Sunday, February 12, 2006


I'm going to give you three to four things, depending on if I can think of four..ALright
Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate, and a Baseball Player....
What do they all have in common?
Of you guessed that they are all're wrong....Unless you're personally drank...drinkin....drank a baseball player. No, the corrext answer would be that most of them have lids. A baseball's called a Lid. If you didn't know that..consult the dictionary I'm writing.
Well, I have a problem with lids. Especially lids from Wawa...the white kind...These cursed lids are destroying the bottom of my nose! Everytime I drink, the plasitc digs at my nose...pull the cup away, more digging. The pain my poor nose has had today, what with the snow, and lid!
Anyway, I have tried to save my nose, but to no avail...finger in theway of the't drink...don't drink.....that defeats the purpose of having a drink. So.....I just have one this to say....
Damn you white Wawa Lids....DAMN YOU!

Quote Of The Day
Skeddles: I like my sound

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