Cheese...Yum...
Which, brings me back to my childhood. I really am a six year old at heart...truthfully. I mean, I think like my age, and I act like it, but when it comes to the simple food...I'm six.
Mac and Cheese with hotdogs, cut up in little bite sized bits with a bit o' ketchup, all mixed together in a bowl with one of the little baby forks....good times.
Peanut butter and Grape Jam on white bread, cut diagonally on a Bounty white paper towel, and a big glass of Nestle's chocolate milk..The syrup, not the powder. Yeah. I like chocolate milk. I just had a PB&J for my snack/dinner and found that I could use a glass of Chocolate is what I would usually get when I was six, for lunch time. When Mother was Mommy...and she'd make my lunch...good times. Good Times.
I Like Chocolate Milk...Don't Get Me Started On Cereal...
There we go. That's Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends..I watch that show. It's very funny. That, up there, that's Cheese. His brother's name is Blooregard, but they just call him Bloo...Together, they're Bloo Cheese...., get it? And his creator? Well, his name is Mac...and together..they're Mac and Cheese...Yum...
Which, brings me back to my childhood. I really am a six year old at heart...truthfully. I mean, I think like my age, and I act like it, but when it comes to the simple food...I'm six.
Mac and Cheese with hotdogs, cut up in little bite sized bits with a bit o' ketchup, all mixed together in a bowl with one of the little baby forks....good times.
Peanut butter and Grape Jam on white bread, cut diagonally on a Bounty white paper towel, and a big glass of Nestle's chocolate milk..The syrup, not the powder. Yeah. I like chocolate milk. I just had a PB&J for my snack/dinner and found that I could use a glass of Chocolate is what I would usually get when I was six, for lunch time. When Mother was Mommy...and she'd make my lunch...good times. Good Times.
I Like Chocolate Milk...Don't Get Me Started On Cereal...
Monday, June 04, 2007
Brushin' Up, And Lookin' Down
Good Evening, My Lovlies!!
Ah yes, today was good. I think. I don't really remember, I believe I was 'out-of-it' almost the entire day, just thinking. Don't fret though, you should never fret when I talk like that. I am not one that needs to be fretted over. Believe you me. Father says that all the time...'Believe you me'. I think its bizarre, but I say it anyway. It's sort of like a threat, and sort of not...
Anyway, back to my day. It was uneventful. And I realized that I am sort of my mind, at least. Everything that was stored in there is now on paper, for the household to see....That is...if they know where to look. And I, of course, know exactly where to look. For example, both calendars in the house...and my little year-planner we receive at the start of every year at the Educational Facility.
I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow, I think. Cut and dyed...A nice red color...If I weren't so paranoid, I'd give you pictures. But I am, so I won't. Use your imagination. I know you've all got one, or even two, if you're lucky. Otherwise, you'd have a very difficult time reading and understanding what I type to you.
It feels good to have my blog working with me again. I don't know what I'd do without it, really. I would just sit on my computer chair, and open screen of Safari (my internet) open on the desktop...Mind you, said desktop would be in order, every item in a folder, every folder nicely placed into the Ultra-Folder I like to call 'All My Folders', followed in a line by 'Stories', then my external hard drive link, and then a bunch of articles I need for a post I'm going to do here later...tomorrow maybe. I don't know, it's all unclear now. The tea leaves and crystal ball aren't telling me anything new.
Well, I suppose I should be heading to sleep now...Even though I took a bit of a nap earlier, and am not tired. Oh well, I'll think of something, get bored, and crash a while later. See, crystal balls help....If only I had one....oh well...G'night!
May Your Tea Leaves Be Clear, And Your Futures As Bright As The Sun...
(awfully cheery, eh?)
Ah yes, today was good. I think. I don't really remember, I believe I was 'out-of-it' almost the entire day, just thinking. Don't fret though, you should never fret when I talk like that. I am not one that needs to be fretted over. Believe you me. Father says that all the time...'Believe you me'. I think its bizarre, but I say it anyway. It's sort of like a threat, and sort of not...
Anyway, back to my day. It was uneventful. And I realized that I am sort of my mind, at least. Everything that was stored in there is now on paper, for the household to see....That is...if they know where to look. And I, of course, know exactly where to look. For example, both calendars in the house...and my little year-planner we receive at the start of every year at the Educational Facility.
I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow, I think. Cut and dyed...A nice red color...If I weren't so paranoid, I'd give you pictures. But I am, so I won't. Use your imagination. I know you've all got one, or even two, if you're lucky. Otherwise, you'd have a very difficult time reading and understanding what I type to you.
It feels good to have my blog working with me again. I don't know what I'd do without it, really. I would just sit on my computer chair, and open screen of Safari (my internet) open on the desktop...Mind you, said desktop would be in order, every item in a folder, every folder nicely placed into the Ultra-Folder I like to call 'All My Folders', followed in a line by 'Stories', then my external hard drive link, and then a bunch of articles I need for a post I'm going to do here later...tomorrow maybe. I don't know, it's all unclear now. The tea leaves and crystal ball aren't telling me anything new.
Well, I suppose I should be heading to sleep now...Even though I took a bit of a nap earlier, and am not tired. Oh well, I'll think of something, get bored, and crash a while later. See, crystal balls help....If only I had one....oh well...G'night!
May Your Tea Leaves Be Clear, And Your Futures As Bright As The Sun...
(awfully cheery, eh?)
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Wives Tale remedy?
Alright, this is my second post for today, and I don't know why I'm posting it. This is what I'm going to call a Remedy. A wivestale of sorts. Say you've got an ulcer or a coldesore in your mouth? The kind that burn like a beastie if you had some serious citrus, you know the ones. Well, get some Asprin, and scrape off any protective sugar coating its got, and stick the asprin on the sucker, and wait. Of course, if you're a wimp, don't do it...Not only does it taste really bad, it begins to burn, as it is an inflamitory and is eating away at the inflammed area of cheek muscle...So, enjoy that tid-bit of information while I wipe the asprin from my inner lip. Yummy.
Oh yeah, this is my second time doing the Asprin thing, a bit after you take the asprin out, the cold sore/ulcer thing doesn't hurt anymore. Just a little FYI.
Oh yeah, this is my second time doing the Asprin thing, a bit after you take the asprin out, the cold sore/ulcer thing doesn't hurt anymore. Just a little FYI.
Happy Birthday-Is That Pie?!
That's right, readers! I made pie! In fact, I made two pies. Mincemeat, and Pecan. And yes, I did add the butter this time..I don't know if I told you about that...I found it, turns out I made him a pie his last birthday too....June 3rd, 2006, there it is. I had the was all good news, and happy faces. Yah, made him those pies last night, finished them at 9:50-ish, and then left 'em on the stove to cool, and all of a sudden, ten o'clock rolls around and the door opens. 'Whas'at??!!!'
It's Father...Home from work. 'Oh, those pies look great, hun', he says. I cast a glance a Mom, and she almost grimaces. 'You don't see those.' She pauses. 'And Jereality made 'em, actually.' 'Pies look great, Jer' ' he says. 'You don't see those.' I pause, 'and thank you.'
'Whipped cream looks good too,' we hear him say from the kitchen. 'Oh, but you don't see that,' he mumbles to himself, grabbing a 'sammich', and some ice cream. Always a fun time, always.
What else can I say to you? Hm...My finger are kind of numb, all cold and stuff...I don't know why, they're usually not like this...the constat 66 degrees thing, with the fan usually keeps me at a stationary temperature...I don't know whats up today...Maybe 'cause its cooler outside than normal, or what...I dunno...Oh well, I guess I should go and do something Education-Related, as it is Monday tomorrow....
Oh, and just so you know, the pies are amazing....
Don't Forget The Butter,
It's Father...Home from work. 'Oh, those pies look great, hun', he says. I cast a glance a Mom, and she almost grimaces. 'You don't see those.' She pauses. 'And Jereality made 'em, actually.' 'Pies look great, Jer' ' he says. 'You don't see those.' I pause, 'and thank you.'
'Whipped cream looks good too,' we hear him say from the kitchen. 'Oh, but you don't see that,' he mumbles to himself, grabbing a 'sammich', and some ice cream. Always a fun time, always.
What else can I say to you? Hm...My finger are kind of numb, all cold and stuff...I don't know why, they're usually not like this...the constat 66 degrees thing, with the fan usually keeps me at a stationary temperature...I don't know whats up today...Maybe 'cause its cooler outside than normal, or what...I dunno...Oh well, I guess I should go and do something Education-Related, as it is Monday tomorrow....
Oh, and just so you know, the pies are amazing....
Don't Forget The Butter,
Maximum Ride: Saving The World And Other Extreme Sports
Mighty fancy title, wouldn't you say? I would. And I did..funny old world, eh? Anyway, I picked up the book on...Thursday? I want to say Thursday...and it's sat on my table, and in my purse/bag and on my book/DVD case thing beside my bed until Friday, which would be the next day. What can I say, it travelled for a while before I cracked the spine. Anyway, it's about these kids who were aken and placed in a lab, genetically mutated-DNA enfused, as they say, with Avian...DNA...
That's one to many times I've said DNA in that line. Kind of made my head hurt. Regardless, there are six kids, twelve wings, and one amazing story that - thus far - spans three novels; those of course, reside comfortably above my head on a shelf attached to my wall. Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, Maximum Ride: School's Out - Forever, and finally, Maximum Ride: Saving The World And Other Extreme Sports. They're pretty amazing. You should all go and read it. In fact, you should start with book one, which is The Angel Experiment, then come back and tell me how you thought it was. Just so I know if my advice, prodding, threatening - whichever I did, worked.
Now, onto me. I seem to be lacking enthusiasm for myself, actually. Unfortunate, that fact. Except, I've been really wanting to start writing my stories again. I've been having this half-dream, half unconcious dream, half wish-i-could-do-this-on-tv sort of thing. Add that to a half of three stories I'm writing and you've got one screwed up equation. Of course, I'm sure Dess, from Midnighter's could solve it with ease. That's what I wanted to talk about. Midnighters the book I had to finish before Maximum Ride...I remember now, it's all coming back to me...
-Breaks into song-
Ah yes, Celine Dion, and your hits...good stuff. So, I'm telling you all now to go out and buy two series' of books. One, by James Patterson, and the other's his name? Scott Westerfeld. Yeah. He wrote Midnighters, there are three books in that one, as it is a trilogy. Tri, as in three..logy, as in, buy them all. Put them together, you get 'buy all three ' them'. There you have it, a bit of me, a bit of my favorite mutant avian DNA kids, and a couple of kids who travel around in hour 25. Enjoy your nights, and sleep tight.
Unless, of course, you're like me, and have decided to put sleep behind you and destroy braincells on the computer. It's all good.
I vill now destroy dah Snickahs bahs,
That's one to many times I've said DNA in that line. Kind of made my head hurt. Regardless, there are six kids, twelve wings, and one amazing story that - thus far - spans three novels; those of course, reside comfortably above my head on a shelf attached to my wall. Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, Maximum Ride: School's Out - Forever, and finally, Maximum Ride: Saving The World And Other Extreme Sports. They're pretty amazing. You should all go and read it. In fact, you should start with book one, which is The Angel Experiment, then come back and tell me how you thought it was. Just so I know if my advice, prodding, threatening - whichever I did, worked.
Now, onto me. I seem to be lacking enthusiasm for myself, actually. Unfortunate, that fact. Except, I've been really wanting to start writing my stories again. I've been having this half-dream, half unconcious dream, half wish-i-could-do-this-on-tv sort of thing. Add that to a half of three stories I'm writing and you've got one screwed up equation. Of course, I'm sure Dess, from Midnighter's could solve it with ease. That's what I wanted to talk about. Midnighters the book I had to finish before Maximum Ride...I remember now, it's all coming back to me...
-Breaks into song-
Ah yes, Celine Dion, and your hits...good stuff. So, I'm telling you all now to go out and buy two series' of books. One, by James Patterson, and the other's his name? Scott Westerfeld. Yeah. He wrote Midnighters, there are three books in that one, as it is a trilogy. Tri, as in three..logy, as in, buy them all. Put them together, you get 'buy all three ' them'. There you have it, a bit of me, a bit of my favorite mutant avian DNA kids, and a couple of kids who travel around in hour 25. Enjoy your nights, and sleep tight.
Unless, of course, you're like me, and have decided to put sleep behind you and destroy braincells on the computer. It's all good.
I vill now destroy dah Snickahs bahs,
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I really don't like this new thing...
It's different, and I need to sign into a gmail thing every single time. Although, the 'Save Now' autosaver is rather convinient as my internet connection is taking a dive, as of late. All this time, you probably thought I had died, or something terrible. Well, I'm pleaseed to announce that I, in fact, am alive. So, time for some Jereality Current Events.
I saw Pirates of the Caribbean:At World's End, last night at eight o'clock, my time. It was pretty good. Very long, and primarily bulked up with fight scenes, which, if you're like me and enjoy such things, wasn't that bad. I liked the movie, but I'm getting mixed reviews from friends, and, you know, Ebert and all those cool cats. Whatever, it's their opinion...and in my opinion, it was a good movie. Very funny at times...especially when we first see Jack Sparrow again...
I need to remind you all, if you intend to see it, stay until the very end of the film. After the credits, as in the other two movies, there is an extra scene. A bit of closure for all of you Will and Elizabeth fans out there. And that's all I'll say about that little tid bit. Oh, and Mother and I predicted a couple things, but that's because we're foxes...of course, we'd be vixens...because we're female....oh well....Doesn't matter, my mind is on Fox and the Hound now. What with Vixen and Tod....who, I'd like to remind, is the best character in that particular Disney film.
And now that I've ranted and raved for a few moments, I'm going to leave you with words of wisdom.
Words of Wisdom,
It's different, and I need to sign into a gmail thing every single time. Although, the 'Save Now' autosaver is rather convinient as my internet connection is taking a dive, as of late. All this time, you probably thought I had died, or something terrible. Well, I'm pleaseed to announce that I, in fact, am alive. So, time for some Jereality Current Events.
I saw Pirates of the Caribbean:At World's End, last night at eight o'clock, my time. It was pretty good. Very long, and primarily bulked up with fight scenes, which, if you're like me and enjoy such things, wasn't that bad. I liked the movie, but I'm getting mixed reviews from friends, and, you know, Ebert and all those cool cats. Whatever, it's their opinion...and in my opinion, it was a good movie. Very funny at times...especially when we first see Jack Sparrow again...
I need to remind you all, if you intend to see it, stay until the very end of the film. After the credits, as in the other two movies, there is an extra scene. A bit of closure for all of you Will and Elizabeth fans out there. And that's all I'll say about that little tid bit. Oh, and Mother and I predicted a couple things, but that's because we're foxes...of course, we'd be vixens...because we're female....oh well....Doesn't matter, my mind is on Fox and the Hound now. What with Vixen and Tod....who, I'd like to remind, is the best character in that particular Disney film.
And now that I've ranted and raved for a few moments, I'm going to leave you with words of wisdom.
Words of Wisdom,
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Ifs and Buts and Maybes
I have become upset. Not only have I neglected you, dear lovlies, but I have also lost my Piano Instructor.
I have been home now, from germany, since the 15th of April, a Sunday, I believe. That means I haven't spoken to you all since somewhere around the fifth. That's...over two weeks of no updates. Want to know why? No, I haven't been piled to my throat with projects from my Place of Learning, thank you for your concern. I have been trying to give you a day to day schedule of what I did, including pictures. I have, of course, not gotten those pictures back yet from my uncle who happens to live in Germany, so, this will be a filler until I get said pictures.
Now onto more important business; my piano instructor. Her name will be a mystery to you all, unless, you are of course, her. For I do not give out names, I make up nicknames. So, I will call her MyLittleBaker, as it is a hobby of hers. So, I have been learning to use the piano properly since sometime in January, and enjoyed every minute of it. Before, I had lessons there with someone else, for a completely different instrument...I didn't really like it....but I got over it. Then before that, I had a teacher for yet another instrument...(i.e-my clarinet...I told you about it sometime last year)...but never have I expirienced the loss of a teacher. I am sad. I grew to enjoy my visits thoroughly, and will think how much better they were while I continue my learning at said music place with a new teacher.
It is with a heavy sigh, I lead you to my quote of the day...
Quote Of The Day:
-Walking back from Tennis Games at my Place of Learning-
Me:LadyJess, that is a brilliant idea!
LadyJess:Aye, it is not many who can see my geniusness.
Me: -blinkblink- Geniusness?
LadyJess:-curt nod-
Me: I have been dismissed.
Ah, good times...Gooooood Tiiimmmesss
Hope your day is as bubbly as seltzer water, sweetened with Splenda, and flavored with cherry and other natural flavors.
I have been home now, from germany, since the 15
Now onto more important business; my piano instructor. Her name will be a mystery to you all, unless, you are of course, her. For I do not give out names, I make up nicknames. So, I will call her MyLittleBaker, as it is a hobby of hers. So, I have been learning to use the piano properly since sometime in January, and enjoyed every minute of it. Before, I had lessons there with someone else, for a completely different instrument...I didn't really like it....but I got over it. Then before that, I had a teacher for yet another instrument...(i.e-my clarinet...I told you about it sometime last year)...but never have I expirienced the loss of a teacher. I am sad. I grew to enjoy my visits thoroughly, and will think how much better they were while I continue my learning at said music place with a new teacher.
It is with a heavy sigh, I lead you to my quote of the day...
-Walking back from Tennis Games at my Place of Learning-
Me:LadyJess, that is a brilliant idea!
LadyJess:Aye, it is not many who can see my geniusness.
Me: -blinkblink- Geniusness?
LadyJess:-curt nod-
Me: I have been dismissed.
Ah, good times...Gooooood Tiiimmmesss
Hope your day is as bubbly as seltzer water, sweetened with Splenda, and flavored with cherry and other natural flavors.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Two Days!
I'm packed up-sort of-and ready to go! I'm so excited. I've just cleared all the data from both cameras, and have the batteries and such ready to be used. I can't wait! -insert excited scream here-
Now that I have regained my composure, I am here to tell you that this will be my last post for a good ten days, as I will not be here at my own abode. Of course, if I get internet access in Germany, I wll gladly come on and tell you what's going on...If not, you'll have to be surprised when I get back...or at least..feign surprise...
Alrighty, I'm off to bed now!
Nighty night!!
London Britches Falling Down,
Buy Yourself A Belt...
Now that I have regained my composure, I am here to tell you that this will be my last post for a good ten days, as I will not be here at my own abode. Of course, if I get internet access in Germany, I wll gladly come on and tell you what's going on...If not, you'll have to be surprised when I get back...or at least..feign surprise...
Alrighty, I'm off to bed now!
Nighty night!!
London Britches Falling Down,
Buy Yourself A Belt...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Good Day, How is your family?
Bonjour, Good day, how is your wife?
My wife is fine, thank you. I jest, I'm not married...Or am I? No, I'm not. Just to set that for the record. Although, something I frogot to tell you all was that I saw Beauty and the Beast at my place of the learning over my gigantuan absence that while back...and I must say, it was amazing. I must take one of the cast member's copies of the performance, and burn it somewhere....Or I won't, I don't know.
What else to tell you...Oh yeah! Don't expect any posts from April 5th to the 15th...As I won't be in this country! Yeah! -insert ecstaticism here- -and here- -and once more on this dotted line _ _ _ _ _ _-
I fell better now, as should you...becuase I don't have anything to do. No essays, no papers, no games that need to be built, nothing. I can do nothing after I come home from the Lear-o-torium....Amazing, I'm so happy. I sleep now.
I sleep a whole bunch. It's one of my favorite hobbies. Of course, when I'm trying to watch Hercules: The Legendary Journies, with Kevin Sorbo...I love that guy. He reminds me of Father sometimes....And I don't know why....Bizarre. Anyway, Hercules, love the guy. Kevin Sorbo....he's on Andromeda now. Some show on Sci-Fi...I've never seen it....Nont much into 'space-flicks'. Except Star Wars....the only exception....Don't ask me why, I won't have an answer....And that's all the jabber I've got right now....Yep...Oh, and I'm sick again....still....
Quote of the Day
(Talk about Animes)
Averagejoe:why is it that alot of the inuyasha fans are mostly female
Me:because the male characters are appealing
and they have dog ears
dog ears
Averagejoe:the secret to attracting women
Averagejoe:forget the Axe spray.. gotta find the ears
Ah, the truth....
-insert more excitement here-
Bonjour, Good day, how is your wife?
My wife is fine, thank you. I jest, I'm not married...Or am I? No, I'm not. Just to set that for the record. Although, something I frogot to tell you all was that I saw Beauty and the Beast at my place of the learning over my gigantuan absence that while back...and I must say, it was amazing. I must take one of the cast member's copies of the performance, and burn it somewhere....Or I won't, I don't know.
What else to tell you...Oh yeah! Don't expect any posts from April 5th to the 15th...As I won't be in this country! Yeah! -insert ecstaticism here- -and here- -and once more on this dotted line _ _ _ _ _ _-
I fell better now, as should you...becuase I don't have anything to do. No essays, no papers, no games that need to be built, nothing. I can do nothing after I come home from the Lear-o-torium....Amazing, I'm so happy. I sleep now.
I sleep a whole bunch. It's one of my favorite hobbies. Of course, when I'm trying to watch Hercules: The Legendary Journies, with Kevin Sorbo...I love that guy. He reminds me of Father sometimes....And I don't know why....Bizarre. Anyway, Hercules, love the guy. Kevin Sorbo....he's on Andromeda now. Some show on Sci-Fi...I've never seen it....Nont much into 'space-flicks'. Except Star Wars....the only exception....Don't ask me why, I won't have an answer....And that's all the jabber I've got right now....Yep...Oh, and I'm sick again....still....
(Talk about Animes)
Averagejoe:why is it that alot of the inuyasha fans are mostly female
Me:because the male characters are appealing
and they have dog ears
dog ears
Averagejoe:the secret to attracting women
Averagejoe:forget the Axe spray.. gotta find the ears
Ah, the truth....
-insert more excitement here-
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