Monday, June 23, 2008

All Burnt Up

Ah, you think I'm angry, don't you? False - the title is quite literal. I went to the Shore today with Qualms, Palmtree and Onyx... It was a blasty blast. Even though we were all supposed to have a Super Friend Day with Cheer, Where's-Your-Logic, Bretagne, and Tiny Penmenship. However, those four went to a different beach... So, it was half of a friend day, which was fine with us, because, well, we were still with friends...And we didn't want to argue about having to pull the other four away from the beach they were planning to go to...
Aaanyway, while we were driving, rains of biblical proportions fell from the sky as if God and his friends took giant glasses of water and decided to dump them right over Earth. However, those were not bottomless glasses, and the rain ceased within ten-fifteen minutes, which was lovely. So, we got to the beach where Qualms plopped down and ate her sam'ich, while Palmtree, Onyx and I made for the water - after spraying ourselves with sunblock. It was a nice day out, to be sure, cool, even...The water, however...FRIGID! It was so cold our teeth chattered for a bit, and our bodies went slightly numb as we continued further into the waves.
Newsflash: Onyx  does not like wildlife that she cannot see...For instance, in the murky depths that is the ocean. 
So, we get over the chill and decide to bop around in the water. Palmtree and Onyx were talking about how cold it was while I was laughing like a maniac...My room is about the same temperature... so I was completely used to it. Soon after Palmtree found a deceased Horeshoe Crab [*Note: I want to let you know, horse-shoe crabs are harmless... Even more so when they are DEAD.] which I picked up, looked at and then tossed away from our group.
Upon getting back to shore, we - the remaining three - ate our lunches, and threatened seagulls. Then, we reapplied sunblock and went off to our respective activities. For me, that was a short lived nap, Onyx, Palmtree and Qualms went and played with a frisbee. When I say my nap was short-lived, I mean because I was not suddenly abducted by aliens or eaten by sharks, I mean that Onyx ran over and made me build sand castles. So, we did...and then I painfully reapplied sunblock...I rubbed sunblock and grains of sand into my skin. Ouchies!
I just want the world to know that I made a pyramid with a rather large delta before it...It was lovely! LOVELY!! So, after that we went back in the water, where we succeeded in bringing Qualms in..It was good times. Then we went back to the blankets, felt the ran, packed up went back to the car and drove to the boardwalk.
Then we met up with the four other people : Cheer, Where's-Your-Logic-At, Bretagne, and Tony Penmenship... We looked around a few shops before we all decided we were hungry again. So, the three I hung out with all day and I had decided long before we even got to the beach that we'd go to some place for pizza. However, the other four wanted to go to some other diner, so we separated once again. 
We ate our scolding pizza - it was delicious...the cheese was a weapon if it touched your skin and the sauce was molten. Much like LAVA! Anyway, it was great with Garlic, which made all our breath - except Qualms, she used pepper instead - smell like ass. Then we got gum and it was all good. We were going to meet up with our other friends after pizza dinner, but we were going to leave at 6 o'clock, and it was just 5:45... So, we couldn't...
As we left we bought fudge...Mmm, fudge.
And that was my day...I got home and was all burny, though. I've got specks of white skin surrounded by red. It's like a tiny war os going on with the cells of my skin...Yeah! You can do it pale skin! Defeat the sunburn!


And I also have blisters. Woo...

Still, it was an amazing day...

Quote of the Day
[While driving down the road]
Qualms: Oh my God! An emu! Guys, there was an emu back there! In a crate!

[Discussing our bags of chips]
Palmtree: Eeww -shows me thumb, index and middle fingers covered in chip powder/'flavor'-
Me: Hmm...I use four fingers and my thumb -I demonstrate- Well, actually, I use three and my thumb...Pinky's just along for the ride.

Next time you go to the beach...
And if you don't...well, make sure you've got Aloe...

Stay Crispy,

Friday, June 20, 2008

They Love Me

I love my family, and it seems my family loves me too...which, to speak truthfully...which I will because this is my something that I enjoy. I graduated from my education station with Professors that I can now call my friends because I am no longer their students...which is also a lovely thing that I do enjoy very much. So, anyway, back to why this post is called what it is called... I keep getting these cards from family members and I think I got my most favorite one today... -keep in mind, I've only received four cards thus far...-

But it's from my grandparents. the ones that live on a hill in the middle of nowhere...the one where the nearest store is a little shack about four to six miles away. So, the front of the card is something's a rainbow over some body of water with a sunrise in the background - it's a drawn card from 'Academy Greetings' and it says 'For A Special Graduate' on it...then we open it and SHAZAM! The entire upper part of the card is written on, and the rest of the card says[ *Printed Prose* ->] 'A time to thank God for the gifts He has given you, and for the inspiring way you have used them with determination, dedication, hope and thoughtfulness. Congratulations'... I needed to tell you what the card actually said for you to first understand what the hand-written part is about.

It's written by my Grandfather..I call him Pop-pop...just 'cause I do. Anyway, he usualy draws pictures with funny little captions...I'll tell you about one after this... So, he wrote:

Dear Jereality,
        What really "struck" me was the first line of the printed prose. What an unconventional concept!! Thanking God?! Politically incorrect! [Note from Jereality: I'm just going to add here, this set of grandparents is totally, completely, back to his letter to me] Wouldn't such a notion be offensive to an atheist? There is something questionable in taking pride in something you've had no hand in. Sorta like bein' proud if you're tall. God gifts us with abilities, skills and talent and we need to be real careful about to whom we give the credit, the thanks and the Glory. Puffin' up one's self is to be on thin ice. The bible is chock-full of the narratives of individuals who let their Ego run their brain. Daniel 4:28-37, Romans 12:3, 1 Corinthians 10:12
    That being said, God has clearly blessed you. Bright mind, skills and ability. Latent tools awaiting to be honed, and to your credit, you've chosen to employ them. And, therein, lies the difference. You have made the conscious choice to diligently apply your gifts. We are free to choose our choices, but we cannot choose the consequences. This can be proven by choosing to step in front of a moving bus.
God has given us the gift of choice. Free Will. He'll never violate that gift. He wants us to make him part of our life. To choose Him. He'll never force your choice. We are free to reject him - most do.
As you delve further into the area of academics you will be exposed [to a] wide assortment of view points, philosophies and belief systems. There will be choices to consider and to be made. You'll need perception and spiritual discernment to avoid the snares and pitfalls that lie ahead for the naive view the world about you through the prism of your own personal integrity and moral principle.
In summary, continue to do as you have done.

I love this card, I really do. Gram'om wrote 'with all our love and very best wishes for your future' at the bottom... Love this card... and that's all I really have to say about it. Yep, with that knowledge, feel free to take what you may from the dedication to me from Pop pop...I suppose you could use it for your own cards and such...but you'll know where you got it...and I'll know..even though I really won't. ^_^

Oh, I got my hair cut the other day. It's angled and short in the back, and dyed black...It looks fantastic. That is all.

Quote of the Day
Pop-pop: What do you want to do after your junior year, then senior year?
Sibling: Be a chef...get my own restaurant...
Pop-pop: Going to Chef School will help that?
Sibling: Oh, yeah. Big time.
Pop-pop: I can get you a recipe for sourdough pancakes.
Sibling: Oh yeah?
Pop-pop: Would you like a recipe for sourdough pancakes?
Sibling: Oh, I would.
Pop-pop: I will see that you get such a recipe.

That was the best conversation bit I had heard all day...especially since it happened around 4:50 and I woke up at 1:30... Yeah, summer is fantastic...


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Lies For The Liars

Great album title, The Used..Also, it makes a lovely title for a blog post if I don't mind saying so. And I don't, so I did.

Today was Father's birthday. I made him a amuses me...I'm going to show you..Here it is! My Masterpiece!

Glorious work of art, that...I enjoy it, and so did he... When he came in my room to wake me up this morning, he saw it there, hanging from a chain that is hooked onto my fan. It was good times. We exchanged good-byes, and then I went back to sleep only to wake up twenty minutes to brush my teeth and tell Sibling that I was going back into the bathroom to put contacts in in ten minutes...I was going back to sleep. So I did, and then *I woke up ten minutes later, went through my normal 'half-day' schedule until ten o'clock, when I left the Education Station to go to the horse races. I decided to bet on horse number Seven...When the horse lost is when Sibling woke me up.* Yeah, I fell asleep until ten of seven. She came in my room and was all loud... "Jereality! You did not come in in ten fell back to sleep."
I blinked myself awake for real this time and watched her leave and thought to myself, 'shouldn't you have come in earlier if you noticed my lack of contact applying attendance?'

However, Sibling cannot read minds, so my question went unanswered. So, I get all ready within 15 minutes - like usual - and dropped Sibling off to school, and I went off to WaWa...I love that place, really...I do. So, I got my little 12 ounce cup of coffee, a Code Red Mountain Dew and an Apple Fritter...
I drank my coffee in my car and waited until school began, did the school thing...ate/shared my fritter in my fourth period Study Hall....which is actually a classroom, not a hall... I drank my Dew through fourth, fifth and Seventh... -half days means Lunch gets skipped...Lunch happens to be sixth period for me. -

So, my day of education ended with glee as Sibling, Onyx and I piled into my vehicle and I drove Onyx home. It's what I do... It's not like I'm driving across the town to get to her abode or anything...Easy pickings for me and my gas tank - which, by the way, took up like 30 bucks to fill 9 gallons. Re-damn-diculous. AAaanyway. I drove home next, and Mother and Sibling and I went back out to pick up things for Father and his birthday happenings. We knew what we were going to get before-hand so it was really no big deal. Though, Sibling made Mother and I crack up in Acme when we went to go and buy Pecans for the pie we made....That's my quote of the day, so be ready for it...It might be one of those 'had-to-be-there' type of things...but I want you to know regardless...and when I reread these, I can vividly recall the memories...

So, we did the shopping and came home and ate lunch and it was all very uneventful...except for the fact that I beat two more bosses in Finaly Fantasy XII - which I discovered is in fact 12, and not ten two which is a totally different spin on Final Fantasy. - Then Father came home, and we waited a couple hours before going out to dinner...which was alright...He really enjoyed his cards and gifts. We got him a gift card to Pep-boys and a pair of replacement Garden Shears for the ones we destroyed the other day cutting up fakey flowers... And we got him two cards....Sibling and I.... one was South Park with Timmy and Jimmy on it ... and it said:: "Ti-Ti-Timmy has a very im-important message for you" and when you open it the card reads "Ha-Happy B-Bi-Birthday" and you can hear Timmy going "TIMMY! GA-BLA-BLAH! TIMMY!" Lots of fun, that card... and the other one originally said something about being a special 4 year old we added a it was special 44 year's got stickers inside and a coloring section on the back...good times.

Then we went home, and I went back to playing Final Fantasy and then after about an hour I watched Hell's Kitchen with Father. It's what we do on Tuesday nights... And then I said my good-nights' and went to 'bed' which really just constituted in me turning on my AC on 60 degrees and putting my fan on high...some wacko put it on low... Anyway, I came online and decided to talk to my friends and such. Then I got frustrated, and then I got really, really the point I forgot what exactly I read that made me so angry that I had to reread it... Then I got even more angry and decided I would blog about all my anger. But then I ran through my day with you, and I feel better. I really do...that and I'm bottling some of that anger up...saving it for later. When I get all pissed off later, I'll refer you all to this post...something like 'Remember the time I said I bottled up some anger that one day, well...what happened was...'. However, that can't be too interesting for you, so I won't bore you with the drama details. That is, until I feel it completely necessary. At the moment, I'm absolutely content to live as I am...and that's all I could ask for in the remaing twenty minutes of Father's birthday. I'm glad I could be happy on 'his special day.'

Quote of the Day
[ - passing the Pecan section of the Nut Case - ]
Mother: What else do we need...
Sibling: - another section catches her eye - Chili Peppers!
Mother & I: O_o;; - silence-
Sibling: -chuckles- Wouldn't that be a surprise in your Pecan Pie. Oh, ho!

Ah, she does make me smile...

I did my best,

Sunday, June 01, 2008

"That's Mine..."

So, I've been doing laundry like crazy as of late and at the end of every week...I've run out of clothes! Would you like to know why? No? Tough cookies, buster brown.

I've been circulating through the same outfits! The laundry gets washed, dried, folded and placed on my computer chair! I wake up in the morning and don't open the drawers to my dresser or open the closet door to see what waits inside for me to wear.... Nope, I just pull the outfit that's on top of the pile of clothes, put it on go through my day, sleep and repeat. And by Saturday evening, I have no clothes... I should really clean up that stuff...

And I've already started, the big pile of blankets, pillows and clothes and photo albums and dictionaries is all cleaned up... Yes, it is a strange assortment of items thrown together, but that's where those things ave been going. Ah well... I've forgotten what I was going to say. No matter, I'll tell you about other things that've happened today.

My cousin came over today with his girlfriend. I'm going to name them for you right now... My cousin's name shall be Pete and his girlfriend's name shall be Shayna. Well, Shayna is going to college for floral things so Mother thought it'd be wise to go shop around for fakey flowers at AC Moore for so we could have three bouquets of flowers for the buffet table at my to be fantabulastic graduation party. So, Shayna and Pete and Sibling and Mother and I all piled into the van and drove to the Craft Super Central Station. The drive took only a couple minutes, however, the twenty minutes looking at fake flowers felt like an eternity. Though...the end product was and is quite lovely. I began to remember how funny Pete was... We haven't really seen each other a lot since we both entered a high school scene...and that was yeeaaarrsss ago. Good times, those were, in the Floral section of AC Moore...

So, we paid and drove home....however, our ride home was far more entertaining than the ride to our Floral destination. You see, in front of us in the intersection before we drive into our little burough was a truck. And on this truck there was a truck-bed. And on this truck-bed was a people bed. And holding this people bed to the truck bed was [or so we thought] a piece of twine. this twine string hung onto the street for feet. "I'm gonna drive on the string," chuckled Mother. [*Note: If you know my mother - which you don't, that's why I'm telling you - she has no sense of aim...really, none at all...keep that in mind.] So, as the light changed from red to green, the passengers in our van watched as the white twine string tightened. 'Oh no....' I thought, watching the string that was tied only around the head board and the foot board of the bed pull the people bed off of the truck bed and into the street!

So, while the people in our van are chuckling and giggling to our hearts content that Mother actually pulled the people bed off of the truck bed the owner of both of the beds exits his truck along with two other drivers beside us. We, however, do not...because, well...we just didn' was good times for us though...

Yep, that was pretty much my day....

Nerd Byte: I defeated the Nidhogg this afternoon in Final Fantasy XII... I've been trying to kill that sucker for three days... Props to me...and also from 'Quickening's...which I found to be very helpful is double and triple attacks.

Quote of the Day
Pete: [ on fake flowers with a ' flamboyant ' lisp] : See these? See 'em? You don't have to water these...You'd be pointless, they're fake...All you have to do is [-shakes flowers here-] dust 'em.

Father: [ - upon seeing my room - ] : It's a disgrace, that room... -walks down stairs-
Me: [ - is already downstairs - ] -insert grin here- : That's mine...
Mother: [ - following Father down steps - ] : -chuckles- Yep, that's your room he's talking about.
Me: I was gonna clean it. But then I woke up at 9 and went to do flowers...and then we had lunch and then... -sigh- I didn't.

Have a lovely June, and remember...

All you have to do is dust 'em,