Friday, November 28, 2008

Vampire Dreams

So, last night I had this crazy awesome dream... Now, if you've read Twilight, and know the characters, that's great, just skip down to the third paragraph where I begin the story. This little blurb right here is for those who didn't read the book or see the movie.

Twilight is about a 'normal' human girl named Bella. She falls in love with this vampire Edward. It just so happens, that one of the problems in the story is that another vampire, James, wants to kill Bella because she's food. James is a hunter, and he's really good at what he does. That should be about it, everyone else, I just invented.

So, Bella is supposed to be getting married to Edward, and I'm wandering around, looking for something. It doesn't really matter as to what I was searching for because when I arrived at the giant mansion empty-handed, no one seemed to care. Everyone was running around, trying to look their best. I don't remember what anyone was wearing except for me... I had on a trench coat type of jacket, and shorts and a tee-shirt and a pair of thick black boots. Which, apparently, was completely acceptable. Whatever. So, we're running around the mansion making sure Bella looks her best when all of a sudden I get a text message. The text is from James, the 'evil' vampire! I read the text and it has something to do with me ever wanting to see Sibling again, and wishing Bella a good wedding. Bella was distraught because she and Sibling were good friends, or something.

I say not to worry, because I know for a fact Sibling is safe. The next thing that goes through my mind is 'how did James get my cell number?!' So, I text him back, telling him that he's a liar and demanding to know how he got my number. I don't receive a response, so we all get ourselves together, and go outside.

Walking to the cars, who do we see? James! (Note* This is the James played by Cam Gigandet, which, if you like some eye-candy, is not such a bad thing) So, everyone in the wedding party is pretty much sending out a chorus of 'Oh My God's. Edward and the other vampires are nowhere to be seen, so it's just a bunch of mortals in heels faced up against a sarcastic killer vampire. Stellar. "I can make him go away," I say. I don't know why I said that, I was attracted to him in the dream too, so, I went over to the tree he was standing under and began to make conversation. So, in the dream, his real name was R. M. Masterman. So, I asked "Why do they call you James if your name is M. R.... R. M..." and he was like "R. M. Masterman." He didn't answer me, but looked at me like I was insane.

I then repeated my previous question, about how did he get my cell number. He said I should just wait for the e-mail. Now, somewhere within all of this we all (James, myself and the Wedding guests) moved to the parking lot. James then invited himself to the wedding by jumping into the backseat of a car. Now, he was holding a Turkey... Like, a cooked, browned turkey... Something was said, and I didn't know the answer to it, so I came back with, "I don't know, why don't you ask R. M. Turkey." Apparently, James didn't like that, she he hit me in the leg with the turkey! I didn't understand that when I woke up... But after I was struck, I woke up...

It was a strange dream, for sure... I hope I have another like it tonight... This is exciting!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I know somewhere in all of my blogging history - which goes into several Xangas, and various other outlets for writing what I wanted - I said something fantastic about Thanksgiving Day. I don't remember for the life of me where it is, or what exactly was so fantastic about it. However, I will tell you my thoughts on the subject once more....

Okay, just so we're clear, the day of Thanksgiving was created by Abraham Lincoln. 'During his presidency Lincoln declared days of Thanksgiving whenever he felt the Union needed unity. The dates of varied from year to year and every President after declared thanksgiving at different times until 1941 when congress decided to make the 4th Thursday of November the day of Thanksgiving.' Interesting, I know.

The day, the actual 'first Thanksgiving' with the Pilgrims and the Native Americans... It was not the picture perfect painting in the textbooks, or the holiday specials on the television. I highly doubt there were Native American smiles, and happiness between both parties. Would you like to know why? I'm going to tell you anyway. The day is based on the victorious overthrow of a group of people who did not have as an advanced grasp on weaponry as the Pilgrims. It's about defeating a group of people who, with the best of their ability, were unable to protect themselves from shottily made guns.

So, why you're enjoying your turkeys and your mashed potatoes and green bean casseroles, think about what actually happened that day. And when you're done with your lavish meals, go out and find a Native American and apologize.

That's all I have to say about that.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I would have liked to say, when questioned at those big pearly gates in the sky, "I have never broken a bone." However, as of Sunday night, I cannot. I didn't even break a cool bone. I didn't even break the bone in a cool manner! Am I an Epic Fail, or what? Now that I've got you all hooked, I'll tell you what happened...

-cue flashback music-

I'm going to take pictures, and give them to you as I tell you the story...

Alright, so my pictures wouldn't load... Looks like you'll have to use your imaginations...

-re-cue music-

Sunday evening, recently arrived from my home in Jersey to my Collegiate Place of Learning in Pennsylvania. All three of my room mates are in the dorm. I'm in a quad, if I haven't already alerted you of this, and I have - this note was just if you're new to the site... See, I'm caring... Back to the story! We are all sort of watching some fake-reality television show on VH1, while doing random other things on our corresponding computers. Well, I stood up from my rocking chair... that's how all the chairs on my floor are, they don't have legs, they are all rocking chairs feed Keiran, my Betta fish. Well, I fed him, and then plopped back down onto my chair, rolling forward with the force and direction I 'plopped'.

Now it's time for audience participation. Crack your knuckles in succession. That's the noise I heard, just a little softer, and sort of internally. So, keeping my mouth shut, I casually put my left ankle on my right knee, and hold the middle of my left foot, eyes on the TV.

After a few moments, I decided to let go of my foot, my toes still pulsing with a dull pain. "I think I broke my toe." Was all I said. A chorus of 'what?'s and 'You didn't say/do anything!'s. I have a large tolerance for pain... So, I said 'yeah'. and pulled off my sock. Sure enough, a large bruise was on the topmost left side of my left foot. I know some people don't want to see the toe/foot... So the picture will just be links at the bottom of this post... As well as pictures of the Sunday night to right now...

Liz got up immediately, got some ice, and told me to elevate my foot - which I was already doing - while she played Nurse. While she was doing that, I called Mother - who actually is a nurse, and she told me to ice it, which Liz was doing, and then tape my baby toe and my ...fourth toe together. She said 'tape toes 4 and 5 together', so, yeah. We did that, and I had my foot elevated for about forty five minutes to an hour before we all decided to go to bed... It was a good time... I felt like an idiot...

"Jereality broke her toe!"
"Oh my God! How?"
"She...sat on it..."

Gooood times..... (-_-)

Now, I'm a sort of gimp... Stupid baby toe. Although, since Matt didn't get kicked off of 'The Pickup Artist 2', my other foot will remain 'healthy'. I said if Simeon - another contestant - was in the next episode without Matt, I would roll over my other foot and make them symmetrical. Yep, good times....


Today - Wednesday/Thursday

I think it's looking better...

Watch those little piggies!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sharing Is Caring

Me: Are you guys really going to sleep?

Liz: No, I'm really just going to lay in bed.

Me: That's what you said last time. 'Are you going to sleep?' 'No, I'm just laying down -snorrrreee-' That's how that happens.

Liz: No, I'm really just going to lay down, the sleeping just sort of happens..

Me: No, it doesn't just happen. It's like herpes...or gonorrhea...

Liz: Did you say 'gonorrhea'?

Me: Yes, yes I did.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Me: - slamming my index and middle finger under my chin - (it makes a silly noise)

Liz: Jereality? Are you trying to shoot yourself?

Me: - silence - A little bit.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Audrina: I want the Butt Wii

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Knowledge is a Powerful Thing

Liz: I know everything. I know where he'll be. He's in New York. I know where he'll be nuuudddeee.

Me: O_O

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Turns out my worrying yesterday was for naught. My adviser had already lifted the hold on my account. I had a debate I was worried about under all the fear of not having my adviser supposedly not signing off on my hold. For those of you who don't know what a hold is, it is the only thing between you and registering for classes. If you have a hold on, you can't register for classes. If it's off, you can register. My hold was off, and I didn't know about it. Way to go, Adviser lady... She had me freaking out since I got my little note thing.

Whatever. So, I found out that my hold was lifted... And then I went to class and gave my debate - I won't bore you with the details, just know that I was fantastic.

Anyway, I'm alive... and right now I'm listening to and half watching 'P.S. I Love You', which is making me sad.... But I need to do a project, so I'll write back when that is done....


^_6;; Jereality

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Epic Fail!!!

So, registration for classes begins tonight at midnight. And me, being punctual with such things of great importance, decided to turn in the classes I wanted just as the sheets to suggest the classes you wanted came out. I turned it in, and it was fine for a long time. Today, I went by my advisor's office to check if everything was set.

Glad I did.

My registration paper was in her outbox, and it said 'I cannot sign off on this. You need to see me.'

Splendid... You know what else?
She doesn't have any more office hours. The only ones she had today were at a time when I had class. What a wonderful day. I need to catch her between classes... I have a class at 1:40, she teaches a class at 1:40, but the class before that ends at 1:30... I have ten minutes to figure out what's wrong with my schedule, write out a new form, get her to sign off on it and then get to class...

I'll tell you how it goes... If I don't post, I'll be depressed and out of college... because I'dve died... DIED I TELL YOU!

(-_-);; Jereality

-Ignore my melodramatics... I won't be dead.... I'll just be very unhappy with classes I don't want and credits that I'll need to make up.... ...... -sigh-......

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

11/11 11:11


Friday, November 07, 2008

To Pose...

... a question.

Why, in movies are English subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, when the other subtitles are merely just there? What if a spanish speaking person got the movie, put the languages to Spanish, and still could not hear? They would put the Spanish subtitles on. However, those subtitles would not be for the Spanish hard of hearing, and deaf.... They would just be subtitles. Nothing special...

That's bothered me for a while... Anyone have an answer as to why all subtitles other than English are not for the deaf and hard of hearing?

Just curious....

^_6;; Jereality

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Time Travel

At approximately 2:01 AM, my room mates and I will be going back in time. Here, I will document everything we do before and after our time travel.

12:40 - SNL - Ben Affleck
-I learned on a commercial that the 'it' careers are in high demand....

1:00 - We're watching some crazy baseball movie on camedy Central.... So far... it kind of sucks.

1:19 - We switched to Monk - I've already seen this episode... It's the one with Willie Nelson... You know, *SPOILER!!! Scroll over to read:: the one where the blind woman isn't really blind... and she is in cahoots with the man who committed the crime... Good times....

1:29 - "EL PRESIDEEEEEEEEEENTE`!!!!!!! AWESOMMMMEEE!!! MRRGGHHH! HNNNN!! HMMM!!!! He needs! He needs? He needs ME! He needs Liz! Johnny Depp, where am I!? You! Where are you!" - Liz

1:33 - "Hmmhmm... I have so much energy..." - Liz

1:39 - "I LOVE LAMP!" - Liz

1:41 - Liz leaps out of her chair, and runs to the door after tripping over the trashcan....

1:43 - "My ankle f*cking hurts, man!" - Liz
           "Thanks okay, in twenty minutes, we'll go back in time, and you'll be fine." - Me

1:47 - "One day, I went to bed at 4 am, and got up for class at 7 am..."
           "That was a nap."

                 -various dancing and chanting


1:02 - "It's One oh Two AM, again..."

1:12 - The room mates are letting me watch Bleach

1:25 - Audrina goes to bed... square...

1:31 - Discovery Health - UNtold Stories of the ER...the one where there is a golf club in some guys head, and the doctor who is a poison specialist's son gets bitten by a spider...and some other guy has a problem with something else...and i think this is the one with the blue baby... 

1:44 - Walked out of room to brush my teeth... Brushed teeth... went to open the bathroom door, however, some big guy was about to open it. I gave a shocked look to the gangsta man and the woman in the firewoman hoe costume... I stalked them down the hall, as I am the last door on the left side of the hallway.... I open my door, and the big guy turns and goes 'Is this an all girls floor?' and I was like "Uh...yeeaahh..." and they were like "Whoa..." the guy went down the stairs and the girl was like "we're old people..." and left... So, I'm guessing they were alumni... Or just like...seniors....or something... I'm pretty sure, though, that they graduated last year or something....

1:48 - I'm gonna go to sleep.... So, that way I can go to sleep before two. ^_6;; yay me! Alright, guys... I'm taking off...

Thanks for coming on this time traveling adventure! Bye!!!

^_6;; Jereality

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Alright, I know I had plans to post for quite a long time, and right now, I feel I should... Why? Because I don't want to study, so I'm thinking of everything that I could possibly do in order to still do something, but not study... And I'm sorry, but this is one of those things. 

So, as you all know, Halloween was yesterday. However, the parties all happened on All Hallows Eve, which, in case you guys aren't that good with the math type things involved, was Thursday, Halloween Eve. There was a dance that I did not go to, however.... There were still good times had... And when I say good, I mean annoying. And when I say annoying, I mean hateful.. And when I say hateful, I mean infuriating. I'll tell you a story now.

It turns out, that the mean people who run the school think it's stellar to have classes start at 6:20PM and end at 9:05PM - which, coincidently, is five minutes into the show that I watch almost religiously every thursday during the season. However, there was more to do this evening than just watch the show.... My roomie, Liz, texted me and told me that Audrina was going through my stuff to find glue. 

Audrina had already asked if we had glue she could use, and knowing that my glue wouldn't work on the fabrics she wanted to stick together, I didn't answer her. This, however, did not seem to phase her in the least. THe moment Runner and I were out of the room, she went through our stuff looking for glue. Did she ask for the glue? Yes. Did she accept our answers? No. Did she go through my things? Yes. Did she open my glue? Yes. Did she use ALL OF MY KRAZY GLUE?! Why, yes, she did. Did that work? Of course not. Then she went for a pin or something, and left a TOOL BOX ON MY COMPUTER!

I'm pretty sure that the only thing keeping me awake during that chem lecture was the rage I felt... That, and I needed to be conscious so I could properly think of things to say to her when I got back to the dorm. However, this didn't work out so well, as she left at least ten minutes before we got back. So, I called her and told her - very loudly - not to 'touch my f*cking sh*t ever again!' I hung up the phone after my phrase, and decided I would ignore everything Audrina related...

I hate her most of the time.... Then there are other times like last night, where she's completely normal...and I can get along with her. It's complicated.... Whatever... Next year, we'll have no complications... and we'll be in a better dorm.... and it will be so awesome...

Yep - I've run out of things to say... I've completely lost where this was all goin....i'm gonna and do something constructive....

^_6;; buh byee!