Wednesday, July 18, 2007


It has been quite a while since I've spoken to you all last, hasn't it? Well, not to worry! For I am here right now, and it'll all be okay. I should tell you, I saw both of the Grudge's over the past two weeks...The Grudge and The Grudge 2...and to be honest, the Ghost people are still in my mind, and when I close my eyes, they are right there in my face....and I've got more news! the movies...they were less than adequate, in truth, I thought they kind of sucked...No closure at all...I was rather annoyed...

So, that's pretty much all the neat things that have happened lately. I haven't really done anything interesting for quite some time....I should do that soon, I think...Just go out and 'chill' with one or a couple of 'my homies'...Yeah, that'd be 'bangin'...
Alright, that's enough of that.

I'll talk at you all later!

Save Brain Cells, Don't Watch The Grudge

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Meehhh! And Other Things

I have a mosquito bite on the bottom of my foot. Can I tell you how annoying that is? No? No! Fine. I'll do it anyway though. It's so annoying! I'm just walking around and suddenly, 'oh dear...the bottom of my foot itches. Strange.' No, not strange! BUGS! I hate them. With a passion...Filthy little -mutters off into the distance-

While browsing my e-mail this evening (five minutes ago), I noticed an e-mail from my Mother, the topic, you ask? 'A Story For Your Blog'. Well, I can't deny my Mother the right to ask for her story to be placed on my blog, so I took a gander at it. Well, it seems - after reading - that her story is both funny, and amusing, thus making a perfect addition to the insanity that is myself. So, brought to you by myself, from my Mother: Grabby McPenguin::

A mother was a chaperone for her grade school son's trip to the Aquarium. She was in charge of 5 children. When it was time to go, the mother did a head count as the children got onthe bus. 1,2,3,4,... one was missing. It was her OWN child. The Aquarium was locked down as they searched for the child. They finally found him .. swimming with the penguins! They loaded up the boy and went home. Smelling the whole way. When the mother got the boy home she was so annoyed she sent him to his room immediately.
About 1 hour later she sent her older son to get the child and bring him down for dinner. The son came back and told the mother, you need to get him . The mother went to her younger son's room, and there he was watching Happy Feet... .... ....with a penguin!
The police refused to touch the penquin. The mother had to drive back to the Aquarium ... they are no longer permitted to visit.

Amusing? Yes. Probable? Yes. Funny? The same as amusing? Peesh Posh. Funny? Yes. And there you have it.

Keep The Mosquitos Far From Your Feet And Your Children Away From The Penguins,

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Fourth

Well, let's just start by saying Happy Fourth of July.

My day began when Father woke me up at 10 of nine for the parade. I said that I might go back to sleep, and he said it was alright and that he didn't really care about the parade. he left, and I thought for a while. father and I always walk down the road a piece to GGR's house and watch the parade. I can't not go because I'm a little sleepy. So, I got up and got dressed. What time does the parade start? I don't know, he countered. Well, it's easily assesed that I am not amused, so he gives me the latest 'send-back' netflix movie and says 'Go ask the Hall'. So, I go and ask the hall, where some woman tells me registration is at nine-thirty. At that time, it was 9:15-ish. So, I stared at her and her festival of pockets for a few minutes, said thanks and waited till she left so I could be on my merry way.

I left the Hall, dropped off the movie and went back to my home. Ten, I say to him. So, I went back upstairs and changed my pants from capris to jeans...because it was cold outside, who'da thought? Anyway, at ten o'clock, we - Father and I - walked to GGR's house and talked it up a bit, and then the parade came!

We had a bunch of little kids on bikes, and a pair of wins on a float - one enjoying herself, the other, though, looked like she could use some candy. Speaking of which, only a couple pieces were thrown during the entire five minutes drive-by. Needless to say, the funds for our parade have decreased exponentially since I have moved in. I don't sense a connection though, I'm too cool to bring the downfall of an entire community's parade lifestyle. Right? We'll go with that anyway.

After tha, I went to Onyx's house and had a blasty blast from 3 to 9 o'clock ish and then came home. Where I type to you now. So, all in all, I had fun today, it seemd to go by very quickly though...oh well, maybe tomorrow will be longer. I want a long summer, not one that whooshes by....those summers are lame.

Hope Your Parade Was Amazing,

Monday, July 02, 2007

Just Something Interesting

Nothing really happened today, so I thought I'd grab some pictures I got from the AOL mainscreen and show 'em to you...

There you are...Two perfectly nifty things. Personally, I like how the first actually says 'Spewing Inards' just makes me giggle....

Hope Your Inards Remain Inside,