Monday, February 20, 2006

Hello Computer!

Alrighty, I have come to the conclusions that:
Dane Cook is one funny SOB
Role Plays with your friends are better than ones with people you don't know because you can harass your friends
Laptops are wonderful inventions when the larger computer starts to hate your guts and allows you no access
Neighbors that happen to be eMac computer geniuses are a wonderful treat
When you've used a lap top for over three find it hard to part with.
Research Papers Suck!

That's what I've gotten so far. The last one, and the first one are the ones I'm sticking to the most. I've added Dane Cook to my list of Links.....and I've posted his site on here somewhere else...
God, I hate headphones...they annoy my glasses..move them all around and such. And then those fricken ear-buds for the iPods...they hurt my ears too. I have no doubt in my mind that I'm putting them in wrong, but you know what? Screw that...I'll do it wrong until I figure out how to do it right...Even then, I'll probably find myself doing it wrong anyway.
Well, Markis, my neighbor, he fixed my computer, I can get online, and iTunes, and all of that really fun stuff. But, I'm having a problem parting with my new friend LapTop....Oh well, it'll have to deal because I'm switching machines tomorrow. I think, yeah.
HOLY SHIT! I forgot! I have to cut out a fricken little jester for French tomorrow.
God, I hate french. I am so not taking it next year. Teacher is fine, it's the language in general, I can't get it. The markers and stuff, I can't seem to register. Oh well, I'll do it when everyone is asleep so they don't know I didn't do it.
Alright, I'm leaving to go and annoy someone...Who? I don't know yet. Later guys!

Quote Of The Day:
Markis: I don't know dude, something messed up with your Air Force...Air Port! Air Port!
Father: -laughs- Air Force!
Me: -laughs- Air Force!
Father: Don't laugh, he can say Air Force if he wants. -looks toward Markis- How'd that happen?
Markis: I don't know dude, Code Blue-61.
Father And Me: -laughter-

Another Quote
People can be bought like stamps but you can't stick them to an envelope.

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