Monday, February 27, 2006


Years of life
Brought to an end.
A single stroke,
destroying nerves,
breaking hearts.
Too much pain for you to live like this,
Too much pain for you to leave me here.
I don't want you to leave,
But I don't want you to live in pain.
To watch you suffer,
For my own feelings.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Wait...What? #2

Sibling: Hey, Jer, new pokemon on gameboy I got you to see for!
Me: -dumbstruck-
Sibling: You can put that in any order you wish. -leaves-

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Rock On!


Rock On!

Bought shoes today.....nothting much else.......

Friday, February 24, 2006


Alright, last night I went out to dinner with the 'rents, Sibling, and Father's best fried Dennis, and his wife Linda. Well, we have to get all dressed up and such, so, I end up wearing a pair of black pants, and a really nifty blue sweater I got from New York&Company. So, with my clicking boots, I walked myself to the van, and waited for Sibling, Mother, and Father to enter so we could drive to Dennis's. We get there, and those two show us where to go.
Once we get the car in the lot, we have to walk a block or two to get to this restaurant I know nothing about. Well, let me tell you, it looks really crappy on the outside...but I imagine it's better in daylight. Anyway, we get in and we have to walked up this alleyway/hallway thing. There aren't lights on the ceiling, but the area is lit by floor boxes with a light coating of sand, and a bunch of rocks on top of an orange bulb. Very cool. We get in, and it's dark, not 'dark-oh-my-god-I-can't-see-my-hands', dark, 'lit by candles, and a very soft bulb' dark. Well, we get our reservation name, and we have to walk up a small incline, Father, giving me a bit of a flat my kneee high boots. (NOTE:I don't recommend giving anyone a flat tire when they are wearing Converse, or Knee-high boots.) Well, we walk up the incline, the one wall is blue, the others a darker red color, I think. Like I said, it was dark. There were huge square indentations on the ceiling, covered with more dark paint and a sheet type thing, giving it a cool atmosphere.
We were sat in a half circle booth with two chairs on the other end of the table, for Dennis, and Father. We get our drinks, and menus, and all that stuff covered, and then I begin to listen to the people around me, and the music. The music frightened me for a moment, because the room was dark, the atmosphere was a bit cozy, beads, sheet looking things..and the music was somewhat of an 'exotic' feel, if you catch my drift.
Well, I soon got over that when I got my little fish ball things. I don't remember what they were called, I just knew that they tasted wonderful! Then, I was served some sort of braised lamb, on cous cous, with carrots, and some yellow root thing. That was wonderful too. And desert after that, oh my gosh! It was called Chocolate Semifreddo, which is a semi-soft ice cream. (Semifreddo- semi frozen) It was prepared on a little circular disk of chocolate cake, the ice cream on top, a cappichino flavor sauce across the middle. It was fantastic! MmMmMm....
That concluded my dinner...and my day....I do believe that's all I have for you all this time.

Quote Of The Day:
(By Me!)
My eyes are burning.....
Someone is hacking Onions to bits....

Thursday, February 23, 2006


"Yeah, there's a shoe sale at K-Mall, and I was looking. But I restrained myself, I was gonna buy some pumps, but I was like, it'll be 20 degrees tonight, and I don't want to be walking around in shoe-less toes."
I stared at her for a moment, fixing the sentance in my mind.
She looked back at me.
"Oh! I mean toe-less shoes...not shoe-less toes..." -weak laugh-
"Yes, mother, I know."

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

People Can Be Bought Like Stamps...But You Can't Stick Them To An Envelope

Alright, nothing of substantial intrest happened the past few days...except I got a n 87.6 on a Chemistry Test...that's my doesn't round up to an 88...just stays at an even 87.6.... I thought that was rather bizarre, but hey, when I grade papers, and feel it deserves a decimal as part of the grade, I'll be damned if I'm going to have some fricken teenager with a constant cold tell me to round up.

That is all....
Quote of the Day:
Me:Watcha Doin?
Sibling:Fine! I'm leaving! You're such a bitch!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Hello Computer!

Alrighty, I have come to the conclusions that:
Dane Cook is one funny SOB
Role Plays with your friends are better than ones with people you don't know because you can harass your friends
Laptops are wonderful inventions when the larger computer starts to hate your guts and allows you no access
Neighbors that happen to be eMac computer geniuses are a wonderful treat
When you've used a lap top for over three find it hard to part with.
Research Papers Suck!

That's what I've gotten so far. The last one, and the first one are the ones I'm sticking to the most. I've added Dane Cook to my list of Links.....and I've posted his site on here somewhere else...
God, I hate headphones...they annoy my glasses..move them all around and such. And then those fricken ear-buds for the iPods...they hurt my ears too. I have no doubt in my mind that I'm putting them in wrong, but you know what? Screw that...I'll do it wrong until I figure out how to do it right...Even then, I'll probably find myself doing it wrong anyway.
Well, Markis, my neighbor, he fixed my computer, I can get online, and iTunes, and all of that really fun stuff. But, I'm having a problem parting with my new friend LapTop....Oh well, it'll have to deal because I'm switching machines tomorrow. I think, yeah.
HOLY SHIT! I forgot! I have to cut out a fricken little jester for French tomorrow.
God, I hate french. I am so not taking it next year. Teacher is fine, it's the language in general, I can't get it. The markers and stuff, I can't seem to register. Oh well, I'll do it when everyone is asleep so they don't know I didn't do it.
Alright, I'm leaving to go and annoy someone...Who? I don't know yet. Later guys!

Quote Of The Day:
Markis: I don't know dude, something messed up with your Air Force...Air Port! Air Port!
Father: -laughs- Air Force!
Me: -laughs- Air Force!
Father: Don't laugh, he can say Air Force if he wants. -looks toward Markis- How'd that happen?
Markis: I don't know dude, Code Blue-61.
Father And Me: -laughter-

Another Quote
People can be bought like stamps but you can't stick them to an envelope.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Out Of It

Alright, I figured I'd start it with that. It seems I do every other post I make, so, I think I'll keep up with that little 'tradition' of mine. So, at Prison on Friday, Onyx was asked numerous times if I was alright. Frankly, I felt fine, but I didn't display my 'fine-ness' to the world, so, I was 'out-of-it'. Perhaps it
was because I was drugged...Yes...that's what I'm saying it was...DAMN YOU DAYQUIL!

Friday night, I also went out to Linner with Mother. It was...interesting...because before she and I went to go and eat, we needed to drop Sibling off at a party. Unfortunatly, and unknown to our knowledge, there are two 'Play-places' that we could take her to. Well, we took her to the one that we knew about...Just as we walk into an Italian restaurant, we get a phone call...It's sibling, she was at the wrong Play-place. So, she was now late, and apologizing so much I wished to reach into the back seat, grab her by her ears and [b]"It's fine! Let it be![/b] But I didn't, and we just drove...
We took her to the other play place, and I was momentarilly blinded by the lasers that people boweled to. So, mother and I dropped sibling off, and looked around the area for an eatery. Low and behold, we catch every red light as it turns, and get stuck behind every grama that wanted to drive. The only other driver we encountered that night was 'Akhmed', a taxi driver. We named him Akhmed, mother and I. He drove like maniac...but a slow maniac.
So, we drove behind Akhmed until we reached the eatery. It was a nice eatery..mother, sibling and I eat there some mornings. But, never at night, so....we did that night! Yay reideration! So, we ate, and I watched the ignerate people around us. So, we were asked twice if mother and I were siblings. I shook my head, and continued on with my eating.
Later that night we followed Akhmed's cousin, Saheem and then stopped and picked up Sibling...and then went home...........(<-I like those dots.)
And that was my day!

Quote of the Day
(Quote Brought To You By The Face of Onyx)
-looks at me strangely-
Did you bathe?!
Both: -laughter-

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Selective Obsessive Compulsive Disorder day went by smoothly, I think....Or Do I?
Don't fret, I do.
Anyway, I have diagnosed myself with Selective Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Yeah. It's when you don't care about some how messy your room is, but you have to have the bottom part of your locker neat, and clean. Or when you have to have the strings on your jacket the same length, but you're fine with your pants half way down your legs. That, citizens, is called Selective Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Yeah....So it turns out, that sucks. Yeah, go in, sit in class, listen to some guy talk about atoms and synthesis.....Say if you grow up to become a fire fighter...will you care about what oxygen number Copper has? It's like, 'Oh! Save the burning building!' 'Wait! What's it called when carbon is added to copper(II)sulfite!?' Here's a hint....Who cares!
Double Chemistry today.....spent most of the time talking to Onyx or my new's like a crush...but less destructive. Idea sponsered by Onyx, revised, and edited by myself. I was watching
  • Dane Cook
  • a few minutes ago. He's a funny guy, he's only about 33 years old. I think I'm funny sometimes....when I'm not sulking in the one of the people on iPod commercials on Ridlin. All come, and walking slowly, focused on the floor. Not like the rest of those guys, dancing like complete wackos. They keep that up, they'll over work their hearts...have a mild heart attack or something. I'm only looking out for them, don't come crying to me when the dude with the orange screen, and dreadlocks has a heart attack at the age of 23. I'll just be sitting back here, calmly, with my iPod, and say 'I told you so', nodding.
    I was thinking of some pretty funny stuff while I was washing the dishes a few minutes ago...and then I came upstairs, looked at the screen, and drew a blank. It made me laugh, because I knew that none of you would be anymore. So a big Ha ha to you, buster. What else happened today...Nothing...important anyway.
    A buddy of mine was talking to me the other day, and suddenly said 'I know-zors!'....I stared at the screen for a good long while before finally asking what in all of God's name what '-zors' meant. Apparently, it's a big thing in the area across the bridge. Anyway, '-zors''s just a random ending to any word. For instance: 'Wassup-zors!' or 'buh bye-zors!' I suppose it adds an emphasis to the original word. As if you are supposed to pay special attention to the accomponied word. Congratulation-zors!
    See, who says I teach you nothing? I taught you two things today....A disease, and a suffix....Grammar/Englsih, and Health. I teach you all very good things....In my mind they're good, anyway.

    Prank Of The Year
    (Only Because I Can't Think Of A Quote, and A Year Because I Know I Won't Rememeber To Do This Every Day^.^)
    Before someone is told to do the dishes, put a rubber band, or clear piece of tape around the sprayer(The little thing you lift out of the counter/sink to spray the know the one) And call someone of to wash their hands, or check the water..Or something, I can't do everything, you guys have to think too. Anyway, once they turn on the water, the sprayer will come on immidiatly, and spray them with the water. Funny stuff, be sure to have a save their faces when they get struck with the water globuals.

    Be careful, don't have the water temperature on high...I'm sure that would be painful.
    Remember, Have Fun-zors!

    Monday, February 13, 2006

    Crack Of Dawn

    It's An Annular Eclipse. The new Ring Of Fire!

    This very moment in time it is 6:36am. And I can't help thing of one little phrase from the song Original Prankster, by The Offspring... 'Until the break of Dawn'. You want to know why? Well, becuase that's when I get to sleep. Until the break of dawn. In fact, I sleep 20 minute before the break of dawn.
    Do you wish to know why I'm not downstairs eating breakfast, or waking up sibling? Well, apparantly, there is a two hour delay at our Prison. Do you want to know what sucks about waking up at 5:33am? The Prison's website isn't updating until 6. So, if I wait until 6 to wake up on a normal day, I'm late becuase I'm an idiot and had to join Band again.
    Granted, I love band, it's fun and all kinds of nothing. On choir days, I get to sit next to friend B.....-sigh- .....But it's always an inconviniance to sleep until the break of dawn, or as I like to call it 'The cracks before Dawn'.
    And now, I think, I will put my nausious self back to bed, hope I get worse, and stay home ill. Of course..that won't happen because I want it too....and everyone knows when you're sick, and want to get get better faster.

    Song Of The Moment
    (No Quotes...Nothing Happened to Talk Yet)
    You can do it!

    Until the break of dawn
    Life, life, and I quote by the letter
    Time, time, prozac can make it better
    Noise, noise, any kind will do
    Can you feel it slip away, well it’s all on you

    Crime, crime, rockin like janet reno
    Time time, 18 and life in chino
    Void void, all along it’s true
    Well you see the coming day catches up to you yeah

    Knock down the walls
    It’s alive in you
    Knock down the place
    You’re alone it’s true
    Knock down the walls
    It’s alive in you
    You’re gonna keep your head up through it all
    You’re gonna bust out on it
    Original prankster
    Break out yeah
    Original yeah
    Bust out ohh
    Original prankster
    You’ll never stop now, stop now, that’s what the main man say
    You can do it!

    You know it smells like shit, goddamn
    Tag team, the double header
    Son of sam, fire always makes it better
    Navigate with style and aplumb
    'Cause wherever you are at that’s the tip...

    Lies lies, says he’s stayin at the bahamas
    Tries tries, and you little hoochy mammas
    No way, none of this is true
    Well you see it coming down when the joke’s on you

    Knock down the walls
    It’s alive in you
    Knock down the place
    You’re alone it’s true
    Knock down the walls
    It’s alive in you
    You’re gonna keep your head up through it all
    You’re gonna bust out on it
    Original prankster
    Break out yeah
    Original yeah
    Bust out ohh
    Original prankster
    You’ll never stop now, stop now, that’s what the main man say
    You can do it!

    You can do it!
    Time, time, so cool to see ya
    Nine, nine don’t wanna be ya
    Dime dime, so cool to see ya
    Nine, nine don’t wanna be ya
    Crime crime, fine sensimilla
    Crime crime, fine sensimilla
    Crime crime, fine sensimilla
    When you see the coming day catches up to you yeah

    Knock down the walls
    It’s alive in you
    Knock down the place
    You’re alone it’s true
    Knock down the walls
    It’s alive in you
    You’re gonna keep your head up through it all
    You’re gonna bust out on it
    Original prankster
    Break out yeah
    Original yeah
    Bust out ohh
    Original prankster
    You’ll never stop now, stop now, that’s what the main man say
    You can do it!

    Sunday, February 12, 2006


    I'm going to give you three to four things, depending on if I can think of four..ALright
    Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate, and a Baseball Player....
    What do they all have in common?
    Of you guessed that they are all're wrong....Unless you're personally drank...drinkin....drank a baseball player. No, the corrext answer would be that most of them have lids. A baseball's called a Lid. If you didn't know that..consult the dictionary I'm writing.
    Well, I have a problem with lids. Especially lids from Wawa...the white kind...These cursed lids are destroying the bottom of my nose! Everytime I drink, the plasitc digs at my nose...pull the cup away, more digging. The pain my poor nose has had today, what with the snow, and lid!
    Anyway, I have tried to save my nose, but to no avail...finger in theway of the't drink...don't drink.....that defeats the purpose of having a drink. So.....I just have one this to say....
    Damn you white Wawa Lids....DAMN YOU!

    Quote Of The Day
    Skeddles: MOOOOOOOOO
    Skeddles: I like my sound

    Saturday, February 11, 2006

    Stuff I Thought About Today

    I figured out that some people are like squirrels. Really annoying.....jabber too much...and every time you try and nail them with your car, they always manage to get away....

    If thought about the human race as a whole. How we think we own the world, but really we're just part of the food chain. We forget that we are the dominant being, but we are only a lesser member of the food chain.

    That independant movies are to have that notification in larger letters. It's dissapointing when one is expecting to see a Hollywood work, when instead, one ends up watching a movie created, filmed, and starred in by kids no older than one's self.

    Socks are rather uncomfortable when laying under the denim cover of one's bed.

    When the vet says allergies, expect a disease that manifested itself in your pets eyes-and not allergies.

    Always have a backup laptop when your computer starts to give the shits to you instead of the internet.

    Keep a good role playing firned nearby...otherwise you'll end up being very bored.

    Always listen to that friend...they may have an excellent Idea. Surprisingly, in fact.

    Also, I thought about a faerie shirt that has been clean, and sitting on my computer desk for weeks now that I must return to Onyx.

    In the song Don't Take Your Guns To Town, by Johnny Cash- it speaks of a boy called Billie Joe...not william joseph...But Billie Joe....Like Billie Joe Armstrong...I find that man attractive......

    I thought of how I like the shorter guys opposed to the tall ones. I don't know why.....but they all seem to have the same bight, eyebrows, and would end up looking alot sexier with eye liner.

    How I listen to Sibling when she thinks I don't....and then lectures me about how I don't listen to her....and how I don't pay attention....I do pay attention, I just don't respond easily.......would you respond if every answer you gave, got you a sharp punch in the arm......Or if you even retaliated you know she'd end up in a bloody pulp on your floor......

    That's what I thought about today......very......uneventful...........kind of angering at times...but I got over it.....I saw The Cave not too long ago.. couple of half hours ago....maybe hour and a half was pretty good. Surprise ending that makes you do a double take of anyone you pass in the street with strange eyes.

    Good night, Lovlies......good night......Sweet Dreams.....Pleasant Nightmares.....

    Thursday, February 09, 2006

    Sad and Blue

    Alright, you may all think this is strange at first, but, my computer doesn't allow me to go on the internet. Then how are you typing this? Are you magic?!! you may ask. Well, it seems the family has a lap top, and a whole other computer that go on the internet. It's just the one in my room that doesn't go. No iChat...can't even turn it on for fear of losing everything in the memory bank thing chip. So yes, I am forced to use the lap top....which, is fun, becuase it makes that tappy noise when I type. And, I don't know about you, but I like that sound. Especcialy when I go really, really fast and then I get to hear the noise even faster.'s bad when I don't know what I'm going to type next becuase I justhit a bunch of random letters or use the dot dot dot that. Um...what else...oh yeah! The space seems to be, if you see a word that is stuck together without said's becuase I hit the space bar, and nothing happened. So's not just my bad spelling you must worry's the fricken space baras well! HA HA HA!!! I laugh at you all.... SO yes, this is why I'm sad and blue...Blue becuase that's the color of my room, and sad becuase my puter doesn't go on the interweb....yeah....
    Peace Out

    Quote Of The Day:
    (While off topic in Math...AGAIN)
    (Our little group..Me..-thinks up new names- Twinkie, RecycleBin and The Hammer)
    Twinkie:-applies lotion to hands-
    Me: hey, that smells nice, -holds out hand- Ah! Too much! -I look around...Recycle Bin is too far away...ah, but The Hammer!- At this point in time, I slap my lotion ridden palm on his arm.
    The Hammer: Ah! You put lotion on me!
    Twinkie+Me: You gotta rub it in now.
    The Hammer: -rubs in, and smells- Hey, that smells pretty good. Can I have some more for my hands?
    Twinkie+Me: -stare at him, then at each other, and then at Recycle Bin..who is shaking his head dissappointedly.-
    Twinkie:-happily obliges-
    Recycle Bin: Hammer, you put lotion on your hands.
    Me: Hey soft hands, lemme borrow your pencil.
    The Hammer: -inhals lotion chemicals on hands- -smiling- I'd go gay for this....

    Friday, February 03, 2006

    Walk The Line

    Well, I just got back from the movies...Yes, I do that alot...Go to the movies. Anyway, I went with....Onyx, My Country Babe, Where's Your Logic, Sibling, and a girl I don't like. Well, It was COuntry's idea for us all to go, and we were all like 'Yeah, that's a great idea.' So, we went. Saw Walk The Line, the Johnny Cash movie. It was pretty good, as a matter of fact. It's been out for a while, and I assumed(NOTE: Assuming is makes an ass of you and me..ass u me....assume...That is all.) that we would be the only ones there, all six of us. Well, we were joined two couples...well, unfortunatly for them, we sang with the movie the whole time, which was probably a shock for them becuase we aren't all that 'old'.
    I like that Joaquin......(spelled it right! ^.^) Pheonix, he's a really good actor. And I think he really connected with Johnny Cash, becuase they both lost their brothers. Joaquin lost River, and Johnny lost Jack. So, I'm sure it was almost like a tribute to the two of them, Joaquin, and Johnny, since he portrayed Johnny, and lived his own life as someone else with a really horrible father who I wish would've 'oops tripped down some stairs and broken his neck'. The movie father, not the actual man, becuase, as of yet, I have not met Johnny Cash's parents. But I think they are no longer with us, so I will never get to meet them...I could always read the Johnny Cash Biography I got for Country for Christmas, but that'd be way too easy.
    So, yeah, that was my day. Sorry that I haven't posted since....the 29th...actually..I'm not.......I'm sorry that...nope...I'm not case you were wondering, I just shrugged....Well, enjoy my blog, and click my links.....they're fun to click on..........I almost agpologize for my 'kind heartedness' in this earlier blob